slides.tex 4.1 KB

  1. \documentclass[aspectratio=169]{beamer}
  2. \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
  3. \usepackage{listings}
  4. %\usepackage{minted}
  5. % for strikethrough
  6. \usepackage{soul}
  7. \usetheme{1337}
  8. \DeclareUrlCommand\url{\color{white}}
  9. \title{A good presentation title\\Which can have a subtitle}
  10. \author{}
  11. \subtitle{\textit{My Special Event 2022}}
  12. \begin{document}
  13. \frame[plain]{\maketitle}
  14. %\begin{frame}{Table of contents}
  15. % \tableofcontents
  16. %\end{frame}
  17. %\section{Section title}
  18. \begin{frame}{Introduction}{}
  19. \alert{Please do not do bad things}
  20. \begin{itemize}
  21. \item Disclaimer or content list 1
  22. \item Disclaimer or content list 2
  23. \end{itemize}
  24. \alert{More lists}
  25. \begin{itemize}
  26. \item Computer science is not science 1
  27. \item Computer science is the only science that had to put science in the name
  28. \item It is probably imposter syndrome?
  29. \end{itemize}
  30. \end{frame}
  31. \begin{frame}{\st{Nope} This is better}{}
  32. \begin{block}{You can get this template at}
  33. \begin{center}
  34. \url{}
  35. \end{center}
  36. \end{block}
  37. \alert{License is public domain, do anything}
  38. \end{frame}
  39. \begin{frame}{Premise}{}
  40. \emph{Can a song be a vulnerability?}
  41. \begin{itemize}
  42. \item Released in 2022: CVE-2022-38392
  43. \item Read more: \url{}
  44. \item \st{Repsonsible Disclosure}
  45. \end{itemize}
  46. \emph{Is it fixed?}
  47. \begin{itemize}
  48. \item Nope it is hardware :)
  49. \item And it is very old anyway
  50. \end{itemize}
  51. \end{frame}
  52. \begin{frame}{But we knew something already}
  53. \begin{itemize}
  54. \item Screaming at servers is bad
  55. \item Specially if they use hard drives
  56. \item Bryan Cantrill showed it
  57. \begin{itemize}
  58. \item[$\circ$] \textit{Highlighted stuff here} - some follow up text
  59. \item[$\circ$] \textit{Highlighted stuff here} - some follow up text
  60. \end{itemize}
  61. \item \alert{}
  62. \end{itemize}
  63. \end{frame}
  64. \begin{frame}{Images}
  65. \hspace{2em}
  66. \includegraphics[height=0.6\paperheight]{images/placeholder1}
  67. \hfill
  68. \includegraphics[height=0.6\paperheight]{images/placeholder2}
  69. \hspace{2em}
  70. \end{frame}
  71. \begin{frame}{Image with side text}
  72. \begin{columns}[T] % align columns
  73. \begin{column}{.48\textwidth}
  74. \hspace{2em}
  75. \includegraphics[height=0.6\paperheight]{images/placeholder3}
  76. \end{column}
  77. \hfill
  78. \begin{column}{.68\textwidth}
  79. Key Specs
  80. \begin{itemize}
  81. \item Description of the image
  82. \item Procedure to hack whatever
  83. \item More explanation
  84. \item Final results: \alert{STONKS!}
  85. \end{itemize}
  86. \end{column}
  87. \end{columns}
  88. \end{frame}
  89. \begin{frame}{Image with sidetext with different proportions}
  90. \begin{columns}[T] % align columns
  91. \begin{column}{.60\textwidth}
  92. \includegraphics[height=0.6\paperheight]{images/placeholder4}
  93. \end{column}
  94. \hfill
  95. \begin{column}{.50\textwidth}
  96. \begin{itemize}
  97. \item Some \alert{shorter} text here 1
  98. \item Some \alert{shorter} text here 2
  99. \item Some \alert{shorter} text here 3
  100. \item Some \alert{shorter} text here 4
  101. \item But \emph{what}, \emph{else}, maybe?
  102. \end{itemize}
  103. \end{column}
  104. \end{columns}
  105. \end{frame}
  106. \begin{frame}{Root Root}
  107. \begin{columns}[T] % align columns
  108. \hfill
  109. \begin{column}{.40\textwidth}
  110. \begin{center}
  111. \includegraphics[height=0.7\paperheight]{images/placeholder5}
  112. \end{center}
  113. \end{column}
  114. \hfill
  115. \begin{column}{.60\textwidth}
  116. \begin{itemize}
  117. \item Kernel is old, some privileged binaries have multiple stack overflows
  118. \item More than one race condition
  119. \item \alert{\emph{setuid iptables} is a root sentence}
  120. \begin{itemize}
  121. \item[$\circ$] Some sub itemize here
  122. \item[$\circ$] \alert{\emph{--some-switch}} something (\emph{passwd})
  123. \item[$\circ$] \alert{\emph{LD\_PRELOAD=}} is always a fun trick
  124. \end{itemize}
  125. \end{itemize}
  126. \end{column}
  127. \end{columns}
  128. \end{frame}
  129. \begin{frame}{Final procedure all together}
  130. \begin{enumerate}
  131. \item Step 1
  132. \item Step 2
  133. \item \alert{Step 3}
  134. \item \alert{Step 4}
  135. \item Step 5
  136. \item Step 6
  137. \end{enumerate}
  138. \end{frame}
  139. \begin{frame}{Conclusive picture}
  140. \begin{center}
  141. \includegraphics[height=0.8\paperheight]{images/placeholder6.png}
  142. \end{center}
  143. \end{frame}
  144. \section{DEMO TIME!}
  145. \end{document}