diff --git a/doc/manpages/qvm-start.rst b/doc/manpages/qvm-start.rst
index dd03d23..3ceda86 100644
--- a/doc/manpages/qvm-start.rst
+++ b/doc/manpages/qvm-start.rst
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-:command:`qvm-start` [-h] [--verbose] [--quiet] *VMNAME*
+:command:`qvm-start` [-h] [options] *VMNAME*
@@ -45,6 +45,34 @@ Options
exclude the qube from --all
+.. option:: --drive=DRIVE
+ Temporarily attach specified drive as CD/DVD or hard disk (can be specified with prefix "hd:" or "cdrom:", default is cdrom).
+ The syntax for the device itself is "qube_name:device_name", meaning *device_name* served by *qube_name*.
+ See `qvm-block` output for a list of available devices.
+ Additionally, "qube_name:path" syntax can be used. This
+ will setup loop device inside *qube_name*, pointing at *path*, and will use
+ it as device. You need to clean up that loop device yourself, but it will
+ also cleanup itself at next qube restart. This syntax is available only when
+ calling this tool from dom0.
+.. option:: --hddisk=DRIVE
+ Temporarily attach specified drive as hard disk. This is equivalent with
+ `--drive=hd:DRIVE`.
+.. option:: --cdrom=DRIVE
+ Temporarily attach specified drive as CD/DVD. This is equivalent with
+ `--drive=cdrom:DRIVE`.
+.. option:: --install-windows-tools
+ Temporarily attach Windows tools CDROM to the domain. This is equivalent with
+ `--cdrom=dom0:/usr/lib/qubes/qubes-windows-tools.iso`.
diff --git a/qubesadmin/tests/tools/qvm_start.py b/qubesadmin/tests/tools/qvm_start.py
index 8587cd3..dff3515 100644
--- a/qubesadmin/tests/tools/qvm_start.py
+++ b/qubesadmin/tests/tools/qvm_start.py
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with this program; if not, see .
+import unittest.mock
+import subprocess
import qubesadmin.tests
import qubesadmin.tests.tools
import qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start
@@ -65,3 +69,156 @@ class TC_00_qvm_start(qubesadmin.tests.QubesTestCase):
+ def test_010_drive_cdrom(self):
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('dom0', 'admin.vm.List', None, None)] = \
+ b'0\x00dom0 class=AdminVM state=Running\n' \
+ b'some-vm class=AppVM state=Running\n'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('dom0', 'admin.vm.device.block.Available', None, None)] = \
+ b'0\x00sr0\n'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.Start', None, None)] = b'0\x00'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.device.block.Attach', 'dom0+sr0',
+ b'devtype=cdrom persistent=True')] = b'0\x00'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.device.block.Set.persistent', 'dom0+sr0',
+ b'False')] = b'0\x00'
+ qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start.main(['--cdrom=dom0:sr0', 'some-vm'],
+ app=self.app)
+ self.assertAllCalled()
+ def test_011_drive_disk(self):
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('dom0', 'admin.vm.List', None, None)] = \
+ b'0\x00dom0 class=AdminVM state=Running\n' \
+ b'some-vm class=AppVM state=Running\n'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('dom0', 'admin.vm.device.block.Available', None, None)] = \
+ b'0\x00sdb1\n'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.Start', None, None)] = b'0\x00'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.device.block.Attach', 'dom0+sdb1',
+ b'devtype=disk persistent=True')] = b'0\x00'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.device.block.Set.persistent', 'dom0+sdb1',
+ b'False')] = b'0\x00'
+ qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start.main(['--hd=dom0:sdb1', 'some-vm'],
+ app=self.app)
+ self.assertAllCalled()
+ def test_012_drive_disk(self):
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('dom0', 'admin.vm.List', None, None)] = \
+ b'0\x00dom0 class=AdminVM state=Running\n' \
+ b'some-vm class=AppVM state=Running\n'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('dom0', 'admin.vm.device.block.Available', None, None)] = \
+ b'0\x00sdb1\n'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.Start', None, None)] = b'0\x00'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.device.block.Attach', 'dom0+sdb1',
+ b'devtype=disk persistent=True')] = b'0\x00'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.device.block.Set.persistent', 'dom0+sdb1',
+ b'False')] = b'0\x00'
+ qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start.main(['--drive=hd:dom0:sdb1', 'some-vm'],
+ app=self.app)
+ self.assertAllCalled()
+ @unittest.mock.patch('subprocess.check_output')
+ def test_013_drive_loop_local(self, mock_subprocess):
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('dom0', 'admin.vm.List', None, None)] = \
+ b'0\x00dom0 class=AdminVM state=Running\n' \
+ b'some-vm class=AppVM state=Running\n'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('dom0', 'admin.vm.device.block.Available', None, None)] = \
+ b'0\x00loop12\n'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.Start', None, None)] = b'0\x00'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.device.block.Attach', 'dom0+loop12',
+ b'devtype=cdrom persistent=True')] = b'0\x00'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.device.block.Set.persistent', 'dom0+loop12',
+ b'False')] = b'0\x00'
+ mock_subprocess.return_value = b'/dev/loop12'
+ qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start.main([
+ '--cdrom=dom0:/home/some/image.iso',
+ 'some-vm'],
+ app=self.app)
+ self.assertAllCalled()
+ mock_subprocess.assert_called_once_with(
+ ['sudo', 'losetup', '-f', '--show', '/home/some/image.iso'])
+ def test_014_drive_loop_remote(self):
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('dom0', 'admin.vm.List', None, None)] = \
+ b'0\x00dom0 class=AdminVM state=Running\n' \
+ b'other-vm class=AppVM state=Running\n' \
+ b'some-vm class=AppVM state=Running\n'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('other-vm', 'admin.vm.device.block.Available', None, None)] = \
+ b'0\x00loop7\n'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.Start', None, None)] = b'0\x00'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.device.block.Attach', 'other-vm+loop7',
+ b'devtype=cdrom persistent=True')] = b'0\x00'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.device.block.Set.persistent',
+ 'other-vm+loop7',
+ b'False')] = b'0\x00'
+ with unittest.mock.patch.object(self.app.domains['other-vm'], 'run') \
+ as mock_run:
+ mock_run.return_value = (b'/dev/loop7', b'')
+ qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start.main([
+ '--cdrom=other-vm:/home/some/image.iso',
+ 'some-vm'],
+ app=self.app)
+ mock_run.assert_called_once_with(
+ 'losetup -f --show /home/some/image.iso',
+ user='root')
+ self.assertAllCalled()
+ def test_015_drive_failed_start(self):
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('dom0', 'admin.vm.List', None, None)] = \
+ b'0\x00dom0 class=AdminVM state=Running\n' \
+ b'other-vm class=AppVM state=Running\n' \
+ b'some-vm class=AppVM state=Running\n'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.device.block.Attach', 'other-vm+loop7',
+ b'devtype=cdrom persistent=True')] = b'0\x00'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.Start', None, None)] = \
+ b'2\x00QubesException\x00\x00An error occurred\x00'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.device.block.Detach',
+ 'other-vm+loop7', None)] = b'0\x00'
+ qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start.main([
+ '--cdrom=other-vm:loop7',
+ 'some-vm'],
+ app=self.app)
+ self.assertAllCalled()
+ def test_016_drive_failed_attach(self):
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('dom0', 'admin.vm.List', None, None)] = \
+ b'0\x00dom0 class=AdminVM state=Running\n' \
+ b'other-vm class=AppVM state=Running\n' \
+ b'some-vm class=AppVM state=Running\n'
+ self.app.expected_calls[
+ ('some-vm', 'admin.vm.device.block.Attach', 'other-vm+loop7',
+ b'devtype=cdrom persistent=True')] = \
+ b'2\x00QubesException\x00\x00An error occurred\x00'
+ retcode = qubesadmin.tools.qvm_start.main([
+ '--cdrom=other-vm:loop7',
+ 'some-vm'],
+ app=self.app)
+ self.assertEqual(retcode, 1)
+ self.assertAllCalled()
diff --git a/qubesadmin/tools/qvm_start.py b/qubesadmin/tools/qvm_start.py
index ae37e15..070ab83 100644
--- a/qubesadmin/tools/qvm_start.py
+++ b/qubesadmin/tools/qvm_start.py
@@ -19,12 +19,35 @@
# with this program; if not, see .
'''qvm-start - start a domain'''
+import argparse
import sys
+import subprocess
+import qubesadmin.devices
import qubesadmin.exc
import qubesadmin.tools
+class DriveAction(argparse.Action):
+ '''Action for argument parser that stores drive image path.'''
+ # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,too-few-public-methods
+ def __init__(self,
+ option_strings,
+ dest='drive',
+ prefix='cdrom:',
+ metavar='IMAGE',
+ required=False,
+ help='Attach drive'):
+ super(DriveAction, self).__init__(option_strings, dest,
+ metavar=metavar, help=help)
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
+ # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
+ setattr(namespace, self.dest, self.prefix + values)
parser = qubesadmin.tools.QubesArgumentParser(
description='start a domain', vmname_nargs='+')
@@ -32,6 +55,85 @@ parser.add_argument('--skip-if-running',
action='store_true', default=False,
help='Do not fail if the qube is already runnning')
+parser_drive = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+parser_drive.add_argument('--drive', metavar='DRIVE',
+ help='temporarily attach specified drive as CD/DVD or hard disk (can be'
+ ' specified with prefix "hd:" or "cdrom:", default is cdrom)')
+ action=DriveAction, dest='drive', prefix='hd:',
+ help='temporarily attach specified drive as hard disk')
+parser_drive.add_argument('--cdrom', metavar='IMAGE',
+ action=DriveAction, dest='drive', prefix='cdrom:',
+ help='temporarily attach specified drive as CD/DVD')
+ action='store_const', dest='drive', default=False,
+ const='cdrom:dom0:/usr/lib/qubes/qubes-windows-tools.iso',
+ help='temporarily attach Windows tools CDROM to the domain')
+def get_drive_assignment(app, drive_str):
+ ''' Prepare :py:class:`qubesadmin.devices.DeviceAssignment` object for a
+ given drive.
+ If running in dom0, it will also take care about creating appropriate
+ loop device (if necessary). Otherwise, only existing block devices are
+ supported.
+ :param app: Qubes() instance
+ :param drive_str: drive argument
+ :return: DeviceAssignment matching *drive_str*
+ '''
+ devtype = 'cdrom'
+ if drive_str.startswith('cdrom:'):
+ devtype = 'cdrom'
+ drive_str = drive_str[len('cdrom:'):]
+ elif drive_str.startswith('hd:'):
+ devtype = 'disk'
+ drive_str = drive_str[len('hd:'):]
+ backend_domain_name, ident = drive_str.split(':', 1)
+ try:
+ backend_domain = app.domains[backend_domain_name]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise qubesadmin.exc.QubesVMNotFoundError(
+ 'No such VM: %s', backend_domain_name)
+ if ident.startswith('/'):
+ # it is a path - if we're running in dom0, try to call losetup to
+ # export the device, otherwise reject
+ if app.qubesd_connection_type == 'qrexec':
+ raise qubesadmin.exc.QubesException(
+ 'Existing block device identifier needed when running from '
+ 'outside of dom0 (see qvm-block)')
+ try:
+ if isinstance(backend_domain, qubesadmin.vm.AdminVM):
+ loop_name = subprocess.check_output(
+ ['sudo', 'losetup', '-f', '--show', ident])
+ else:
+ loop_name, _ = backend_domain.run(
+ 'losetup -f --show ' + ident, user='root')
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ raise qubesadmin.exc.QubesException(
+ 'Failed to setup loop device for %s', ident)
+ assert loop_name.startswith(b'/dev/loop')
+ ident = loop_name.decode().split('/')[2]
+ # FIXME: synchronize with udev + exposing device in qubesdb
+ options = {}
+ if devtype:
+ options['devtype'] = devtype
+ assignment = qubesadmin.devices.DeviceAssignment(
+ backend_domain,
+ ident,
+ options=options,
+ persistent=True)
+ return assignment
def main(args=None, app=None):
'''Main routine of :program:`qvm-start`.
@@ -45,9 +147,28 @@ def main(args=None, app=None):
for domain in args.domains:
if args.skip_if_running and domain.is_running():
+ drive_assignment = None
+ if args.drive:
+ drive_assignment = get_drive_assignment(args.app, args.drive)
+ try:
+ domain.devices['block'].attach(drive_assignment)
+ except:
+ drive_assignment = None
+ raise
+ if drive_assignment:
+ # don't reconnect this device after VM reboot
+ domain.devices['block'].update_persistent(
+ drive_assignment.device, False)
except (IOError, OSError, qubesadmin.exc.QubesException) as e:
+ if drive_assignment:
+ try:
+ domain.devices['block'].detach(drive_assignment)
+ except qubesadmin.exc.QubesException:
+ pass
exit_code = 1