
Add stubs for rpm module and initial tests for qvm-template install

WillyPillow 3 年之前
共有 4 個文件被更改,包括 820 次插入2 次删除
  1. 1 1
  2. 771 0
  3. 4 1
  4. 44 0

+ 1 - 1

@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ ext-import-graph=
 # not be disabled)

+ 771 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+from unittest import mock
+import argparse
+import asyncio
+import datetime
+import io
+import os
+import pathlib
+import subprocess
+import tempfile
+import rpm
+import qubesadmin.tests
+import qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template
+class TC_00_qvm_template(qubesadmin.tests.QubesTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        super().setUp()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        super().tearDown()
+    def test_000_verify_rpm_success(self):
+        ts = mock.MagicMock()
+        # Just return a dict instead of rpm.hdr
+        hdr = {
+            rpm.RPMTAG_SIGPGP: 'xxx', # non-empty
+            rpm.RPMTAG_SIGGPG: 'xxx', # non-empty
+        }
+        ts.hdrFromFdno.return_value = hdr
+        ret = qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.verify_rpm('/dev/null', ts)
+        ts.hdrFromFdno.assert_called_once()
+        self.assertEqual(hdr, ret)
+        self.assertAllCalled()
+    def test_001_verify_rpm_nosig_fail(self):
+        ts = mock.MagicMock()
+        # Just return a dict instead of rpm.hdr
+        hdr = {
+            rpm.RPMTAG_SIGPGP: None, # empty
+            rpm.RPMTAG_SIGGPG: None, # empty
+        }
+        ts.hdrFromFdno.return_value = hdr
+        ret = qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.verify_rpm('/dev/null', ts)
+        ts.hdrFromFdno.assert_called_once()
+        self.assertEqual(ret, None)
+        self.assertAllCalled()
+    def test_002_verify_rpm_nosig_success(self):
+        ts = mock.MagicMock()
+        # Just return a dict instead of rpm.hdr
+        hdr = {
+            rpm.RPMTAG_SIGPGP: None, # empty
+            rpm.RPMTAG_SIGGPG: None, # empty
+        }
+        ts.hdrFromFdno.return_value = hdr
+        ret = qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.verify_rpm('/dev/null', ts, True)
+        ts.hdrFromFdno.assert_called_once()
+        self.assertEqual(ret, hdr)
+        self.assertAllCalled()
+    def test_003_verify_rpm_badsig_fail(self):
+        ts = mock.MagicMock()
+        def f(*args):
+            raise rpm.error('public key not trusted')
+        ts.hdrFromFdno.side_effect = f
+        ret = qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.verify_rpm('/dev/null', ts)
+        ts.hdrFromFdno.assert_called_once()
+        self.assertEqual(ret, None)
+        self.assertAllCalled()
+    @mock.patch('subprocess.Popen')
+    def test_010_extract_rpm_success(self, mock_popen):
+        pipe = mock.Mock()
+        mock_popen.return_value.stdout = pipe
+        mock_popen.return_value.wait.return_value = 0
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fd, \
+                tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dir:
+            path = fd.name
+            dirpath = dir
+            ret = qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.extract_rpm(
+                'test-vm', path, dirpath)
+        self.assertEqual(ret, True)
+        self.assertEqual(mock_popen.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call(['rpm2cpio', path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE),
+            mock.call([
+                    'cpio',
+                    '-idm',
+                    '-D',
+                    dirpath,
+                    './var/lib/qubes/vm-templates/test-vm/*'
+                ], stdin=pipe, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL),
+            mock.call().wait(),
+            mock.call().wait()
+        ])
+        self.assertAllCalled()
+    @mock.patch('subprocess.Popen')
+    def test_011_extract_rpm_fail(self, mock_popen):
+        pipe = mock.Mock()
+        mock_popen.return_value.stdout = pipe
+        mock_popen.return_value.wait.return_value = 1
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fd, \
+                tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dir:
+            path = fd.name
+            dirpath = dir
+            ret = qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.extract_rpm(
+                'test-vm', path, dirpath)
+        self.assertEqual(ret, False)
+        self.assertEqual(mock_popen.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call(['rpm2cpio', path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE),
+            mock.call([
+                    'cpio',
+                    '-idm',
+                    '-D',
+                    dirpath,
+                    './var/lib/qubes/vm-templates/test-vm/*'
+                ], stdin=pipe, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL),
+            mock.call().wait()
+        ])
+        self.assertAllCalled()
+    def add_new_vm_side_effect(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.app.expected_calls[('dom0', 'admin.vm.List', None, None)] = \
+            b'0\0test-vm class=TemplateVM state=Halted\n'
+        self.app.domains.clear_cache()
+        return self.app.domains['test-vm']
+    @mock.patch('os.remove')
+    @mock.patch('os.rename')
+    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
+    @mock.patch('subprocess.check_call')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.confirm_action')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.extract_rpm')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.download')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.get_dl_list')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.verify_rpm')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.rpm_transactionset')
+    def test_100_install_local_success(
+            self,
+            mock_ts,
+            mock_verify,
+            mock_dl_list,
+            mock_dl,
+            mock_extract,
+            mock_confirm,
+            mock_call,
+            mock_mkdirs,
+            mock_rename,
+            mock_remove):
+        self.app.expected_calls[('dom0', 'admin.vm.List', None, None)] = b'0\0'
+        build_time = '2020-09-01 22:30:00' # 1598970600
+        install_time = '2020-09-01 23:30:00.508230'
+        for key, val in [
+                ('name', 'test-vm'),
+                ('epoch', '2'),
+                ('version', '4.1'),
+                ('release', '2020'),
+                ('reponame', '@commandline'),
+                ('buildtime', build_time),
+                ('installtime', install_time),
+                ('license', 'GPL'),
+                ('url', 'https://qubes-os.org'),
+                ('summary', 'Summary'),
+                ('description', 'Desc|desc')]:
+            self.app.expected_calls[(
+                'test-vm',
+                'admin.vm.feature.Set',
+                f'template-{key}',
+                val.encode())] = b'0\0'
+        mock_verify.return_value = {
+            rpm.RPMTAG_NAME        : 'qubes-template-test-vm',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_BUILDTIME   : 1598970600,
+            rpm.RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION : 'Desc\ndesc',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_EPOCHNUM    : 2,
+            rpm.RPMTAG_LICENSE     : 'GPL',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE     : '2020',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_SUMMARY     : 'Summary',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_URL         : 'https://qubes-os.org',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION     : '4.1'
+        }
+        mock_dl_list.return_value = {}
+        mock_call.side_effect = self.add_new_vm_side_effect
+        mock_time = mock.Mock(wraps=datetime.datetime)
+        mock_time.today.return_value = \
+            datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(install_time)
+        with mock.patch('builtins.open', mock.mock_open()) as mock_open, \
+                mock.patch('datetime.datetime', new=mock_time), \
+                mock.patch('tempfile.TemporaryDirectory') as mock_tmpdir, \
+                mock.patch('sys.stderr', new=io.StringIO()) as mock_err, \
+                tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.rpm') as template_file:
+            path = template_file.name
+            args = argparse.Namespace(
+                templates=[path],
+                keyring='/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys',
+                nogpgcheck=False,
+                cachedir='/var/cache/qvm-template',
+                yes=False,
+                allow_pv=False,
+                pool=None
+            )
+            mock_tmpdir.return_value.__enter__.return_value = \
+                '/var/tmp/qvm-template-tmpdir'
+            qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.install(args, self.app)
+            # Lock file created
+            self.assertEqual(mock_open.mock_calls, [
+                mock.call('/var/tmp/qvm-template.lck', 'x'),
+                mock.call().__enter__(),
+                mock.call().__exit__(None, None, None)
+            ])
+        # Keyring created
+        self.assertEqual(mock_ts.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call('/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys')
+        ])
+        # Package verified
+        self.assertEqual(mock_verify.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call(path, mock_ts('/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys'),
+                False)
+        ])
+        # Attempt to get download list
+        selector = qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.VersionSelector.LATEST
+        self.assertEqual(mock_dl_list.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call(args, self.app, version_selector=selector)
+        ])
+        # Nothing downloaded
+        self.assertEqual(mock_dl.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call(args, self.app, path_override='/var/cache/qvm-template',
+                dl_list={}, suffix='.unverified', version_selector=selector)
+        ])
+        # Package is extracted
+        self.assertEqual(mock_extract.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call('test-vm', path, '/var/tmp/qvm-template-tmpdir')
+        ])
+        # No packages overwritten, so no confirm needed
+        self.assertEqual(mock_confirm.mock_calls, [])
+        # qvm-template-postprocess is called
+        self.assertEqual(mock_call.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call([
+                'qvm-template-postprocess',
+                '--really',
+                '--no-installed-by-rpm',
+                'post-install',
+                'test-vm',
+                '/var/tmp/qvm-template-tmpdir'
+                    '/var/lib/qubes/vm-templates/test-vm'
+            ])
+        ])
+        # Cache directory created
+        self.assertEqual(mock_mkdirs.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call(args.cachedir, exist_ok=True)
+        ])
+        # No templates downloaded, thus no renames needed
+        self.assertEqual(mock_rename.mock_calls, [])
+        # Lock file removed
+        self.assertEqual(mock_remove.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call('/var/tmp/qvm-template.lck')
+        ])
+        self.assertAllCalled()
+    @mock.patch('os.remove')
+    @mock.patch('os.rename')
+    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
+    @mock.patch('subprocess.check_call')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.confirm_action')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.extract_rpm')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.download')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.get_dl_list')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.verify_rpm')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.rpm_transactionset')
+    def test_101_install_local_postprocargs_success(
+            self,
+            mock_ts,
+            mock_verify,
+            mock_dl_list,
+            mock_dl,
+            mock_extract,
+            mock_confirm,
+            mock_call,
+            mock_mkdirs,
+            mock_rename,
+            mock_remove):
+        self.app.expected_calls[('dom0', 'admin.vm.List', None, None)] = b'0\0'
+        build_time = '2020-09-01 22:30:00' # 1598970600
+        install_time = '2020-09-01 23:30:00.508230'
+        for key, val in [
+                ('name', 'test-vm'),
+                ('epoch', '2'),
+                ('version', '4.1'),
+                ('release', '2020'),
+                ('reponame', '@commandline'),
+                ('buildtime', build_time),
+                ('installtime', install_time),
+                ('license', 'GPL'),
+                ('url', 'https://qubes-os.org'),
+                ('summary', 'Summary'),
+                ('description', 'Desc|desc')]:
+            self.app.expected_calls[(
+                'test-vm',
+                'admin.vm.feature.Set',
+                f'template-{key}',
+                val.encode())] = b'0\0'
+        mock_verify.return_value = {
+            rpm.RPMTAG_NAME        : 'qubes-template-test-vm',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_BUILDTIME   : 1598970600,
+            rpm.RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION : 'Desc\ndesc',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_EPOCHNUM    : 2,
+            rpm.RPMTAG_LICENSE     : 'GPL',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE     : '2020',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_SUMMARY     : 'Summary',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_URL         : 'https://qubes-os.org',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION     : '4.1'
+        }
+        mock_dl_list.return_value = {}
+        mock_call.side_effect = self.add_new_vm_side_effect
+        mock_time = mock.Mock(wraps=datetime.datetime)
+        mock_time.today.return_value = \
+            datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(install_time)
+        with mock.patch('builtins.open', mock.mock_open()) as mock_open, \
+                mock.patch('datetime.datetime', new=mock_time), \
+                mock.patch('tempfile.TemporaryDirectory') as mock_tmpdir, \
+                mock.patch('sys.stderr', new=io.StringIO()) as mock_err, \
+                tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.rpm') as template_file:
+            path = template_file.name
+            args = argparse.Namespace(
+                templates=[path],
+                keyring='/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys',
+                nogpgcheck=False,
+                cachedir='/var/cache/qvm-template',
+                yes=False,
+                allow_pv=True,
+                pool='my-pool'
+            )
+            mock_tmpdir.return_value.__enter__.return_value = \
+                '/var/tmp/qvm-template-tmpdir'
+            qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.install(args, self.app)
+            # Lock file created
+            self.assertEqual(mock_open.mock_calls, [
+                mock.call('/var/tmp/qvm-template.lck', 'x'),
+                mock.call().__enter__(),
+                mock.call().__exit__(None, None, None)
+            ])
+        # Keyring created
+        self.assertEqual(mock_ts.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call('/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys')
+        ])
+        # Package verified
+        self.assertEqual(mock_verify.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call(path, mock_ts('/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys'),
+                False)
+        ])
+        # Attempt to get download list
+        selector = qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.VersionSelector.LATEST
+        self.assertEqual(mock_dl_list.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call(args, self.app, version_selector=selector)
+        ])
+        # Nothing downloaded
+        self.assertEqual(mock_dl.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call(args, self.app, path_override='/var/cache/qvm-template',
+                dl_list={}, suffix='.unverified', version_selector=selector)
+        ])
+        # Package is extracted
+        self.assertEqual(mock_extract.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call('test-vm', path, '/var/tmp/qvm-template-tmpdir')
+        ])
+        # No packages overwritten, so no confirm needed
+        self.assertEqual(mock_confirm.mock_calls, [])
+        # qvm-template-postprocess is called
+        self.assertEqual(mock_call.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call([
+                'qvm-template-postprocess',
+                '--really',
+                '--no-installed-by-rpm',
+                '--allow-pv',
+                '--pool',
+                'my-pool',
+                'post-install',
+                'test-vm',
+                '/var/tmp/qvm-template-tmpdir'
+                    '/var/lib/qubes/vm-templates/test-vm'
+            ])
+        ])
+        # Cache directory created
+        self.assertEqual(mock_mkdirs.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call(args.cachedir, exist_ok=True)
+        ])
+        # No templates downloaded, thus no renames needed
+        self.assertEqual(mock_rename.mock_calls, [])
+        # Lock file removed
+        self.assertEqual(mock_remove.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call('/var/tmp/qvm-template.lck')
+        ])
+        self.assertAllCalled()
+    @mock.patch('os.remove')
+    @mock.patch('os.rename')
+    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
+    @mock.patch('subprocess.check_call')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.confirm_action')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.extract_rpm')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.download')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.get_dl_list')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.verify_rpm')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.rpm_transactionset')
+    def test_102_install_local_badsig_fail(
+            self,
+            mock_ts,
+            mock_verify,
+            mock_dl_list,
+            mock_dl,
+            mock_extract,
+            mock_confirm,
+            mock_call,
+            mock_mkdirs,
+            mock_rename,
+            mock_remove):
+        mock_verify.return_value = None
+        mock_time = mock.Mock(wraps=datetime.datetime)
+        with mock.patch('builtins.open', mock.mock_open()) as mock_open, \
+                mock.patch('datetime.datetime', new=mock_time), \
+                mock.patch('tempfile.TemporaryDirectory') as mock_tmpdir, \
+                mock.patch('sys.stderr', new=io.StringIO()) as mock_err, \
+                tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.rpm') as template_file:
+            path = template_file.name
+            args = argparse.Namespace(
+                templates=[path],
+                keyring='/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys',
+                nogpgcheck=False,
+                cachedir='/var/cache/qvm-template',
+                yes=False,
+                allow_pv=False,
+                pool=None
+            )
+            mock_tmpdir.return_value.__enter__.return_value = \
+                '/var/tmp/qvm-template-tmpdir'
+            # Should raise parser.error
+            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
+                qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.install(args, self.app)
+            # Lock file created
+            self.assertEqual(mock_open.mock_calls, [
+                mock.call('/var/tmp/qvm-template.lck', 'x'),
+                mock.call().__enter__(),
+                mock.call().__exit__(None, None, None)
+            ])
+            # Check error message
+            self.assertTrue('verification failed' in mock_err.getvalue())
+        # Keyring created
+        self.assertEqual(mock_ts.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call('/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys')
+        ])
+        # Package verified
+        self.assertEqual(mock_verify.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call(path, mock_ts('/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys'),
+                False)
+        ])
+        # Should not be executed:
+        self.assertEqual(mock_dl_list.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_dl.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_extract.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_confirm.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_call.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_rename.mock_calls, [])
+        # Lock file removed
+        self.assertEqual(mock_remove.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call('/var/tmp/qvm-template.lck')
+        ])
+        self.assertAllCalled()
+    @mock.patch('os.remove')
+    @mock.patch('os.rename')
+    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
+    @mock.patch('subprocess.check_call')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.confirm_action')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.extract_rpm')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.download')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.get_dl_list')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.verify_rpm')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.rpm_transactionset')
+    def test_103_install_local_exists_fail(
+            self,
+            mock_ts,
+            mock_verify,
+            mock_dl_list,
+            mock_dl,
+            mock_extract,
+            mock_confirm,
+            mock_call,
+            mock_mkdirs,
+            mock_rename,
+            mock_remove):
+        self.app.expected_calls[('dom0', 'admin.vm.List', None, None)] = \
+            b'0\0test-vm class=TemplateVM state=Halted\n'
+        mock_verify.return_value = {
+            rpm.RPMTAG_NAME        : 'qubes-template-test-vm',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_BUILDTIME   : 1598970600,
+            rpm.RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION : 'Desc\ndesc',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_EPOCHNUM    : 2,
+            rpm.RPMTAG_LICENSE     : 'GPL',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE     : '2020',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_SUMMARY     : 'Summary',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_URL         : 'https://qubes-os.org',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION     : '4.1'
+        }
+        mock_dl_list.return_value = {}
+        mock_time = mock.Mock(wraps=datetime.datetime)
+        with mock.patch('builtins.open', mock.mock_open()) as mock_open, \
+                mock.patch('datetime.datetime', new=mock_time), \
+                mock.patch('tempfile.TemporaryDirectory') as mock_tmpdir, \
+                mock.patch('sys.stderr', new=io.StringIO()) as mock_err, \
+                tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.rpm') as template_file:
+            path = template_file.name
+            args = argparse.Namespace(
+                templates=[path],
+                keyring='/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys',
+                nogpgcheck=False,
+                cachedir='/var/cache/qvm-template',
+                yes=False,
+                allow_pv=False,
+                pool=None
+            )
+            mock_tmpdir.return_value.__enter__.return_value = \
+                '/var/tmp/qvm-template-tmpdir'
+            qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.install(args, self.app)
+            # Lock file created
+            self.assertEqual(mock_open.mock_calls, [
+                mock.call('/var/tmp/qvm-template.lck', 'x'),
+                mock.call().__enter__(),
+                mock.call().__exit__(None, None, None)
+            ])
+            # Check warning message
+            self.assertTrue('already installed' in mock_err.getvalue())
+        # Keyring created
+        self.assertEqual(mock_ts.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call('/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys')
+        ])
+        # Package verified
+        self.assertEqual(mock_verify.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call(path, mock_ts('/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys'),
+                False)
+        ])
+        # Attempt to get download list
+        selector = qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.VersionSelector.LATEST
+        self.assertEqual(mock_dl_list.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call(args, self.app, version_selector=selector)
+        ])
+        # Nothing downloaded
+        self.assertEqual(mock_dl.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call(args, self.app, path_override='/var/cache/qvm-template',
+                dl_list={}, suffix='.unverified', version_selector=selector)
+        ])
+        # Should not be executed:
+        self.assertEqual(mock_extract.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_confirm.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_call.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_rename.mock_calls, [])
+        # Lock file removed
+        self.assertEqual(mock_remove.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call('/var/tmp/qvm-template.lck')
+        ])
+        self.assertAllCalled()
+    @mock.patch('os.remove')
+    @mock.patch('os.rename')
+    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
+    @mock.patch('subprocess.check_call')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.confirm_action')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.extract_rpm')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.download')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.get_dl_list')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.verify_rpm')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.rpm_transactionset')
+    def test_104_install_local_badpkgname_fail(
+            self,
+            mock_ts,
+            mock_verify,
+            mock_dl_list,
+            mock_dl,
+            mock_extract,
+            mock_confirm,
+            mock_call,
+            mock_mkdirs,
+            mock_rename,
+            mock_remove):
+        mock_verify.return_value = {
+            rpm.RPMTAG_NAME        : 'Xqubes-template-test-vm',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_BUILDTIME   : 1598970600,
+            rpm.RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION : 'Desc\ndesc',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_EPOCHNUM    : 2,
+            rpm.RPMTAG_LICENSE     : 'GPL',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE     : '2020',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_SUMMARY     : 'Summary',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_URL         : 'https://qubes-os.org',
+            rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION     : '4.1'
+        }
+        mock_time = mock.Mock(wraps=datetime.datetime)
+        with mock.patch('builtins.open', mock.mock_open()) as mock_open, \
+                mock.patch('datetime.datetime', new=mock_time), \
+                mock.patch('tempfile.TemporaryDirectory') as mock_tmpdir, \
+                mock.patch('sys.stderr', new=io.StringIO()) as mock_err, \
+                tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.rpm') as template_file:
+            path = template_file.name
+            args = argparse.Namespace(
+                templates=[path],
+                keyring='/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys',
+                nogpgcheck=False,
+                cachedir='/var/cache/qvm-template',
+                yes=False,
+                allow_pv=False,
+                pool=None
+            )
+            mock_tmpdir.return_value.__enter__.return_value = \
+                '/var/tmp/qvm-template-tmpdir'
+            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
+                qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.install(args, self.app)
+            # Lock file created
+            self.assertEqual(mock_open.mock_calls, [
+                mock.call('/var/tmp/qvm-template.lck', 'x'),
+                mock.call().__enter__(),
+                mock.call().__exit__(None, None, None)
+            ])
+            # Check error message
+            self.assertTrue('Illegal package name' in mock_err.getvalue())
+        # Keyring created
+        self.assertEqual(mock_ts.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call('/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys')
+        ])
+        # Package verified
+        self.assertEqual(mock_verify.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call(path, mock_ts('/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys'),
+                False)
+        ])
+        # Should not be executed:
+        self.assertEqual(mock_dl_list.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_dl.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_extract.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_confirm.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_call.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_rename.mock_calls, [])
+        # Lock file removed
+        self.assertEqual(mock_remove.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call('/var/tmp/qvm-template.lck')
+        ])
+        self.assertAllCalled()
+    @mock.patch('os.rename')
+    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
+    @mock.patch('subprocess.check_call')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.confirm_action')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.extract_rpm')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.download')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.get_dl_list')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.verify_rpm')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.rpm_transactionset')
+    def test_105_install_local_existinginstance_fail(
+            self,
+            mock_ts,
+            mock_verify,
+            mock_dl_list,
+            mock_dl,
+            mock_extract,
+            mock_confirm,
+            mock_call,
+            mock_mkdirs,
+            mock_rename):
+        mock_time = mock.Mock(wraps=datetime.datetime)
+        with mock.patch('datetime.datetime', new=mock_time), \
+                mock.patch('tempfile.TemporaryDirectory') as mock_tmpdir, \
+                mock.patch('sys.stderr', new=io.StringIO()) as mock_err, \
+                tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.rpm') as template_file:
+            path = template_file.name
+            args = argparse.Namespace(
+                templates=[path],
+                keyring='/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys',
+                nogpgcheck=False,
+                cachedir='/var/cache/qvm-template',
+                yes=False,
+                allow_pv=False,
+                pool=None
+            )
+            mock_tmpdir.return_value.__enter__.return_value = \
+                '/var/tmp/qvm-template-tmpdir'
+            pathlib.Path('/var/tmp/qvm-template.lck').touch()
+            try:
+                with self.assertRaises(SystemExit), \
+                        mock.patch('os.remove') as mock_remove:
+                    qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.install(args, self.app)
+                    self.assertEqual(mock_remove.mock_calls, [])
+            finally:
+                # Lock file not removed
+                self.assertTrue(os.path.exists('/var/tmp/qvm-template.lck'))
+                os.remove('/var/tmp/qvm-template.lck')
+            # Check error message
+            self.assertTrue('another instance of qvm-template is running' \
+                in mock_err.getvalue())
+        # Should not be executed:
+        self.assertEqual(mock_ts.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_verify.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_dl_list.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_dl.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_extract.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_confirm.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_call.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_rename.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertAllCalled()
+    @mock.patch('os.remove')
+    @mock.patch('os.rename')
+    @mock.patch('os.makedirs')
+    @mock.patch('subprocess.check_call')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.confirm_action')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.extract_rpm')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.download')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.get_dl_list')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.verify_rpm')
+    @mock.patch('qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.rpm_transactionset')
+    def test_106_install_local_badpath_fail(
+            self,
+            mock_ts,
+            mock_verify,
+            mock_dl_list,
+            mock_dl,
+            mock_extract,
+            mock_confirm,
+            mock_call,
+            mock_mkdirs,
+            mock_rename,
+            mock_remove):
+        mock_time = mock.Mock(wraps=datetime.datetime)
+        with mock.patch('builtins.open', mock.mock_open()) as mock_open, \
+                mock.patch('datetime.datetime', new=mock_time), \
+                mock.patch('tempfile.TemporaryDirectory') as mock_tmpdir, \
+                mock.patch('sys.stderr', new=io.StringIO()) as mock_err:
+            path = '/var/tmp/ShOulD-NoT-ExIsT.rpm'
+            args = argparse.Namespace(
+                templates=[path],
+                keyring='/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys',
+                nogpgcheck=False,
+                cachedir='/var/cache/qvm-template',
+                yes=False,
+                allow_pv=False,
+                pool=None
+            )
+            mock_tmpdir.return_value.__enter__.return_value = \
+                '/var/tmp/qvm-template-tmpdir'
+            with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
+                qubesadmin.tools.qvm_template.install(args, self.app)
+            # Lock file created
+            self.assertEqual(mock_open.mock_calls, [
+                mock.call('/var/tmp/qvm-template.lck', 'x'),
+                mock.call().__enter__(),
+                mock.call().__exit__(None, None, None)
+            ])
+            # Check error message
+            self.assertTrue(f"RPM file '{path}' not found" \
+                in mock_err.getvalue())
+        # Keyring created
+        self.assertEqual(mock_ts.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call('/usr/share/qubes/repo-templates/keys')
+        ])
+        # Should not be executed:
+        self.assertEqual(mock_verify.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_dl_list.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_dl.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_extract.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_confirm.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_call.mock_calls, [])
+        self.assertEqual(mock_rename.mock_calls, [])
+        # Lock file removed
+        self.assertEqual(mock_remove.mock_calls, [
+            mock.call('/var/tmp/qvm-template.lck')
+        ])
+        self.assertAllCalled()

+ 4 - 1

@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ def query_local(vm: qubesadmin.vm.QubesVM) -> Template:
-        vm.features['template-buildtime'],
+        datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(vm.features['template-buildtime']),
@@ -572,6 +572,8 @@ def verify_rpm(
         except rpm.error as e:
             if str(e) == 'public key not trusted' \
                     or str(e) == 'public key not available':
+                # TODO: This does not work
+                #       Should just tell TransactionSet not to verify sigs
                 return hdr if nogpgcheck else None
             return None
     return hdr
@@ -891,6 +893,7 @@ def install(
         for rpmfile, reponame, name, package_hdr in verified_rpm_list:
             with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=TEMP_DIR) as target:
                 print('Installing template \'%s\'...' % name, file=sys.stderr)
+                # TODO: Handle return value
                 extract_rpm(name, rpmfile, target)
                 cmdline = [

+ 44 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# RPM header tags
+# Generated with the following command:
+# ``grep -Po '(RPMTAG[A-Z_]*)' tools/qvm_template.py | sort | uniq``
+RPMTAG_NAME        = 5
+RPMTAG_URL         = 10
+class error(BaseException):
+    def __init__(self, msg):
+        self.msg = msg
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.msg
+class hdr():
+    pass
+class keyring():
+    def addKey(self, *args):
+        pass
+class pubkey():
+    pass
+class TransactionSet():
+    def setKeyring(self, *args):
+        pass
+class transaction():
+    class TransactionSet():
+        def setKeyring(self, *args):
+            pass
+def labelCompare(a, b):
+    # Pretend that we're comparing the versions lexographically in the stub
+    return (a > b) - (a < b)