
qvm-template: cleanup install function

Remove now unused try/finally in install() and reduce indentation.

No functional change.
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki 3 年之前
共有 1 个文件被更改,包括 167 次插入170 次删除
  1. 167 170

+ 167 - 170

@@ -808,183 +808,180 @@ def install(
     :param override_existing: Whether to override existing packages. Used for
         reinstall, upgrade, and downgrade operations
-    try:
-        keys = get_keys(args.keyring)
-        unverified_rpm_list = [] # rpmfile, reponame
-        verified_rpm_list = []
-        def verify(rpmfile, reponame, dl_dir=None):
-            """Verify package signature and version, remove "unverified"
-            suffix, and parse package header."""
-            if dl_dir:
-                path = os.path.join(
-                    dl_dir, os.path.basename(rpmfile) + UNVERIFIED_SUFFIX)
-            else:
-                path = rpmfile
-            package_hdr = verify_rpm(path, keys, args.nogpgcheck)
-            if not package_hdr:
-                parser.error('Package \'%s\' verification failed.' % rpmfile)
-            package_name = package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME]
-            if not package_name.startswith(PACKAGE_NAME_PREFIX):
+    keys = get_keys(args.keyring)
+    unverified_rpm_list = [] # rpmfile, reponame
+    verified_rpm_list = []
+    def verify(rpmfile, reponame, dl_dir=None):
+        """Verify package signature and version, remove "unverified"
+        suffix, and parse package header."""
+        if dl_dir:
+            path = os.path.join(
+                dl_dir, os.path.basename(rpmfile) + UNVERIFIED_SUFFIX)
+        else:
+            path = rpmfile
+        package_hdr = verify_rpm(path, keys, args.nogpgcheck)
+        if not package_hdr:
+            parser.error('Package \'%s\' verification failed.' % rpmfile)
+        package_name = package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME]
+        if not package_name.startswith(PACKAGE_NAME_PREFIX):
+            parser.error(
+                'Illegal package name for package \'%s\'.' % rpmfile)
+        # Remove prefix to get the real template name
+        name = package_name[len(PACKAGE_NAME_PREFIX):]
+        if path != rpmfile:
+            os.rename(path, rpmfile)
+        # Check if already installed
+        if not override_existing and name in app.domains:
+            print(('Template \'%s\' already installed, skipping...'
+                ' (You may want to use the'
+                ' {reinstall,upgrade,downgrade}'
+                ' operations.)') % name, file=sys.stderr)
+            return
+        # Check if version is really what we want
+        if override_existing:
+            vm = get_managed_template_vm(app, name)
+            pkg_evr = (
+                str(package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_EPOCHNUM]),
+                package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION],
+                package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE])
+            vm_evr = query_local_evr(vm)
+            cmp_res = rpm.labelCompare(pkg_evr, vm_evr)
+            if version_selector == VersionSelector.REINSTALL \
+                    and cmp_res != 0:
-                    'Illegal package name for package \'%s\'.' % rpmfile)
-            # Remove prefix to get the real template name
-            name = package_name[len(PACKAGE_NAME_PREFIX):]
-            if path != rpmfile:
-                os.rename(path, rpmfile)
-            # Check if already installed
-            if not override_existing and name in app.domains:
-                print(('Template \'%s\' already installed, skipping...'
-                    ' (You may want to use the'
-                    ' {reinstall,upgrade,downgrade}'
-                    ' operations.)') % name, file=sys.stderr)
+                    'Same version of template \'%s\' not found.' \
+                    % name)
+            elif version_selector == VersionSelector.LATEST_LOWER \
+                    and cmp_res != -1:
+                print(("Template '%s' of lower version"
+                    " already installed, skipping..." % name),
+                    file=sys.stderr)
+                return
+            elif version_selector == VersionSelector.LATEST_HIGHER \
+                    and cmp_res != 1:
+                print(("Template '%s' of higher version"
+                    " already installed, skipping..." % name),
+                    file=sys.stderr)
-            # Check if version is really what we want
-            if override_existing:
-                vm = get_managed_template_vm(app, name)
-                pkg_evr = (
-                    str(package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_EPOCHNUM]),
-                    package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION],
-                    package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE])
-                vm_evr = query_local_evr(vm)
-                cmp_res = rpm.labelCompare(pkg_evr, vm_evr)
-                if version_selector == VersionSelector.REINSTALL \
-                        and cmp_res != 0:
-                    parser.error(
-                        'Same version of template \'%s\' not found.' \
-                        % name)
-                elif version_selector == VersionSelector.LATEST_LOWER \
-                        and cmp_res != -1:
-                    print(("Template '%s' of lower version"
-                        " already installed, skipping..." % name),
-                        file=sys.stderr)
-                    return
-                elif version_selector == VersionSelector.LATEST_HIGHER \
-                        and cmp_res != 1:
-                    print(("Template '%s' of higher version"
-                        " already installed, skipping..." % name),
-                        file=sys.stderr)
-                    return
-            verified_rpm_list.append((rpmfile, reponame, name, package_hdr))
-        # Process local templates
-        for template in args.templates:
-            if template.endswith('.rpm'):
-                if not os.path.exists(template):
-                    parser.error('RPM file \'%s\' not found.' % template)
-                unverified_rpm_list.append((template, '@commandline'))
+        verified_rpm_list.append((rpmfile, reponame, name, package_hdr))
-        # First verify local RPMs and extract header
-        for rpmfile, reponame in unverified_rpm_list:
-            verify(rpmfile, reponame)
-        unverified_rpm_list = []
+    # Process local templates
+    for template in args.templates:
+        if template.endswith('.rpm'):
+            if not os.path.exists(template):
+                parser.error('RPM file \'%s\' not found.' % template)
+            unverified_rpm_list.append((template, '@commandline'))
-        os.makedirs(args.cachedir, exist_ok=True)
+    # First verify local RPMs and extract header
+    for rpmfile, reponame in unverified_rpm_list:
+        verify(rpmfile, reponame)
+    unverified_rpm_list = []
-        # Get list of templates to download
-        dl_list = get_dl_list(args, app, version_selector=version_selector)
-        dl_list_copy = dl_list.copy()
-        for name, entry in dl_list.items():
-            # Should be ensured by checks in repoquery
-            assert entry.reponame != '@commandline'
-            # Verify that the templates to be downloaded are not yet installed
-            # Note that we *still* have to do this again in verify() for
-            # already-downloaded templates
-            if not override_existing and name in app.domains:
-                print(('Template \'%s\' already installed, skipping...'
-                    ' (You may want to use the'
-                    ' {reinstall,upgrade,downgrade}'
-                    ' operations.)') % name, file=sys.stderr)
-                del dl_list_copy[name]
-            else:
-                # XXX: Perhaps this is better returned by download()
-                version_str = build_version_str(entry.evr)
-                target_file = \
-                    '%s%s-%s.rpm' % (PACKAGE_NAME_PREFIX, name, version_str)
-                unverified_rpm_list.append(
-                    (os.path.join(args.cachedir, target_file), entry.reponame))
-        dl_list = dl_list_copy
-        # Ask the user for confirmation before we actually download stuff
-        if override_existing and not args.yes:
-            override_tpls = []
-            # Local templates, already verified
-            for _, _, name, _ in verified_rpm_list:
-                override_tpls.append(name)
-            # Templates not yet downloaded
-            for name in dl_list:
-                override_tpls.append(name)
+    os.makedirs(args.cachedir, exist_ok=True)
-            confirm_action(
-                'This will override changes made in the following VMs:',
-                override_tpls)
-        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=args.cachedir) as dl_dir:
-            download(args, app, path_override=dl_dir,
-                dl_list=dl_list, suffix=UNVERIFIED_SUFFIX,
-                version_selector=version_selector)
-            # Verify downloaded templates
-            for rpmfile, reponame in unverified_rpm_list:
-                verify(rpmfile, reponame, dl_dir=dl_dir)
-        unverified_rpm_list = []
-        # Unpack and install
-        for rpmfile, reponame, name, package_hdr in verified_rpm_list:
-            with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=TEMP_DIR) as target:
-                print('Installing template \'%s\'...' % name, file=sys.stderr)
-                if not extract_rpm(name, rpmfile, target):
-                    raise Exception(
-                        'Failed to extract {} template'.format(name))
-                cmdline = [
-                    'qvm-template-postprocess',
-                    '--really',
-                    '--no-installed-by-rpm',
-                ]
-                if args.allow_pv:
-                    cmdline.append('--allow-pv')
-                if not override_existing and args.pool:
-                    cmdline += ['--pool', args.pool]
-                subprocess.check_call(cmdline + [
-                    'post-install',
-                    name,
-                    target + PATH_PREFIX + '/' + name])
-                app.domains.refresh_cache(force=True)
-                tpl = app.domains[name]
-                tpl.features['template-name'] = name
-                tpl.features['template-epoch'] = \
-                    package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_EPOCHNUM]
-                tpl.features['template-version'] = \
-                    package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION]
-                tpl.features['template-release'] = \
-                    package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE]
-                tpl.features['template-reponame'] = reponame
-                tpl.features['template-buildtime'] = \
-                    datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
-                            int(package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_BUILDTIME]),
-                            tz=datetime.timezone.utc) \
-                        .strftime(DATE_FMT)
-                tpl.features['template-installtime'] = \
-                    datetime.datetime.now(
-                        tz=datetime.timezone.utc).strftime(DATE_FMT)
-                tpl.features['template-license'] = \
-                    package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_LICENSE]
-                tpl.features['template-url'] = \
-                    package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_URL]
-                tpl.features['template-summary'] = \
-                    package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_SUMMARY]
-                tpl.features['template-description'] = \
-                    package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION].replace('\n', '|')
-    finally:
-        pass
+    # Get list of templates to download
+    dl_list = get_dl_list(args, app, version_selector=version_selector)
+    dl_list_copy = dl_list.copy()
+    for name, entry in dl_list.items():
+        # Should be ensured by checks in repoquery
+        assert entry.reponame != '@commandline'
+        # Verify that the templates to be downloaded are not yet installed
+        # Note that we *still* have to do this again in verify() for
+        # already-downloaded templates
+        if not override_existing and name in app.domains:
+            print(('Template \'%s\' already installed, skipping...'
+                ' (You may want to use the'
+                ' {reinstall,upgrade,downgrade}'
+                ' operations.)') % name, file=sys.stderr)
+            del dl_list_copy[name]
+        else:
+            # XXX: Perhaps this is better returned by download()
+            version_str = build_version_str(entry.evr)
+            target_file = \
+                '%s%s-%s.rpm' % (PACKAGE_NAME_PREFIX, name, version_str)
+            unverified_rpm_list.append(
+                (os.path.join(args.cachedir, target_file), entry.reponame))
+    dl_list = dl_list_copy
+    # Ask the user for confirmation before we actually download stuff
+    if override_existing and not args.yes:
+        override_tpls = []
+        # Local templates, already verified
+        for _, _, name, _ in verified_rpm_list:
+            override_tpls.append(name)
+        # Templates not yet downloaded
+        for name in dl_list:
+            override_tpls.append(name)
+        confirm_action(
+            'This will override changes made in the following VMs:',
+            override_tpls)
+    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=args.cachedir) as dl_dir:
+        download(args, app, path_override=dl_dir,
+            dl_list=dl_list, suffix=UNVERIFIED_SUFFIX,
+            version_selector=version_selector)
+        # Verify downloaded templates
+        for rpmfile, reponame in unverified_rpm_list:
+            verify(rpmfile, reponame, dl_dir=dl_dir)
+    unverified_rpm_list = []
+    # Unpack and install
+    for rpmfile, reponame, name, package_hdr in verified_rpm_list:
+        with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=TEMP_DIR) as target:
+            print('Installing template \'%s\'...' % name, file=sys.stderr)
+            if not extract_rpm(name, rpmfile, target):
+                raise Exception(
+                    'Failed to extract {} template'.format(name))
+            cmdline = [
+                'qvm-template-postprocess',
+                '--really',
+                '--no-installed-by-rpm',
+            ]
+            if args.allow_pv:
+                cmdline.append('--allow-pv')
+            if not override_existing and args.pool:
+                cmdline += ['--pool', args.pool]
+            subprocess.check_call(cmdline + [
+                'post-install',
+                name,
+                target + PATH_PREFIX + '/' + name])
+            app.domains.refresh_cache(force=True)
+            tpl = app.domains[name]
+            tpl.features['template-name'] = name
+            tpl.features['template-epoch'] = \
+                package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_EPOCHNUM]
+            tpl.features['template-version'] = \
+                package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION]
+            tpl.features['template-release'] = \
+                package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE]
+            tpl.features['template-reponame'] = reponame
+            tpl.features['template-buildtime'] = \
+                datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
+                        int(package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_BUILDTIME]),
+                        tz=datetime.timezone.utc) \
+                    .strftime(DATE_FMT)
+            tpl.features['template-installtime'] = \
+                datetime.datetime.now(
+                    tz=datetime.timezone.utc).strftime(DATE_FMT)
+            tpl.features['template-license'] = \
+                package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_LICENSE]
+            tpl.features['template-url'] = \
+                package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_URL]
+            tpl.features['template-summary'] = \
+                package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_SUMMARY]
+            tpl.features['template-description'] = \
+                package_hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION].replace('\n', '|')
 def list_templates(args: argparse.Namespace,
         app: qubesadmin.app.QubesBase, operation: str) -> None: