.. program:: qvm-remove :program:`qvm-remove` -- remove domain ====================================== .. warning:: This page was autogenerated from command-line parser. It shouldn't be 1:1 conversion, because it would add little value. Please revise it and add more descriptive help, which normally won't fit in standard ``--help`` option. After rewrite, please remove this admonition. Synopsis -------- :command:`qvm-remove` [-h] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--force-root] [--all] [--exclude *EXCLUDE*] [--just-db] [*VMNAME* [*VMNAME* ...]] Options ------- .. option:: --all Remove all qubes. You can use :option:`--exclude` to limit the qubes set. dom0 is not removed .. option:: --exclude Exclude the qube from :option:`--all`. .. option:: --help, -h Show this help message and exit .. option:: --verbose, -v increase verbosity .. option:: --quiet, -q decrease verbosity Authors ------- | Joanna Rutkowska | Rafal Wojtczuk | Marek Marczykowski | Bahtiar `kalkin-` Gadimov .. vim: ts=3 sw=3 et tw=80