# RPM header tags # Generated with the following command: # ``grep -Po '(RPMTAG[A-Z_]*)' tools/qvm_template.py | sort | uniq`` RPMTAG_BUILDTIME = 1 RPMTAG_DESCRIPTION = 2 RPMTAG_EPOCHNUM = 3 RPMTAG_LICENSE = 4 RPMTAG_NAME = 5 RPMTAG_RELEASE = 6 RPMTAG_SIGGPG = 7 RPMTAG_SIGPGP = 8 RPMTAG_SUMMARY = 9 RPMTAG_URL = 10 RPMTAG_VERSION = 11 class error(BaseException): def __init__(self, msg): self.msg = msg def __str__(self): return self.msg class hdr(): pass class keyring(): def addKey(self, *args): pass class pubkey(): pass class TransactionSet(): def setKeyring(self, *args): pass class transaction(): class TransactionSet(): def setKeyring(self, *args): pass def labelCompare(a, b): # Pretend that we're comparing the versions lexographically in the stub return (a > b) - (a < b)