.. program:: qvm-volume :program:`qvm-volume` -- Qubes volume and block device managment ================================================================ Synopsis -------- | :command:`qvm-volume` *COMMAND* [-h] [--verbose] [--quiet] [options] [arguments] Description ----------- .. TODO Add description Options ------- .. option:: --help, -h Show help message and exit .. option:: --verbose, -v Increase verbosity. .. option:: --quiet, -q Decrease verbosity. Commands -------- list ^^^^ | :command:`qvm-volume list` [-h] [--verbose] [--quiet] [-p *POOL_NAME*] [*VMNAME* [*VMNAME* ...]] List block devices. By default the internal devices are hidden. When the stdout is connected to a TTY `qvm-volume list` will print a pretty table by omitting redundant data. This behaviour is disabled when `--full` option is passed or stdout is redirected to a pipe or file. .. option:: -p, --pool list volumes from specified pool .. option:: --full print domain names .. option:: --all List volumes from all qubes. You can use :option:`--exclude` to limit the qubes set. Don't forget — internal devices are hidden by default! .. option:: --exclude Exclude the qube from :option:`--all`. aliases: ls, l extend ^^^^^^ | :command:`qvm-volume extend` [-h] [--verbose] [--quiet] *POOL_NAME:VOLUME_ID* *NEW_SIZE* Extend the volume with *POOL_NAME:VOLUME_ID* TO *NEW_SIZE* revert ^^^^^^ | :command:`qvm-volume revert` [-h] [--verbose] [--quiet] *POOL_NAME:VOLUME_ID* Revert a volume to previous revision. aliases: rv, r Authors ------- | Joanna Rutkowska | Rafal Wojtczuk | Marek Marczykowski | Bahtiar `kalkin-` Gadimov .. vim: ts=3 sw=3 et tw=80