.. program:: qvm-pool :program:`qvm-pool` -- manage pools =================================== Synopsis -------- :command:`qvm-pool` [-h] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--help-drivers] [-o options] [-l | -i *NAME* | -a *NAME* *DRIVER* | -r *NAME*] Options ------- .. option:: --help, -h Show this help message and exit .. option:: --quiet, -q Be quiet .. option:: --verbose, -v Increase verbosity .. option:: --help-drivers List all known drivers with their options. The listed driver options can be used with the ``-o options`` switch. .. option:: -o options Comma separated list of driver options. See ``--help-drivers`` for a list of driver options. .. option:: --list, -l List all pools. .. option:: --info NAME, -i NAME Show information about a pool .. option:: --add NAME DRIVER, -a NAME DRIVER Add a pool. For supported drivers and their options see ``--help-drivers``. Most of the drivers expect some kind of options. .. option:: --remove NAME, -r NAME Remove a pool. This removes only the information about the pool in qubes.xml, but does not delete any content (FIXME: is it really true for all pool drivers?). Examples -------- Create a pool backed by the default `xen` driver. :: qvm-pool -o dir_path=/mnt/foo -a foo xen Authors ------- | Bahtiar \`kalkin-\` Gadimov <bahtiar at gadimov dot de>