.. program:: qvm-check

:program:`qvm-check` --  Check qube

.. warning::

   This page was autogenerated from command-line parser. It shouldn't be 1:1
   conversion, because it would add little value. Please revise it and add
   more descriptive help, which normally won't fit in standard ``--help``

   After rewrite, please remove this admonition.


:command:`qvm-check` [-h] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--all] [--exclude *EXCLUDE*] [--running] [--paused] [--template] [--networked] [*VMNAME* [*VMNAME* ...]]


.. option:: --help, -h

   show this help message and exit

.. option:: --verbose, -v

   increase verbosity

.. option:: --quiet, -q

   decrease verbosity

.. option:: --all

   perform the action on all qubes

.. option:: --exclude

   exclude the qube from --all

.. option:: --running

   Determine if (any of given) VM is running

.. option:: --paused

   Determine if (any of given) VM is paused

.. option:: --template

   Determine if (any of given) VM is a template

.. option:: --networked

   Determine if (any of given) VM can reach network


| Joanna Rutkowska <joanna at invisiblethingslab dot com>
| Rafal Wojtczuk <rafal at invisiblethingslab dot com>
| Marek Marczykowski <marmarek at invisiblethingslab dot com>
| Wojtek Porczyk <woju at invisiblethingslab dot com>
| Frédéric Pierret <frederic dot pierret at qubes dash os dot com>

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