qvm-ls.rst 2.6 KB

  1. .. program:: qvm-ls
  2. :program:`qvm-ls` -- List VMs and various information about them
  3. ================================================================
  4. Synopsis
  5. --------
  6. :command:`qvm-ls` [-h] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--help-columns] [--help-formats] [--format *FORMAT* | --fields *FIELD*,...] [--tags *TAG* [*TAG* ...]] [--running] [--paused] [--halted]
  7. Options
  8. -------
  9. .. option:: --help, -h
  10. Show help message and exit
  11. .. option:: --help-columns
  12. List all available columns with short descriptions and exit.
  13. .. option:: --help-formats
  14. List all available formats with their definitions and exit.
  15. .. option:: --all
  16. List all qubes, this is default.
  17. .. option:: --exclude
  18. Exclude the qube from --all. You need to use --all option explicitly to use
  19. --exclude.
  20. .. option:: --format=FORMAT, -o FORMAT
  21. Sets format to a list of columns defined by preset. All formats along with
  22. columns which they show can be listed with :option:`--help-formats`.
  23. .. option:: --fields=FIELD,..., -O FIELD,...
  24. Sets format to specified set of columns. This gives more control over
  25. :option:`--format`. All columns along with short descriptions can be listed
  26. with :option:`--help-columns`.
  27. .. option:: --tags TAG ...
  28. Shows only VMs having specific tag(s).
  29. .. option:: --running, --paused, --halted
  30. Shows only VMs matching the specified power state(s). When none of these
  31. options is used (default), all VMs are shown.
  32. .. option:: --raw-data
  33. Output data in easy to parse format. Table header is skipped and columns are
  34. separated by `|` character.
  35. .. option:: --raw-list
  36. Give plain list of VM names, without header or separator. Useful in scripts.
  37. Same as --raw-data --fields=name
  38. .. option:: --tree, -t
  39. List domains as a network tree. Domains are sorted as they are connected to
  40. their netvms. Names are indented relative to the number of connected netvms.
  41. .. option:: --disk, -d
  42. Same as --format=disk, for compatibility with Qubes 3.x
  43. .. option:: --network, -n
  44. Same as --format=network, for compatibility with Qubes 3.x
  45. .. option:: --kernel, -k
  46. Same as --format=kernel, for compatibility with Qubes 3.x
  47. .. option:: --verbose, -v
  48. Increase verbosity.
  49. .. option:: --quiet, -q
  50. Decrease verbosity.
  51. .. option:: --spinner
  52. Have a spinner spinning while the spinning mainloop spins new table cells.
  53. .. option:: --no-spinner
  54. No spinner today.
  55. Authors
  56. -------
  57. | Joanna Rutkowska <joanna at invisiblethingslab dot com>
  58. | Rafal Wojtczuk <rafal at invisiblethingslab dot com>
  59. | Marek Marczykowski <marmarek at invisiblethingslab dot com>
  60. | Wojtek Porczyk <woju at invisiblethingslab dot com>
  61. .. vim: ts=3 sw=3 et