The method will ensure the parameters are properly handled as actual separate arguments, regardless of shell special characters in them. For now implement this with shlex.quote, later dedicated qrexec service could be used. QubesOS/qubes-issues#4850
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# -*- encoding: utf8 -*-
# The Qubes OS Project, http://www.qubes-os.org
# Copyright (C) 2017 Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
# <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
'''Qubes VM objects.'''
import logging
import shlex
import subprocess
import warnings
import qubesadmin.base
import qubesadmin.exc
import qubesadmin.storage
import qubesadmin.features
import qubesadmin.devices
import qubesadmin.firewall
import qubesadmin.tags
class QubesVM(qubesadmin.base.PropertyHolder):
'''Qubes domain.'''
log = None
tags = None
features = None
devices = None
firewall = None
def __init__(self, app, name, klass=None):
super(QubesVM, self).__init__(app, 'admin.vm.property.', name)
self._volumes = None
self._klass = klass
self.log = logging.getLogger(name)
self.tags = qubesadmin.tags.Tags(self)
self.features = qubesadmin.features.Features(self)
self.devices = qubesadmin.devices.DeviceManager(self)
self.firewall = qubesadmin.firewall.Firewall(self)
def name(self):
'''Domain name'''
return self._method_dest
def name(self, new_value):
self._method_prefix + 'Set',
self._method_dest = new_value
self._volumes = None
def __str__(self):
return self._method_dest
def __lt__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, QubesVM):
return self.name < other.name
return NotImplemented
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, QubesVM):
return self.name == other.name
if isinstance(other, str):
return self.name == other
return NotImplemented
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.name)
def start(self):
Start domain.
self.qubesd_call(self._method_dest, 'admin.vm.Start')
def shutdown(self, force=False):
Shutdown domain.
# TODO: force parameter
# TODO: wait parameter (using event?)
if force:
raise NotImplementedError
self.qubesd_call(self._method_dest, 'admin.vm.Shutdown')
def kill(self):
Kill domain (forcefuly shutdown).
self.qubesd_call(self._method_dest, 'admin.vm.Kill')
def force_shutdown(self):
'''Deprecated alias for :py:meth:`kill`'''
'Call to deprecated function force_shutdown(), use kill() instead',
DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
return self.kill()
def pause(self):
Pause domain.
Pause its execution without any prior notification.
self.qubesd_call(self._method_dest, 'admin.vm.Pause')
def unpause(self):
Unpause domain.
Opposite to :py:meth:`pause`.
self.qubesd_call(self._method_dest, 'admin.vm.Unpause')
def get_power_state(self):
'''Return power state description string.
Return value may be one of those:
=============== ========================================================
return value meaning
=============== ========================================================
``'Halted'`` Machine is not active.
``'Transient'`` Machine is running, but does not have :program:`guid`
or :program:`qrexec` available.
``'Running'`` Machine is ready and running.
``'Paused'`` Machine is paused.
``'Suspended'`` Machine is S3-suspended.
``'Halting'`` Machine is in process of shutting down (OS shutdown).
``'Dying'`` Machine is in process of shutting down (cleanup).
``'Crashed'`` Machine crashed and is unusable.
``'NA'`` Machine is in unknown state.
=============== ========================================================
.. seealso::
Description of VM life cycle from the point of view of libvirt.
Libvirt's enum describing precise state of a domain.
vm_list_info = [line
for line in self.qubesd_call(
self._method_dest, 'admin.vm.List', None, None
if line.startswith(self._method_dest+' ')]
except qubesadmin.exc.QubesDaemonNoResponseError:
return 'NA'
assert len(vm_list_info) == 1
# name class=... state=... other=...
# NOTE: when querying dom0, we get whole list
vm_state = vm_list_info[0].strip().partition('state=')[2].split(' ')[0]
return vm_state
def is_halted(self):
''' Check whether this domain's state is 'Halted'
:returns: :py:obj:`True` if this domain is halted, \
:py:obj:`False` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
return self.get_power_state() == 'Halted'
def is_paused(self):
'''Check whether this domain is paused.
:returns: :py:obj:`True` if this domain is paused, \
:py:obj:`False` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
return self.get_power_state() == 'Paused'
def is_running(self):
'''Check whether this domain is running.
:returns: :py:obj:`True` if this domain is started, \
:py:obj:`False` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
return self.get_power_state() not in ('Halted', 'NA')
def is_networked(self):
'''Check whether this VM can reach network (firewall notwithstanding).
:returns: :py:obj:`True` if is machine can reach network, \
:py:obj:`False` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
if self.provides_network:
return True
return self.netvm is not None
def volumes(self):
'''VM disk volumes'''
if self._volumes is None:
volumes_list = self.qubesd_call(
self._method_dest, 'admin.vm.volume.List')
self._volumes = {}
for volname in volumes_list.decode('ascii').splitlines():
if not volname:
self._volumes[volname] = qubesadmin.storage.Volume(self.app,
vm=self.name, vm_name=volname)
return self._volumes
def get_disk_utilization(self):
'''Get total disk usage of the VM'''
return sum(vol.usage for vol in self.volumes.values())
def run_service(self, service, **kwargs):
'''Run service on this VM
:param str service: service name
:rtype: subprocess.Popen
return self.app.run_service(self._method_dest, service, **kwargs)
def run_service_for_stdio(self, service, input=None, **kwargs):
'''Run a service, pass an optional input and return (stdout, stderr).
Raises an exception if return code != 0.
*args* and *kwargs* are passed verbatim to :py:meth:`run_service`.
.. warning::
There are some combinations if stdio-related *kwargs*, which are
not filtered for problems originating between the keyboard and the
''' # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
p = self.run_service(service, **kwargs)
# this one is actually a tuple, but there is no need to unpack it
stdouterr = p.communicate(input=input)
if p.returncode:
exc = subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, service)
# Python < 3.5 didn't have those
exc.output, exc.stderr = stdouterr
raise exc
return stdouterr
def prepare_input_for_vmshell(self, command, input=None):
'''Prepare shell input for the given command and optional (real) input
''' # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
if input is None:
input = b''
close_shell_suffix = b'; exit\n'
if self.features.check_with_template('os', 'Linux') == 'Windows':
close_shell_suffix = b'& exit\n'
return b''.join((command.rstrip('\n').encode('utf-8'),
close_shell_suffix, input))
def run(self, command, input=None, **kwargs):
'''Run a shell command inside the domain using qubes.VMShell qrexec.
''' # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
return self.run_service_for_stdio('qubes.VMShell',
input=self.prepare_input_for_vmshell(command, input), **kwargs)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
e.cmd = command
raise e
def run_with_args(self, *args, **kwargs):
'''Run a single command inside the domain using qubes.VMShell qrexec.
This method execute a single command, without interpreting any shell
special characters.
''' # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
return self.run(' '.join(shlex.quote(arg) for arg in args), **kwargs)
def appvms(self):
''' Returns a generator containing all domains based on the current
Do not check vm type of self, core (including its extentions) have
ultimate control what can be a template of what.
for vm in self.app.domains:
if vm.template == self:
yield vm
except AttributeError:
def connected_vms(self):
''' Return a generator containing all domains connected to the current
for vm in self.app.domains:
if vm.netvm == self:
yield vm
except AttributeError:
def klass(self):
''' Qube class '''
# use cached value if available
if self._klass is None:
# pylint: disable=no-member
self._klass = super(QubesVM, self).klass
return self._klass
class DispVMWrapper(QubesVM):
'''Wrapper class for new DispVM, supporting only service call
Note that when running in dom0, one need to manually kill the DispVM after
service call ends.
def run_service(self, service, **kwargs):
if self.app.qubesd_connection_type == 'socket':
# create dispvm at service call
if self._method_dest.startswith('$dispvm'):
if self._method_dest.startswith('$dispvm:'):
method_dest = self._method_dest[len('$dispvm:'):]
method_dest = 'dom0'
dispvm = self.app.qubesd_call(method_dest,
dispvm = dispvm.decode('ascii')
self._method_dest = dispvm
# Service call may wait for session start, give it more time
# than default 5s
kwargs['connect_timeout'] = self.qrexec_timeout
return super(DispVMWrapper, self).run_service(service, **kwargs)
def cleanup(self):
'''Cleanup after DispVM usage'''
# in 'remote' case nothing is needed, as DispVM is cleaned up
# automatically
if self.app.qubesd_connection_type == 'socket' and \
not self._method_dest.startswith('$dispvm'):
except qubesadmin.exc.QubesVMNotRunningError:
class DispVM(QubesVM):
'''Disposable VM'''
def from_appvm(cls, app, appvm):
'''Returns a wrapper for calling service in a new DispVM based on given
AppVM. If *appvm* is none, use default DispVM template'''
if appvm:
method_dest = '$dispvm:' + str(appvm)
method_dest = '$dispvm'
wrapper = DispVMWrapper(app, method_dest)
return wrapper