Both tools issue a large number of Admin API calls and greatly benefit from a cache filled with a single per-vm Admin API call (admin.vm.property.GetAll). In case of qvm-ls, this also saves multiple admin.vm.CurrentState calls (power state is given in the admin.vm.List response too). QubesOS/qubes-issues#3293
722 lines
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# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
# The Qubes OS Project, https://www.qubes-os.org/
# Copyright (C) 2015 Joanna Rutkowska <joanna@invisiblethingslab.com>
# Copyright (C) 2015 Wojtek Porczyk <woju@invisiblethingslab.com>
# Copyright (C) 2017 Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
# <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
'''qvm-ls - List available domains'''
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import collections.abc
import sys
import textwrap
import qubesadmin
import qubesadmin.spinner
import qubesadmin.tools
import qubesadmin.utils
import qubesadmin.vm
import qubesadmin.exc
# columns
class Column(object):
'''A column in qvm-ls output characterised by its head and a way
to fetch a parameter describing the domain.
:param str head: Column head (usually uppercase).
:param str attr: Attribute, possibly complex (containing ``.``). This may \
also be a callable that gets as its only argument the domain.
:param str doc: Description of column (will be visible in --help-columns).
#: collection of all columns
columns = {}
def __init__(self, head, attr=None, doc=None):
self.ls_head = head
self.__doc__ = doc
# intentionally not always do set self._attr,
# to cause AttributeError in self.format()
if attr is not None:
self._attr = attr
self.__class__.columns[self.ls_head] = self
def cell(self, vm, insertion=0):
'''Format one cell.
.. note::
This is only for technical formatting (filling with space). If you
want to subclass the :py:class:`Column` class, you should override
:py:meth:`Column.format` method instead.
:param qubes.vm.qubesvm.QubesVM: Domain to get a value from.
:param int insertion: Intending to shift the value to the right.
:returns: string to display
:rtype: str
value = self.format(vm) or '-'
if insertion > 0 and self.ls_head == 'NAME':
value = '└─' + value
value = ' ' * (insertion-1) + value
return value
def format(self, vm):
'''Format one cell value.
Return value to put in a table cell.
:param qubes.vm.qubesvm.QubesVM: Domain to get a value from.
:returns: Value to put, or :py:obj:`None` if no value.
:rtype: str or None
ret = None
if isinstance(self._attr, str):
ret = vm
for attrseg in self._attr.split('.'):
ret = getattr(ret, attrseg)
elif isinstance(self._attr, collections.abc.Callable):
ret = self._attr(vm)
except (AttributeError, ZeroDivisionError):
# division by 0 may be caused by arithmetic in callable attr
return None
if ret is None:
return None
return str(ret)
def __repr__(self):
return '{}(head={!r})'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.ls_head == other.ls_head
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.ls_head < other.ls_head
class PropertyColumn(Column):
'''Column that displays value from property (:py:class:`property` or
:py:class:`qubes.property`) of domain.
:param name: Name of VM property.
def __init__(self, name):
ls_head = name.replace('_', '-').upper()
super(PropertyColumn, self).__init__(
def __repr__(self):
return '{}(head={!r}'.format(
def process_vm(vm):
'''Process VM object to find all listable properties.
:param qubesmgmt.vm.QubesVM vm: VM object.
for prop_name in vm.property_list():
def flag(field):
'''Mark method as flag field.
:param int field: Which field to fill (counted from 1)
def decorator(obj):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring
obj.field = field
return obj
return decorator
def simple_flag(field, letter, attr, doc=None):
'''Create simple, binary flag.
:param str attr: Attribute name to check. If result is true, flag is fired.
:param str letter: The letter to show.
def helper(self, vm):
# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,unused-argument
value = getattr(vm, attr)
except AttributeError:
value = False
if value:
return letter[0]
helper.__doc__ = doc
helper.field = field
return helper
class FlagsColumn(Column):
'''Some fancy flags that describe general status of the domain.'''
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
def __init__(self):
super(FlagsColumn, self).__init__(
def type(self, vm):
'''Type of domain.
0 AdminVM (AKA Dom0)
aA AppVM
dD DisposableVM
sS StandaloneVM
tT TemplateVM
When it is HVM (optimised VM), the letter is capital.
type_codes = {
'AdminVM': '0',
'TemplateVM': 't',
'AppVM': 'a',
'StandaloneVM': 's',
'DispVM': 'd',
ret = type_codes.get(vm.klass, None)
if ret == '0':
return ret
if ret is not None:
if getattr(vm, 'virt_mode', 'pv') == 'hvm':
return ret.upper()
return ret
def power(self, vm):
'''Current power state.
r running
t transient
p paused
s suspended
h halting
d dying
c crashed
? unknown
state = vm.get_power_state().lower()
if state == 'unknown':
return '?'
if state in ('running', 'transient', 'paused', 'suspended',
'halting', 'dying', 'crashed'):
return state[0]
updateable = simple_flag(3, 'U', 'updateable',
doc='If the domain is updateable.')
provides_network = simple_flag(4, 'N', 'provides_network',
doc='If the domain provides network.')
installed_by_rpm = simple_flag(5, 'R', 'installed_by_rpm',
doc='If the domain is installed by RPM.')
internal = simple_flag(6, 'i', 'internal',
doc='If the domain is internal (not normally shown, no appmenus).')
debug = simple_flag(7, 'D', 'debug',
doc='If the domain is being debugged.')
autostart = simple_flag(8, 'A', 'autostart',
doc='If the domain is marked for autostart.')
# TODO (not sure if really):
# include in backups
# uses_custom_config
def _no_flag(self, vm):
'''Reserved for future use.'''
def get_flags(cls):
'''Get all flags as list.
Holes between flags are filled with :py:meth:`_no_flag`.
:rtype: list
flags = {}
for mycls in cls.__mro__:
for attr in mycls.__dict__.values():
if not hasattr(attr, 'field'):
if attr.field in flags:
flags[attr.field] = attr
return [(flags[i] if i in flags else cls._no_flag)
for i in range(1, max(flags) + 1)]
def format(self, vm):
return ''.join((flag(self, vm) or '-') for flag in self.get_flags())
def calc_size(vm, volume_name):
''' Calculates the volume size in MB '''
return vm.volumes[volume_name].size // 1024 // 1024
except KeyError:
return 0
def calc_usage(vm, volume_name):
''' Calculates the volume usage in MB '''
return vm.volumes[volume_name].usage // 1024 // 1024
except KeyError:
return 0
def calc_used(vm, volume_name):
''' Calculates the volume usage in percent '''
size = calc_size(vm, volume_name)
if size == 0:
return 0
usage = calc_usage(vm, volume_name)
return '{}%'.format(usage * 100 // size)
# todo maxmem
attr=(lambda vm: vm.get_power_state()),
doc='Current power state.')
attr=(lambda vm: vm.klass),
doc='Class of the qube.')
doc='Network gateway.')
attr=(lambda vm: vm.get_mem() // 1024 if vm.is_running() else None),
doc='Memory currently used by VM')
attr=(lambda vm: vm.get_disk_utilization() // 1024 // 1024),
doc='Total disk utilisation.')
attr=(lambda vm: calc_usage(vm, 'private')),
doc='Disk utilisation by private image (/home, /usr/local).')
attr=(lambda vm: calc_size(vm, 'private')),
doc='Maximum available space for private image.')
attr=(lambda vm: calc_used(vm, 'private')),
doc='Disk utilisation by private image as a percentage of available space.')
attr=(lambda vm: calc_usage(vm, 'root')),
doc='Disk utilisation by root image (/usr, /lib, /etc, ...).')
attr=(lambda vm: calc_size(vm, 'root')),
doc='Maximum available space for root image.')
attr=(lambda vm: calc_used(vm, 'root')),
doc='Disk utilisation by root image as a percentage of available space.')
class Table(object):
'''Table that is displayed to the user.
:param domains: Domains to include in the table.
:param list colnames: Names of the columns (need not to be uppercase).
def __init__(self, domains, colnames, spinner, raw_data=False,
self.domains = domains
self.columns = tuple(Column.columns[col.upper().replace('_', '-')]
for col in colnames)
self.spinner = spinner
self.raw_data = raw_data
self.tree_sorted = tree_sorted
def get_head(self):
'''Get table head data (all column heads).'''
return [col.ls_head for col in self.columns]
def get_row(self, vm, insertion=0):
'''Get single table row data (all columns for one domain).'''
ret = []
for col in self.columns:
if self.tree_sorted and col.ls_head == 'NAME':
ret.append(col.cell(vm, insertion))
return ret
def tree_append_child(self, parent, level):
'''Concatenate the network children of the vm to a list.
:param qubes.vm.qubesvm.QubesVM: Parent vm of the children VMs
childs = list()
for child in parent.connected_vms:
if child.provides_network and child in self.domains:
childs.append((level, child))
childs += self.tree_append_child(child, level+1)
elif child in self.domains:
childs.append((level, child))
return childs
def sort_to_tree(self, domains):
'''Sort the domains as a network tree. It returns a list of sets. Each
tuple stores the insertion of the cell name and the vm object.
:param list() domains: The domains which will be sorted
:return list(tuple()) tree: returns a list of tuple(insertion, vm)
tree = list()
# We need a copy of domains, because domains.remove() is not allowed
# while iterating over it. Besides, the domains should be sorted anyway.
sorted_doms = sorted(domains)
for dom in sorted_doms:
if dom.netvm is None and not dom.provides_network:
tree.append((0, dom))
# dom0 and eventually others have no netvm attribute
except (qubesadmin.exc.QubesNoSuchPropertyError, AttributeError):
tree.append((0, dom))
for dom in sorted(domains):
if dom.netvm is None and dom.provides_network:
tree.append((0, dom))
tree += self.tree_append_child(dom, 1)
return tree
def write_table(self, stream=sys.stdout):
'''Write whole table to file-like object.
:param file stream: Stream to write the table to.
table_data = []
if not self.raw_data:
self.spinner.show('please wait...')
if self.tree_sorted:
insertion_vm_list = self.sort_to_tree(self.domains)
for insertion, vm in insertion_vm_list:
table_data.append(self.get_row(vm, insertion))
for vm in sorted(self.domains):
qubesadmin.tools.print_table(table_data, stream=stream)
for vm in sorted(self.domains):
stream.write('|'.join(self.get_row(vm)) + '\n')
#: Available formats. Feel free to plug your own one.
formats = {
'simple': ('name', 'state', 'class', 'label', 'template', 'netvm'),
'network': ('name', 'state', 'netvm', 'ip', 'ipback', 'gateway'),
'kernel': ('name', 'state', 'class', 'template', 'kernel', 'kernelopts'),
'full': ('name', 'state', 'class', 'label', 'qid', 'xid', 'uuid'),
# 'perf': ('name', 'state', 'cpu', 'memory'),
'disk': ('name', 'state', 'disk',
'priv-curr', 'priv-max', 'priv-used',
'root-curr', 'root-max', 'root-used'),
class _HelpColumnsAction(argparse.Action):
'''Action for argument parser that displays all columns and exits.'''
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
def __init__(self,
help='list all available columns with short descriptions and exit'):
super(_HelpColumnsAction, self).__init__(
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
width = max(len(column.ls_head) for column in Column.columns.values())
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=80,
initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' ' * (width + 6))
text = 'Available columns:\n' + '\n'.join(
wrapper.fill('{head:{width}s} {doc}'.format(
doc=column.__doc__ or '',
for column in sorted(Column.columns.values()))
text += '\n\nAdditionally any VM property may be used as a column, ' \
'see qvm-prefs --help-properties for available values'
parser.exit(message=text + '\n')
class _HelpFormatsAction(argparse.Action):
'''Action for argument parser that displays all formats and exits.'''
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
def __init__(self,
help='list all available formats with their definitions and exit'):
super(_HelpFormatsAction, self).__init__(
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
width = max(len(fmt) for fmt in formats)
text = 'Available formats:\n' + ''.join(
' {fmt:{width}s} {columns}\n'.format(
fmt=fmt, columns=','.join(formats[fmt]).upper(), width=width)
for fmt in sorted(formats))
# common VM power states for easy command-line filtering
DOMAIN_POWER_STATES = ['running', 'paused', 'halted']
def matches_power_states(domain, **states):
'''Filter domains by their power state'''
# if all values are False (default) => return match on every VM
if not states or set(states.values()) == {False}:
return True
# otherwise => only VMs matching True states
requested_states = [state for state, active in states.items() if active]
return domain.get_power_state().lower() in requested_states
def get_parser():
'''Create :py:class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` suitable for
# parser creation is delayed to get all the columns that are scattered
# thorough the modules
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=80, break_on_hyphens=False,
initial_indent=' ', subsequent_indent=' ')
parser = qubesadmin.tools.QubesArgumentParser(
description='List Qubes domains and their parametres.',
epilog='available formats (see --help-formats):\n{}\n\n'
'available columns (see --help-columns):\n{}'.format(
wrapper.fill(', '.join(sorted(formats.keys()))),
wrapper.fill(', '.join(sorted(sorted(Column.columns.keys()))))))
parser.add_argument('--help-columns', action=_HelpColumnsAction)
parser.add_argument('--help-formats', action=_HelpFormatsAction)
parser_formats = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
parser_formats.add_argument('--format', '-o', metavar='FORMAT',
action='store', choices=formats.keys(), default='simple',
help='preset format')
parser_formats.add_argument('--fields', '-O', metavar='FIELD,...',
help='user specified format (see available columns below)')
parser.add_argument('--tags', nargs='+', metavar='TAG',
help='show only VMs having specific tag(s)')
for pwrstate in DOMAIN_POWER_STATES:
parser.add_argument('--{}'.format(pwrstate), action='store_true',
help='show {} VMs'.format(pwrstate))
parser.add_argument('--raw-data', action='store_true',
help='Display specify data of specified VMs. Intended for '
parser.add_argument('--tree', '-t',
action='store_const', const='tree',
help='sort domain list as network tree')
action='store_true', dest='spinner',
help='reenable spinner')
action='store_false', dest='spinner',
help='disable spinner')
# shortcuts, compatibility with Qubes 3.2
parser.add_argument('--raw-list', action='store_true',
help='Same as --raw-data --fields=name')
parser.add_argument('--disk', '-d',
action='store_const', dest='format', const='disk',
help='Same as --format=disk')
parser.add_argument('--network', '-n',
action='store_const', dest='format', const='network',
help='Same as --format=network')
parser.add_argument('--kernel', '-k',
action='store_const', dest='format', const='kernel',
help='Same as --format=kernel')
# parser.add_argument('--conf', '-c',
# action='store', metavar='CFGFILE',
# help='Qubes config file')
return parser
def main(args=None, app=None):
'''Main routine of :program:`qvm-ls`.
:param list args: Optional arguments to override those delivered from \
command line.
:param app: Operate on given app object instead of instantiating new one.
parser = get_parser()
args = parser.parse_args(args, app=app)
except qubesadmin.exc.QubesException as e:
return 1
# fetch all the properties with one Admin API call, instead of issuing
# one call per property
args.app.cache_enabled = True
if args.raw_list:
args.raw_data = True
args.fields = 'name'
if args.fields:
columns = [col.strip() for col in args.fields.split(',')]
columns = formats[args.format]
# assume unknown columns are VM properties
for col in columns:
if col.upper() not in Column.columns:
if args.spinner and not args.raw_data:
# we need Enterprise Edition™, since it's the only one that detects TTY
# and uses dots if we are redirected somewhere else
spinner = qubesadmin.spinner.QubesSpinnerEnterpriseEdition(sys.stderr)
spinner = qubesadmin.spinner.DummySpinner(sys.stderr)
if args.domains:
domains = args.domains
domains = args.app.domains
if args.all_domains:
# Normally, --all means "all domains except for AdminVM".
# However, in the case of qvm-ls it does not make sense to exclude
# AdminVMs, so we override the list from parser.
domains = [
vm for vm in args.app.domains if vm.name not in args.exclude
if args.tags:
# filter only VMs having at least one of the specified tags
domains = [dom for dom in domains
if set(dom.tags).intersection(set(args.tags))]
pwrstates = {state: getattr(args, state) for state in DOMAIN_POWER_STATES}
domains = [d for d in domains
if matches_power_states(d, **pwrstates)]
table = Table(domains, columns, spinner, args.raw_data, args.tree)
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':