Properly report QubesDaemonCommunicationError, instead of confusing IOError or FileNotFoundError
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# -*- encoding: utf8 -*-
# The Qubes OS Project, http://www.qubes-os.org
# Copyright (C) 2017 Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
# <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Main Qubes() class and related classes.
import os
import shlex
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import logging
import qubesadmin.base
import qubesadmin.exc
import qubesadmin.label
import qubesadmin.storage
import qubesadmin.utils
import qubesadmin.vm
import qubesadmin.config
BUF_SIZE = 4096
class VMCollection(object):
'''Collection of VMs objects'''
def __init__(self, app):
self.app = app
self._vm_list = None
self._vm_objects = {}
def clear_cache(self):
'''Clear cached list of VMs'''
self._vm_list = None
def refresh_cache(self, force=False):
'''Refresh cached list of VMs'''
if not force and self._vm_list is not None:
vm_list_data = self.app.qubesd_call(
new_vm_list = {}
# FIXME: this will probably change
for vm_data in vm_list_data.splitlines():
vm_name, props = vm_data.decode('ascii').split(' ', 1)
vm_name = str(vm_name)
props = props.split(' ')
new_vm_list[vm_name] = dict(
[vm_prop.split('=', 1) for vm_prop in props])
self._vm_list = new_vm_list
for name, vm in list(self._vm_objects.items()):
if vm.name not in self._vm_list:
# VM no longer exists
del self._vm_objects[name]
elif vm.__class__.__name__ != self._vm_list[vm.name]['class']:
# VM class have changed
del self._vm_objects[name]
# TODO: some generation ID, to detect VM re-creation
elif name != vm.name:
# renamed
self._vm_objects[vm.name] = vm
del self._vm_objects[name]
def __getitem__(self, item):
if not self.app.blind_mode and item not in self:
raise KeyError(item)
return self.get_blind(item)
def get_blind(self, item):
Get a vm without downloading the list
and checking if exists
if item not in self._vm_objects:
cls = qubesadmin.vm.QubesVM
# provide class name to constructor, if already cached (which can be
# done by 'item not in self' check above, unless blind_mode is
# enabled
klass = None
if self._vm_list and item in self._vm_list:
klass = self._vm_list[item]['class']
self._vm_objects[item] = cls(self.app, item, klass=klass)
return self._vm_objects[item]
def __contains__(self, item):
return item in self._vm_list
def __delitem__(self, key):
self.app.qubesd_call(key, 'admin.vm.Remove')
def __iter__(self):
for vm in sorted(self._vm_list):
yield self[vm]
def keys(self):
'''Get list of VM names.'''
return self._vm_list.keys()
def values(self):
'''Get list of VM objects.'''
return [self[name] for name in self._vm_list]
class QubesBase(qubesadmin.base.PropertyHolder):
'''Main Qubes application'''
#: domains (VMs) collection
domains = None
#: labels collection
labels = None
#: storage pools
pools = None
#: type of qubesd connection: either 'socket' or 'qrexec'
qubesd_connection_type = None
#: logger
log = None
#: do not check for object (VM, label etc) existence before really needed
blind_mode = False
def __init__(self):
super(QubesBase, self).__init__(self, 'admin.property.', 'dom0')
self.domains = VMCollection(self)
self.labels = qubesadmin.base.WrapperObjectsCollection(
self, 'admin.label.List', qubesadmin.label.Label)
self.pools = qubesadmin.base.WrapperObjectsCollection(
self, 'admin.pool.List', qubesadmin.storage.Pool)
#: cache for available storage pool drivers and options to create them
self._pool_drivers = None
self.log = logging.getLogger('app')
def _refresh_pool_drivers(self):
Refresh cached storage pool drivers and their parameters.
:return: None
if self._pool_drivers is None:
pool_drivers_data = self.qubesd_call(
'dom0', 'admin.pool.ListDrivers', None, None)
assert pool_drivers_data.endswith(b'\n')
pool_drivers = {}
for driver_line in pool_drivers_data.decode('ascii').splitlines():
if not driver_line:
driver_name, driver_options = driver_line.split(' ', 1)
pool_drivers[driver_name] = driver_options.split(' ')
self._pool_drivers = pool_drivers
def pool_drivers(self):
''' Available storage pool drivers '''
return self._pool_drivers.keys()
def pool_driver_parameters(self, driver):
''' Parameters to initialize storage pool using given driver '''
return self._pool_drivers[driver]
def add_pool(self, name, driver, **kwargs):
''' Add a storage pool to config
:param name: name of storage pool to create
:param driver: driver to use, see :py:meth:`pool_drivers` for
available drivers
:param kwargs: configuration parameters for storage pool,
see :py:meth:`pool_driver_parameters` for a list
# sort parameters only to ease testing, not required by API
payload = 'name={}\n'.format(name) + \
''.join('{}={}\n'.format(key, value)
for key, value in sorted(kwargs.items()))
self.qubesd_call('dom0', 'admin.pool.Add', driver,
def remove_pool(self, name):
''' Remove a storage pool '''
self.qubesd_call('dom0', 'admin.pool.Remove', name, None)
def get_label(self, label):
'''Get label as identified by index or name
:throws KeyError: when label is not found
# first search for name, verbatim
return self.labels[label]
except KeyError:
# then search for index
if label.isdigit():
for i in self.labels:
if i.index == int(label):
return i
raise KeyError(label)
def get_vm_class(clsname):
'''Find the class for a domain.
Compatibility function, client tools use str to identify domain classes.
:param str clsname: name of the class
:return str: class
return clsname
def add_new_vm(self, cls, name, label, template=None, pool=None,
'''Create new Virtual Machine
Example usage with custom storage pools:
>>> app = qubesadmin.Qubes()
>>> pools = {'private': 'external'}
>>> vm = app.add_new_vm('AppVM', 'my-new-vm', 'red',
>>> 'my-template', pools=pools)
>>> vm.netvm = app.domains['sys-whonix']
:param str cls: name of VM class (`AppVM`, `TemplateVM` etc)
:param str name: name of VM
:param str label: label color for new VM
:param str template: template to use (if apply for given VM class),
can be also VM object; use None for default value
:param str pool: storage pool to use instead of default one
:param dict pools: storage pool for specific volumes
:return new VM object
if not isinstance(cls, str):
cls = cls.__name__
if template is qubesadmin.DEFAULT:
template = None
elif template is not None:
template = str(template)
if pool and pools:
raise ValueError('only one of pool= and pools= can be used')
method_prefix = 'admin.vm.Create.'
payload = 'name={} label={}'.format(name, label)
if pool:
payload += ' pool={}'.format(str(pool))
method_prefix = 'admin.vm.CreateInPool.'
if pools:
payload += ''.join(' pool:{}={}'.format(vol, str(pool))
for vol, pool in sorted(pools.items()))
method_prefix = 'admin.vm.CreateInPool.'
self.qubesd_call('dom0', method_prefix + cls, template,
return self.domains[name]
def clone_vm(self, src_vm, new_name, new_cls=None,
pool=None, pools=None, ignore_errors=False):
'''Clone Virtual Machine
Example usage with custom storage pools:
>>> app = qubesadmin.Qubes()
>>> pools = {'private': 'external'}
>>> src_vm = app.domains['personal']
>>> vm = app.clone_vm(src_vm, 'my-new-vm', pools=pools)
>>> vm.label = app.labels['green']
:param QubesVM or str src_vm: source VM
:param str new_name: name of new VM
:param str new_cls: name of VM class (`AppVM`, `TemplateVM` etc) - use
None to copy it from *src_vm*
:param str pool: storage pool to use instead of default one
:param dict pools: storage pool for specific volumes
:param bool ignore_errors: should errors on meta-data setting be only
logged, or abort the whole operation?
:return new VM object
if pool and pools:
raise ValueError('only one of pool= and pools= can be used')
if isinstance(src_vm, str):
src_vm = self.domains[src_vm]
if new_cls is None:
new_cls = src_vm.klass
template = getattr(src_vm, 'template', None)
if template is not None:
template = str(template)
label = src_vm.label
method_prefix = 'admin.vm.Create.'
payload = 'name={} label={}'.format(new_name, label)
if pool:
payload += ' pool={}'.format(str(pool))
method_prefix = 'admin.vm.CreateInPool.'
if pools:
payload += ''.join(' pool:{}={}'.format(vol, str(pool))
for vol, pool in sorted(pools.items()))
method_prefix = 'admin.vm.CreateInPool.'
self.qubesd_call('dom0', method_prefix + new_cls, template,
dst_vm = self.domains[new_name]
assert isinstance(dst_vm, qubesadmin.vm.QubesVM)
for prop in src_vm.property_list():
# handled by admin.vm.Create call
if prop in ('name', 'qid', 'template', 'label', 'uuid', \
if src_vm.property_is_default(prop):
setattr(dst_vm, prop, getattr(src_vm, prop))
except AttributeError:
except qubesadmin.exc.QubesException as e:
'Failed to set {!s} property: {!s}'.format(prop, e))
if not ignore_errors:
for tag in src_vm.tags:
if tag.startswith('created-by-'):
except qubesadmin.exc.QubesException as e:
'Failed to add {!s} tag: {!s}'.format(tag, e))
if not ignore_errors:
for feature, value in src_vm.features.items():
dst_vm.features[feature] = value
except qubesadmin.exc.QubesException as e:
'Failed to set {!s} feature: {!s}'.format(feature, e))
if not ignore_errors:
except qubesadmin.exc.QubesException as e:
self.log.error('Failed to set firewall: %s', e)
if not ignore_errors:
except qubesadmin.exc.QubesException:
if not ignore_errors:
del self.domains[dst_vm.name]
for dst_volume in sorted(dst_vm.volumes.values()):
if not dst_volume.save_on_stop:
# clone only persistent volumes
src_volume = src_vm.volumes[dst_volume.name]
dst_vm.log.info('Cloning {} volume'.format(dst_volume.name))
except qubesadmin.exc.QubesException:
del self.domains[dst_vm.name]
return dst_vm
def run_service(self, dest, service, filter_esc=False, user=None,
localcmd=None, wait=True, **kwargs):
'''Run qrexec service in a given destination
*kwargs* are passed verbatim to :py:meth:`subprocess.Popen`.
:param str dest: Destination - may be a VM name or empty
string for default (for a given service)
:param str service: service name
:param bool filter_esc: filter escape sequences to protect terminal \
:param str user: username to run service as
:param str localcmd: Command to connect stdin/stdout to
:rtype: subprocess.Popen
raise NotImplementedError
class QubesLocal(QubesBase):
'''Application object communicating through local socket.
Used when running in dom0.
qubesd_connection_type = 'socket'
def qubesd_call(self, dest, method, arg=None, payload=None,
Execute Admin API method.
Only one of `payload` and `payload_stream` can be specified.
:param dest: Destination VM name
:param method: Full API method name ('admin...')
:param arg: Method argument (if any)
:param payload: Payload send to the method
:param payload_stream: file-like object to read payload from
:return: Data returned by qubesd (string)
.. warning:: *payload_stream* will get closed by this function
if payload and payload_stream:
raise ValueError(
'Only one of payload and payload_stream can be used')
if payload_stream:
# payload_stream can be used for large amount of data,
# so optimize for throughput, not latency: spawn actual qrexec
# service implementation, which may use some optimization there (
# see admin.vm.volume.Import - actual data handling is done with dd)
method_path = os.path.join(
qubesadmin.config.QREXEC_SERVICES_DIR, method)
if not os.path.exists(method_path):
raise qubesadmin.exc.QubesDaemonCommunicationError(
'{} not found'.format(method_path))
command = ['env', 'QREXEC_REMOTE_DOMAIN=dom0',
'QREXEC_REQUESTED_TARGET=' + dest, method_path, arg]
if os.getuid() != 0:
command.insert(0, 'sudo')
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=payload_stream,
(return_data, _) = proc.communicate()
return self._parse_qubesd_response(return_data)
client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
except (IOError, OSError) as e:
raise qubesadmin.exc.QubesDaemonCommunicationError(
'Failed to connect to qubesd service: %s', str(e))
# src, method, dest, arg
for call_arg in ('dom0', method, dest, arg):
if call_arg is not None:
if payload is not None:
return_data = client_socket.makefile('rb').read()
return self._parse_qubesd_response(return_data)
def run_service(self, dest, service, filter_esc=False, user=None,
localcmd=None, wait=True, **kwargs):
'''Run qrexec service in a given destination
:param str dest: Destination - may be a VM name or empty
string for default (for a given service)
:param str service: service name
:param bool filter_esc: filter escape sequences to protect terminal \
:param str user: username to run service as
:param str localcmd: Command to connect stdin/stdout to
:param bool wait: wait for remote process to finish
:param int connect_timeout: qrexec client connection timeout
:rtype: subprocess.Popen
if not dest:
raise ValueError('Empty destination name allowed only from a VM')
if not wait and localcmd:
raise ValueError('wait=False incompatible with localcmd')
self.qubesd_call(dest, 'admin.vm.Start')
except qubesadmin.exc.QubesVMNotHaltedError:
qrexec_opts = ['-d', dest]
if filter_esc:
if filter_esc or os.isatty(sys.stderr.fileno()):
if localcmd:
qrexec_opts.extend(['-l', localcmd])
if user is None:
user = 'DEFAULT'
if not wait:
if 'connect_timeout' in kwargs:
qrexec_opts.extend(['-w', str(kwargs.pop('connect_timeout'))])
kwargs.setdefault('stdin', subprocess.PIPE)
kwargs.setdefault('stdout', subprocess.PIPE)
kwargs.setdefault('stderr', subprocess.PIPE)
proc = subprocess.Popen([qubesadmin.config.QREXEC_CLIENT] +
qrexec_opts + ['{}:QUBESRPC {} dom0'.format(user, service)],
return proc
class QubesRemote(QubesBase):
'''Application object communicating through qrexec services.
Used when running in VM.
qubesd_connection_type = 'qrexec'
def qubesd_call(self, dest, method, arg=None, payload=None,
Execute Admin API method.
Only one of `payload` and `payload_stream` can be specified.
:param dest: Destination VM name
:param method: Full API method name ('admin...')
:param arg: Method argument (if any)
:param payload: Payload send to the method
:param payload_stream: file-like object to read payload from
:return: Data returned by qubesd (string)
.. warning:: *payload_stream* will get closed by this function
if payload and payload_stream:
raise ValueError(
'Only one of payload and payload_stream can be used')
service_name = method
if arg is not None:
service_name += '+' + arg
p = subprocess.Popen([qubesadmin.config.QREXEC_CLIENT_VM,
dest, service_name],
stdin=(payload_stream or subprocess.PIPE),
if payload_stream is not None:
(stdout, stderr) = p.communicate(payload)
if p.returncode != 0:
raise qubesadmin.exc.QubesDaemonNoResponseError(
'Service call error: %s', stderr.decode())
return self._parse_qubesd_response(stdout)
def run_service(self, dest, service, filter_esc=False, user=None,
localcmd=None, wait=True, **kwargs):
'''Run qrexec service in a given destination
:param str dest: Destination - may be a VM name or empty
string for default (for a given service)
:param str service: service name
:param bool filter_esc: filter escape sequences to protect terminal \
:param str user: username to run service as
:param str localcmd: Command to connect stdin/stdout to
:param bool wait: wait for process to finish
:rtype: subprocess.Popen
if filter_esc:
raise NotImplementedError(
'filter_esc not implemented for calls from VM')
if user:
raise ValueError(
'non-default user not possible for calls from VM')
if not wait and localcmd:
raise ValueError('wait=False incompatible with localcmd')
if not wait:
# qrexec-client-vm can only request service calls, which are
# started using MSG_EXEC_CMDLINE qrexec protocol message; this
# message means "start the process, pipe its stdin/out/err,
# and when it terminates, send exit code back".
# According to the protocol qrexec-client-vm needs to wait for
# MSG_DATA_EXIT_CODE, so implementing wait=False would require
# some protocol change (or protocol violation).
raise NotImplementedError(
'wait=False not implemented for calls from VM')
kwargs.setdefault('stdin', subprocess.PIPE)
kwargs.setdefault('stdout', subprocess.PIPE)
kwargs.setdefault('stderr', subprocess.PIPE)
proc = subprocess.Popen([qubesadmin.config.QREXEC_CLIENT_VM,
dest or '', service] + (shlex.split(localcmd) if localcmd else []),
return proc