qvm-create.rst 3.2 KB

  1. .. program:: qvm-create
  2. :program:`qvm-create` -- create new domain
  3. ==========================================
  4. Synopsis
  5. --------
  6. :command:`qvm-create` [-h] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--force-root] [--class *CLS*] [--property *NAME*=*VALUE*] [--pool *POOL_NAME:VOLUME_NAME*] [--template *VALUE*] --label *VALUE* [--root-copy-from *FILENAME* | --root-move-from *FILENAME*] *VMNAME*
  7. :command:`qvm-create` --help-classes
  8. Options
  9. -------
  10. .. option:: --help, -h
  11. show help message and exit
  12. .. option:: --verbose, -v
  13. Increase verbosity.
  14. .. option:: --quiet, -q
  15. Decrease verbosity.
  16. .. option:: --standalone
  17. shortcut for --class StandaloneVM, see below
  18. .. option:: --disp
  19. shortcut for --class DispVM --label red, see below
  20. .. option:: --help-classes
  21. List available qube classes and exit. See below for short description.
  22. .. option:: --class, -C
  23. The new domain class name (default: **AppVM** for
  24. :py:class:`qubes.vm.appvm.AppVM`).
  25. .. option:: --prop=NAME=VALUE, --property=NAME=VALUE
  26. Set domain's property, like "internal", "memory" or "vcpus". Any property may
  27. be set this way, even "qid".
  28. .. option:: --template=VALUE, -t VALUE
  29. Specify the TemplateVM to use, when applicable. This is an alias for
  30. ``--property template=VALUE``.
  31. .. option:: --label=VALUE, -l VALUE
  32. Specify the label to use for the new domain (e.g. red, yellow, green, ...).
  33. This in an alias for ``--property label=VALUE``.
  34. .. option:: --root-copy-from=FILENAME, -r FILENAME
  35. Use provided :file:`root.img` instead of default/empty one (file will be
  36. *copied*). This option is mutually exclusive with :option:`--root-move-from`.
  37. .. option:: --root-move-from=FILENAME, -R FILENAME
  38. Use provided :file:`root.img` instead of default/empty one (file will be
  39. *moved*). This option is mutually exclusive with :option:`--root-copy-from`.
  40. .. option:: -P POOL
  41. Pool to use for the new domain. All volumes besides snapshots volumes are
  42. imported in to the specified POOL. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT TO USE NORMALLY.
  43. .. option:: --pool=POOL:VOLUME, -p POOL:VOLUME
  44. Specify the pool to use for the specific volume
  45. Qube classes
  46. ------------
  47. Qube class (or type) specify basic features of it, mostly what data persists
  48. across reboots and what properties qube have.
  49. AppVM
  50. ^^^^^
  51. Default qube class, for template-based qubes. In this type, root volume is used
  52. from its template and changes made to it are discarded at qube restart. Changes
  53. in qube's private volume are persistent.
  54. StandaloneVM
  55. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  56. This qube class have both root and private volumes persistent. This qube type
  57. does not have template property.
  58. TemplateVM
  59. ^^^^^^^^^^
  60. A qube that can be used as a template for `AppVM`. Otherwise very similar to
  61. `StandaloneVM`.
  62. DispVM
  63. ^^^^^^
  64. A disposable qube - no data persists across qube restarts. It must have template
  65. set to an `AppVM` instance that have `dispvm_allowed` property set to true (see
  66. :manpage:`qvm-prefs(1)`).
  67. Authors
  68. -------
  69. | Joanna Rutkowska <joanna at invisiblethingslab dot com>
  70. | Rafal Wojtczuk <rafal at invisiblethingslab dot com>
  71. | Marek Marczykowski <marmarek at invisiblethingslab dot com>
  72. | Wojtek Porczyk <woju at invisiblethingslab dot com>
  73. | Bahtiar `kalkin-` Gadimov <bahtiar at gadimov dot de>
  74. .. vim: ts=3 sw=3 et tw=80