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storage: added the callback pool driver

3hhh пре 3 година
4 измењених фајлова са 542 додато и 0 уклоњено
  1. 442 0
  2. 97 0
  3. 2 0
  4. 1 0

+ 442 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+# The Qubes OS Project, https://www.qubes-os.org/
+# Copyright (C) 2020  David Hobach <david@hobach.de>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import logging
+import subprocess
+import importlib
+import json
+from shlex import quote
+import qubes.storage
+class CallbackPool(qubes.storage.Pool):
+    ''' Proxy storage pool driver adding callback functionality to other pool drivers.
+    This way, users can extend storage pool drivers with custom functionality using the programming language of their choice.
+    All configuration for this pool driver must be done in `/etc/qubes_callback.json`. Each configuration ID `conf_id` can be used
+    to create a callback pool with e.g. `qvm-pool -o conf_id=your_conf_id -a pool_name callback`.
+    Check the `qubes_callback.json.example` for an overview of the available options.
+    Example applications of this driver:
+        - custom pool mounts
+        - encryption
+        - debugging
+    **Integration tests**:
+    (all of these tests assume the `qubes_callback.json.example` configuration)
+    Tests that should **fail**:
+    ```
+    qvm-pool -a test callback
+    qvm-pool -o conf_id=non-existing -a test callback
+    qvm-pool -o conf_id=conf_id -a test callback
+    qvm-pool -o conf_id=testing-fail-missing-all -a test callback
+    qvm-pool -o conf_id=testing-fail-missing-bdriver-args -a test callback
+    ```
+    Tests that should **work**:
+    ```
+    qvm-pool -o conf_id=testing-succ-file-01 -a test callback
+    qvm-pool
+    ls /mnt/test01
+    qvm-pool -r test && sudo rm -rf /mnt/test01
+    echo '#!/bin/bash'$'\n''i=0 ; for arg in "$@" ; do echo "$i: $arg" >> /tmp/callback.log ; (( i++)) ; done ; exit 0' > /usr/bin/testCbLogArgs && chmod +x /usr/bin/testCbLogArgs
+    rm -f /tmp/callback.log
+    qvm-pool -o conf_id=testing-succ-file-02 -a test callback
+    qvm-pool
+    ls /mnt/test02
+    less /tmp/callback.log (on_ctor & on_setup should be there and in that order)
+    qvm-create -l red -P test test-vm
+    cat /tmp/callback.log (2x on_volume_create should be added)
+    qvm-start test-vm
+    qvm-volume | grep test-vm
+    grep test-vm /var/lib/qubes/qubes.xml
+    ls /mnt/test02/appvms/
+    cat /tmp/callback.log (2x on_volume_start should be added)
+    qvm-shutdown test-vm
+    cat /tmp/callback.log (2x on_volume_stop should be added)
+    #reboot
+    cat /tmp/callback.log (only (!) on_ctor should be there)
+    qvm-start test-vm
+    cat /tmp/callback.log (on_sinit & 2x on_volume_start should be added)
+    qvm-shutdown --wait test-vm && qvm-remove test-vm
+    qvm-pool -r test && sudo rm -rf /mnt/test02
+    less /tmp/callback.log (2x on_volume_stop, 2x on_volume_remove, on_destroy should be added)
+    qvm-pool -o conf_id=testing-succ-file-03 -a test callback
+    qvm-pool
+    ls /mnt/test03
+    less /tmp/callback.log (on_ctor & on_setup should be there, no more arguments)
+    qvm-pool -r test && sudo rm -rf /mnt/test03
+    less /tmp/callback.log (nothing should have been added)
+    #luks pool test:
+    #(make sure /mnt/test.key & /mnt/test.luks don't exist)
+    qvm-pool -o conf_id=testing-succ-file-luks -a tluks callback
+    ls /mnt/
+    qvm-pool
+    sudo cryptsetup status test-luks
+    sudo mount | grep test_luks
+    ls /mnt/test_luks/
+    qvm-create -l red -P tluks test-luks (journalctl -b0 should show two on_volume_create callbacks)
+    ls /mnt/test_luks/appvms/test-luks/
+    qvm-volume | grep test-luks
+    qvm-start test-luks
+    #reboot
+    grep luks /var/lib/qubes/qubes.xml
+    sudo cryptsetup status test-luks (should be inactive due to late on_sinit!)
+    qvm-start test-luks
+    sudo mount | grep test_luks
+    qvm-shutdown --wait test-luks
+    qvm-remove test-luks
+    qvm-pool -r tluks
+    sudo cryptsetup status test-luks
+    ls -l /mnt/
+    #ephemeral luks pool test (key in RAM / lost on reboot):
+    qvm-pool -o conf_id=testing-succ-file-luks-eph -a teph callback (executes setup() twice due to signal_back)
+    ls /mnt/
+    ls /mnt/ram
+    md5sum /mnt/ram/teph.key (1)
+    sudo mount|grep -E 'ram|test'
+    sudo cryptsetup status test-eph
+    qvm-create -l red -P teph test-eph (should execute two on_volume_create callbacks)
+    qvm-volume | grep test-eph
+    ls /mnt/test_eph/appvms
+    qvm-start test-eph
+    #reboot
+    ls /mnt/ram (should be empty)
+    ls /mnt/
+    sudo mount|grep -E 'ram|test' (should be empty)
+    qvm-ls | grep eph (should still have test-eph)
+    grep eph /var/lib/qubes/qubes.xml (should still have test-eph)
+    qvm-remove test-eph (should create a new encrypted pool backend)
+    sudo cryptsetup status test-eph
+    grep eph /var/lib/qubes/qubes.xml (only the pool should be left)
+    ls /mnt/test_eph/ (should have the appvms directory etc.)
+    qvm-create -l red -P teph test-eph2
+    ls /mnt/test_eph/appvms/
+    ls /mnt/ram
+    qvm-start test-eph2
+    md5sum /mnt/ram/teph.key ((2), different than in (1))
+    qvm-shutdown --wait test-eph2
+    systemctl restart qubesd
+    qvm-start test-eph2 (trigger storage re-init)
+    md5sum /mnt/ram/teph.key (same as in (2))
+    qvm-shutdown test-eph2
+    sudo umount /mnt/test_eph
+    qvm-create -l red -P teph test-eph-fail (must fail with error in journalctl)
+    ls /mnt/test_eph/ (should be empty)
+    systemctl restart qubesd
+    qvm-remove test-eph2
+    qvm-create -l red -P teph test-eph3
+    md5sum /mnt/ram/teph.key (same as in (2))
+    sudo mount|grep -E 'ram|test'
+    ls /mnt/test_eph/appvms/test_eph3
+    qvm-remove test-eph3
+    qvm-ls | grep test-eph
+    qvm-pool -r teph
+    grep eph /var/lib/qubes/qubes.xml (nothing should be left)
+    qvm-pool
+    ls /mnt/
+    ls /mnt/ram/ (should be empty)
+    ```
+    '''  # pylint: disable=protected-access
+    driver = 'callback'
+    config_path='/etc/qubes_callback.json'
+    def __init__(self, *, name, conf_id):
+        '''Constructor.
+        :param conf_id: Identifier as found inside the user-controlled configuration at `/etc/qubes_callback.json`.
+                       Non-ASCII, non-alphanumeric characters may be disallowed.
+                       **Security Note**: Depending on your RPC policy (admin.pool.Add) this constructor and its parameters
+                       may be called from an untrusted VM (not by default though). In those cases it may be security-relevant
+                       not to pick easily guessable `conf_id` values for your configuration as untrusted VMs may otherwise
+                       execute callbacks meant for other pools.
+        '''
+        self._cb_ctor_done = False
+        assert isinstance(conf_id, str), 'conf_id is no String. VM attack?!'
+        self._cb_conf_id = conf_id
+        with open(CallbackPool.config_path) as json_file:
+            conf_all = json.load(json_file)
+        assert isinstance(conf_all, dict), 'The file %s is supposed to define a dict.' % CallbackPool.config_path
+        try:
+            self._cb_conf = conf_all[self._cb_conf_id]
+        except KeyError:
+            #we cannot throw KeyErrors as we'll otherwise generate incorrect error messages @qubes.app._get_pool()
+            raise NameError('The specified conf_id %s could not be found inside %s.' % (self._cb_conf_id, CallbackPool.config_path))
+        try:
+            bdriver = self._cb_conf['bdriver']
+        except KeyError:
+            raise NameError('Missing bdriver for the conf_id %s inside %s.' % (self._cb_conf_id, CallbackPool.config_path))
+        self._cb_cmd_arg = json.dumps(self._cb_conf, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
+        try:
+            cls = qubes.utils.get_entry_point_one(qubes.storage.STORAGE_ENTRY_POINT, bdriver)
+        except KeyError:
+            raise NameError('The driver %s was not found on your system.' % bdriver)
+        assert issubclass(cls, qubes.storage.Pool), 'The class %s must be a subclass of qubes.storage.Pool.' % cls
+        self._cb_requires_init = self._check_init()
+        bdriver_args = self._cb_conf.get('bdriver_args', {})
+        self._cb_impl = cls(name=name, **bdriver_args)
+        super().__init__(name=name, revisions_to_keep=int(bdriver_args.get('revisions_to_keep', 1)))
+        self._cb_ctor_done = True
+        self._callback('on_ctor')
+    def _check_init(self):
+        ''' Whether or not this object requires late storage initialization via callback. '''
+        cmd = self._cb_conf.get('on_sinit')
+        if not cmd:
+            cmd = self._cb_conf.get('cmd')
+        return bool(cmd and cmd != '-')
+    def _init(self, callback=True):
+        #late initialization on first use for e.g. decryption on first usage request
+        #maybe TODO: if this function is meant to be run in parallel (are Pool operations asynchronous?), a function lock is required!
+        if callback:
+            self._callback('on_sinit')
+        self._cb_requires_init = False
+    def _assertInitialized(self, **kwargs):
+        if self._cb_requires_init:
+            self._init(**kwargs)
+    def _callback(self, cb, cb_args=[], log=logging.getLogger('qubes.storage.callback')):
+        '''Run a callback.
+        :param cb: Callback identifier string.
+        :param cb_args: Optional arguments to pass to the command as first arguments.
+                        Only passed on for the generic command specified as `cmd`, not for `on_xyz` callbacks.
+        '''
+        if self._cb_ctor_done:
+            cmd = self._cb_conf.get(cb)
+            args = [] #on_xyz callbacks should never receive arguments
+            if not cmd:
+                cmd = self._cb_conf.get('cmd')
+                args = [ self.name, self._cb_conf['bdriver'], cb, self._cb_cmd_arg, *cb_args ]
+            if cmd and cmd != '-':
+                args = filter(None, args)
+                args = ' '.join(quote(str(a)) for a in args)
+                cmd = ' '.join(filter(None, [cmd, args]))
+                log.info('callback driver executing (%s, %s %s): %s' % (self._cb_conf_id, cb, cb_args, cmd))
+                res = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, check=True, executable='/bin/bash', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
+                #stdout & stderr are reported if the exit code check fails
+                log.debug('callback driver stdout (%s, %s %s): %s' % (self._cb_conf_id, cb, cb_args, res.stdout))
+                log.debug('callback driver stderr (%s, %s %s): %s' % (self._cb_conf_id, cb, cb_args, res.stderr))
+                if self._cb_conf.get('signal_back', False) is True:
+                    self._process_signals(res.stdout, log)
+    def _process_signals(self, out, log=logging.getLogger('qubes.storage.callback')):
+        '''Process any signals found inside a string.
+        :param out: String to check for signals. Each signal must be on a dedicated line.
+                    They are executed in the order they are found. Callbacks are not triggered.
+        '''
+        for line in out.splitlines():
+            if line == 'SIGNAL_setup':
+                log.info('callback driver processing SIGNAL_setup for %s' % self._cb_conf_id)
+                self.setup(callback=False)
+    def __del__(self):
+        s = super()
+        if hasattr(s, '__del__'):
+            s.__del__()
+    @property
+    def config(self):
+        return {
+            'name': self.name,
+            'driver': CallbackPool.driver,
+            'conf_id': self._cb_conf_id,
+        }
+    def destroy(self):
+        self._assertInitialized()
+        ret = self._cb_impl.destroy()
+        self._callback('on_destroy')
+        return ret
+    def init_volume(self, vm, volume_config):
+        return CallbackVolume(self, self._cb_impl.init_volume(vm, volume_config))
+    def setup(self, callback=True):
+        if callback:
+            self._callback('on_setup')
+        self._assertInitialized(callback=False) #setup is assumed to include initialization
+        return self._cb_impl.setup()
+    @property
+    def volumes(self):
+        for vol in self._cb_impl.volumes:
+            yield CallbackVolume(self, vol)
+    def list_volumes(self):
+        for vol in self._cb_impl.list_volumes():
+            yield CallbackVolume(self, vol)
+    def get_volume(self, vid):
+        return CallbackVolume(self, self._cb_impl.get_volume(vid))
+    def included_in(self, app):
+        if self._cb_requires_init:
+            return None
+        else:
+            return self._cb_impl.included_in(app)
+    @property
+    def size(self):
+        if self._cb_requires_init:
+            return None
+        else:
+            return self._cb_impl.size
+    @property
+    def usage(self):
+        if self._cb_requires_init:
+            return None
+        else:
+            return self._cb_impl.usage
+    #remaining method & attribute delegation ("delegation pattern")
+    #Convention: The methods of this object have priority over the delegated object's methods. All attributes are
+    #           passed to the delegated object unless their name starts with '_cb_'.
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        #NOTE: This method is only called when an attribute cannot be resolved locally (not part of the instance,
+        #       not part of the class tree). It is also called for methods that cannot be resolved.
+        return getattr(self._cb_impl, name)
+    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+        #NOTE: This method is called on every attribute assignment.
+        if name.startswith('_cb_'):
+            super().__setattr__(name, value)
+        else:
+            setattr(self._cb_impl, name, value)
+    def __delattr__(self, name):
+        if name.startswith('_cb_'):
+            super().__delattr__(name)
+        else:
+            delattr(self._cb_impl, name)
+class CallbackVolume:
+    ''' Proxy volume adding callback functionality to other volumes.
+        Required to support the `on_sinit` callback for late storage initialization.
+        **Important for Developers**: Even though instances of this class behave exactly as `qubes.storage.Volume` instances,
+                                    they are no such instances (e.g. `assert isinstance(obj, qubes.storage.Volume)` will fail).
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, pool, impl):
+        '''Constructor.
+        :param pool: `CallbackPool` of this volume
+        :param impl: `qubes.storage.Volume` object to wrap
+        '''
+        assert isinstance(impl, qubes.storage.Volume), 'impl must be a qubes.storage.Volume instance. Found a %s instance.' % impl.__class__
+        assert isinstance(pool, CallbackPool), 'pool must use a qubes.storage.CallbackPool instance. Found a %s instance.' % pool.__class__
+        self._cb_pool = pool
+        self._cb_impl = impl
+    def _assertInitialized(self, **kwargs):
+        return self._cb_pool._assertInitialized(**kwargs)
+    def _callback(self, cb, cb_args=[], **kwargs):
+        vol_args = [ *cb_args, self.name, self.vid ]
+        return self._cb_pool._callback(cb, cb_args=vol_args, **kwargs)
+    def create(self):
+        self._assertInitialized()
+        self._callback('on_volume_create')
+        return self._cb_impl.create()
+    def remove(self):
+        self._assertInitialized()
+        ret = self._cb_impl.remove()
+        self._callback('on_volume_remove')
+        return ret
+    def resize(self, size):
+        self._assertInitialized()
+        self._callback('on_volume_resize', cb_args=[size])
+        return self._cb_impl.resize(size)
+    def start(self):
+        self._assertInitialized()
+        self._callback('on_volume_start')
+        return self._cb_impl.start()
+    def stop(self):
+        self._assertInitialized()
+        ret = self._cb_impl.stop()
+        self._callback('on_volume_stop')
+        return ret
+    def import_data(self):
+        self._assertInitialized()
+        self._callback('on_volume_import_data')
+        return self._cb_impl.import_data()
+    def import_data_end(self, success):
+        self._assertInitialized()
+        ret = self._cb_impl.import_data_end(success)
+        self._callback('on_volume_import_data_end', cb_args=[success])
+        return ret
+    def import_volume(self, src_volume):
+        self._assertInitialized()
+        self._callback('on_volume_import', cb_args=[src_volume.vid])
+        return self._cb_impl.import_volume(src_volume)
+    def is_dirty(self):
+        if self._cb_pool._cb_requires_init:
+            return False
+        else:
+            return self._cb_impl.is_dirty()
+    def is_outdated(self):
+        if self._cb_pool._cb_requires_init:
+            return False
+        else:
+            return self._cb_impl.is_outdated()
+    #remaining method & attribute delegation
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        if name in [ 'block_device', 'verify', 'revert', 'export' ]:
+            self._assertInitialized()
+        return getattr(self._cb_impl, name)
+    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+        if name.startswith('_cb_'):
+            super().__setattr__(name, value)
+        else:
+            setattr(self._cb_impl, name, value)
+    def __delattr__(self, name):
+        if name.startswith('_cb_'):
+            super().__delattr__(name)
+        else:
+            delattr(self._cb_impl, name)

+ 97 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+    {
+        "bdriver": "Backend pool driver to proxy. This can be a class name or a full module path to a class implementing `qubes.storage.Pool`.",
+        "bdriver_args": {
+            "arg name 1": "arg value 1",
+            "arg name 2": "arg value 2"
+        },
+        "cmd": "Default command to call when the on_[op] operations are not specified (default: None). The command is called as such: `[cmd] [name] [bdriver] [operation] [ctor params]`. [name]: name of the pool, [operation]: any of the `on_` operations from below including its arguments, [bdriver]: backend driver of the pool, [ctor params]: Parameters passed to the `bdriver` constructor in JSON format. Each parameter is on a single line for easy parsing.",
+        "signal_back": "Boolean (true|false) to allow the executed commands to send signals back to the callback driver (default: false). Signals must be on a dedicated line on stdout. Currently only `SIGNAL_setup` is supported. When found, it causes the callback driver to re-setup the backend pool.",
+        "on_sinit": "Command to call before one-time storage initialization/first usage (default: None). Called exactly once for every `qubesd` start. Can be used to override `cmd`. Pass `-` to ignore this callback entirely even if `cmd` is specified.",
+        "on_ctor": "Command to call after object construction (default: None). Can be used to override `cmd`. Pass `-` to ignore this callback entirely even if `cmd` is specified.",
+        "on_setup": "Called before creation of a new pool. Same as above otherwise.",
+        "on_destroy": "Called after removal of an existing pool. Same as above otherwise.",
+        "on_volume_create": "Called before creation of a volume for the pool. Same as above otherwise.",
+        "on_volume_remove": "Called after removal of a volume of the pool. Same as above otherwise.",
+        "on_volume_resize": "Called before resizing a volume of the pool. Same as above otherwise.",
+        "on_volume_start": "Called before starting a volume of the pool. Same as above otherwise.",
+        "on_volume_stop": "Called after stopping a volume of the pool. Same as above otherwise.",
+        "on_volume_import": "Called before importing a volume from elsewhere. Same as above otherwise.",
+        "on_volume_import_data": "Called before importing a volume from elsewhere. Same as above otherwise.",
+        "on_volume_import_data_end": "Called after finishing an `import_data` action. Same as above otherwise.",
+        "description": "Optional description for your personal reference."
+    },
+    {
+        "description": "For testing purposes only."
+    },
+    {
+        "bdriver": "file",
+        "description": "For testing purposes only."
+    },
+    {
+        "bdriver": "file",
+        "bdriver_args": {
+            "dir_path": "/mnt/test01",
+            "revisions_to_keep": 0
+        },
+        "description": "For testing purposes only."
+    },
+    {
+        "bdriver": "file",
+        "bdriver_args": {
+            "dir_path": "/mnt/test02"
+        },
+        "cmd": "testCbLogArgs",
+        "description": "For testing purposes only."
+    },
+    {
+        "bdriver": "file",
+        "bdriver_args": {
+            "dir_path": "/mnt/test03"
+        },
+        "cmd": "exit 1",
+        "on_ctor": "testCbLogArgs on_ctor",
+        "on_sinit": "testCbLogArgs on_sinit",
+        "on_setup": "testCbLogArgs on_setup",
+        "on_destroy": "-",
+        "description": "For testing purposes only."
+    },
+    {
+        "bdriver": "file",
+        "bdriver_args": {
+            "dir_path": "/mnt/test_luks"
+        },
+        "on_ctor": "logger 'testing-succ-file-luks: ctor'",
+        "on_setup": "set -e -o pipefail ; [ ! -e /mnt/test.key ] ; [ ! -e /mnt/test.luks ] ; dd if=/dev/random bs=100 of=/mnt/test.key iflag=fullblock count=1 ; dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M of=/mnt/test.luks iflag=fullblock count=2048 ; cryptsetup luksFormat -q --key-file /mnt/test.key /mnt/test.luks ; cryptsetup open -q --key-file /mnt/test.key /mnt/test.luks test-luks ; mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/test-luks ; mkdir -p /mnt/test_luks ; mount /dev/mapper/test-luks /mnt/test_luks",
+        "on_sinit": "set -e -o pipefail ; if [[ \"$(findmnt -S /dev/mapper/test-luks -n -o TARGET)\" != \"/mnt/test_luks\" ]] ; then cryptsetup status test-luks > /dev/null || cryptsetup open -q --key-file /mnt/test.key /mnt/test.luks test-luks ; mount /dev/mapper/test-luks /mnt/test_luks ; else exit 0 ; fi",
+        "on_destroy": "umount /mnt/test_luks && cryptsetup close test-luks ; set -e -o pipefail ; dd if=/dev/urandom bs=100 of=/mnt/test.key iflag=fullblock count=1 ; rm -f /mnt/test.key ; rm -f /mnt/test.luks ; rmdir /mnt/test_luks",
+        "on_volume_create":          "[[ \"$(findmnt -S /dev/mapper/test-luks -n -o TARGET)\" == \"/mnt/test_luks\" ]]",
+        "on_volume_import":          "[[ \"$(findmnt -S /dev/mapper/test-luks -n -o TARGET)\" == \"/mnt/test_luks\" ]]",
+        "on_volume_import_data":     "[[ \"$(findmnt -S /dev/mapper/test-luks -n -o TARGET)\" == \"/mnt/test_luks\" ]]",
+        "on_volume_import_data_end": "[[ \"$(findmnt -S /dev/mapper/test-luks -n -o TARGET)\" == \"/mnt/test_luks\" ]]",
+        "description": "For testing purposes only: Showcasing seemless use of encrypted VM pools. For personal use, a dedicated script is recommended."
+    },
+    {
+        "bdriver": "file",
+        "bdriver_args": {
+            "dir_path": "/mnt/test_eph"
+        },
+        "signal_back": true,
+        "on_setup": "set -e -o pipefail ; if [[ \"$(findmnt -T /mnt/ram -o SOURCE -n)\" != \"ramfs\" ]] ; then mkdir -p /mnt/ram ; mount -t ramfs ramfs /mnt/ram ; fi ; if [[ \"$(findmnt -S /dev/mapper/test-eph -n -o TARGET)\" != \"/mnt/test_eph\" ]] ; then if [ -f /mnt/ram/teph.key ] ; then cryptsetup status test-eph > /dev/null || cryptsetup open -q --key-file /mnt/ram/teph.key /mnt/teph.luks test-eph ; else dd if=/dev/random bs=100 of=/mnt/ram/teph.key iflag=fullblock count=1 ; if [ ! -f /mnt/teph.luks ] ; then dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M of=/mnt/teph.luks iflag=fullblock count=2048 ; fi ; cryptsetup luksFormat -q --key-file /mnt/ram/teph.key /mnt/teph.luks ;cryptsetup open -q --key-file /mnt/ram/teph.key /mnt/teph.luks test-eph ; mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/test-eph ; echo SIGNAL_setup ; fi ; mkdir -p /mnt/test_eph ; mount /dev/mapper/test-eph /mnt/test_eph ; fi ; exit 0",
+        "on_sinit": "set -e -o pipefail ; if [[ \"$(findmnt -T /mnt/ram -o SOURCE -n)\" != \"ramfs\" ]] ; then mkdir -p /mnt/ram ; mount -t ramfs ramfs /mnt/ram ; fi ; if [[ \"$(findmnt -S /dev/mapper/test-eph -n -o TARGET)\" != \"/mnt/test_eph\" ]] ; then if [ -f /mnt/ram/teph.key ] ; then cryptsetup status test-eph > /dev/null || cryptsetup open -q --key-file /mnt/ram/teph.key /mnt/teph.luks test-eph ; else dd if=/dev/random bs=100 of=/mnt/ram/teph.key iflag=fullblock count=1 ; if [ ! -f /mnt/teph.luks ] ; then dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1M of=/mnt/teph.luks iflag=fullblock count=2048 ; fi ; cryptsetup luksFormat -q --key-file /mnt/ram/teph.key /mnt/teph.luks ;cryptsetup open -q --key-file /mnt/ram/teph.key /mnt/teph.luks test-eph ; mkfs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/test-eph ; echo SIGNAL_setup ; fi ; mkdir -p /mnt/test_eph ; mount /dev/mapper/test-eph /mnt/test_eph ; fi ; exit 0",
+        "on_destroy": "umount /mnt/test_eph && cryptsetup close test-eph ; set -e -o pipefail ; if [ -f /mnt/ram/teph.key ] ; then dd if=/dev/urandom bs=100 of=/mnt/ram/teph.key iflag=fullblock count=1 ; rm -f /mnt/ram/teph.key ; fi ; rm -f /mnt/teph.luks ; rmdir /mnt/test_eph",
+        "on_volume_create":          "[[ \"$(findmnt -S /dev/mapper/test-eph -n -o TARGET)\" == \"/mnt/test_eph\" ]]",
+        "on_volume_import":          "[[ \"$(findmnt -S /dev/mapper/test-eph -n -o TARGET)\" == \"/mnt/test_eph\" ]]",
+        "on_volume_import_data":     "[[ \"$(findmnt -S /dev/mapper/test-eph -n -o TARGET)\" == \"/mnt/test_eph\" ]]",
+        "on_volume_import_data_end": "[[ \"$(findmnt -S /dev/mapper/test-eph -n -o TARGET)\" == \"/mnt/test_eph\" ]]",
+        "description": "For testing purposes only: Showcasing seemless use of encrypted disposable (upon boot) VM pools with keys held in RAM only. For personal use, a dedicated script is recommended."
+    }

+ 2 - 0

@@ -401,6 +401,8 @@ done
 %dir %{python3_sitelib}/qubes/tools
 %dir %{python3_sitelib}/qubes/tools/__pycache__

+ 1 - 0

@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                 'file-reflink = qubes.storage.reflink:ReflinkPool',
                 'linux-kernel = qubes.storage.kernels:LinuxKernel',
                 'lvm_thin = qubes.storage.lvm:ThinPool',
+                'callback = qubes.storage.callback:CallbackPool',
             'qubes.tests.storage': [
                 'test = qubes.tests.storage:TestPool',