diff --git a/qubes/storage/callback.py b/qubes/storage/callback.py
index b51b6cb3..cf7254a3 100644
--- a/qubes/storage/callback.py
+++ b/qubes/storage/callback.py
@@ -20,10 +20,17 @@
 import logging
 import subprocess
 import json
+import asyncio
+import threading
 from shlex import quote
+from qubes.utils import coro_maybe
 import qubes.storage
+class UnhandledSignalException(qubes.storage.StoragePoolException):
+    def __init__(self, pool, signal):
+        super().__init__('The pool %s failed to handle the signal %s, likely because it was run from synchronous code.' % (pool.name, signal))
 class CallbackPool(qubes.storage.Pool):
     ''' Proxy storage pool driver adding callback functionality to other pool drivers.
@@ -37,6 +44,12 @@ class CallbackPool(qubes.storage.Pool):
         - custom pool mounts
         - encryption
         - debugging
+        - run synchronous pool drivers asynchronously
+    A word of caution:
+    This implementation runs all methods that `qubes.storage.Pool` allows to be asynchronous asynchronously. So if a backend pool driver does
+    not support a particular method to be run asynchronously, there may be issues. In short, it is always preferable to use the original backend
+    driver over this one unless the functionality of this driver is required for a particular use case.
     **Integration tests**:
@@ -58,7 +71,7 @@ class CallbackPool(qubes.storage.Pool):
     ls /mnt/test01
     qvm-pool -r test && sudo rm -rf /mnt/test01
-    echo '#!/bin/bash'$'\n''i=0 ; for arg in "$@" ; do echo "$i: $arg" >> /tmp/callback.log ; (( i++)) ; done ; exit 0' > /usr/bin/testCbLogArgs && chmod +x /usr/bin/testCbLogArgs
+    echo '#!/bin/bash'$'\n''i=1 ; for arg in "$@" ; do echo "$i: $arg" >> /tmp/callback.log ; (( i++)) ; done ; exit 0' > /usr/bin/testCbLogArgs && chmod +x /usr/bin/testCbLogArgs
     rm -f /tmp/callback.log
     qvm-pool -o conf_id=testing-succ-file-02 -a test callback
@@ -141,7 +154,7 @@ class CallbackPool(qubes.storage.Pool):
     systemctl restart qubesd
     qvm-start test-eph2 (trigger storage re-init)
     md5sum /mnt/ram/teph.key (same as in (2))
-    qvm-shutdown test-eph2
+    qvm-shutdown --wait test-eph2
     sudo umount /mnt/test_eph
     qvm-create -l red -P teph test-eph-fail (must fail with error in journalctl)
     ls /mnt/test_eph/ (should be empty)
@@ -150,7 +163,7 @@ class CallbackPool(qubes.storage.Pool):
     qvm-create -l red -P teph test-eph3
     md5sum /mnt/ram/teph.key (same as in (2))
     sudo mount|grep -E 'ram|test'
-    ls /mnt/test_eph/appvms/test_eph3
+    ls /mnt/test_eph/appvms/test-eph3
     qvm-remove test-eph3
     qvm-ls | grep test-eph
     qvm-pool -r teph
@@ -172,13 +185,14 @@ class CallbackPool(qubes.storage.Pool):
                        may be called from an untrusted VM (not by default though). In those cases it may be security-relevant
                        not to pick easily guessable `conf_id` values for your configuration as untrusted VMs may otherwise
                        execute callbacks meant for other pools.
+        :raise StoragePoolException: For user configuration issues.
         #NOTE: attribute names **must** start with `_cb_` unless they are meant to be stored as self._cb_impl attributes
         self._cb_ctor_done = False #: Boolean to indicate whether or not `__init__` successfully ran through.
         self._cb_log = logging.getLogger('qubes.storage.callback') #: Logger instance.
         if not isinstance(conf_id, str):
             raise qubes.storage.StoragePoolException('conf_id is no String. VM attack?!')
-        self._cb_conf_id = conf_id #: Configuration ID as passed to `__init__`.
+        self._cb_conf_id = conf_id #: Configuration ID as passed to `__init__()`.
         with open(CallbackPool.config_path) as json_file:
             conf_all = json.load(json_file)
@@ -207,12 +221,13 @@ class CallbackPool(qubes.storage.Pool):
             raise qubes.storage.StoragePoolException('The class %s must be a subclass of qubes.storage.Pool.' % cls)
         self._cb_requires_init = self._check_init() #: Boolean indicating whether late storage initialization yet has to be done or not.
+        self._cb_init_lock = threading.Lock() #: Lock ensuring that late storage initialization is only run exactly once. Currently a `threading.Lock()` to make it accessible from synchronous code as well.
         bdriver_args = self._cb_conf.get('bdriver_args', {})
         self._cb_impl = cls(name=name, **bdriver_args) #: Instance of the backend pool driver.
         super().__init__(name=name, revisions_to_keep=int(bdriver_args.get('revisions_to_keep', 1)))
         self._cb_ctor_done = True
-        self._callback('on_ctor')
+        self._callback_nocoro('on_ctor')
     def _check_init(self):
         ''' Whether or not this object requires late storage initialization via callback. '''
@@ -221,24 +236,38 @@ class CallbackPool(qubes.storage.Pool):
             cmd = self._cb_conf.get('cmd')
         return bool(cmd and cmd != '-')
+    @asyncio.coroutine
     def _init(self, callback=True):
         ''' Late storage initialization on first use for e.g. decryption on first usage request.
         :param callback: Whether to trigger the `on_sinit` callback or not.
-        #maybe TODO: if this function is meant to be run in parallel (are Pool operations asynchronous?), a function lock is required!
-        if callback:
-            self._callback('on_sinit')
-        self._cb_requires_init = False
+        with self._cb_init_lock:
+            if self._cb_requires_init:
+                if callback:
+                    yield from self._callback('on_sinit')
+                self._cb_requires_init = False
+    def _init_nocoro(self, callback=True):
+        ''' `_init()` in synchronous code. '''
+        with self._cb_init_lock:
+            if self._cb_requires_init:
+                if callback:
+                    self._callback_nocoro('on_sinit')
+                self._cb_requires_init = False
+    @asyncio.coroutine
     def _assert_initialized(self, **kwargs):
         if self._cb_requires_init:
-            self._init(**kwargs)
+            yield from self._init(**kwargs)
-    def _callback(self, cb, cb_args=None):
-        '''Run a callback.
+    def _callback_nocoro(self, cb, cb_args=None, handle_signals=True):
+        '''Run a callback (variant that can be used outside of coroutines / from synchronous code).
         :param cb: Callback identifier string.
         :param cb_args: Optional list of arguments to pass to the command as last arguments.
                         Only passed on for the generic command specified as `cmd`, not for `on_xyz` callbacks.
+        :param handle_signals: Attempt to handle signals locally in synchronous code.
+                        May throw an exception, if a callback signal cannot be handled locally.
+        :return: String with potentially unhandled signals, if `handle_signals` is `False`. Nothing otherwise.
         if self._cb_ctor_done:
             cmd = self._cb_conf.get(cb)
@@ -249,7 +278,6 @@ class CallbackPool(qubes.storage.Pool):
                 cmd = self._cb_conf.get('cmd')
                 args = [self.name, self._cb_conf['bdriver'], cb, self._cb_cmd_arg, *cb_args]
             if cmd and cmd != '-':
-                args = filter(None, args)
                 args = ' '.join(quote(str(a)) for a in args)
                 cmd = ' '.join(filter(None, [cmd, args]))
                 self._cb_log.info('callback driver executing (%s, %s %s): %s', self._cb_conf_id, cb, cb_args, cmd)
@@ -258,8 +286,24 @@ class CallbackPool(qubes.storage.Pool):
                 self._cb_log.debug('callback driver stdout (%s, %s %s): %s', self._cb_conf_id, cb, cb_args, res.stdout)
                 self._cb_log.debug('callback driver stderr (%s, %s %s): %s', self._cb_conf_id, cb, cb_args, res.stderr)
                 if self._cb_conf.get('signal_back', False) is True:
-                    self._process_signals(res.stdout)
+                    if handle_signals:
+                        self._process_signals_nocoro(res.stdout)
+                    else:
+                        return res.stdout
+        return None
+    @asyncio.coroutine
+    def _callback(self, cb, cb_args=None):
+        '''Run a callback.
+        :param cb: Callback identifier string.
+        :param cb_args: Optional list of arguments to pass to the command as last arguments.
+                        Only passed on for the generic command specified as `cmd`, not for `on_xyz` callbacks.
+        '''
+        ret = self._callback_nocoro(cb, cb_args=cb_args, handle_signals=False)
+        if ret:
+            yield from self._process_signals(ret)
+    @asyncio.coroutine
     def _process_signals(self, out):
         '''Process any signals found inside a string.
         :param out: String to check for signals. Each signal must be on a dedicated line.
@@ -268,7 +312,18 @@ class CallbackPool(qubes.storage.Pool):
         for line in out.splitlines():
             if line == 'SIGNAL_setup':
                 self._cb_log.info('callback driver processing SIGNAL_setup for %s', self._cb_conf_id)
-                self._setup_cb(callback=False)
+                #NOTE: calling our own methods may lead to a deadlock / qubesd freeze due to `self._assert_initialized()` / `self._cb_init_lock`
+                yield from coro_maybe(self._cb_impl.setup())
+    def _process_signals_nocoro(self, out):
+        '''Variant of `process_signals` to be used with synchronous code.
+        :param out: String to check for signals. Each signal must be on a dedicated line.
+                    They are executed in the order they are found. Callbacks are not triggered.
+        :raise UnhandledSignalException: If signals cannot be handled here / in synchronous code.
+        '''
+        for line in out.splitlines():
+            if line == 'SIGNAL_setup':
+                raise UnhandledSignalException(self, line)
     def config(self):
@@ -278,23 +333,21 @@ class CallbackPool(qubes.storage.Pool):
             'conf_id': self._cb_conf_id,
+    @asyncio.coroutine
     def destroy(self):
-        self._assert_initialized()
-        ret = self._cb_impl.destroy()
-        self._callback('on_destroy')
+        yield from self._assert_initialized()
+        ret = yield from coro_maybe(self._cb_impl.destroy())
+        yield from self._callback('on_destroy')
         return ret
     def init_volume(self, vm, volume_config):
         return CallbackVolume(self, self._cb_impl.init_volume(vm, volume_config))
-    def _setup_cb(self, callback=True):
-        if callback:
-            self._callback('on_setup')
-        self._assert_initialized(callback=False) #setup is assumed to include storage initialization
-        return self._cb_impl.setup()
+    @asyncio.coroutine
     def setup(self):
-        return self._setup_cb()
+        yield from self._assert_initialized(callback=False) #setup is assumed to include storage initialization
+        yield from self._callback('on_setup')
+        return (yield from coro_maybe(self._cb_impl.setup()))
     def volumes(self):
@@ -365,72 +418,107 @@ class CallbackVolume:
         self._cb_pool = pool #: CallbackPool instance the Volume belongs to.
         self._cb_impl = impl #: Backend volume implementation instance.
+    @asyncio.coroutine
     def _assert_initialized(self, **kwargs):
-        return self._cb_pool._assert_initialized(**kwargs) # pylint: disable=protected-access
+        yield from self._cb_pool._assert_initialized(**kwargs) # pylint: disable=protected-access
+    @asyncio.coroutine
     def _callback(self, cb, cb_args=None, **kwargs):
         if cb_args is None:
             cb_args = []
         vol_args = [self.name, self.vid, *cb_args]
-        return self._cb_pool._callback(cb, cb_args=vol_args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=protected-access
+        yield from self._cb_pool._callback(cb, cb_args=vol_args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=protected-access
+    @asyncio.coroutine
     def create(self):
-        self._assert_initialized()
-        self._callback('on_volume_create')
-        return self._cb_impl.create()
+        yield from self._assert_initialized()
+        yield from self._callback('on_volume_create')
+        return (yield from coro_maybe(self._cb_impl.create()))
+    @asyncio.coroutine
     def remove(self):
-        self._assert_initialized()
-        ret = self._cb_impl.remove()
-        self._callback('on_volume_remove')
+        yield from self._assert_initialized()
+        ret = yield from coro_maybe(self._cb_impl.remove())
+        yield from self._callback('on_volume_remove')
         return ret
+    @asyncio.coroutine
     def resize(self, size):
-        self._assert_initialized()
-        self._callback('on_volume_resize', cb_args=[size])
-        return self._cb_impl.resize(size)
+        yield from self._assert_initialized()
+        yield from self._callback('on_volume_resize', cb_args=[size])
+        return (yield from coro_maybe(self._cb_impl.resize(size)))
+    @asyncio.coroutine
     def start(self):
-        self._assert_initialized()
-        self._callback('on_volume_start')
-        return self._cb_impl.start()
+        yield from self._assert_initialized()
+        yield from self._callback('on_volume_start')
+        return (yield from coro_maybe(self._cb_impl.start()))
+    @asyncio.coroutine
     def stop(self):
-        self._assert_initialized()
-        ret = self._cb_impl.stop()
-        self._callback('on_volume_stop')
+        yield from self._assert_initialized()
+        ret = yield from coro_maybe(self._cb_impl.stop())
+        yield from self._callback('on_volume_stop')
         return ret
+    @asyncio.coroutine
     def import_data(self):
-        self._assert_initialized()
-        self._callback('on_volume_import_data')
-        return self._cb_impl.import_data()
+        yield from self._assert_initialized()
+        yield from self._callback('on_volume_import_data')
+        return (yield from coro_maybe(self._cb_impl.import_data()))
+    @asyncio.coroutine
     def import_data_end(self, success):
-        self._assert_initialized()
-        ret = self._cb_impl.import_data_end(success)
-        self._callback('on_volume_import_data_end', cb_args=[success])
+        yield from self._assert_initialized()
+        ret = yield from coro_maybe(self._cb_impl.import_data_end(success))
+        yield from self._callback('on_volume_import_data_end', cb_args=[success])
         return ret
+    @asyncio.coroutine
     def import_volume(self, src_volume):
-        self._assert_initialized()
-        self._callback('on_volume_import', cb_args=[src_volume.vid])
-        return self._cb_impl.import_volume(src_volume)
+        yield from self._assert_initialized()
+        yield from self._callback('on_volume_import', cb_args=[src_volume.vid])
+        return (yield from coro_maybe(self._cb_impl.import_volume(src_volume)))
     def is_dirty(self):
-        if self._cb_pool._cb_requires_init: # pylint: disable=protected-access
+        # pylint: disable=protected-access
+        if self._cb_pool._cb_requires_init:
             return False
         return self._cb_impl.is_dirty()
     def is_outdated(self):
-        if self._cb_pool._cb_requires_init: # pylint: disable=protected-access
+        # pylint: disable=protected-access
+        if self._cb_pool._cb_requires_init:
             return False
         return self._cb_impl.is_outdated()
+    def block_device(self):
+        # pylint: disable=protected-access
+        if self._cb_pool._cb_requires_init:
+            # usually Volume.start() is called beforehand
+            # --> we should be initialized in 99% of cases
+            return None
+        return self._cb_impl.block_device()
+    def export(self, volume):
+        # pylint: disable=protected-access
+        #TODO: once this becomes a coroutine in the Volume class, avoid the below blocking & potentially exception-throwing code; maybe also add a callback
+        if self._cb_pool._cb_requires_init:
+            self._cb_pool._init_nocoro()
+        return self._cb_impl.export(volume)
+    @asyncio.coroutine
+    def verify(self):
+        yield from self._assert_initialized()
+        return (yield from coro_maybe(self._cb_impl.verify()))
+    @asyncio.coroutine
+    def revert(self, revision=None):
+        yield from self._assert_initialized()
+        return (yield from coro_maybe(self._cb_impl.revert(revision=revision)))
     #remaining method & attribute delegation
     def __getattr__(self, name):
-        if name in ['block_device', 'verify', 'revert', 'export']:
-            self._assert_initialized()
         return getattr(self._cb_impl, name)
     def __setattr__(self, name, value):