Use new, simplified firewall rules data scheme

This commit is contained in:
Tomasz Sterna 2011-03-03 22:40:36 +01:00
parent 0a8249d83f
commit a8cef51b67

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@ -971,47 +971,36 @@ class QubesFirewallVm(QubesNetVm):
iptables += "# '{0}' VM:\n".format(
if conf["allow"]:
iptables += "-A FORWARD ! -s {0}/32 -i vif{1}.0 -j DROP\n".format(vm.ip, xid)
allow_rules = 0
vm_iptables = ""
accept_action = "ACCEPT"
reject_action = "REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited"
if conf["allow"]:
rules_action = accept_action
default_action = reject_action
iptables += "-A FORWARD -i vif{0}.0 -p icmp -j ACCEPT\n".format(xid)
rules_action = reject_action
default_action = accept_action
for rule in conf["rules"]:
if rule["allow"]:
allow_rules += 1
vm_iptables += "# .. {0}:\n".format(rule["name"])
vm_iptables += "-A FORWARD -i vif{0}.0 -d {1}".format(xid, rule["address"])
iptables += "-A FORWARD -i vif{0}.0 -d {1}".format(xid, rule["address"])
if rule["netmask"] != 32:
vm_iptables += "/{0}".format(rule["netmask"])
iptables += "/{0}".format(rule["netmask"])
if rule["portBegin"] > 0:
vm_iptables += " -p tcp --dport {0}".format(rule["portBegin"])
if rule["portBegin"] is not None and rule["portBegin"] > 0:
iptables += " -p tcp --dport {0}".format(rule["portBegin"])
if rule["portEnd"] is not None and rule["portEnd"] > rule["portBegin"]:
vm_iptables += ":{0}".format(rule["portEnd"])
iptables += ":{0}".format(rule["portEnd"])
vm_iptables += " -j {0}\n".format("ACCEPT" if rule["allow"]\
else "REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited",
iptables += " -j {0}\n".format(rules_action)
iptables += vm_iptables
if allow_rules > 0:
iptables += "# .. Needs DNS access\n"
if conf["allowDns"]:
iptables += "-A FORWARD -i vif{0}.0 -p udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT\n".format(xid)
iptables += "# .. Allow ICMP to test network connectivity\n"
iptables += "-A FORWARD -i vif{0}.0 -p icmp -j ACCEPT\n".format(xid)
iptables += "# .. Deny everything not allowed before\n"
iptables += "-A FORWARD -i vif{0}.0 -j DROP\n".format(xid)
iptables += "# .. Allow everything not denied before\n"
iptables += "-A FORWARD -i vif{0}.0 -j ACCEPT\n".format(xid)
iptables += "-A FORWARD -i vif{0}.0 -j DROP\n".format(xid)
iptables += "-A FORWARD -i vif{0}.0 -j {1}\n".format(xid, default_action)
iptables += "#End of VM rules\n"
iptables += "-A FORWARD -m state --state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT\n"
@ -1268,17 +1257,18 @@ class QubesAppVm(QubesVm):
def write_firewall_conf(self, conf):
root = xml.etree.ElementTree.Element(
policy="allow" if conf["allow"] else "deny"
policy = "allow" if conf["allow"] else "deny",
dns = "allow" if conf["allowDns"] else "deny"
for rule in conf["rules"]:
element = xml.etree.ElementTree.Element(
"allow" if rule["allow"] else "deny",
if rule["netmask"] is not None and rule["netmask"] != 32:
element.set("netmask", str(rule["netmask"]))
if rule["portEnd"] is not None:
element.set("toport", str(rule["portEnd"]))
@ -1302,32 +1292,40 @@ class QubesAppVm(QubesVm):
return True
def get_firewall_conf(self):
conf = { "allow": True, "rules": list() }
conf = { "rules": list() }
tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(self.firewall_conf)
root = tree.getroot()
for element in root:
rule = { "allow": element.tag=="allow" }
conf["allow"] = (root.get("policy") == "allow")
conf["allowDns"] = (root.get("dns") == "allow")
attr_list = ("name", "address", "netmask", "port", "toport")
for element in root:
rule = {}
attr_list = ("address", "netmask", "port", "toport")
for attribute in attr_list:
rule[attribute] = element.get(attribute)
if rule["netmask"] is not None:
rule["netmask"] = int(rule["netmask"])
rule["netmask"] = 32
rule["portBegin"] = int(rule["port"])
if rule["toport"] is not None:
rule["portEnd"] = int(rule["toport"])
rule["portEnd"] = None
except (EnvironmentError) as err:
except EnvironmentError as err:
return conf
except (xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError,
ValueError, LookupError) as err: