diff --git a/core/qubesutils.py b/core/qubesutils.py
index 0ca90e4d..b99ed5e4 100644
--- a/core/qubesutils.py
+++ b/core/qubesutils.py
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+import string
+from lxml import etree
+from lxml.etree import ElementTree, SubElement, Element
from qubes import QubesException
from qubes import vmm
@@ -37,6 +40,11 @@ import xen.lowlevel.xs
+# all frontends, prefer xvdi
+# TODO: get this from libvirt driver?
+AVAILABLE_FRONTENDS = ['xvd'+c for c in
+ string.lowercase[8:]+string.lowercase[:8]]
def mbytes_to_kmg(size):
if size > 1024:
return "%d GiB" % (size/1024)
@@ -207,127 +215,144 @@ def block_find_unused_frontend(vm = None):
assert vm is not None
assert vm.is_running()
- vbd_list = vmm.xs.ls('', '/local/domain/%d/device/vbd' % vm.xid)
- # xvd* devices
- major = 202
- # prefer xvdi
- for minor in range(8*16,254,16)+range(0,8*16,16):
- if vbd_list is None or str(major << 8 | minor) not in vbd_list:
- return block_devid_to_name(major << 8 | minor)
+ xml = vm.libvirt_domain.XMLDesc()
+ parsed_xml = etree.fromstring(xml)
+ used = [target.get('dev', None) for target in
+ parsed_xml.xpath("//domain/devices/disk/target")]
+ if dev not in used:
+ return dev
return None
-def block_list(vm = None, system_disks = False):
- device_re = re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9-]{1,12}$")
+def block_list_vm(vm, system_disks = False):
+ name_re = re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9-]{1,12}$")
+ device_re = re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9/-]{1,64}$")
# FIXME: any better idea of desc_re?
desc_re = re.compile(r"^.{1,255}$")
mode_re = re.compile(r"^[rw]$")
- xs_trans = vmm.xs.transaction_start()
+ assert vm is not None
- vm_list = []
- if vm is not None:
- if not vm.is_running():
- vmm.xs.transaction_end(xs_trans)
- return []
- else:
- vm_list = [ str(vm.xid) ]
- else:
- vm_list = vmm.xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain')
+ if not vm.is_running():
+ return []
devices_list = {}
- for xid in vm_list:
- vm_name = vmm.xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%s/name' % xid)
- vm_devices = vmm.xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%s/qubes-block-devices' % xid)
- if vm_devices is None:
- continue
- for device in vm_devices:
- # Sanitize device name
- if not device_re.match(device):
- print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid device name in VM '%s'" % vm_name
- continue
- device_size = vmm.xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%s/qubes-block-devices/%s/size' % (xid, device))
- device_desc = vmm.xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%s/qubes-block-devices/%s/desc' % (xid, device))
- device_mode = vmm.xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%s/qubes-block-devices/%s/mode' % (xid, device))
+ untrusted_devices = vm.qdb.multiread('/qubes-block-devices/')
- if device_size is None or device_desc is None or device_mode is None:
- print >> sys.stderr, "Missing field in %s device parameters" % device
+ def get_dev_item(dev, item):
+ return untrusted_devices.get(
+ '/qubes-block-devices/%s/%s' % (dev, item),
+ None)
+ untrusted_devices_names = list(set(map(lambda x: x.split("/")[2],
+ untrusted_devices.keys())))
+ for untrusted_dev_name in untrusted_devices_names:
+ if name_re.match(untrusted_dev_name):
+ dev_name = untrusted_dev_name
+ untrusted_device_size = get_dev_item(dev_name, 'size')
+ untrusted_device_desc = get_dev_item(dev_name, 'desc')
+ untrusted_device_mode = get_dev_item(dev_name, 'mode')
+ untrusted_device_device = get_dev_item(dev_name, 'device')
+ if untrusted_device_desc is None or untrusted_device_mode is None\
+ or untrusted_device_size is None:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Missing field in %s device parameters" %\
+ dev_name
- if not device_size.isdigit():
- print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s device size in VM '%s'" % (device, vm_name)
+ if untrusted_device_device is None:
+ untrusted_device_device = '/dev/' + dev_name
+ if not device_re.match(untrusted_device_device):
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s device path in VM '%s'" % (
+ dev_name, vm.name)
- if not desc_re.match(device_desc):
- print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s device desc in VM '%s'" % (device, vm_name)
+ device_device = untrusted_device_device
+ if not untrusted_device_size.isdigit():
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s device size in VM '%s'" % (
+ dev_name, vm.name)
- if not mode_re.match(device_mode):
- print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s device mode in VM '%s'" % (device, vm_name)
+ device_size = int(untrusted_device_size)
+ if not desc_re.match(untrusted_device_desc):
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s device desc in VM '%s'" % (
+ dev_name, vm.name)
- # Check if we know major number for this device; attach will work without this, but detach and check_attached don't
- if block_name_to_majorminor(device) == (0, 0):
- print >> sys.stderr, "Unsupported device %s:%s" % (vm_name, device)
+ device_desc = untrusted_device_desc
+ if not mode_re.match(untrusted_device_mode):
+ print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s device mode in VM '%s'" % (
+ dev_name, vm.name)
+ device_mode = untrusted_device_mode
if not system_disks:
- if xid == '0' and device_desc.startswith(system_path["qubes_base_dir"]):
+ if vm.qid == 0 and device_desc.startswith(system_path[
+ "qubes_base_dir"]):
- visible_name = "%s:%s" % (vm_name, device)
- devices_list[visible_name] = {"name": visible_name, "xid":int(xid),
- "vm": vm_name, "device":device, "size":int(device_size),
- "desc":device_desc, "mode":device_mode}
+ visible_name = "%s:%s" % (vm.name, dev_name)
+ devices_list[visible_name] = {
+ "name": visible_name,
+ "vm": vm.name,
+ "device": device_device,
+ "size": device_size,
+ "desc": device_desc,
+ "mode": device_mode
+ }
- vmm.xs.transaction_end(xs_trans)
return devices_list
-def block_check_attached(backend_vm, device, backend_xid = None):
- if backend_xid is None:
- backend_xid = backend_vm.xid
- xs_trans = vmm.xs.transaction_start()
- vm_list = vmm.xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/backend/vbd' % backend_xid)
- if vm_list is None:
- vmm.xs.transaction_end(xs_trans)
- return None
- device_majorminor = None
- try:
- device_majorminor = block_name_to_majorminor(device)
- except:
- # Unknown devices will be compared directly - perhaps it is a filename?
- pass
- for vm_xid in vm_list:
- for devid in vmm.xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/backend/vbd/%s' % (backend_xid, vm_xid)):
- (tmp_major, tmp_minor) = (0, 0)
- phys_device = vmm.xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/backend/vbd/%s/%s/physical-device' % (backend_xid, vm_xid, devid))
- dev_params = vmm.xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/backend/vbd/%s/%s/params' % (backend_xid, vm_xid, devid))
- if phys_device and phys_device.find(':'):
- (tmp_major, tmp_minor) = phys_device.split(":")
- tmp_major = int(tmp_major, 16)
- tmp_minor = int(tmp_minor, 16)
- else:
- # perhaps not ready yet - check params
- if not dev_params:
- # Skip not-phy devices
- continue
- elif not dev_params.startswith('/dev/'):
- # will compare params directly
- pass
- else:
- (tmp_major, tmp_minor) = block_name_to_majorminor(dev_params.lstrip('/dev/'))
+def block_list(qvmc = None, vm = None, system_disks = False):
+ if vm is not None:
+ if not vm.is_running():
+ return []
+ else:
+ vm_list = [ vm ]
+ else:
+ if qvmc is None:
+ raise QubesException("You must pass either qvm or vm argument")
+ vm_list = qvmc.values()
- if (device_majorminor and (tmp_major, tmp_minor) == device_majorminor) or \
- (device_majorminor is None and dev_params == device):
- vm_name = xl_ctx.domid_to_name(int(vm_xid))
- frontend = block_devid_to_name(int(devid))
- vmm.xs.transaction_end(xs_trans)
- return {"xid":int(vm_xid), "frontend": frontend, "devid": int(devid), "vm": vm_name}
- vmm.xs.transaction_end(xs_trans)
+ devices_list = {}
+ for vm in vm_list:
+ devices_list.update(block_list_vm(vm, system_disks))
+ return devices_list
+def block_check_attached(qvmc, device):
+ """
+ @type qvmc: QubesVmCollection
+ """
+ if qvmc is None:
+ # TODO: ValueError
+ raise QubesException("You need to pass qvmc argument")
+ for vm in qvmc.values():
+ libvirt_domain = vm.libvirt_domain
+ if libvirt_domain:
+ xml = vm.libvirt_domain.XMLDesc()
+ parsed_xml = etree.fromstring(xml)
+ disks = parsed_xml.xpath("//domain/devices/disk")
+ for disk in disks:
+ backend_name = 'dom0'
+ # FIXME: move into
+ if disk.find('domain') is not None:
+ backend_name = disk.find('domain').get('name')
+ source = disk.find('source')
+ if disk.get('type') == 'file':
+ path = source.get('file')
+ elif disk.get('type') == 'block':
+ path = source.get('dev')
+ else:
+ # TODO: logger
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Unknown disk type '%s' attached to " \
+ "VM '%s'" % (source.get('type'),
+ vm.name)
+ continue
+ if backend_name == device['vm'] and path == device['device']:
+ return {
+ "frontend": disk.find('target').get('dev'),
+ "vm": vm}
return None
-def block_attach(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend=None, mode="w", auto_detach=False, wait=True):
- device_attach_check(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend)
- do_block_attach(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend, mode, auto_detach, wait)
-def device_attach_check(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend):
+def device_attach_check(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend, mode):
""" Checks all the parameters, dies on errors """
if not vm.is_running():
raise QubesException("VM %s not running" % vm.name)
@@ -335,105 +360,67 @@ def device_attach_check(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend):
if not backend_vm.is_running():
raise QubesException("VM %s not running" % backend_vm.name)
-def do_block_attach(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend, mode, auto_detach, wait):
+ if device['mode'] == 'r' and mode == 'w':
+ raise QubesException("Cannot attach read-only device in read-write "
+ "mode")
+def block_attach(qvmc, vm, device, frontend=None, mode="w", auto_detach=False, wait=True):
+ backend_vm = qvmc.get_vm_by_name(device['vm'])
+ device_attach_check(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend, mode)
if frontend is None:
frontend = block_find_unused_frontend(vm)
if frontend is None:
raise QubesException("No unused frontend found")
# Check if any device attached at this frontend
- if vmm.xs.read('', '/local/domain/%d/device/vbd/%d/state' % (vm.xid, block_name_to_devid(frontend))) == '4':
+ xml = vm.libvirt_domain.XMLDesc()
+ parsed_xml = etree.fromstring(xml)
+ disks = parsed_xml.xpath("//domain/devices/disk/target[@dev='%s']" %
+ frontend)
+ if len(disks):
raise QubesException("Frontend %s busy in VM %s, detach it first" % (frontend, vm.name))
# Check if this device is attached to some domain
- attached_vm = block_check_attached(backend_vm, device)
+ attached_vm = block_check_attached(qvmc, device)
if attached_vm:
if auto_detach:
- block_detach(None, attached_vm['devid'], vm_xid=attached_vm['xid'])
+ block_detach(attached_vm['vm'], attached_vm['frontend'])
- raise QubesException("Device %s from %s already connected to VM %s as %s" % (device, backend_vm.name, attached_vm['vm'], attached_vm['frontend']))
+ raise QubesException("Device %s from %s already connected to VM "
+ "%s as %s" % (device['device'],
+ backend_vm.name, attached_vm['vm'], attached_vm['frontend']))
- if device.startswith('/'):
- backend_dev = 'script:file:' + device
- else:
- backend_dev = 'phy:/dev/' + device
+ disk = Element("disk")
+ disk.set('type', 'block')
+ disk.set('device', 'disk')
+ SubElement(disk, 'driver').set('name', 'phy')
+ SubElement(disk, 'source').set('dev', device['device'])
+ SubElement(disk, 'target').set('dev', frontend)
+ if backend_vm.qid != 0:
+ SubElement(disk, 'domain').set('name', device['vm'])
+ vm.libvirt_domain.attachDevice(etree.tostring(disk, encoding='utf-8'))
- xl_cmd = [ '/usr/sbin/xl', 'block-attach', vm.name, backend_dev, frontend, mode, str(backend_vm.xid) ]
- subprocess.check_call(xl_cmd)
- if wait:
- be_path = '/local/domain/%d/backend/vbd/%d/%d' % (backend_vm.xid, vm.xid, block_name_to_devid(frontend))
- # There is no way to use xenstore watch with a timeout, so must check in a loop
- interval = 0.100
- # 5sec timeout
- timeout = 5/interval
- while timeout > 0:
- be_state = vmm.xs.read('', be_path + '/state')
- hotplug_state = vmm.xs.read('', be_path + '/hotplug-status')
- if be_state is None:
- raise QubesException("Backend device disappeared, something weird happened")
- elif int(be_state) == 4:
- # Ok
- return
- elif int(be_state) > 4:
- # Error
- error = vmm.xs.read('', '/local/domain/%d/error/backend/vbd/%d/%d/error' % (backend_vm.xid, vm.xid, block_name_to_devid(frontend)))
- if error is not None:
- raise QubesException("Error while connecting block device: " + error)
- else:
- raise QubesException("Unknown error while connecting block device")
- elif hotplug_state == 'error':
- hotplug_error = vmm.xs.read('', be_path + '/hotplug-error')
- if hotplug_error:
- raise QubesException("Error while connecting block device: " + hotplug_error)
- else:
- raise QubesException("Unknown hotplug error while connecting block device")
- time.sleep(interval)
- timeout -= interval
- raise QubesException("Timeout while waiting for block defice connection")
+def block_detach(vm, frontend = "xvdi"):
-def block_detach(vm, frontend = "xvdi", vm_xid = None):
- # Get XID if not provided already
- if vm_xid is None:
- if not vm.is_running():
- raise QubesException("VM %s not running" % vm.name)
- # FIXME: potential race
- vm_xid = vm.xid
- # Check if this device is really connected
- if not vmm.xs.read('', '/local/domain/%d/device/vbd/%d/state' % (vm_xid, block_name_to_devid(frontend))) == '4':
- # Do nothing - device already detached
- return
- xl_cmd = [ '/usr/sbin/xl', 'block-detach', str(vm_xid), str(frontend)]
- subprocess.check_call(xl_cmd)
-def block_detach_all(vm, vm_xid = None):
- """ Detach all non-system devices"""
- # Get XID if not provided already
- if vm_xid is None:
- if not vm.is_running():
- raise QubesException("VM %s not running" % vm.name)
- # FIXME: potential race
- vm_xid = vm.xid
- xs_trans = vmm.xs.transaction_start()
- devices = vmm.xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/device/vbd' % vm_xid)
- if devices is None:
- return
- devices_to_detach = []
- for devid in devices:
- # check if this is system disk
- be_path = vmm.xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/device/vbd/%s/backend' % (vm_xid, devid))
- assert be_path is not None
- be_params = vmm.xs.read(xs_trans, be_path + '/params')
- if be_path.startswith('/local/domain/0/') and be_params is not None and be_params.startswith(system_path["qubes_base_dir"]):
- # system disk
+ xml = vm.libvirt_domain.XMLDesc()
+ parsed_xml = etree.fromstring(xml)
+ attached = parsed_xml.xpath("//domain/devices/disk")
+ for disk in attached:
+ if frontend is not None and disk.find('target').get('dev') != frontend:
+ # Not the device we are looking for
- devices_to_detach.append(devid)
- vmm.xs.transaction_end(xs_trans)
- for devid in devices_to_detach:
- xl_cmd = [ '/usr/sbin/xl', 'block-detach', str(vm_xid), devid]
- subprocess.check_call(xl_cmd)
+ if frontend is None:
+ # ignore system disks
+ if disk.find('domain') == None and \
+ disk.find('source').get('dev').startswith(system_path[
+ "qubes_base_dir"]):
+ continue
+ vm.libvirt_domain.detachDevice(etree.tostring(disk, encoding='utf-8'))
+def block_detach_all(vm):
+ """ Detach all non-system devices"""
+ block_detach(vm, None)
####### USB devices ######
diff --git a/qvm-tools/qvm-block b/qvm-tools/qvm-block
index 17bf05c0..3d7a6df8 100755
--- a/qvm-tools/qvm-block
+++ b/qvm-tools/qvm-block
@@ -70,14 +70,13 @@ def main():
print >> sys.stderr, "Only one of -l -a/-A -d is allowed!"
exit (1)
- if options.do_attach or options.do_detach:
- qvm_collection = QubesVmCollection()
- qvm_collection.lock_db_for_reading()
- qvm_collection.load()
- qvm_collection.unlock_db()
+ qvm_collection = QubesVmCollection()
+ qvm_collection.lock_db_for_reading()
+ qvm_collection.load()
+ qvm_collection.unlock_db()
if options.do_attach:
- if (len (args) != 2):
+ if len(args) != 2:
parser.error ("You must provide vm name and device!")
vm = qvm_collection.get_vm_by_name(args[0])
if vm is None:
@@ -90,12 +89,10 @@ def main():
(dev['vm'], dev['device']) = args[1].split(":")
dev['mode'] = 'w'
- dev_list = block_list()
+ dev_list = block_list(qvm_collection)
if not args[1] in dev_list.keys():
parser.error ("Invalid device name: %s" % args[1])
dev = dev_list[args[1]]
- backend_vm = qvm_collection.get_vm_by_name(dev['vm'])
- assert backend_vm is not None
kwargs = {}
if options.frontend:
kwargs['frontend'] = options.frontend
@@ -105,7 +102,7 @@ def main():
kwargs['mode'] = dev['mode']
kwargs['auto_detach'] = options.auto_detach
- block_attach(vm, backend_vm, dev['device'], **kwargs)
+ block_attach(qvm_collection, vm, dev, **kwargs)
except QubesException as e:
print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: %s" % str(e)
@@ -125,26 +122,28 @@ def main():
# Maybe device?
- dev_list = block_list()
+ dev_list = block_list(qvm_collection)
if not args[0] in dev_list.keys():
parser.error ("Invalid VM or device name: %s" % args[0])
dev = dev_list[args[0]]
- attached_to = block_check_attached(None, dev['device'], backend_xid = dev['xid'])
+ attached_to = block_check_attached(qvm_collection, dev)
if attached_to is None:
print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: Device not connected to any VM"
- block_detach(None, attached_to['devid'], vm_xid=attached_to['xid'])
+ block_detach(attached_to['vm'], attached_to['frontend'])
# do_list
if len(args) > 0:
parser.error ("Too many parameters")
kwargs = {}
+ kwargs['qvmc'] = qvm_collection
kwargs['system_disks'] = options.system_disks
for dev in block_list(**kwargs).values():
- attached_to = block_check_attached(None, dev['device'], backend_xid = dev['xid'])
+ attached_to = block_check_attached(qvm_collection, dev)
attached_to_str = ""
if attached_to:
- attached_to_str = " (attached to '%s' as '%s')" % (attached_to['vm'], attached_to['frontend'])
+ attached_to_str = " (attached to '%s' as '%s')" % (
+ attached_to['vm'].name, attached_to['frontend'])
size_str = bytes_to_kmg(dev['size'])
print "%s\t%s %s%s" % (dev['name'], dev['desc'], size_str, attached_to_str)
exit (0)