Those are only some cases, the most obvious ones:
- defaults inherited from a template
- xid and start_time on domain start/stop
- IP related properties
- icon
Since we have app.default_pool* properties, create appropriately named
pool and let those properties choose the right pool. This also means we
don't need to specify pool name in default volume config anymore
This code is unused now. Theoretically this is_outdated implementation
should be moved to FileVolume, but since we don't have VM reference
there, it isn't possible to read appropriate xenstore entry. As we're
phasing out file pool, simply ignore it for now.
Always define those properties, always include them in volume config.
Also simplify overriding pool based on volume type defined by those:
override pool unless snap_on_start=True.
- kernel volume shouldn't have snap_on_start, it's read-only volume
- root volume of AppVM should have placeholder for 'source'
- private volume of AppVM should _not_ have placeholder for 'source'
(it's ignored anyway, because snap_on_start=False)
- Remove all *_dev_config methods
- Checks if a storage image exists moved to XenPool
- Storage.remove wraps Pool.remove()
- Stop volumes on domain sutdown/kill
- Warn when using deprecated methods