Since we have app.default_pool* properties, create appropriately named
pool and let those properties choose the right pool. This also means we
don't need to specify pool name in default volume config anymore
Specify empty 'source' field, so it gets filled with appropriate
template's images. Then also fix recursive 'source' handling - DispVM
root volume should point at TemplateVM's root volume as a source, not a
AppVM's one - which is also only a snapshot.
Always define those properties, always include them in volume config.
Also simplify overriding pool based on volume type defined by those:
override pool unless snap_on_start=True.
- kernel volume shouldn't have snap_on_start, it's read-only volume
- root volume of AppVM should have placeholder for 'source'
- private volume of AppVM should _not_ have placeholder for 'source'
(it's ignored anyway, because snap_on_start=False)
Re-init volume config of all 'snap_on_start' volumes at template
chanage. For this, save original volume config and re-use
config_volume_from_source function introduced in previous commit.
At the same time, forbid changing template of running AppVM or any
qvm-ls tool (as all other tools) will be accessing properties through
API, so no need (nor sense) for this tool-specific attributes in The only somehow used was ls_width, and in fact it made
the output unnecessary wide.
The tool itself is already moved to core-mgmt-client repository.
- DispVM is no longer a special case for storage
- Add missing 'rw=True' for volatile volume
- Handle storage initialization (copy&paste from AppVM)
- Clone properties from DispVM template