# pylint: disable=protected-access # # The Qubes OS Project, https://www.qubes-os.org/ # # Copyright (C) 2015 Marek Marczykowski-Górecki # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # ''' Tests for the `qvm-device` tool. ''' import qubes import qubes.devices import qubes.tools.qvm_device import qubes.tests import qubes.tests.devices import qubes.tests.tools class TestNamespace(object): ''' A mock object for `argparse.Namespace`. ''' # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, app, domains=None, device=None): super(TestNamespace, self).__init__() self.app = app self.devclass = 'testclass' self.persistent = True if domains: self.domains = domains if device: self.device = device self.device_assignment = qubes.devices.DeviceAssignment( backend_domain=self.device.backend_domain, ident=self.device.ident, persistent=self.persistent) class TC_00_Actions(qubes.tests.QubesTestCase): ''' Tests the output logic of the qvm-device tool ''' def setUp(self): super(TC_00_Actions, self).setUp() self.app = qubes.tests.devices.TestApp() def save(): ''' A mock method for simulating a successful save ''' return True self.app.save = save self.vm1 = qubes.tests.devices.TestVM(self.app, 'vm1') self.vm2 = qubes.tests.devices.TestVM(self.app, 'vm2') self.device = self.vm2.device def test_000_list_all(self): ''' List all exposed vm devices. No devices are attached to other domains. ''' args = TestNamespace(self.app) with qubes.tests.tools.StdoutBuffer() as buf: qubes.tools.qvm_device.list_devices(args) self.assertEqual( [x.rstrip() for x in buf.getvalue().splitlines()], ['vm1:testdev Description', 'vm2:testdev Description'] ) def test_001_list_persistent_attach(self): ''' Attach the device exposed by the `vm2` to the `vm1` persistently. ''' args = TestNamespace(self.app, [self.vm1]) # simulate attach assignment = qubes.devices.DeviceAssignment(backend_domain=self.vm2, ident=self.device.ident, persistent=True, frontend_domain=self.vm1) self.vm2.device.frontend_domain = self.vm1 self.vm1.devices['testclass']._set.add(assignment) with qubes.tests.tools.StdoutBuffer() as buf: qubes.tools.qvm_device.list_devices(args) self.assertEqual( buf.getvalue(), 'vm1:testdev Description\n' 'vm2:testdev Description vm1 vm1\n' ) def test_002_list_list_temp_attach(self): ''' Attach the device exposed by the `vm2` to the `vm1` non-persistently. ''' args = TestNamespace(self.app, [self.vm1]) # simulate attach assignment = qubes.devices.DeviceAssignment(backend_domain=self.vm2, ident=self.device.ident, persistent=True, frontend_domain=self.vm1) self.vm2.device.frontend_domain = self.vm1 self.vm1.devices['testclass']._set.add(assignment) with qubes.tests.tools.StdoutBuffer() as buf: qubes.tools.qvm_device.list_devices(args) self.assertEqual(buf.getvalue(), 'vm1:testdev Description\n' 'vm2:testdev Description vm1 vm1\n') def test_010_attach(self): ''' Test attach action ''' args = TestNamespace( self.app, [self.vm1], self.device ) qubes.tools.qvm_device.attach_device(args) self.assertEventFired(self.vm1, 'device-attach:testclass', kwargs={'device': self.device}) self.assertEventNotFired(self.vm2, 'device-attach:testclass', kwargs={'device': self.device}) def test_011_double_attach(self): ''' Double attach should not be possible ''' args = TestNamespace( self.app, [self.vm1], self.device ) qubes.tools.qvm_device.attach_device(args) with self.assertRaises(qubes.exc.QubesException): qubes.tools.qvm_device.attach_device(args) def test_020_detach(self): ''' Test detach action ''' args = TestNamespace( self.app, [self.vm1], self.device ) # simulate attach self.vm2.device.frontend_domain = self.vm1 args.device_assignment.frontend_domain = self.vm1 self.vm1.devices['testclass']._set.add(args.device_assignment) qubes.tools.qvm_device.detach_device(args) def test_021_detach_not_attached(self): ''' Invalid detach action should not be possible ''' args = TestNamespace( self.app, [self.vm1], self.device ) with self.assertRaises(qubes.exc.QubesException): qubes.tools.qvm_device.detach_device(args)