#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # The Qubes OS Project, http://www.qubes-os.org # # Copyright (C) 2011 Marek Marczykowski # Copyright (C) 2014 Wojciech Porczyk # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # from qubes import QubesException from qubes import xs, xl_ctx from qubes import system_path,vm_files import sys import os import subprocess import re import time import stat import xen.lowlevel.xc import xen.lowlevel.xl import xen.lowlevel.xs BLKSIZE = 512 def mbytes_to_kmg(size): if size > 1024: return "%d GiB" % (size/1024) else: return "%d MiB" % size def kbytes_to_kmg(size): if size > 1024: return mbytes_to_kmg(size/1024) else: return "%d KiB" % size def bytes_to_kmg(size): if size > 1024: return kbytes_to_kmg(size/1024) else: return "%d B" % size def size_to_human (size): """Humane readable size, with 1/10 precission""" if size < 1024: return str (size); elif size < 1024*1024: return str(round(size/1024.0,1)) + ' KiB' elif size < 1024*1024*1024: return str(round(size/(1024.0*1024),1)) + ' MiB' else: return str(round(size/(1024.0*1024*1024),1)) + ' GiB' def parse_size(size): units = [ ('K', 1024), ('KB', 1024), ('M', 1024*1024), ('MB', 1024*1024), ('G', 1024*1024*1024), ('GB', 1024*1024*1024), ] size = size.strip().upper() if size.isdigit(): return int(size) for unit, multiplier in units: if size.endswith(unit): size = size[:-len(unit)].strip() return int(size)*multiplier raise QubesException("Invalid size: {0}.".format(size)) def get_disk_usage_one(st): try: return st.st_blocks * BLKSIZE except AttributeError: return st.st_size def get_disk_usage(path): try: st = os.lstat(path) except OSError: return 0 ret = get_disk_usage_one(st) # if path is not a directory, this is skipped for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): for name in dirnames + filenames: ret += get_disk_usage_one(os.lstat(os.path.join(dirpath, name))) return ret def print_stdout(text): print (text) def print_stderr(text): print >> sys.stderr, (text) ###### Block devices ######## def block_devid_to_name(devid): major = devid / 256 minor = devid % 256 dev_class = "" if major == 202: dev_class = "xvd" elif major == 8: dev_class = "sd" else: raise QubesException("Unknown device class %d" % major) if minor % 16 == 0: return "%s%c" % (dev_class, ord('a')+minor/16) else: return "%s%c%d" % (dev_class, ord('a')+minor/16, minor%16) def block_name_to_majorminor(name): # check if it is already devid if isinstance(name, int): return (name / 256, name % 256) if name.isdigit(): return (int(name) / 256, int(name) % 256) if os.path.exists('/dev/%s' % name): blk_info = os.stat(os.path.realpath('/dev/%s' % name)) if stat.S_ISBLK(blk_info.st_mode): return (blk_info.st_rdev / 256, blk_info.st_rdev % 256) major = 0 minor = 0 dXpY_style = False disk = True if name.startswith("xvd"): major = 202 elif name.startswith("sd"): major = 8 elif name.startswith("mmcblk"): dXpY_style = True major = 179 elif name.startswith("scd"): disk = False major = 11 elif name.startswith("sr"): disk = False major = 11 elif name.startswith("loop"): disk = False major = 7 elif name.startswith("md"): dXpY_style = True major = 9 elif name.startswith("dm-"): disk = False major = 253 else: # Unknown device return (0, 0) if not dXpY_style: name_match = re.match(r"^([a-z]+)([a-z-])([0-9]*)$", name) else: name_match = re.match(r"^([a-z]+)([0-9]*)(?:p([0-9]+))?$", name) if not name_match: raise QubesException("Invalid device name: %s" % name) if disk: if dXpY_style: minor = int(name_match.group(2))*8 else: minor = (ord(name_match.group(2))-ord('a')) * 16 else: minor = 0 if name_match.group(3): minor += int(name_match.group(3)) return (major, minor) def block_name_to_devid(name): # check if it is already devid if isinstance(name, int): return name if name.isdigit(): return int(name) (major, minor) = block_name_to_majorminor(name) return major << 8 | minor def block_find_unused_frontend(vm = None): assert vm is not None assert vm.is_running() vbd_list = xs.ls('', '/local/domain/%d/device/vbd' % vm.xid) # xvd* devices major = 202 # prefer xvdi for minor in range(8*16,254,16)+range(0,8*16,16): if vbd_list is None or str(major << 8 | minor) not in vbd_list: return block_devid_to_name(major << 8 | minor) return None def block_list(vm = None, system_disks = False): device_re = re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9-]{1,12}$") # FIXME: any better idea of desc_re? desc_re = re.compile(r"^.{1,255}$") mode_re = re.compile(r"^[rw]$") xs_trans = xs.transaction_start() vm_list = [] if vm is not None: if not vm.is_running(): xs.transaction_end(xs_trans) return [] else: vm_list = [ str(vm.xid) ] else: vm_list = xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain') devices_list = {} for xid in vm_list: vm_name = xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%s/name' % xid) vm_devices = xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%s/qubes-block-devices' % xid) if vm_devices is None: continue for device in vm_devices: # Sanitize device name if not device_re.match(device): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid device name in VM '%s'" % vm_name continue device_size = xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%s/qubes-block-devices/%s/size' % (xid, device)) device_desc = xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%s/qubes-block-devices/%s/desc' % (xid, device)) device_mode = xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%s/qubes-block-devices/%s/mode' % (xid, device)) if device_size is None or device_desc is None or device_mode is None: print >> sys.stderr, "Missing field in %s device parameters" % device continue if not device_size.isdigit(): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s device size in VM '%s'" % (device, vm_name) continue if not desc_re.match(device_desc): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s device desc in VM '%s'" % (device, vm_name) continue if not mode_re.match(device_mode): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s device mode in VM '%s'" % (device, vm_name) continue # Check if we know major number for this device; attach will work without this, but detach and check_attached don't if block_name_to_majorminor(device) == (0, 0): print >> sys.stderr, "Unsupported device %s:%s" % (vm_name, device) continue if not system_disks: if xid == '0' and device_desc.startswith(system_path["qubes_base_dir"]): continue visible_name = "%s:%s" % (vm_name, device) devices_list[visible_name] = {"name": visible_name, "xid":int(xid), "vm": vm_name, "device":device, "size":int(device_size), "desc":device_desc, "mode":device_mode} xs.transaction_end(xs_trans) return devices_list def block_check_attached(backend_vm, device, backend_xid = None): if backend_xid is None: backend_xid = backend_vm.xid xs_trans = xs.transaction_start() vm_list = xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/backend/vbd' % backend_xid) if vm_list is None: xs.transaction_end(xs_trans) return None device_majorminor = None try: device_majorminor = block_name_to_majorminor(device) except: # Unknown devices will be compared directly - perhaps it is a filename? pass for vm_xid in vm_list: for devid in xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/backend/vbd/%s' % (backend_xid, vm_xid)): (tmp_major, tmp_minor) = (0, 0) phys_device = xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/backend/vbd/%s/%s/physical-device' % (backend_xid, vm_xid, devid)) dev_params = xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/backend/vbd/%s/%s/params' % (backend_xid, vm_xid, devid)) if phys_device and phys_device.find(':'): (tmp_major, tmp_minor) = phys_device.split(":") tmp_major = int(tmp_major, 16) tmp_minor = int(tmp_minor, 16) else: # perhaps not ready yet - check params if not dev_params: # Skip not-phy devices continue elif not dev_params.startswith('/dev/'): # will compare params directly pass else: (tmp_major, tmp_minor) = block_name_to_majorminor(dev_params.lstrip('/dev/')) if (device_majorminor and (tmp_major, tmp_minor) == device_majorminor) or \ (device_majorminor is None and dev_params == device): vm_name = xl_ctx.domid_to_name(int(vm_xid)) frontend = block_devid_to_name(int(devid)) xs.transaction_end(xs_trans) return {"xid":int(vm_xid), "frontend": frontend, "devid": int(devid), "vm": vm_name} xs.transaction_end(xs_trans) return None def block_attach(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend=None, mode="w", auto_detach=False, wait=True): device_attach_check(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend) do_block_attach(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend, mode, auto_detach, wait) def device_attach_check(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend): """ Checks all the parameters, dies on errors """ if not vm.is_running(): raise QubesException("VM %s not running" % vm.name) if not backend_vm.is_running(): raise QubesException("VM %s not running" % backend_vm.name) def do_block_attach(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend, mode, auto_detach, wait): if frontend is None: frontend = block_find_unused_frontend(vm) if frontend is None: raise QubesException("No unused frontend found") else: # Check if any device attached at this frontend if xs.read('', '/local/domain/%d/device/vbd/%d/state' % (vm.xid, block_name_to_devid(frontend))) == '4': raise QubesException("Frontend %s busy in VM %s, detach it first" % (frontend, vm.name)) # Check if this device is attached to some domain attached_vm = block_check_attached(backend_vm, device) if attached_vm: if auto_detach: block_detach(None, attached_vm['devid'], vm_xid=attached_vm['xid']) else: raise QubesException("Device %s from %s already connected to VM %s as %s" % (device, backend_vm.name, attached_vm['vm'], attached_vm['frontend'])) if device.startswith('/'): backend_dev = 'script:file:' + device else: backend_dev = 'phy:/dev/' + device xl_cmd = [ '/usr/sbin/xl', 'block-attach', vm.name, backend_dev, frontend, mode, str(backend_vm.xid) ] subprocess.check_call(xl_cmd) if wait: be_path = '/local/domain/%d/backend/vbd/%d/%d' % (backend_vm.xid, vm.xid, block_name_to_devid(frontend)) # There is no way to use xenstore watch with a timeout, so must check in a loop interval = 0.100 # 5sec timeout timeout = 5/interval while timeout > 0: be_state = xs.read('', be_path + '/state') hotplug_state = xs.read('', be_path + '/hotplug-status') if be_state is None: raise QubesException("Backend device disappeared, something weird happened") elif int(be_state) == 4: # Ok return elif int(be_state) > 4: # Error error = xs.read('', '/local/domain/%d/error/backend/vbd/%d/%d/error' % (backend_vm.xid, vm.xid, block_name_to_devid(frontend))) if error is not None: raise QubesException("Error while connecting block device: " + error) else: raise QubesException("Unknown error while connecting block device") elif hotplug_state == 'error': hotplug_error = xs.read('', be_path + '/hotplug-error') if hotplug_error: raise QubesException("Error while connecting block device: " + hotplug_error) else: raise QubesException("Unknown hotplug error while connecting block device") time.sleep(interval) timeout -= interval raise QubesException("Timeout while waiting for block defice connection") def block_detach(vm, frontend = "xvdi", vm_xid = None): # Get XID if not provided already if vm_xid is None: if not vm.is_running(): raise QubesException("VM %s not running" % vm.name) # FIXME: potential race vm_xid = vm.xid # Check if this device is really connected if not xs.read('', '/local/domain/%d/device/vbd/%d/state' % (vm_xid, block_name_to_devid(frontend))) == '4': # Do nothing - device already detached return xl_cmd = [ '/usr/sbin/xl', 'block-detach', str(vm_xid), str(frontend)] subprocess.check_call(xl_cmd) def block_detach_all(vm, vm_xid = None): """ Detach all non-system devices""" # Get XID if not provided already if vm_xid is None: if not vm.is_running(): raise QubesException("VM %s not running" % vm.name) # FIXME: potential race vm_xid = vm.xid xs_trans = xs.transaction_start() devices = xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/device/vbd' % vm_xid) if devices is None: return devices_to_detach = [] for devid in devices: # check if this is system disk be_path = xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/device/vbd/%s/backend' % (vm_xid, devid)) assert be_path is not None be_params = xs.read(xs_trans, be_path + '/params') if be_path.startswith('/local/domain/0/') and be_params is not None and be_params.startswith(system_path["qubes_base_dir"]): # system disk continue devices_to_detach.append(devid) xs.transaction_end(xs_trans) for devid in devices_to_detach: xl_cmd = [ '/usr/sbin/xl', 'block-detach', str(vm_xid), devid] subprocess.check_call(xl_cmd) ####### USB devices ###### usb_ver_re = re.compile(r"^(1|2)$") usb_device_re = re.compile(r"^[0-9]+-[0-9]+(_[0-9]+)?$") usb_port_re = re.compile(r"^$|^[0-9]+-[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$") def usb_setup(backend_vm_xid, vm_xid, devid, usb_ver): """ Attach frontend to the backend. backend_vm_xid - id of the backend domain vm_xid - id of the frontend domain devid - id of the pvusb controller """ num_ports = 8 trans = xs.transaction_start() be_path = "/local/domain/%d/backend/vusb/%d/%d" % (backend_vm_xid, vm_xid, devid) fe_path = "/local/domain/%d/device/vusb/%d" % (vm_xid, devid) be_perm = [{'dom': backend_vm_xid}, {'dom': vm_xid, 'read': True} ] fe_perm = [{'dom': vm_xid}, {'dom': backend_vm_xid, 'read': True} ] # Create directories and set permissions xs.write(trans, be_path, "") xs.set_permissions(trans, be_path, be_perm) xs.write(trans, fe_path, "") xs.set_permissions(trans, fe_path, fe_perm) # Write backend information into the location that frontend looks for xs.write(trans, "%s/backend-id" % fe_path, str(backend_vm_xid)) xs.write(trans, "%s/backend" % fe_path, be_path) # Write frontend information into the location that backend looks for xs.write(trans, "%s/frontend-id" % be_path, str(vm_xid)) xs.write(trans, "%s/frontend" % be_path, fe_path) # Write USB Spec version field. xs.write(trans, "%s/usb-ver" % be_path, usb_ver) # Write virtual root hub field. xs.write(trans, "%s/num-ports" % be_path, str(num_ports)) for port in range(1, num_ports+1): # Set all port to disconnected state xs.write(trans, "%s/port/%d" % (be_path, port), "") # Set state to XenbusStateInitialising xs.write(trans, "%s/state" % fe_path, "1") xs.write(trans, "%s/state" % be_path, "1") xs.write(trans, "%s/online" % be_path, "1") xs.transaction_end(trans) def usb_decode_device_from_xs(xs_encoded_device): """ recover actual device name (xenstore doesn't allow dot in key names, so it was translated to underscore) """ return xs_encoded_device.replace('_', '.') def usb_encode_device_for_xs(device): """ encode actual device name (xenstore doesn't allow dot in key names, so translated it into underscore) """ return device.replace('.', '_') def usb_list(): """ Returns a dictionary of USB devices (for PVUSB backends running in all VM). The dictionary is keyed by 'name' (see below), each element is a dictionary itself: vm = name of the backend domain xid = xid of the backend domain device = - name = :- desc = description """ # FIXME: any better idea of desc_re? desc_re = re.compile(r"^.{1,255}$") devices_list = {} xs_trans = xs.transaction_start() vm_list = xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain') for xid in vm_list: vm_name = xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%s/name' % xid) vm_devices = xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%s/qubes-usb-devices' % xid) if vm_devices is None: continue # when listing devices in xenstore we get encoded names for xs_encoded_device in vm_devices: # Sanitize device id if not usb_device_re.match(xs_encoded_device): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid device id in backend VM '%s'" % vm_name continue device = usb_decode_device_from_xs(xs_encoded_device) device_desc = xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%s/qubes-usb-devices/%s/desc' % (xid, xs_encoded_device)) if not desc_re.match(device_desc): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s device desc in VM '%s'" % (device, vm_name) continue visible_name = "%s:%s" % (vm_name, device) # grab version usb_ver = xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%s/qubes-usb-devices/%s/usb-ver' % (xid, xs_encoded_device)) if usb_ver is None or not usb_ver_re.match(usb_ver): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s device USB version in VM '%s'" % (device, vm_name) continue devices_list[visible_name] = {"name": visible_name, "xid":int(xid), "vm": vm_name, "device":device, "desc":device_desc, "usb_ver":usb_ver} xs.transaction_end(xs_trans) return devices_list def usb_check_attached(xs_trans, backend_vm, device): """ Checks if the given device in the given backend attached to any frontend. Parameters: backend_vm - xid of the backend domain device - device name in the backend domain Returns None or a dictionary: vm - the name of the frontend domain xid - xid of the frontend domain frontend - frontend device number FIXME devid - frontend port number FIXME """ # sample xs content: /local/domain/0/backend/vusb/4/0/port/1 = "7-5" attached_dev = None vms = xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/backend/vusb' % backend_vm) if vms is None: return None for vm in vms: if not vm.isdigit(): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid VM id" continue frontend_devs = xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/backend/vusb/%s' % (backend_vm, vm)) if frontend_devs is None: continue for frontend_dev in frontend_devs: if not frontend_dev.isdigit(): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid frontend in VM %s" % vm continue ports = xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/backend/vusb/%s/%s/port' % (backend_vm, vm, frontend_dev)) if ports is None: continue for port in ports: # FIXME: refactor, see similar loop in usb_find_unused_frontend(), use usb_list() instead? if not port.isdigit(): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid port in VM %s frontend %s" % (vm, frontend) continue dev = xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/backend/vusb/%s/%s/port/%s' % (backend_vm, vm, frontend_dev, port)) if dev == "": continue # Sanitize device id if not usb_port_re.match(dev): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid device id in backend VM %d @ %s/%s/port/%s" % \ (backend_vm, vm, frontend_dev, port) continue if dev == device: frontend = "%s-%s" % (frontend_dev, port) vm_name = xl_ctx.domid_to_name(int(vm)) if vm_name is None: # FIXME: should we wipe references to frontends running on nonexistent VMs? continue attached_dev = {"xid":int(vm), "frontend": frontend, "devid": device, "vm": vm_name} break return attached_dev #def usb_check_frontend_busy(vm, front_dev, port): # devport = frontend.split("-") # if len(devport) != 2: # raise QubesException("Malformed frontend syntax, must be in device-port format") # # FIXME: # # return xs.read('', '/local/domain/%d/device/vusb/%d/state' % (vm.xid, frontend)) == '4' # return False def usb_find_unused_frontend(xs_trans, backend_vm_xid, vm_xid, usb_ver): """ Find an unused frontend/port to link the given backend with the given frontend. Creates new frontend if needed. Returns frontend specification in - format. """ # This variable holds an index of last frontend scanned by the loop below. # If nothing found, this value will be used to derive the index of a new frontend. last_frontend_dev = -1 frontend_devs = xs.ls(xs_trans, "/local/domain/%d/device/vusb" % vm_xid) if frontend_devs is not None: for frontend_dev in frontend_devs: if not frontend_dev.isdigit(): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid frontend_dev in VM %d" % vm_xid continue frontend_dev = int(frontend_dev) fe_path = "/local/domain/%d/device/vusb/%d" % (vm_xid, frontend_dev) if xs.read(xs_trans, "%s/backend-id" % fe_path) == str(backend_vm_xid): if xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/backend/vusb/%d/%d/usb-ver' % (backend_vm_xid, vm_xid, frontend_dev)) != usb_ver: last_frontend_dev = frontend_dev continue # here: found an existing frontend already connected to right backend using an appropriate USB version ports = xs.ls(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/backend/vusb/%d/%d/port' % (backend_vm_xid, vm_xid, frontend_dev)) if ports is None: print >> sys.stderr, "No ports in VM %d frontend_dev %d?" % (vm_xid, frontend_dev) last_frontend_dev = frontend_dev continue for port in ports: # FIXME: refactor, see similar loop in usb_check_attached(), use usb_list() instead? if not port.isdigit(): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid port in VM %d frontend_dev %d" % (vm_xid, frontend_dev) continue port = int(port) dev = xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%d/backend/vusb/%d/%s/port/%s' % (backend_vm_xid, vm_xid, frontend_dev, port)) # Sanitize device id if not usb_port_re.match(dev): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid device id in backend VM %d @ %d/%d/port/%d" % \ (backend_vm_xid, vm_xid, frontend_dev, port) continue if dev == "": return '%d-%d' % (frontend_dev, port) last_frontend_dev = frontend_dev # create a new frontend_dev and link it to the backend frontend_dev = last_frontend_dev + 1 usb_setup(backend_vm_xid, vm_xid, frontend_dev, usb_ver) return '%d-%d' % (frontend_dev, 1) def usb_attach(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend=None, auto_detach=False, wait=True): device_attach_check(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend) xs_trans = xs.transaction_start() xs_encoded_device = usb_encode_device_for_xs(device) usb_ver = xs.read(xs_trans, '/local/domain/%s/qubes-usb-devices/%s/usb-ver' % (backend_vm.xid, xs_encoded_device)) if usb_ver is None or not usb_ver_re.match(usb_ver): xs.transaction_end(xs_trans) raise QubesException("Invalid %s device USB version in VM '%s'" % (device, backend_vm.name)) if frontend is None: frontend = usb_find_unused_frontend(xs_trans, backend_vm.xid, vm.xid, usb_ver) else: # Check if any device attached at this frontend #if usb_check_frontend_busy(vm, frontend): # raise QubesException("Frontend %s busy in VM %s, detach it first" % (frontend, vm.name)) xs.transaction_end(xs_trans) raise NotImplementedError("Explicit USB frontend specification is not implemented yet") # Check if this device is attached to some domain attached_vm = usb_check_attached(xs_trans, backend_vm.xid, device) xs.transaction_end(xs_trans) if attached_vm: if auto_detach: usb_detach(backend_vm, attached_vm) else: raise QubesException("Device %s from %s already connected to VM %s as %s" % (device, backend_vm.name, attached_vm['vm'], attached_vm['frontend'])) # Run helper script xl_cmd = [ '/usr/lib/qubes/xl-qvm-usb-attach.py', str(vm.xid), device, frontend, str(backend_vm.xid) ] subprocess.check_call(xl_cmd) def usb_detach(backend_vm, attachment): xl_cmd = [ '/usr/lib/qubes/xl-qvm-usb-detach.py', str(attachment['xid']), attachment['devid'], attachment['frontend'], str(backend_vm.xid) ] subprocess.check_call(xl_cmd) def usb_detach_all(vm): raise NotImplementedError("Detaching all devices from a given VM is not implemented yet") ####### QubesWatch ###### def only_in_first_list(l1, l2): ret=[] for i in l1: if not i in l2: ret.append(i) return ret class QubesWatch(object): class WatchType(object): def __init__(self, fn, param): self.fn = fn self.param = param def __init__(self): self.xs = xen.lowlevel.xs.xs() self.watch_tokens_block = {} self.watch_tokens_vbd = {} self.watch_tokens_meminfo = {} self.block_callback = None self.meminfo_callback = None self.domain_callback = None self.xs.watch('@introduceDomain', QubesWatch.WatchType(self.domain_list_changed, None)) self.xs.watch('@releaseDomain', QubesWatch.WatchType(self.domain_list_changed, None)) def setup_block_watch(self, callback): old_block_callback = self.block_callback self.block_callback = callback if old_block_callback is not None and callback is None: # remove watches self.update_watches_block([]) else: # possibly add watches self.domain_list_changed(None) def setup_meminfo_watch(self, callback): old_meminfo_callback = self.meminfo_callback self.meminfo_callback = callback if old_meminfo_callback is not None and callback is None: # remove watches self.update_watches_meminfo([]) else: # possibly add watches self.domain_list_changed(None) def setup_domain_watch(self, callback): self.domain_callback = callback def get_block_key(self, xid): return '/local/domain/%s/qubes-block-devices' % xid def get_vbd_key(self, xid): return '/local/domain/%s/device/vbd' % xid def get_meminfo_key(self, xid): return '/local/domain/%s/memory/meminfo' % xid def update_watches(self, xid_list, watch_tokens, xs_key_func, callback): for i in only_in_first_list(xid_list, watch_tokens.keys()): #new domain has been created watch = QubesWatch.WatchType(callback, i) watch_tokens[i] = watch self.xs.watch(xs_key_func(i), watch) for i in only_in_first_list(watch_tokens.keys(), xid_list): #domain destroyed self.xs.unwatch(xs_key_func(i), watch_tokens[i]) watch_tokens.pop(i) def update_watches_block(self, xid_list): self.update_watches(xid_list, self.watch_tokens_block, self.get_block_key, self.block_callback) self.update_watches(xid_list, self.watch_tokens_vbd, self.get_vbd_key, self.block_callback) def update_watches_meminfo(self, xid_list): self.update_watches(xid_list, self.watch_tokens_meminfo, self.get_meminfo_key, self.meminfo_callback) def domain_list_changed(self, param): curr = self.xs.ls('', '/local/domain') if curr == None: return if self.domain_callback: self.domain_callback() if self.block_callback: self.update_watches_block(curr) if self.meminfo_callback: self.update_watches_meminfo(curr) def watch_single(self): result = self.xs.read_watch() token = result[1] token.fn(token.param) def watch_loop(self): while True: self.watch_single() ##### updates check ##### UPDATES_DOM0_DISABLE_FLAG='/var/lib/qubes/updates/disable-updates' def updates_vms_toggle(qvm_collection, value): for vm in qvm_collection.values(): if vm.qid == 0: continue if value: vm.services.pop('qubes-update-check', None) if vm.is_running(): try: vm.run("systemctl start qubes-update-check.timer", user="root") except: pass else: vm.services['qubes-update-check'] = False if vm.is_running(): try: vm.run("systemctl stop qubes-update-check.timer", user="root") except: pass def updates_dom0_toggle(qvm_collection, value): if value: if os.path.exists(UPDATES_DOM0_DISABLE_FLAG): os.unlink(UPDATES_DOM0_DISABLE_FLAG) else: open(UPDATES_DOM0_DISABLE_FLAG, "w").close() def updates_dom0_status(qvm_collection): return not os.path.exists(UPDATES_DOM0_DISABLE_FLAG) # 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