# # The Qubes OS Project, http://www.qubes-os.org # # Copyright (C) 2016 Marek Marczykowski-Górecki # <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # import asyncio import os import shutil import qubes.storage.lvm import qubes.tests import qubes.tests.storage_lvm import qubes.vm.appvm class StorageTestMixin(qubes.tests.SystemTestsMixin): def setUp(self): super(StorageTestMixin, self).setUp() self.init_default_template() self.vm1 = self.app.add_new_vm(qubes.vm.appvm.AppVM, name=self.make_vm_name('vm1'), label='red') self.vm1.create_on_disk() self.vm2 = self.app.add_new_vm(qubes.vm.appvm.AppVM, name=self.make_vm_name('vm2'), label='red') self.vm2.create_on_disk() self.pool = None self.init_pool() self.app.save() def init_pool(self): ''' Initialize storage pool to be tested, store it in self.pool''' raise NotImplementedError def test_000_volatile(self): '''Test if volatile volume is really volatile''' return self.loop.run_until_complete(self._test_000_volatile()) @asyncio.coroutine def _test_000_volatile(self): size = 32*1024*1024 volume_config = { 'pool': self.pool.name, 'size': size, 'internal': False, 'save_on_stop': False, 'rw': True, } testvol = self.vm1.storage.init_volume('testvol', volume_config) yield from self.vm1.storage.get_pool(testvol).create(testvol) self.app.save() yield from (self.vm1.start()) # volatile image not clean yield from (self.vm1.run_for_stdio( 'head -c {} /dev/zero 2>&1 | diff -q /dev/xvde - 2>&1'.format(size), user='root')) # volatile image not volatile yield from ( self.vm1.run_for_stdio('echo test123 > /dev/xvde', user='root')) yield from (self.vm1.shutdown(wait=True)) yield from (self.vm1.start()) yield from (self.vm1.run_for_stdio( 'head -c {} /dev/zero 2>&1 | diff -q /dev/xvde - 2>&1'.format(size), user='root')) def test_001_non_volatile(self): '''Test if non-volatile volume is really non-volatile''' return self.loop.run_until_complete(self._test_001_non_volatile()) @asyncio.coroutine def _test_001_non_volatile(self): size = 32*1024*1024 volume_config = { 'pool': self.pool.name, 'size': size, 'internal': False, 'save_on_stop': True, 'rw': True, } testvol = yield from self.vm1.storage.init_volume( 'testvol', volume_config) yield from self.vm1.storage.get_pool(testvol).create(testvol) self.app.save() yield from self.vm1.start() # non-volatile image not clean yield from self.vm1.run_for_stdio( 'head -c {} /dev/zero 2>&1 | diff -q /dev/xvde - 2>&1'.format(size), user='root') yield from self.vm1.run_for_stdio('echo test123 > /dev/xvde', user='root') yield from self.vm1.shutdown(wait=True) yield from self.vm1.start() # non-volatile image volatile with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError): yield from self.vm1.run_for_stdio( 'head -c {} /dev/zero 2>&1 | diff -q /dev/xvde - 2>&1'.format( size), user='root') def test_002_read_only(self): '''Test read-only volume''' self.loop.run_until_complete(self._test_002_read_only()) @asyncio.coroutine def _test_002_read_only(self): size = 32 * 1024 * 1024 volume_config = { 'pool': self.pool.name, 'size': size, 'internal': False, 'save_on_stop': False, 'rw': False, } testvol = self.vm1.storage.init_volume('testvol', volume_config) yield from self.vm1.storage.get_pool(testvol).create(testvol) self.app.save() yield from self.vm1.start() # non-volatile image not clean yield from self.vm1.run_for_stdio( 'head -c {} /dev/zero 2>&1 | diff -q /dev/xvde - 2>&1'.format(size), user='root') # Write to read-only volume unexpectedly succeeded with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError): yield from self.vm1.run_for_stdio('echo test123 > /dev/xvde', user='root') # read-only volume modified yield from self.vm1.run_for_stdio( 'head -c {} /dev/zero 2>&1 | diff -q /dev/xvde - 2>&1'.format(size), user='root') def test_003_snapshot(self): '''Test snapshot volume data propagation''' self.loop.run_until_complete(self._test_003_snapshot()) @asyncio.coroutine def _test_003_snapshot(self): size = 128 * 1024 * 1024 volume_config = { 'pool': self.pool.name, 'size': size, 'internal': False, 'save_on_stop': True, 'rw': True, } testvol = self.vm1.storage.init_volume('testvol', volume_config) yield from self.vm1.storage.get_pool(testvol).create(testvol) volume_config = { 'pool': self.pool.name, 'size': size, 'internal': False, 'snap_on_start': True, 'source': testvol.vid, 'rw': True, } testvol_snap = self.vm2.storage.init_volume('testvol', volume_config) yield from self.vm2.storage.get_pool(testvol_snap).create(testvol_snap) self.app.save() yield from self.vm1.start() yield from self.vm2.start() # origin image not clean yield from self.vm1.run_for_stdio( 'head -c {} /dev/zero 2>&1 | diff -q /dev/xvde - 2>&1'.format(size), user='root') # snapshot image not clean yield from self.vm2.run_for_stdio( 'head -c {} /dev/zero | diff -q /dev/xvde -'.format(size), user='root') # Write to read-write volume failed yield from self.vm1.run_for_stdio('echo test123 > /dev/xvde && sync', user='root') # origin changes propagated to snapshot too early yield from self.vm2.run_for_stdio( 'head -c {} /dev/zero 2>&1 | diff -q /dev/xvde - 2>&1'.format(size), user='root') yield from self.vm1.shutdown(wait=True) # after origin shutdown there should be still no change # origin changes propagated to snapshot too early2 yield from self.vm2.run_for_stdio( 'head -c {} /dev/zero 2>&1 | diff -q /dev/xvde - 2>&1'.format(size), user='root') yield from self.vm2.shutdown(wait=True) yield from self.vm2.start() # only after target VM restart changes should be visible # origin changes not visible in snapshot with self.assertRaises(subprocess.CalledProcessError): yield from self.vm2.run( 'head -c {} /dev/zero 2>&1 | diff -q /dev/xvde - 2>&1'.format( size), user='root') def test_004_snapshot_non_persistent(self): '''Test snapshot volume non-persistence''' return self.loop.run_until_complete( self._test_004_snapshot_non_persistent()) @asyncio.coroutine def _test_004_snapshot_non_persistent(self): size = 128 * 1024 * 1024 volume_config = { 'pool': self.pool.name, 'size': size, 'internal': False, 'save_on_stop': True, 'rw': True, } testvol = self.vm1.storage.init_volume('testvol', volume_config) yield from self.vm1.storage.get_pool(testvol).create(testvol) volume_config = { 'pool': self.pool.name, 'size': size, 'internal': False, 'snap_on_start': True, 'source': testvol.vid, 'rw': True, } testvol_snap = self.vm2.storage.init_volume('testvol', volume_config) yield from self.vm2.storage.get_pool(testvol_snap).create(testvol_snap) self.app.save() yield from self.vm2.start() # snapshot image not clean yield from self.vm2.run_for_stdio( 'head -c {} /dev/zero | diff -q /dev/xvde -'.format(size), user='root') # Write to read-write snapshot volume failed yield from self.vm2.run_for_stdio('echo test123 > /dev/xvde && sync', user='root') yield from self.vm2.shutdown(wait=True) yield from self.vm2.start() # changes on snapshot survived VM restart yield from self.vm2.run_for_stdio( 'head -c {} /dev/zero 2>&1 | diff -q /dev/xvde - 2>&1'.format(size), user='root') class StorageFile(StorageTestMixin, qubes.tests.QubesTestCase): def init_pool(self): self.dir_path = '/var/tmp/test-pool' self.pool = self.app.add_pool(dir_path=self.dir_path, name='test-pool', driver='file') os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.dir_path, 'appvms', self.vm1.name)) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.dir_path, 'appvms', self.vm2.name)) def tearDown(self): self.app.remove_pool('test-pool') shutil.rmtree(self.dir_path) super(StorageFile, self).tearDown() @qubes.tests.storage_lvm.skipUnlessLvmPoolExists class StorageLVM(StorageTestMixin, qubes.tests.QubesTestCase): def init_pool(self): # check if the default LVM Thin pool qubes_dom0/pool00 exists volume_group, thin_pool = \ qubes.tests.storage_lvm.DEFAULT_LVM_POOL.split('/', 1) self.pool = self._find_pool(volume_group, thin_pool) if not self.pool: self.pool = self.app.add_pool(**qubes.tests.storage_lvm.POOL_CONF) self.created_pool = True def tearDown(self): ''' Remove the default lvm pool if it was created only for this test ''' if self.created_pool: self.app.remove_pool(self.pool.name) super(StorageLVM, self).tearDown() def _find_pool(self, volume_group, thin_pool): ''' Returns the pool matching the specified ``volume_group`` & ``thin_pool``, or None. ''' pools = [p for p in self.app.pools if issubclass(p.__class__, qubes.storage.lvm.ThinPool)] for pool in pools: if pool.volume_group == volume_group \ and pool.thin_pool == thin_pool: return pool return None