.. program:: qubes-create :program:`qubes-create` -- Create new Qubes OS store. ===================================================== This command is the only supported way to create new qubes.xml. It is intended to be readable though, so you can probably create it manually if you like. Synopsis -------- :command:`qubes-create` [-h] [--qubesxml *XMLFILE*] [--property *NAME*=*VALUE*] Options ------- .. option:: --help, -h show help message and exit .. option:: --qubesxml=XMLFILE Where to put this new file in question. .. option:: --property=NAME=VALUE, --prop=NAME=VALUE, -p NAME=VALUE On creation, set global property *NAME* to *VALUE*. Authors ------- | Wojtek Porczyk <woju at invisiblethingslab dot com> .. vim: ts=3 sw=3 et tw=80