# # The Qubes OS Project, https://www.qubes-os.org/ # # Copyright (C) 2017 Wojtek Porczyk # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # ''' Qubes OS Management API ''' import asyncio import string import functools import qubes.vm.qubesvm import qubes.storage class ProtocolError(AssertionError): '''Raised when something is wrong with data received''' pass class PermissionDenied(Exception): '''Raised deliberately by handlers when we decide not to cooperate''' pass def not_in_api(func): '''Decorator for methods not intended to appear in API. The decorated method cannot be called from public API using :py:class:`QubesMgmt` class. The method becomes "private", and can be called only as a helper for other methods. ''' func.not_in_api = True return func def no_payload(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self, untrusted_payload): if untrusted_payload != b'': raise ProtocolError('unexpected payload') return func(self) return wrapper class QubesMgmt(object): '''Implementation of Qubes Management API calls This class contains all the methods available in the API. ''' def __init__(self, app, src, method, dest, arg): #: :py:class:`qubes.Qubes` object self.app = app #: source qube self.src = self.app.domains[src.decode('ascii')] #: destination qube self.dest = self.app.domains[dest.decode('ascii')] #: argument self.arg = arg.decode('ascii') #: name of the method self.method = method.decode('ascii') untrusted_func_name = self.method if untrusted_func_name.startswith('mgmt.'): untrusted_func_name = untrusted_func_name[5:] untrusted_func_name = untrusted_func_name.lower().replace('.', '_') if untrusted_func_name.startswith('_') \ or not '_' in untrusted_func_name: raise ProtocolError( 'possibly malicious function name: {!r}'.format( untrusted_func_name)) try: untrusted_func = getattr(self, untrusted_func_name) except AttributeError: raise ProtocolError( 'no such attribute: {!r}'.format( untrusted_func_name)) if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(untrusted_func): raise ProtocolError( 'no such method: {!r}'.format( untrusted_func_name)) if getattr(untrusted_func, 'not_in_api', False): raise ProtocolError( 'attempt to call private method: {!r}'.format( untrusted_func_name)) self.execute = untrusted_func del untrusted_func_name del untrusted_func # # PRIVATE METHODS, not to be called via RPC # @not_in_api def fire_event_for_permission(self, **kwargs): '''Fire an event on the source qube to check for permission''' return self.src.fire_event_pre('mgmt-permission:{}'.format(self.method), dest=self.dest, arg=self.arg, **kwargs) @not_in_api def fire_event_for_filter(self, iterable, **kwargs): '''Fire an event on the source qube to filter for permission''' for selector in self.fire_event_for_permission(**kwargs): iterable = filter(selector, iterable) return iterable # # ACTUAL RPC CALLS # @asyncio.coroutine @no_payload def vm_list(self): '''List all the domains''' assert not self.arg if self.dest.name == 'dom0': domains = self.fire_event_for_filter(self.app.domains) else: domains = self.fire_event_for_filter([self.dest]) return ''.join('{} class={} state={}\n'.format( vm.name, vm.__class__.__name__, vm.get_power_state()) for vm in sorted(domains)) @asyncio.coroutine @no_payload def vm_property_list(self): '''List all properties on a qube''' assert not self.arg properties = self.fire_event_for_filter(self.dest.property_list()) return ''.join('{}\n'.format(prop.__name__) for prop in properties) @asyncio.coroutine @no_payload def vm_property_get(self): '''Get a value of one property''' assert self.arg in self.dest.property_list() self.fire_event_for_permission() property_def = self.dest.property_get_def(self.arg) # explicit list to be sure that it matches protocol spec if isinstance(property_def, qubes.vm.VMProperty): property_type = 'vm' elif property_def.type is int: property_type = 'int' elif property_def.type is bool: property_type = 'bool' elif self.arg == 'label': property_type = 'label' else: property_type = 'str' try: value = getattr(self.dest, self.arg) except AttributeError: return 'default=True type={} '.format(property_type) else: return 'default={} type={} {}'.format( str(self.dest.property_is_default(self.arg)), property_type, str(value) if value is not None else '') @asyncio.coroutine def vm_property_set(self, untrusted_payload): assert self.arg in self.dest.property_list() property_def = self.dest.property_get_def(self.arg) newvalue = property_def.sanitize(untrusted_newvalue=untrusted_payload) self.fire_event_for_permission(newvalue=newvalue) setattr(self.dest, self.arg, newvalue) self.app.save() @asyncio.coroutine @no_payload def vm_property_help(self): '''Get help for one property''' assert self.arg in self.dest.property_list() self.fire_event_for_permission() try: doc = self.dest.property_get_def(self.arg).__doc__ except AttributeError: return '' return qubes.utils.format_doc(doc) @asyncio.coroutine @no_payload def vm_property_reset(self): '''Reset a property to a default value''' assert self.arg in self.dest.property_list() self.fire_event_for_permission() delattr(self.dest, self.arg) self.app.save() @asyncio.coroutine @no_payload def vm_volume_list(self): assert not self.arg volume_names = self.fire_event_for_filter(self.dest.volumes.keys()) return ''.join('{}\n'.format(name) for name in volume_names) @asyncio.coroutine @no_payload def vm_volume_info(self): assert self.arg in self.dest.volumes.keys() self.fire_event_for_permission() volume = self.dest.volumes[self.arg] # properties defined in API volume_properties = [ 'pool', 'vid', 'size', 'usage', 'rw', 'internal', 'source', 'save_on_stop', 'snap_on_start'] return ''.join('{}={}\n'.format(key, getattr(volume, key)) for key in volume_properties) @asyncio.coroutine @no_payload def vm_volume_listsnapshots(self): assert self.arg in self.dest.volumes.keys() volume = self.dest.volumes[self.arg] revisions = [revision for revision in volume.revisions] revisions = self.fire_event_for_filter(revisions) return ''.join('{}\n'.format(revision) for revision in revisions) @asyncio.coroutine def vm_volume_revert(self, untrusted_payload): assert self.arg in self.dest.volumes.keys() untrusted_revision = untrusted_payload.decode('ascii').strip() del untrusted_payload volume = self.dest.volumes[self.arg] snapshots = volume.revisions assert untrusted_revision in snapshots revision = untrusted_revision self.fire_event_for_permission(revision=revision) self.dest.storage.get_pool(volume).revert(revision) self.app.save() @asyncio.coroutine def vm_volume_resize(self, untrusted_payload): assert self.arg in self.dest.volumes.keys() untrusted_size = untrusted_payload.decode('ascii').strip() del untrusted_payload assert untrusted_size.isdigit() # only digits, forbid '-' too assert len(untrusted_size) <= 20 # limit to about 2^64 size = int(untrusted_size) self.fire_event_for_permission(size=size) self.dest.storage.resize(self.arg, size) self.app.save() @asyncio.coroutine @no_payload def pool_list(self): assert not self.arg assert self.dest.name == 'dom0' pools = self.fire_event_for_filter(self.app.pools) return ''.join('{}\n'.format(pool) for pool in pools) @asyncio.coroutine @no_payload def pool_listdrivers(self): assert self.dest.name == 'dom0' assert not self.arg drivers = self.fire_event_for_filter(qubes.storage.pool_drivers()) return ''.join('{} {}\n'.format( driver, ' '.join(qubes.storage.driver_parameters(driver))) for driver in drivers) @asyncio.coroutine @no_payload def pool_info(self): assert self.dest.name == 'dom0' assert self.arg in self.app.pools.keys() pool = self.app.pools[self.arg] self.fire_event_for_permission(pool=pool) return ''.join('{}={}\n'.format(prop, val) for prop, val in sorted(pool.config.items())) @asyncio.coroutine def pool_add(self, untrusted_payload): assert self.dest.name == 'dom0' drivers = qubes.storage.pool_drivers() assert self.arg in drivers untrusted_pool_config = untrusted_payload.decode('ascii').splitlines() del untrusted_payload assert all(('=' in line) for line in untrusted_pool_config) # pairs of (option, value) untrusted_pool_config = [line.split('=', 1) for line in untrusted_pool_config] # reject duplicated options assert len(set(x[0] for x in untrusted_pool_config)) == \ len([x[0] for x in untrusted_pool_config]) # and convert to dict untrusted_pool_config = dict(untrusted_pool_config) assert 'name' in untrusted_pool_config untrusted_pool_name = untrusted_pool_config.pop('name') allowed_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '-_.' assert all(c in allowed_chars for c in untrusted_pool_name) pool_name = untrusted_pool_name assert pool_name not in self.app.pools driver_parameters = qubes.storage.driver_parameters(self.arg) assert all(key in driver_parameters for key in untrusted_pool_config) pool_config = untrusted_pool_config self.fire_event_for_permission(name=pool_name, pool_config=pool_config) self.app.add_pool(name=pool_name, driver=self.arg, **pool_config) self.app.save() @asyncio.coroutine @no_payload def pool_remove(self): assert self.dest.name == 'dom0' assert self.arg in self.app.pools.keys() self.fire_event_for_permission() self.app.remove_pool(self.arg) self.app.save() @asyncio.coroutine @no_payload def label_list(self): assert self.dest.name == 'dom0' assert not self.arg labels = self.fire_event_for_filter(self.app.labels.values()) return ''.join('{}\n'.format(label.name) for label in labels) @asyncio.coroutine @no_payload def label_get(self): assert self.dest.name == 'dom0' try: label = self.app.get_label(self.arg) except KeyError: raise qubes.exc.QubesValueError self.fire_event_for_permission(label=label) return label.color @asyncio.coroutine def label_create(self, untrusted_payload): assert self.dest.name == 'dom0' # don't confuse label name with label index assert not self.arg.isdigit() allowed_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '-_.' assert all(c in allowed_chars for c in self.arg) try: self.app.get_label(self.arg) except KeyError: # ok, no such label yet pass else: raise qubes.exc.QubesValueError('label already exists') untrusted_payload = untrusted_payload.decode('ascii').strip() assert len(untrusted_payload) == 8 assert untrusted_payload.startswith('0x') # besides prefix, only hex digits are allowed assert all(x in string.hexdigits for x in untrusted_payload[2:]) # SEE: #2732 color = untrusted_payload self.fire_event_for_permission(color=color) # allocate new index, but make sure it's outside of default labels set new_index = max( qubes.config.max_default_label, *self.app.labels.keys()) + 1 label = qubes.Label(new_index, color, self.arg) self.app.labels[new_index] = label self.app.save() @asyncio.coroutine @no_payload def label_remove(self): assert self.dest.name == 'dom0' try: label = self.app.get_label(self.arg) except KeyError: raise qubes.exc.QubesValueError # don't allow removing default labels assert label.index > qubes.config.max_default_label # FIXME: this should be in app.add_label() for vm in self.app.domains: if vm.label == label: raise qubes.exc.QubesException('label still in use') self.fire_event_for_permission(label=label) del self.app.labels[label.index] self.app.save()