#!/usr/bin/python import sys import os import subprocess POLICY_FILE_DIR="/etc/qubes_rpc/policy" QREXEC_CLIENT="/usr/lib/qubes/qrexec_client" def read_policy_file(exec_index): policy=list() f = open(POLICY_FILE_DIR+"/"+exec_index) for iter in f.readlines(): policy.append(iter.split()) f.close() return policy def is_match(item, config_term): return (item is not "dom0" and config_term == "anyvm") or item == config_term def apply_policy(policy, domain, target): for iter in policy: if len(iter) < 3: continue if not is_match(domain, iter[0]): continue if not is_match(target, iter[1]): continue ret=iter[2].split("=") if len(ret)==1: return (ret[0], None) else: return (ret[0], ret[1]) return (None, None) def do_execute(domain, target, exec_index, process_ident): if target == "dispvm": cmd = "/usr/lib/qubes/qfile-daemon-dvm " + exec_index + " " + domain else: cmd= "qvm-run -uroot -q -a --pass_io "+target cmd+=" '/usr/lib/qubes/qubes_rpc_multiplexer "+exec_index + " " + domain + "'" os.execl(QREXEC_CLIENT, "qrexec_client", "-d", domain, "-l", cmd, "-c", process_ident) def confirm_execution(domain, target, exec_index): text = "Do you allow domain \"" +domain + "\" to execute " + exec_index text+= " operation on the domain \"" + target +"\"?" retcode = subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/zenity", "--question", "--text", text]) return retcode==0 def policy_editor(domain, target, exec_index): text = "Policy editor not yet implemented. Please add a line in the form \"" text+= domain + " " + target + "action_to_take\"" text+= " to /etc/qubes_rpc/policy/" + exec_index +" file in dom0, then close this info." subprocess.call(["/usr/bin/zenity", "--info", "--text", text]) def main(): domain=sys.argv[1] target=sys.argv[2] exec_index=sys.argv[3] process_ident=sys.argv[4] action = None while action is None: policy = read_policy_file(exec_index) (action, params) = apply_policy(policy, domain, target) if action is None: policy_editor(domain, target, exec_index) if action == "allow": do_execute(domain, target, exec_index, process_ident) elif action == "divert": do_execute(domain, params, exec_index, process_ident) elif action == "ask": if confirm_execution(domain, target, exec_index): do_execute(domain, target, exec_index, process_ident) print >> sys.stderr, "Rpc denied:", domain, target, exec_index os.execl(QREXEC_CLIENT, "qrexec_client", "-d", domain, "-l", "/bin/false", "-c", process_ident) main()