
qvm-backup-restore - restores Qubes VMs from backup

:Date:   2012-04-10

| qvm-backup-restore [options] <backup-dir>

-h, --help
    Show this help message and exit
    Do not restore the data, only verify backup integrity
    Do not restore VMs that have missing templates or netvms
    Ignore missing templates and netvms, and restore the VMs anyway
    Do not restore VMs that are already present on the host
    Force to run with root privileges
    Restore VMs using another template, syntax: old-template-name:new-template-name (can be repeated)
-x EXCLUDE, --exclude=EXCLUDE
    Skip restore of specified VM (can be repeated)
    Do not restore dom0's user home directory
    Ignore dom0 username mismatch when restoring dom0's user home directory
-d APPVM, --dest-vm=APPVM
    Restore from a backup located in a specific AppVM
-e, --encrypted
    The backup is encrypted
-z, --compressed
    The backup is compressed
    Enable (a lot of) debug output

| Joanna Rutkowska <joanna at invisiblethingslab dot com>
| Rafal Wojtczuk <rafal at invisiblethingslab dot com>
| Marek Marczykowski <marmarek at invisiblethingslab dot com>