#!/usr/bin/python2 # # The Qubes OS Project, http://www.qubes-os.org # # Copyright (C) 2011 Marek Marczykowski <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # from qubes import QubesVm,QubesException,QubesVmCollection from qubes import xs, xl_ctx, qubes_guid_path, qubes_clipd_path, qrexec_client_path from qubes import qubes_store_filename, qubes_base_dir from qubes import qubes_servicevms_dir, qubes_templates_dir, qubes_appvms_dir import sys import os #import os.path import subprocess #import fcntl import re #import shutil #import uuid import time import grp,pwd from datetime import datetime from qmemman_client import QMemmanClient import xen.lowlevel.xc import xen.lowlevel.xl import xen.lowlevel.xs def mbytes_to_kmg(size): if size > 1024: return "%d GiB" % (size/1024) else: return "%d MiB" % size def kbytes_to_kmg(size): if size > 1024: return mbytes_to_kmg(size/1024) else: return "%d KiB" % size def bytes_to_kmg(size): if size > 1024: return kbytes_to_kmg(size/1024) else: return "%d B" % size def size_to_human (size): """Humane readable size, with 1/10 precission""" if size < 1024: return str (size); elif size < 1024*1024: return str(round(size/1024.0,1)) + ' KiB' elif size < 1024*1024*1024: return str(round(size/(1024.0*1024),1)) + ' MiB' else: return str(round(size/(1024.0*1024*1024),1)) + ' GiB' def parse_size(size): units = [ ('K', 1024), ('KB', 1024), ('M', 1024*1024), ('MB', 1024*1024), ('G', 1024*1024*1024), ('GB', 1024*1024*1024), ] size = size.strip().upper() if size.isdigit(): return size for unit, multiplier in units: if size.endswith(unit): size = size[:-len(unit)].strip() return int(size)*multiplier raise QubesException("Invalid size: {0}.".format(size)) def print_stdout(text): print (text) def print_stderr(text): print >> sys.stderr, (text) def block_devid_to_name(devid): major = devid / 256 minor = devid % 256 dev_class = "" if major == 202: dev_class = "xvd" elif major == 8: dev_class = "sd" else: raise QubesException("Unknown device class %d" % major) if minor % 16 == 0: return "%s%c" % (dev_class, ord('a')+minor/16) else: return "%s%c%d" % (dev_class, ord('a')+minor/16, minor%16) def block_name_to_majorminor(name): # check if it is already devid if isinstance(name, int): return (name / 256, name % 256) if name.isdigit(): return (int(name) / 256, int(name) % 256) major = 0 minor = 0 name_match = re.match(r"([a-z]+)([a-z])([0-9]*)", name) if not name_match: raise QubesException("Invalid device name: %s" % name) disk = True if name_match.group(1) == "xvd": major = 202 elif name_match.group(1) == "sd": major = 8 elif name.startswith("scd"): disk = False major = 11 elif name.startswith("sr"): disk = False major = 11 elif name.startswith("md"): disk = False major = 9 else: # Unknown device return (0, 0) if disk: minor = (ord(name_match.group(2))-ord('a')) * 16 else: minor = 0 if name_match.group(3): minor += int(name_match.group(3)) return (major, minor) def block_name_to_devid(name): # check if it is already devid if isinstance(name, int): return name if name.isdigit(): return int(name) (major, minor) = block_name_to_majorminor(name) return major << 8 | minor def block_find_unused_frontend(vm = None): assert vm is not None assert vm.is_running() vbd_list = xs.ls('', '/local/domain/%d/device/vbd' % vm.xid) # xvd* devices major = 202 # prefer xvdi for minor in range(8*16,254,16)+range(0,8*16,16): if vbd_list is None or str(major << 8 | minor) not in vbd_list: return block_devid_to_name(major << 8 | minor) return None def block_list(vm = None): device_re = re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9]{1,8}$") # FIXME: any better idea of desc_re? desc_re = re.compile(r"^.{1,255}$") mode_re = re.compile(r"^[rw]$") vm_list = [] if vm is not None: if not vm.is_running(): return [] else: vm_list = [ str(vm.xid) ] else: vm_list = xs.ls('', '/local/domain') devices_list = {} for xid in vm_list: vm_name = xs.read('', '/local/domain/%s/name' % xid) vm_devices = xs.ls('', '/local/domain/%s/qubes-block-devices' % xid) if vm_devices is None: continue for device in vm_devices: # Sanitize device name if not device_re.match(device): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid device name in VM '%s'" % vm_name continue device_size = xs.read('', '/local/domain/%s/qubes-block-devices/%s/size' % (xid, device)) device_desc = xs.read('', '/local/domain/%s/qubes-block-devices/%s/desc' % (xid, device)) device_mode = xs.read('', '/local/domain/%s/qubes-block-devices/%s/mode' % (xid, device)) if not device_size.isdigit(): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s device size in VM '%s'" % (device, vm_name) continue if not desc_re.match(device_desc): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s device desc in VM '%s'" % (device, vm_name) continue if not mode_re.match(device_mode): print >> sys.stderr, "Invalid %s device mode in VM '%s'" % (device, vm_name) continue # Check if we know major number for this device; attach will work without this, but detach and check_attached don't if block_name_to_majorminor(device) == (0, 0): print >> sys.stderr, "Unsupported device %s:%s" % (vm_name, device) continue visible_name = "%s:%s" % (vm_name, device) devices_list[visible_name] = {"name": visible_name, "xid":int(xid), "vm": vm_name, "device":device, "size":int(device_size), "desc":device_desc, "mode":device_mode} return devices_list def block_check_attached(backend_vm, device, backend_xid = None): if backend_xid is None: backend_xid = backend_vm.xid vm_list = xs.ls('', '/local/domain/%d/backend/vbd' % backend_xid) if vm_list is None: return None device_majorminor = block_name_to_majorminor(device) for vm_xid in vm_list: for devid in xs.ls('', '/local/domain/%d/backend/vbd/%s' % (backend_xid, vm_xid)): (tmp_major, tmp_minor) = (0, 0) phys_device = xs.read('', '/local/domain/%d/backend/vbd/%s/%s/physical-device' % (backend_xid, vm_xid, devid)) if phys_device and phys_device.find(':'): (tmp_major, tmp_minor) = phys_device.split(":") tmp_major = int(tmp_major, 16) tmp_minor = int(tmp_minor, 16) else: # perhaps not ready yet - check params dev_params = xs.read('', '/local/domain/%d/backend/vbd/%s/%s/params' % (backend_xid, vm_xid, devid)) if not dev_params or not dev_params.startswith('/dev/'): # Skip not-phy devices continue else: (tmp_major, tmp_minor) = block_name_to_majorminor(dev_params.lstrip('/dev/')) if (tmp_major, tmp_minor) == device_majorminor: vm_name = xl_ctx.domid_to_name(int(vm_xid)) frontend = block_devid_to_name(int(devid)) return {"xid":int(vm_xid), "frontend": frontend, "devid": int(devid), "vm": vm_name} return None def block_attach(vm, backend_vm, device, frontend=None, mode="w", auto_detach=False): if not vm.is_running(): raise QubesException("VM %s not running" % vm.name) if not backend_vm.is_running(): raise QubesException("VM %s not running" % backend_vm.name) if frontend is None: frontend = block_find_unused_frontend(vm) if frontend is None: raise QubesException("No unused frontend found") else: # Check if any device attached at this frontend if xs.read('', '/local/domain/%d/device/vbd/%d/state' % (vm.xid, block_name_to_devid(frontend))) == '4': raise QubesException("Frontend %s busy in VM %s, detach it first" % (frontend, vm.name)) # Check if this device is attached to some domain attached_vm = block_check_attached(backend_vm, device) if attached_vm: if auto_detach: block_detach(None, attached_vm['devid'], vm_xid=attached_vm['vm_xid']) else: raise QubesException("Device %s from %s already connected to VM %s as %s" % (device, backend_vm.name, attached_vm['vm'], attached_vm['frontend'])) xl_cmd = [ '/usr/sbin/xl', 'block-attach', vm.name, 'phy:/dev/' + device, frontend, mode, str(backend_vm.xid) ] subprocess.check_call(xl_cmd) def block_detach(vm, frontend = "xvdi", vm_xid = None): # Get XID if not provided already if vm_xid is None: if not vm.is_running(): raise QubesException("VM %s not running" % vm.name) # FIXME: potential race vm_xid = vm.xid # Check if this device is really connected if not xs.read('', '/local/domain/%d/device/vbd/%d/state' % (vm_xid, block_name_to_devid(frontend))) == '4': # Do nothing - device already detached return xl_cmd = [ '/usr/sbin/xl', 'block-detach', str(vm_xid), str(frontend)] subprocess.check_call(xl_cmd) def get_disk_usage(file_or_dir): if not os.path.exists(file_or_dir): return 0 p = subprocess.Popen (["du", "-s", "--block-size=1", file_or_dir], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) result = p.communicate() m = re.match(r"^(\d+)\s.*", result[0]) sz = int(m.group(1)) if m is not None else 0 return sz def file_to_backup (file_path, sz = None): if sz is None: sz = os.path.getsize (qubes_store_filename) abs_file_path = os.path.abspath (file_path) abs_base_dir = os.path.abspath (qubes_base_dir) + '/' abs_file_dir = os.path.dirname (abs_file_path) + '/' (nothing, dir, subdir) = abs_file_dir.partition (abs_base_dir) assert nothing == "" assert dir == abs_base_dir return [ { "path" : file_path, "size": sz, "subdir": subdir} ] def backup_prepare(base_backup_dir, vms_list = None, exclude_list = [], print_callback = print_stdout): """If vms = None, include all (sensible) VMs; exclude_list is always applied""" if not os.path.exists (base_backup_dir): raise QubesException("The target directory doesn't exist!") files_to_backup = file_to_backup (qubes_store_filename) if exclude_list is None: exclude_list = [] if vms_list is None: qvm_collection = QubesVmCollection() qvm_collection.lock_db_for_reading() qvm_collection.load() # FIXME: should be after backup completed qvm_collection.unlock_db() all_vms = [vm for vm in qvm_collection.values()] appvms_to_backup = [vm for vm in all_vms if vm.is_appvm() and not vm.internal] netvms_to_backup = [vm for vm in all_vms if vm.is_netvm() and not vm.qid == 0] template_vms_worth_backingup = [vm for vm in all_vms if (vm.is_template() and not vm.installed_by_rpm)] vms_list = appvms_to_backup + netvms_to_backup + template_vms_worth_backingup vms_for_backup = vms_list # Apply exclude list if exclude_list: vms_for_backup = [vm for vm in vms_list if vm.name not in exclude_list] no_vms = len (vms_for_backup) there_are_running_vms = False fields_to_display = [ { "name": "VM", "width": 16}, { "name": "type","width": 12 }, { "name": "size", "width": 12} ] # Display the header s = "" for f in fields_to_display: fmt="{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(f["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format('-') print_callback(s) s = "" for f in fields_to_display: fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(f["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format(f["name"]) print_callback(s) s = "" for f in fields_to_display: fmt="{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(f["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format('-') print_callback(s) for vm in vms_for_backup: if vm.is_template(): # handle templates later continue if vm.private_img is not None: vm_sz = vm.get_disk_usage (vm.private_img) files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.private_img, vm_sz ) if vm.is_appvm(): files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.icon_path) if vm.updateable: if os.path.exists(vm.dir_path + "/apps.templates"): # template files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.dir_path + "/apps.templates") else: # standaloneVM files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.dir_path + "/apps") if os.path.exists(vm.dir_path + "/kernels"): files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.dir_path + "/kernels") if os.path.exists (vm.firewall_conf): files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.firewall_conf) if os.path.exists(vm.dir_path + '/whitelisted-appmenus.list'): files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.dir_path + '/whitelisted-appmenus.list') if vm.updateable: sz = vm.get_disk_usage(vm.root_img) files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.root_img, sz) vm_sz += sz s = "" fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[0]["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format(vm.name) fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[1]["width"] + 1) if vm.is_netvm(): s += fmt.format("NetVM" + (" + Sys" if vm.updateable else "")) else: s += fmt.format("AppVM" + (" + Sys" if vm.updateable else "")) fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[2]["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format(size_to_human(vm_sz)) if vm.is_running(): s += " <-- The VM is running, please shut it down before proceeding with the backup!" there_are_running_vms = True print_callback(s) for vm in vms_for_backup: if not vm.is_template(): # already handled continue vm_sz = vm.get_disk_utilization() files_to_backup += file_to_backup (vm.dir_path, vm_sz) s = "" fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[0]["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format(vm.name) fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[1]["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format("Template VM") fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[2]["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format(size_to_human(vm_sz)) if vm.is_running(): s += " <-- The VM is running, please shut it down before proceeding with the backup!" there_are_running_vms = True print_callback(s) # Dom0 user home if not 'dom0' in exclude_list: local_user = grp.getgrnam('qubes').gr_mem[0] home_dir = pwd.getpwnam(local_user).pw_dir home_sz = get_disk_usage(home_dir) home_to_backup = [ { "path" : home_dir, "size": home_sz, "subdir": 'dom0-home'} ] files_to_backup += home_to_backup s = "" fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[0]["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format('Dom0') fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[1]["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format("User home") fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[2]["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format(size_to_human(home_sz)) print_callback(s) total_backup_sz = 0 for file in files_to_backup: total_backup_sz += file["size"] s = "" for f in fields_to_display: fmt="{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(f["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format('-') print_callback(s) s = "" fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[0]["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format("Total size:") fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[1]["width"] + 1 + 2 + fields_to_display[2]["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format(size_to_human(total_backup_sz)) print_callback(s) s = "" for f in fields_to_display: fmt="{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(f["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format('-') print_callback(s) stat = os.statvfs(base_backup_dir) backup_fs_free_sz = stat.f_bsize * stat.f_bavail print_callback("") if (total_backup_sz > backup_fs_free_sz): raise QubesException("Not enough space avilable on the backup filesystem!") if (there_are_running_vms): raise QubesException("Please shutdown all VMs before proceeding.") print_callback("-> Available space: {0}".format(size_to_human(backup_fs_free_sz))) return files_to_backup def backup_do(base_backup_dir, files_to_backup, progress_callback = None): total_backup_sz = 0 for file in files_to_backup: total_backup_sz += file["size"] backup_dir = base_backup_dir + "/qubes-{0}".format (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S")) if os.path.exists (backup_dir): raise QubesException("ERROR: the path {0} already exists?!".format(backup_dir)) os.mkdir (backup_dir) if not os.path.exists (backup_dir): raise QubesException("Strange: couldn't create backup dir: {0}?!".format(backup_dir)) bytes_backedup = 0 for file in files_to_backup: # We prefer to use Linux's cp, because it nicely handles sparse files progress = bytes_backedup * 100 / total_backup_sz progress_callback(progress) dest_dir = backup_dir + '/' + file["subdir"] if file["subdir"] != "": retcode = subprocess.call (["mkdir", "-p", dest_dir]) if retcode != 0: raise QubesException("Cannot create directory: {0}?!".format(dest_dir)) retcode = subprocess.call (["cp", "-rp", file["path"], dest_dir]) if retcode != 0: raise QubesException("Error while copying file {0} to {1}".format(file["path"], dest_dir)) bytes_backedup += file["size"] progress = bytes_backedup * 100 / total_backup_sz progress_callback(progress) def backup_restore_set_defaults(options): if 'use-default-netvm' not in options: options['use-default-netvm'] = False if 'use-none-netvm' not in options: options['use-none-netvm'] = False if 'use-default-template' not in options: options['use-default-template'] = False if 'dom0-home' not in options: options['dom0-home'] = True if 'replace-template' not in options: options['replace-template'] = [] return options def backup_restore_prepare(backup_dir, options = {}, host_collection = None): # Defaults backup_restore_set_defaults(options) #### Private functions begin def is_vm_included_in_backup (backup_dir, vm): if vm.qid == 0: # Dom0 is not included, obviously return False backup_vm_dir_path = vm.dir_path.replace (qubes_base_dir, backup_dir) if os.path.exists (backup_vm_dir_path): return True else: return False def find_template_name(template, replaces): rx_replace = re.compile("(.*):(.*)") for r in replaces: m = rx_replace.match(r) if m.group(1) == template: return m.group(2) return template #### Private functions end if not os.path.exists (backup_dir): raise QubesException("The backup directory doesn't exist!") backup_collection = QubesVmCollection(store_filename = backup_dir + "/qubes.xml") backup_collection.lock_db_for_reading() backup_collection.load() if host_collection is None: host_collection = QubesVmCollection() host_collection.lock_db_for_reading() host_collection.load() host_collection.unlock_db() backup_vms_list = [vm for vm in backup_collection.values()] host_vms_list = [vm for vm in host_collection.values()] vms_to_restore = {} there_are_conflicting_vms = False there_are_missing_templates = False there_are_missing_netvms = False dom0_username_mismatch = False restore_home = False # ... and the actual data for vm in backup_vms_list: if is_vm_included_in_backup (backup_dir, vm): vms_to_restore[vm.name] = {} vms_to_restore[vm.name]['vm'] = vm; if 'exclude' in options.keys(): vms_to_restore[vm.name]['excluded'] = vm.name in options['exclude'] vms_to_restore[vm.name]['good-to-go'] = False if host_collection.get_vm_by_name (vm.name) is not None: vms_to_restore[vm.name]['already-exists'] = True vms_to_restore[vm.name]['good-to-go'] = False if vm.template is None: vms_to_restore[vm.name]['template'] = None else: templatevm_name = find_template_name(vm.template.name, options['replace-template']) vms_to_restore[vm.name]['template'] = templatevm_name template_vm_on_host = host_collection.get_vm_by_name (templatevm_name) # No template on the host? if not ((template_vm_on_host is not None) and template_vm_on_host.is_template()): # Maybe the (custom) template is in the backup? template_vm_on_backup = backup_collection.get_vm_by_name (templatevm_name) if template_vm_on_backup is None or not template_vm_on_backup.is_template(): if options['use-default-template']: vms_to_restore[vm.name]['orig-template'] = templatevm_name vms_to_restore[vm.name]['template'] = host_collection.get_default_template().name else: vms_to_restore[vm.name]['missing-template'] = True vms_to_restore[vm.name]['good-to-go'] = False if vm.netvm is None: vms_to_restore[vm.name]['netvm'] = None else: netvm_name = vm.netvm.name vms_to_restore[vm.name]['netvm'] = netvm_name netvm_on_host = host_collection.get_vm_by_name (netvm_name) # No netvm on the host? if not ((netvm_on_host is not None) and netvm_on_host.is_netvm()): # Maybe the (custom) netvm is in the backup? netvm_on_backup = backup_collection.get_vm_by_name (netvm_name) if not ((netvm_on_backup is not None) and netvm_on_backup.is_netvm): if options['use-default-netvm']: vms_to_restore[vm.name]['netvm'] = host_collection.get_default_netvm().name vm.uses_default_netvm = True elif options['use-none-netvm']: vms_to_restore[vm.name]['netvm'] = None else: vms_to_restore[vm.name]['missing-netvm'] = True vms_to_restore[vm.name]['good-to-go'] = False if 'good-to-go' not in vms_to_restore[vm.name].keys(): vms_to_restore[vm.name]['good-to-go'] = True # ...and dom0 home if options['dom0-home'] and os.path.exists(backup_dir + '/dom0-home'): vms_to_restore['dom0'] = {} local_user = grp.getgrnam('qubes').gr_mem[0] dom0_homes = os.listdir(backup_dir + '/dom0-home') if len(dom0_homes) > 1: raise QubesException("More than one dom0 homedir in backup") vms_to_restore['dom0']['username'] = dom0_homes[0] if dom0_homes[0] != local_user: vms_to_restore['dom0']['username-mismatch'] = True if not options['ignore-dom0-username-mismatch']: vms_to_restore['dom0']['good-to-go'] = False if 'good-to-go' not in vms_to_restore['dom0']: vms_to_restore['dom0']['good-to-go'] = True return vms_to_restore def backup_restore_print_summary(restore_info, print_callback = print_stdout): fields = { "qid": {"func": "vm.qid"}, "name": {"func": "('[' if vm.is_template() else '')\ + ('{' if vm.is_netvm() else '')\ + vm.name \ + (']' if vm.is_template() else '')\ + ('}' if vm.is_netvm() else '')"}, "type": {"func": "'Tpl' if vm.is_template() else \ ('Proxy' if vm.is_proxyvm() else \ (' Net' if vm.is_netvm() else 'App'))"}, "updbl" : {"func": "'Yes' if vm.updateable else ''"}, "template": {"func": "'n/a' if vm.is_template() or vm.template is None else\ vm_info['template']"}, "netvm": {"func": "'n/a' if vm.is_netvm() else\ ('*' if vm.uses_default_netvm else '') +\ vm_info['netvm'] if vm.netvm is not None else '-'"}, "label" : {"func" : "vm.label.name"}, } fields_to_display = ["name", "type", "template", "updbl", "netvm", "label" ] # First calculate the maximum width of each field we want to display total_width = 0; for f in fields_to_display: fields[f]["max_width"] = len(f) for vm_info in restore_info.values(): if 'vm' in vm_info.keys(): vm = vm_info['vm'] l = len(str(eval(fields[f]["func"]))) if l > fields[f]["max_width"]: fields[f]["max_width"] = l total_width += fields[f]["max_width"] print_callback("") print_callback("The following VMs are included in the backup:") print_callback("") # Display the header s = "" for f in fields_to_display: fmt="{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(fields[f]["max_width"] + 1) s += fmt.format('-') print_callback(s) s = "" for f in fields_to_display: fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields[f]["max_width"] + 1) s += fmt.format(f) print_callback(s) s = "" for f in fields_to_display: fmt="{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(fields[f]["max_width"] + 1) s += fmt.format('-') print_callback(s) for vm_info in restore_info.values(): # Skip non-VM here if not 'vm' in vm_info: continue vm = vm_info['vm'] s = "" for f in fields_to_display: fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields[f]["max_width"] + 1) s += fmt.format(eval(fields[f]["func"])) if 'excluded' in vm_info and vm_info['excluded']: s += " <-- Excluded from restore" elif 'already-exists' in vm_info: s += " <-- A VM with the same name already exists on the host!" elif 'missing-template' in vm_info: s += " <-- No matching template on the host or in the backup found!" elif 'missing-netvm' in vm_info: s += " <-- No matching netvm on the host or in the backup found!" elif 'orig-template' in vm_info: s += " <-- Original template was '%s'" % (vm_info['orig-template']) print_callback(s) if 'dom0' in restore_info.keys(): s = "" for f in fields_to_display: fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields[f]["max_width"] + 1) if f == "name": s += fmt.format("Dom0") elif f == "type": s += fmt.format("Home") else: s += fmt.format("") if 'username-mismatch' in restore_info['dom0']: s += " <-- username in backup and dom0 mismatch" print_callback(s) def backup_restore_do(backup_dir, restore_info, host_collection = None, print_callback = print_stdout, error_callback = print_stderr): #### Private functions begin def restore_vm_file (backup_dir, file_path): backup_file_path = file_path.replace (qubes_base_dir, backup_dir) #print "cp -rp {0} {1}".format (backup_file_path, file_path) # We prefer to use Linux's cp, because it nicely handles sparse files retcode = subprocess.call (["cp", "-p", backup_file_path, file_path]) if retcode != 0: raise QubesException("*** Error while copying file {0} to {1}".format(backup_file_path, file_path)) def restore_vm_dir (backup_dir, src_dir, dst_dir): backup_src_dir = src_dir.replace (qubes_base_dir, backup_dir) # We prefer to use Linux's cp, because it nicely handles sparse files retcode = subprocess.call (["cp", "-rp", backup_src_dir, dst_dir]) if retcode != 0: raise QubesException("*** Error while copying file {0} to {1}".format(backup_src_dir, dest_dir)) #### Private functions end lock_obtained = False if host_collection is None: host_collection = QubesVmCollection() host_collection.lock_db_for_writing() host_collection.load() lock_obtained = True # Add templates... for vm_info in restore_info.values(): if not vm_info['good-to-go']: continue if 'vm' not in vm_info: continue vm = vm_info['vm'] if not vm.is_template(): continue print_callback("-> Restoring Template VM {0}...".format(vm.name)) retcode = subprocess.call (["mkdir", "-p", vm.dir_path]) if retcode != 0: error_callback("*** Cannot create directory: {0}?!".format(dest_dir)) error_callback("Skiping...") continue new_vm = None try: restore_vm_dir (backup_dir, vm.dir_path, qubes_templates_dir); new_vm = host_collection.add_new_templatevm(vm.name, conf_file=vm.conf_file, dir_path=vm.dir_path, installed_by_rpm=False) new_vm.verify_files() except Exception as err: error_callback("ERROR: {0}".format(err)) error_callback("*** Skiping VM: {0}".vm.name) if new_vm: host_collection.pop(new_vm.qid) continue try: new_vm.create_appmenus(verbose=True) except Exception as err: error_callback("ERROR during appmenu restore: {0}".format(err)) error_callback("*** VM '{0}' will not have appmenus".format(vm.name)) # ... then NetVMs... for vm_info in restore_info.values(): if not vm_info['good-to-go']: continue if 'vm' not in vm_info: continue vm = vm_info['vm'] if not vm.is_netvm(): continue print_callback("-> Restoring {0} {1}...".format(vm.type, vm.name)) retcode = subprocess.call (["mkdir", "-p", vm.dir_path]) if retcode != 0: error_callback("*** Cannot create directory: {0}?!".format(dest_dir)) error_callback("Skiping...") continue template = None if vm.template is not None: template_name = vm_info['template'] template = host_collection.get_vm_by_name(template_name) if not vm.uses_default_netvm: uses_default_netvm = False netvm = host_collection.get_vm_by_name (vm_info['netvm']) if vm_info['netvm'] is not None else None else: uses_default_netvm = True new_vm = None try: restore_vm_dir (backup_dir, vm.dir_path, qubes_servicevms_dir); if vm.type == "NetVM": new_vm = host_collection.add_new_netvm(vm.name, template, conf_file=vm.conf_file, dir_path=vm.dir_path, label=vm.label) elif vm.type == "ProxyVM": new_vm = host_collection.add_new_proxyvm(vm.name, template, conf_file=vm.conf_file, dir_path=vm.dir_path, label=vm.label) except Exception as err: error_callback("ERROR: {0}".format(err)) error_callback("*** Skiping VM: {0}".format(vm.name)) if new_vm: host_collection.pop(new_vm.qid) continue if vm.is_proxyvm() and not uses_default_netvm: new_vm.uses_default_netvm = False new_vm.netvm = netvm try: new_vm.verify_files() except Exception as err: error_callback("ERROR: {0}".format(err)) error_callback("*** Skiping VM: {0}".format(vm.name)) host_collection.pop(new_vm.qid) continue # ... then appvms... for vm_info in restore_info.values(): if not vm_info['good-to-go']: continue if 'vm' not in vm_info: continue vm = vm_info['vm'] if not vm.is_appvm(): continue print_callback("-> Restoring AppVM {0}...".format(vm.name)) retcode = subprocess.call (["mkdir", "-p", vm.dir_path]) if retcode != 0: error_callback("*** Cannot create directory: {0}?!".format(dest_dir)) error_callback("Skiping...") continue template = None if vm.template is not None: template_name = vm_info['template'] template = host_collection.get_vm_by_name(template_name) if not vm.uses_default_netvm: uses_default_netvm = False netvm = host_collection.get_vm_by_name (vm_info['netvm']) if vm_info['netvm'] is not None else None else: uses_default_netvm = True new_vm = None try: restore_vm_dir (backup_dir, vm.dir_path, qubes_appvms_dir); new_vm = host_collection.add_new_appvm(vm.name, template, conf_file=vm.conf_file, dir_path=vm.dir_path, label=vm.label) except Exception as err: error_callback("ERROR: {0}".format(err)) error_callback("*** Skiping VM: {0}".format(vm.name)) if new_vm: host_collection.pop(new_vm.qid) continue if not uses_default_netvm: new_vm.uses_default_netvm = False new_vm.netvm = netvm try: new_vm.create_appmenus(verbose=True) except Exception as err: error_callback("ERROR during appmenu restore: {0}".format(err)) error_callback("*** VM '{0}' will not have appmenus".format(vm.name)) try: new_vm.verify_files() except Exception as err: error_callback("ERROR: {0}".format(err)) error_callback("*** Skiping VM: {0}".format(vm.name)) host_collection.pop(new_vm.qid) continue host_collection.save() if lock_obtained: host_collection.unlock_db() # ... and dom0 home as last step if 'dom0' in restore_info.keys() and restore_info['dom0']['good-to-go']: backup_info = restore_info['dom0'] local_user = grp.getgrnam('qubes').gr_mem[0] home_dir = pwd.getpwnam(local_user).pw_dir backup_dom0_home_dir = backup_dir + '/dom0-home/' + backup_info['username'] restore_home_backupdir = "home-pre-restore-{0}".format (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S")) print_callback("-> Restoring home of user '{0}'...".format(local_user)) print_callback("--> Existing files/dirs backed up in '{0}' dir".format(restore_home_backupdir)) os.mkdir(home_dir + '/' + restore_home_backupdir) for f in os.listdir(backup_dom0_home_dir): home_file = home_dir + '/' + f if os.path.exists(home_file): os.rename(home_file, home_dir + '/' + restore_home_backupdir + '/' + f) retcode = subprocess.call (["cp", "-nrp", backup_dom0_home_dir + '/' + f, home_file]) if retcode != 0: error_callback("*** Error while copying file {0} to {1}".format(backup_dom0_home_dir + '/' + f, home_file)) # vim:sw=4:et: