# # The Qubes OS Project, https://www.qubes-os.org/ # # Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Joanna Rutkowska <joanna@invisiblethingslab.com> # Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Marek Marczykowski-Górecki # <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com> # Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Wojtek Porczyk <woju@invisiblethingslab.com> # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # ''' Qubes OS :copyright: © 2010-2015 Invisible Things Lab ''' import builtins import collections import os import os.path import string import lxml.etree import qubes.config import qubes.events import qubes.exc __author__ = 'Invisible Things Lab' __license__ = 'GPLv2 or later' __version__ = 'R3' class Label(object): '''Label definition for virtual machines Label specifies colour of the padlock displayed next to VM's name. When this is a :py:class:`qubes.vm.dispvm.DispVM`, padlock is overlayed with recycling pictogram. :param int index: numeric identificator of label :param str color: colour specification as in HTML (``#abcdef``) :param str name: label's name like "red" or "green" ''' def __init__(self, index, color, name): #: numeric identificator of label self.index = index #: colour specification as in HTML (``#abcdef``) self.color = color #: label's name like "red" or "green" self.name = name #: freedesktop icon name, suitable for use in #: :py:meth:`PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme` self.icon = 'appvm-' + name #: freedesktop icon name, suitable for use in #: :py:meth:`PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme` on DispVMs self.icon_dispvm = 'dispvm-' + name @classmethod def fromxml(cls, xml): '''Create label definition from XML node :param lxml.etree._Element xml: XML node reference :rtype: :py:class:`qubes.Label` ''' index = int(xml.get('id').split('-', 1)[1]) color = xml.get('color') name = xml.text return cls(index, color, name) def __xml__(self): element = lxml.etree.Element( 'label', id='label-{}'.format(self.index), color=self.color) element.text = self.name return element def __str__(self): return self.name def __repr__(self): return '{}({!r}, {!r}, {!r})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.index, self.color, self.name) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Label): return self.name == other.name return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(self.name) @builtins.property def icon_path(self): '''Icon path .. deprecated:: 2.0 use :py:meth:`PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme` and :py:attr:`icon` ''' return os.path.join(qubes.config.system_path['qubes_icon_dir'], self.icon) + ".png" @builtins.property def icon_path_dispvm(self): '''Icon path .. deprecated:: 2.0 use :py:meth:`PyQt4.QtGui.QIcon.fromTheme` and :py:attr:`icon_dispvm` ''' return os.path.join(qubes.config.system_path['qubes_icon_dir'], self.icon_dispvm) + ".png" class property(object): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,invalid-name '''Qubes property. This class holds one property that can be saved to and loaded from :file:`qubes.xml`. It is used for both global and per-VM properties. Property can be unset by ordinary ``del`` statement or assigning :py:attr:`DEFAULT` special value to it. After deletion (or before first assignment/load) attempting to read a property will get its default value or, when no default, py:class:`exceptions.AttributeError`. :param str name: name of the property :param collections.Callable setter: if not :py:obj:`None`, this is used to \ initialise value; first parameter to the function is holder instance \ and the second is value; this is called before ``type`` :param collections.Callable saver: function to coerce value to something \ readable by setter :param type type: if not :py:obj:`None`, value is coerced to this type :param object default: default value; if callable, will be called with \ holder as first argument :param int load_stage: stage when property should be loaded (see \ :py:class:`Qubes` for description of stages) :param int order: order of evaluation (bigger order values are later) :param bool clone: :py:meth:`PropertyHolder.clone_properties` will not \ include this property by default if :py:obj:`False` :param str doc: docstring; this should be one paragraph of plain RST, no \ sphinx-specific features Setters and savers have following signatures: .. :py:function:: setter(self, prop, value) :noindex: :param self: instance of object that is holding property :param prop: property object :param value: value being assigned .. :py:function:: saver(self, prop, value) :noindex: :param self: instance of object that is holding property :param prop: property object :param value: value being saved :rtype: str :raises property.DontSave: when property should not be saved at all ''' #: Assigning this value to property means setting it to its default value. #: If property has no default value, this will unset it. DEFAULT = object() # internal use only _NO_DEFAULT = object() def __init__(self, name, setter=None, saver=None, type=None, default=_NO_DEFAULT, write_once=False, load_stage=2, order=0, save_via_ref=False, clone=True, doc=None): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin self.__name__ = name self._setter = setter self._saver = saver if saver is not None else ( lambda self, prop, value: str(value)) self.type = type self._default = default self._write_once = write_once self.order = order self.load_stage = load_stage self.save_via_ref = save_via_ref self.clone = clone self.__doc__ = doc self._attr_name = '_qubesprop_' + name def __get__(self, instance, owner): if instance is None: return self # XXX this violates duck typing, shall we keep it? if not isinstance(instance, PropertyHolder): raise AttributeError('qubes.property should be used on ' 'qubes.PropertyHolder instances only') try: return getattr(instance, self._attr_name) except AttributeError: return self.get_default(instance) def get_default(self, instance): if self._default is self._NO_DEFAULT: raise AttributeError( 'property {!r} have no default'.format(self.__name__)) elif isinstance(self._default, collections.Callable): return self._default(instance) else: return self._default def __set__(self, instance, value): self._enforce_write_once(instance) if value is self.__class__.DEFAULT: self.__delete__(instance) return try: oldvalue = getattr(instance, self.__name__) has_oldvalue = True except AttributeError: has_oldvalue = False if self._setter is not None: value = self._setter(instance, self, value) if self.type not in (None, type(value)): value = self.type(value) if has_oldvalue: instance.fire_event('property-pre-set:' + self.__name__, pre_event=True, name=self.__name__, newvalue=value, oldvalue=oldvalue) else: instance.fire_event('property-pre-set:' + self.__name__, pre_event=True, name=self.__name__, newvalue=value) instance._property_init(self, value) # pylint: disable=protected-access if has_oldvalue: instance.fire_event('property-set:' + self.__name__, name=self.__name__, newvalue=value, oldvalue=oldvalue) else: instance.fire_event('property-set:' + self.__name__, name=self.__name__, newvalue=value) def __delete__(self, instance): self._enforce_write_once(instance) try: oldvalue = getattr(instance, self.__name__) has_oldvalue = True except AttributeError: has_oldvalue = False if has_oldvalue: instance.fire_event('property-pre-del:' + self.__name__, pre_event=True, name=self.__name__, oldvalue=oldvalue) try: delattr(instance, self._attr_name) except AttributeError: pass instance.fire_event('property-del:' + self.__name__, name=self.__name__, oldvalue=oldvalue) else: instance.fire_event('property-pre-del:' + self.__name__, pre_event=True, name=self.__name__) instance.fire_event('property-del:' + self.__name__, name=self.__name__) def __repr__(self): default = ' default={!r}'.format(self._default) \ if self._default is not self._NO_DEFAULT \ else '' return '<{} object at {:#x} name={!r}{}>'.format( self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self.__name__, default) def __str__(self): return self.__name__ def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__name__) def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, property): return (self.load_stage, self.order, self.__name__) <\ (other.load_stage, other.order, other.__name__) return NotImplemented def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): return self.__name__ == other return isinstance(other, property) and self.__name__ == other.__name__ def _enforce_write_once(self, instance): if self._write_once and not instance.property_is_default(self): raise AttributeError( 'property {!r} is write-once and already set'.format( self.__name__)) def sanitize(self, *, untrusted_newvalue): '''Coarse sanitization of value to be set, before sending it to a setter. Can raise QubesValueError if the value is invalid. :param untrusted_newvalue: value to be validated :return: sanitized value :raises: qubes.exc.QubesValueError ''' # do not treat type='str' as sufficient validation if self.type is not None and self.type is not str: # assume specific type will preform enough validation try: untrusted_newvalue = untrusted_newvalue.decode('ascii', errors='strict') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise qubes.exc.QubesValueError if self.type is bool: return self.bool(None, None, untrusted_newvalue) else: try: return self.type(untrusted_newvalue) except ValueError: raise qubes.exc.QubesValueError else: # 'str' or not specified type try: untrusted_newvalue = untrusted_newvalue.decode('ascii', errors='strict') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise qubes.exc.QubesValueError allowed_set = string.printable if not all(x in allowed_set for x in untrusted_newvalue): raise qubes.exc.QubesValueError( 'Invalid characters in property value') return untrusted_newvalue # # exceptions # class DontSave(Exception): '''This exception may be raised from saver to sign that property should not be saved. ''' pass @staticmethod def dontsave(self, prop, value): '''Dummy saver that never saves anything.''' # pylint: disable=bad-staticmethod-argument,unused-argument raise property.DontSave() # # some setters provided # @staticmethod def forbidden(self, prop, value): '''Property setter that forbids loading a property. This is used to effectively disable property in classes which inherit unwanted property. When someone attempts to load such a property, it :throws AttributeError: always ''' # pylint: disable=bad-staticmethod-argument,unused-argument raise AttributeError( 'setting {} property on {} instance is forbidden'.format( prop.__name__, self.__class__.__name__)) @staticmethod def bool(self, prop, value): '''Property setter for boolean properties. It accepts (case-insensitive) ``'0'``, ``'no'`` and ``false`` as :py:obj:`False` and ``'1'``, ``'yes'`` and ``'true'`` as :py:obj:`True`. ''' # pylint: disable=bad-staticmethod-argument,unused-argument if isinstance(value, str): lcvalue = value.lower() if lcvalue in ('0', 'no', 'false', 'off'): return False if lcvalue in ('1', 'yes', 'true', 'on'): return True raise qubes.exc.QubesValueError( 'Invalid literal for boolean property: {!r}'.format(value)) return bool(value) def stateless_property(func): '''Decorator similar to :py:class:`builtins.property`, but for properties exposed through management API (including qvm-prefs etc)''' return property(func.__name__, setter=property.forbidden, saver=property.DontSave, default=func, doc=func.__doc__) class PropertyHolder(qubes.events.Emitter): '''Abstract class for holding :py:class:`qubes.property` Events fired by instances of this class: .. event:: property-load (subject, event) Fired once after all properties are loaded from XML. Individual ``property-set`` events are not fired. .. event:: property-set:<propname> \ (subject, event, name, newvalue[, oldvalue]) Fired when property changes state. Signature is variable, *oldvalue* is present only if there was an old value. :param name: Property name :param newvalue: New value of the property :param oldvalue: Old value of the property .. event:: property-pre-set:<propname> \ (subject, event, name, newvalue[, oldvalue]) Fired before property changes state. Signature is variable, *oldvalue* is present only if there was an old value. :param name: Property name :param newvalue: New value of the property :param oldvalue: Old value of the property .. event:: property-del:<propname> \ (subject, event, name[, oldvalue]) Fired when property gets deleted (is set to default). Signature is variable, *oldvalue* is present only if there was an old value. :param name: Property name :param oldvalue: Old value of the property .. event:: property-pre-del:<propname> \ (subject, event, name[, oldvalue]) Fired before property gets deleted (is set to default). Signature is variable, *oldvalue* is present only if there was an old value. :param name: Property name :param oldvalue: Old value of the property .. event:: clone-properties (subject, event, src, proplist) :param src: object, from which we are cloning :param proplist: list of properties Members: ''' def __init__(self, xml, **kwargs): self.xml = xml propvalues = {} all_names = set(prop.__name__ for prop in self.property_list()) for key in list(kwargs): if not key in all_names: continue propvalues[key] = kwargs.pop(key) super(PropertyHolder, self).__init__(**kwargs) for key, value in propvalues.items(): setattr(self, key, value) if self.xml is not None: # check if properties are appropriate all_names = set(prop.__name__ for prop in self.property_list()) for node in self.xml.xpath('./properties/property'): name = node.get('name') if name not in all_names: raise TypeError( 'property {!r} not applicable to {!r}'.format( name, self.__class__.__name__)) @classmethod def property_list(cls, load_stage=None): '''List all properties attached to this VM's class :param load_stage: Filter by load stage :type load_stage: :py:func:`int` or :py:obj:`None` ''' props = set() for class_ in cls.__mro__: props.update(prop for prop in class_.__dict__.values() if isinstance(prop, property)) if load_stage is not None: props = set(prop for prop in props if prop.load_stage == load_stage) return sorted(props) def _property_init(self, prop, value): '''Initialise property to a given value, without side effects. :param qubes.property prop: property object of particular interest :param value: value ''' # pylint: disable=protected-access setattr(self, self.property_get_def(prop)._attr_name, value) def property_is_default(self, prop): '''Check whether property is in it's default value. Properties when unset may return some default value, so ``hasattr(vm, prop.__name__)`` is wrong in some circumstances. This method allows for checking if the value returned is in fact it's default value. :param qubes.property prop: property object of particular interest :rtype: bool ''' # pylint: disable=protected-access # both property_get_def() and ._attr_name may throw AttributeError, # which we don't want to catch attrname = self.property_get_def(prop)._attr_name return not hasattr(self, attrname) def property_get_default(self, prop): '''Get property default value. :param qubes.property or str prop: property object of particular interest ''' return self.property_get_def(prop).get_default(self) @classmethod def property_get_def(cls, prop): '''Return property definition object. If prop is already :py:class:`qubes.property` instance, return the same object. :param prop: property object or name :type prop: qubes.property or str :rtype: qubes.property ''' if isinstance(prop, qubes.property): return prop for p in cls.property_list(): if p.__name__ == prop: return p raise AttributeError('No property {!r} found in {!r}'.format( prop, cls)) def load_properties(self, load_stage=None): '''Load properties from immediate children of XML node. ``property-set`` events are not fired for each individual property. :param int load_stage: Stage of loading. ''' if self.xml is None: return all_names = set( prop.__name__ for prop in self.property_list(load_stage)) for node in self.xml.xpath('./properties/property'): name = node.get('name') value = node.get('ref') or node.text if not name in all_names: continue setattr(self, name, value) def xml_properties(self, with_defaults=False): '''Iterator that yields XML nodes representing set properties. :param bool with_defaults: If :py:obj:`True`, then it also includes \ properties which were not set explicite, but have default values \ filled. ''' properties = lxml.etree.Element('properties') for prop in self.property_list(): # pylint: disable=protected-access try: value = getattr( self, (prop.__name__ if with_defaults else prop._attr_name)) except AttributeError: continue try: value = prop._saver(self, prop, value) except property.DontSave: continue element = lxml.etree.Element('property', name=prop.__name__) if prop.save_via_ref: element.set('ref', value) else: element.text = value properties.append(element) return properties # this was clone_attrs def clone_properties(self, src, proplist=None): '''Clone properties from other object. :param PropertyHolder src: source object :param iterable proplist: list of properties \ (:py:obj:`None` or omit for all properties except those with \ :py:attr:`property.clone` set to :py:obj:`False`) ''' if proplist is None: proplist = [prop for prop in self.property_list() if prop.clone] else: proplist = [prop for prop in self.property_list() if prop.__name__ in proplist or prop in proplist] for prop in proplist: try: # pylint: disable=protected-access self._property_init(prop, getattr(src, prop._attr_name)) except AttributeError: continue self.fire_event('clone-properties', src=src, proplist=proplist) def property_require(self, prop, allow_none=False, hard=False): '''Complain badly when property is not set. :param prop: property name or object :type prop: qubes.property or str :param bool allow_none: if :py:obj:`True`, don't complain if \ :py:obj:`None` is found :param bool hard: if :py:obj:`True`, raise :py:class:`AssertionError`; \ if :py:obj:`False`, log warning instead ''' if isinstance(prop, qubes.property): prop = prop.__name__ try: value = getattr(self, prop) if value is None and not allow_none: raise AttributeError() except AttributeError: # pylint: disable=no-member msg = 'Required property {!r} not set on {!r}'.format(prop, self) if hard: raise AssertionError(msg) else: # pylint: disable=no-member self.log.fatal(msg) def close(self): super().close() # Remove all properties -- somewhere in them there are cyclic # references. This just removes all the properties, just in case. # They are removed directly, bypassing write_once. for prop in self.property_list(): # pylint: disable=protected-access try: delattr(self, prop._attr_name) except AttributeError: pass # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position from qubes.vm import VMProperty from qubes.app import Qubes __all__ = [ 'Label', 'PropertyHolder', 'Qubes', 'VMProperty', 'property', ]