# # The Qubes OS Project, https://www.qubes-os.org/ # # Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Joanna Rutkowska <joanna@invisiblethingslab.com> # Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Marek Marczykowski-Górecki # <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com> # Copyright (C) 2015 Wojtek Porczyk <woju@invisiblethingslab.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # """ Qubes storage system""" from __future__ import absolute_import import inspect import os import os.path import string # pylint: disable=deprecated-module import time from datetime import datetime import asyncio import lxml.etree import pkg_resources import qubes import qubes.exc import qubes.utils STORAGE_ENTRY_POINT = 'qubes.storage' class StoragePoolException(qubes.exc.QubesException): ''' A general storage exception ''' pass class BlockDevice(object): ''' Represents a storage block device. ''' # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, path, name, script=None, rw=True, domain=None, devtype='disk'): assert name, 'Missing device name' assert path, 'Missing device path' self.path = path self.name = name self.rw = rw self.script = script self.domain = domain self.devtype = devtype class Volume(object): ''' Encapsulates all data about a volume for serialization to qubes.xml and libvirt config. Keep in mind! volatile = not snap_on_start and not save_on_stop snapshot = snap_on_start and not save_on_stop origin = not snap_on_start and save_on_stop origin_snapshot = snap_on_start and save_on_stop ''' devtype = 'disk' domain = None path = None script = None usage = 0 def __init__(self, name, pool, vid, internal=False, removable=False, revisions_to_keep=0, rw=False, save_on_stop=False, size=0, snap_on_start=False, source=None, **kwargs): ''' Initialize a volume. :param str name: The domain name :param Pool pool: The pool object :param str vid: Volume identifier needs to be unique in pool :param bool internal: If `True` volume is hidden when qvm-block ls is used :param bool removable: If `True` volume can be detached from vm at run time :param int revisions_to_keep: Amount of revisions to keep around :param bool rw: If true volume will be mounted read-write :param bool snap_on_start: Create a snapshot from source on start :param bool save_on_stop: Write changes to disk in vm.stop() :param Volume source: other volume in same pool, or None :param str/int size: Size of the volume ''' super(Volume, self).__init__(**kwargs) assert isinstance(pool, Pool) assert source is None or (isinstance(source, Volume) and source.pool == pool) self.name = str(name) self.pool = pool self.internal = internal self.removable = removable self.revisions_to_keep = int(revisions_to_keep) self.rw = rw self.save_on_stop = save_on_stop self._size = int(size) self.snap_on_start = snap_on_start self.source = source self.vid = vid def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Volume): return other.pool == self.pool and other.vid == self.vid return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash('%s:%s' % (self.pool, self.vid)) def __neq__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): return '{!r}'.format(str(self.pool) + ':' + self.vid) def __str__(self): return str(self.vid) def __xml__(self): config = _sanitize_config(self.config) return lxml.etree.Element('volume', **config) def create(self): ''' Create the given volume on disk. This can be implemented as a coroutine. ''' raise self._not_implemented("create") def remove(self): ''' Remove volume. This can be implemented as a coroutine.''' raise self._not_implemented("remove") def commit(self): ''' Write the snapshot to disk This can be implemented as a coroutine.''' raise self._not_implemented("commit") def export(self): ''' Returns an object that can be `open()`. ''' raise self._not_implemented("export") def import_data(self): ''' Returns an object that can be `open()`. ''' raise self._not_implemented("import") def import_data_end(self, success): ''' End data import operation. This may be used by pool implementation to commit changes, cleanup temporary files etc. :param success: True if data import was successful, otherwise False ''' # by default do nothing pass def import_volume(self, src_volume): ''' Imports data from a different volume (possibly in a different pool. The needs to be create()d first. This can be implemented as a coroutine. ''' # pylint: disable=unused-argument raise self._not_implemented("import_volume") def is_dirty(self): ''' Return `True` if volume was not properly shutdown and commited ''' raise self._not_implemented("is_dirty") def is_outdated(self): ''' Returns `True` if the currently used `volume.source` of a snapshot volume is outdated. ''' raise self._not_implemented("is_outdated") def recover(self): ''' Try to recover a :py:class:`Volume` or :py:class:`SnapVolume` ''' raise self._not_implemented("recover") def reset(self): ''' Drop and recreate volume without copying it's content from source. ''' raise self._not_implemented("reset") def resize(self, size): ''' Expands volume, throws :py:class:`qubes.storage.StoragePoolException` if given size is less than current_size This can be implemented as a coroutine. ''' # pylint: disable=unused-argument raise self._not_implemented("resize") def revert(self, revision=None): ''' Revert volume to previous revision ''' # pylint: disable=unused-argument raise self._not_implemented("revert") def start(self): ''' Do what ever is needed on start This can be implemented as a coroutine.''' raise self._not_implemented("start") def stop(self): ''' Do what ever is needed on stop This can be implemented as a coroutine.''' def verify(self): ''' Verifies the volume. This can be implemented as a coroutine.''' raise self._not_implemented("verify") def block_device(self): ''' Return :py:class:`BlockDevice` for serialization in the libvirt XML template as <disk>. ''' return BlockDevice(self.path, self.name, self.script, self.rw, self.domain, self.devtype) @property def revisions(self): ''' Returns a `dict` containing revision identifiers and paths ''' msg = "{!s} has revisions not implemented".format(self.__class__) raise NotImplementedError(msg) @property def size(self): return self._size @size.setter def size(self, size): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self._size = int(size) @property def config(self): ''' return config data for serialization to qubes.xml ''' result = { 'name': self.name, 'pool': str(self.pool), 'vid': self.vid, 'internal': self.internal, 'removable': self.removable, 'revisions_to_keep': self.revisions_to_keep, 'rw': self.rw, 'save_on_stop': self.save_on_stop, 'snap_on_start': self.snap_on_start, } if self.size: result['size'] = self.size if self.source: result['source'] = str(self.source) return result def _not_implemented(self, method_name): ''' Helper for emitting helpful `NotImplementedError` exceptions ''' msg = "Volume {!s} has {!s}() not implemented" msg = msg.format(str(self.__class__.__name__), method_name) return NotImplementedError(msg) class Storage(object): ''' Class for handling VM virtual disks. This is base class for all other implementations, mostly with Xen on Linux in mind. ''' AVAILABLE_FRONTENDS = set(['xvd' + c for c in string.ascii_lowercase]) def __init__(self, vm): #: Domain for which we manage storage self.vm = vm self.log = self.vm.log #: Additional drive (currently used only by HVM) self.drive = None if hasattr(vm, 'volume_config'): for name, conf in self.vm.volume_config.items(): if 'source' in conf: template = getattr(vm, 'template', None) if template: # we have no control over VM load order, # so initialize storage recursively if needed if template.storage is None: template.storage = Storage(template) # FIXME: this effectively ignore 'source' value; # maybe we don't need it at all if it's always from # VM's template? conf['source'] = template.volumes[name] self.init_volume(name, conf) def init_volume(self, name, volume_config): ''' Initialize Volume instance attached to this domain ''' assert 'pool' in volume_config, "Pool missing in volume_config " + str( volume_config) if 'name' not in volume_config: volume_config['name'] = name pool = self.vm.app.get_pool(volume_config['pool']) volume = pool.init_volume(self.vm, volume_config) self.vm.volumes[name] = volume return volume def attach(self, volume, rw=False): ''' Attach a volume to the domain ''' assert self.vm.is_running() if self._is_already_attached(volume): self.vm.log.info("{!r} already attached".format(volume)) return try: frontend = self.unused_frontend() except IndexError: raise StoragePoolException("No unused frontend found") disk = lxml.etree.Element("disk") disk.set('type', 'block') disk.set('device', 'disk') lxml.etree.SubElement(disk, 'driver').set('name', 'phy') lxml.etree.SubElement(disk, 'source').set('dev', '/dev/%s' % volume.vid) lxml.etree.SubElement(disk, 'target').set('dev', frontend) if not rw: lxml.etree.SubElement(disk, 'readonly') if volume.domain is not None: lxml.etree.SubElement(disk, 'backenddomain').set( 'name', volume.domain.name) xml_string = lxml.etree.tostring(disk, encoding='utf-8') self.vm.libvirt_domain.attachDevice(xml_string) # trigger watches to update device status # FIXME: this should be removed once libvirt will report such # events itself # self.vm.qdb.write('/qubes-block-devices', '') ← do we need this? def _is_already_attached(self, volume): ''' Checks if the given volume is already attached ''' parsed_xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(self.vm.libvirt_domain.XMLDesc()) disk_sources = parsed_xml.xpath("//domain/devices/disk/source") for source in disk_sources: if source.get('dev') == '/dev/%s' % volume.vid: return True return False def detach(self, volume): ''' Detach a volume from domain ''' parsed_xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(self.vm.libvirt_domain.XMLDesc()) disks = parsed_xml.xpath("//domain/devices/disk") for disk in disks: source = disk.xpath('source')[0] if source.get('dev') == '/dev/%s' % volume.vid: disk_xml = lxml.etree.tostring(disk, encoding='utf-8') self.vm.libvirt_domain.detachDevice(disk_xml) return raise StoragePoolException('Volume {!r} is not attached'.format(volume)) @property def kernels_dir(self): '''Directory where kernel resides. If :py:attr:`self.vm.kernel` is :py:obj:`None`, the this points inside :py:attr:`self.vm.dir_path` ''' assert 'kernel' in self.vm.volumes, "VM has no kernel volume" return self.vm.volumes['kernel'].kernels_dir def get_disk_utilization(self): ''' Returns summed up disk utilization for all domain volumes ''' result = 0 for volume in self.vm.volumes.values(): result += volume.usage return result @asyncio.coroutine def resize(self, volume, size): ''' Resizes volume a read-writable volume ''' if isinstance(volume, str): volume = self.vm.volumes[volume] ret = volume.resize(size) if asyncio.iscoroutine(ret): yield from ret if self.vm.is_running(): yield from self.vm.run_service_for_stdio('qubes.ResizeDisk', input=volume.name.encode(), user='root') @asyncio.coroutine def create(self): ''' Creates volumes on disk ''' old_umask = os.umask(0o002) coros = [] for volume in self.vm.volumes.values(): # launch the operation, if it's asynchronous, then append to wait # for them at the end ret = volume.create() if asyncio.iscoroutine(ret): coros.append(ret) if coros: yield from asyncio.wait(coros) os.umask(old_umask) @asyncio.coroutine def clone_volume(self, src_vm, name): ''' Clone single volume from the specified vm :param QubesVM src_vm: source VM :param str name: name of volume to clone ('root', 'private' etc) :return cloned volume object ''' config = self.vm.volume_config[name] dst_pool = self.vm.app.get_pool(config['pool']) dst = dst_pool.init_volume(self.vm, config) src_volume = src_vm.volumes[name] msg = "Importing volume {!s} from vm {!s}" self.vm.log.info(msg.format(src_volume.name, src_vm.name)) clone_op_ret = dst.import_volume(src_volume) # clone/import functions may be either synchronous or asynchronous # in the later case, we need to wait for them to finish if asyncio.iscoroutine(clone_op_ret): clone_op_ret = yield from clone_op_ret self.vm.volumes[name] = clone_op_ret return self.vm.volumes[name] @asyncio.coroutine def clone(self, src_vm): ''' Clone volumes from the specified vm ''' self.vm.volumes = {} with VmCreationManager(self.vm): yield from asyncio.wait(self.clone_volume(src_vm, vol_name) for vol_name in self.vm.volume_config.keys()) @property def outdated_volumes(self): ''' Returns a list of outdated volumes ''' result = [] if self.vm.is_halted(): return result volumes = self.vm.volumes for volume in volumes.values(): if volume.is_outdated(): result += [volume] return result @asyncio.coroutine def verify(self): '''Verify that the storage is sane. On success, returns normally. On failure, raises exception. ''' if not os.path.exists(self.vm.dir_path): raise qubes.exc.QubesVMError( self.vm, 'VM directory does not exist: {}'.format(self.vm.dir_path)) futures = [] for volume in self.vm.volumes.values(): ret = volume.verify() if asyncio.iscoroutine(ret): futures.append(ret) if futures: yield from asyncio.wait(futures) self.vm.fire_event('domain-verify-files') return True @asyncio.coroutine def remove(self): ''' Remove all the volumes. Errors on removal are catched and logged. ''' futures = [] for name, volume in self.vm.volumes.items(): self.log.info('Removing volume %s: %s' % (name, volume.vid)) try: ret = volume.remove() if asyncio.iscoroutine(ret): futures.append(ret) except (IOError, OSError) as e: self.vm.log.exception("Failed to remove volume %s", name, e) if futures: try: yield from asyncio.wait(futures) except (IOError, OSError) as e: self.vm.log.exception("Failed to remove some volume", e) @asyncio.coroutine def start(self): ''' Execute the start method on each pool ''' futures = [] for volume in self.vm.volumes.values(): ret = volume.start() if asyncio.iscoroutine(ret): futures.append(ret) if futures: yield from asyncio.wait(futures) @asyncio.coroutine def stop(self): ''' Execute the start method on each pool ''' futures = [] for volume in self.vm.volumes.values(): ret = volume.stop() if asyncio.iscoroutine(ret): futures.append(ret) if futures: yield from asyncio.wait(futures) @asyncio.coroutine def commit(self): ''' Makes changes to an 'origin' volume persistent ''' futures = [] for volume in self.vm.volumes.values(): if volume.save_on_stop: ret = volume.commit() if asyncio.iscoroutine(ret): futures.append(ret) if futures: yield asyncio.wait(futures) def unused_frontend(self): ''' Find an unused device name ''' unused_frontends = self.AVAILABLE_FRONTENDS.difference( self.used_frontends) return sorted(unused_frontends)[0] @property def used_frontends(self): ''' Used device names ''' xml = self.vm.libvirt_domain.XMLDesc() parsed_xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(xml) return set([target.get('dev', None) for target in parsed_xml.xpath( "//domain/devices/disk/target")]) def export(self, volume): ''' Helper function to export volume (pool.export(volume))''' assert isinstance(volume, (Volume, str)), \ "You need to pass a Volume or pool name as str" if isinstance(volume, Volume): return volume.export() return self.vm.volumes[volume].export() def import_data(self, volume): ''' Helper function to import volume data (pool.import_data(volume))''' assert isinstance(volume, (Volume, str)), \ "You need to pass a Volume or pool name as str" if isinstance(volume, Volume): return volume.import_data() return self.vm.volumes[volume].import_data() def import_data_end(self, volume, success): ''' Helper function to finish/cleanup data import (pool.import_data_end( volume))''' assert isinstance(volume, (Volume, str)), \ "You need to pass a Volume or pool name as str" if isinstance(volume, Volume): return volume.import_data_end(volume, success=success) return self.vm.volumes[volume].import_data_end(success=success) class VolumesCollection(object): '''Convenient collection wrapper for pool.get_volume and pool.list_volumes ''' def __init__(self, pool): self._pool = pool def __getitem__(self, item): ''' Get a single volume with given Volume ID. You can also a Volume instance to get the same Volume or KeyError if Volume no longer exists. :param item: a Volume ID (str) or a Volume instance ''' if isinstance(item, Volume): if item.pool == self._pool: return self[item.vid] else: raise KeyError(item) try: return self._pool.get_volume(item) except NotImplementedError: for vol in self: if vol.vid == item: return vol # if list_volumes is not implemented too, it will raise # NotImplementedError again earlier raise KeyError(item) def __iter__(self): ''' Get iterator over pool's volumes ''' return iter(self._pool.list_volumes()) def __contains__(self, item): ''' Check if given volume (either Volume ID or Volume instance) is present in the pool ''' try: return self[item] is not None except KeyError: return False def keys(self): ''' Return list of volume IDs ''' return [vol.vid for vol in self] def values(self): ''' Return list of Volumes''' return [vol for vol in self] class Pool(object): ''' A Pool is used to manage different kind of volumes (File based/LVM/Btrfs/...). 3rd Parties providing own storage implementations will need to extend this class. ''' # pylint: disable=unused-argument private_img_size = qubes.config.defaults['private_img_size'] root_img_size = qubes.config.defaults['root_img_size'] def __init__(self, name, revisions_to_keep=1, **kwargs): super(Pool, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._volumes_collection = VolumesCollection(self) self.name = name self.revisions_to_keep = revisions_to_keep kwargs['name'] = self.name def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Pool): return self.name == other.name elif isinstance(other, str): return self.name == other return NotImplemented def __neq__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __str__(self): return self.name def __hash__(self): return hash(self.name) def __xml__(self): config = _sanitize_config(self.config) return lxml.etree.Element('pool', **config) @property def config(self): ''' Returns the pool config to be written to qubes.xml ''' raise self._not_implemented("config") def destroy(self): ''' Called when removing the pool. Use this for implementation specific clean up. ''' raise self._not_implemented("destroy") def init_volume(self, vm, volume_config): ''' Initialize a :py:class:`qubes.storage.Volume` from `volume_config`. ''' raise self._not_implemented("init_volume") def setup(self): ''' Called when adding a pool to the system. Use this for implementation specific set up. ''' raise self._not_implemented("setup") @property def volumes(self): ''' Return a collection of volumes managed by this pool ''' return self._volumes_collection def list_volumes(self): ''' Return a list of volumes managed by this pool ''' raise self._not_implemented("list_volumes") def get_volume(self, vid): ''' Return a volume with *vid* from this pool :raise KeyError: if no volume is found ''' raise self._not_implemented("get_volume") def _not_implemented(self, method_name): ''' Helper for emitting helpful `NotImplementedError` exceptions ''' msg = "Pool driver {!s} has {!s}() not implemented" msg = msg.format(str(self.__class__.__name__), method_name) return NotImplementedError(msg) def _sanitize_config(config): ''' Helper function to convert types to appropriate strings ''' # FIXME: find another solution for serializing basic types result = {} for key, value in config.items(): if isinstance(value, bool): if value: result[key] = 'True' else: result[key] = str(value) return result def pool_drivers(): """ Return a list of EntryPoints names """ return [ep.name for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(STORAGE_ENTRY_POINT)] def driver_parameters(name): ''' Get __init__ parameters from a driver with out `self` & `name`. ''' init_function = qubes.utils.get_entry_point_one( qubes.storage.STORAGE_ENTRY_POINT, name).__init__ params = init_function.func_code.co_varnames ignored_params = ['self', 'name'] return [p for p in params if p not in ignored_params] def isodate(seconds=time.time()): ''' Helper method which returns an iso date ''' return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(seconds).isoformat("T") class VmCreationManager(object): ''' A `ContextManager` which cleans up if volume creation fails. ''' # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods def __init__(self, vm): self.vm = vm def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin if type is not None and value is not None and tb is not None: for volume in self.vm.volumes.values(): try: volume.remove() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass os.rmdir(self.vm.dir_path)