#!/usr/bin/python2 -O # vim: fileencoding=utf-8 # # The Qubes OS Project, https://www.qubes-os.org/ # # Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Joanna Rutkowska <joanna@invisiblethingslab.com> # Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Marek Marczykowski-Górecki # <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com> # Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Wojtek Porczyk <woju@invisiblethingslab.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # import os import shutil import time import libvirt import lxml.etree import qubes import qubes.exc class NetVMMixin(object): mac = qubes.property('mac', type=str, default='00:16:3E:5E:6C:00', ls_width=17, doc='MAC address of the NIC emulated inside VM') # XXX swallowed uses_default_netvm netvm = qubes.VMProperty('netvm', load_stage=4, allow_none=True, default=(lambda self: self.app.default_fw_netvm if self.provides_network else self.app.default_netvm), ls_width=31, doc='''VM that provides network connection to this domain. When `None`, machine is disconnected. When absent, domain uses default NetVM.''') provides_network = qubes.property('provides_network', default=False, type=bool, setter=qubes.property.bool, doc='''If this domain can act as network provider (formerly known as NetVM or ProxyVM)''') # # used in networked appvms or proxyvms (netvm is not None) # @qubes.tools.qvm_ls.column(width=15) @property def ip(self): '''IP address of this domain.''' if not self.is_networked(): return None if self.netvm is not None: return self.netvm.get_ip_for_vm(self) else: return self.get_ip_for_vm(self) # # used in netvms (provides_network=True) # those properties and methods are most likely accessed as vm.netvm.<prop> # @staticmethod def get_ip_for_vm(vm): '''Get IP address for (appvm) domain connected to this (netvm) domain. ''' import qubes.vm.dispvm # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name if isinstance(vm, qubes.vm.dispvm.DispVM): return '10.138.{}.{}'.format((vm.dispid >> 8) & 7, vm.dispid & 7) # VM technically can get address which ends in '.0'. This currently # does not happen, because qid < 253, but may happen in the future. return '10.137.{}.{}'.format((vm.qid >> 8) & 7, vm.qid & 7) @qubes.tools.qvm_ls.column(head='IPBACK', width=15) @property def gateway(self): '''Gateway for other domains that use this domain as netvm.''' return self.ip if self.provides_network else None @qubes.tools.qvm_ls.column(width=15) @property def netmask(self): '''Netmask for gateway address.''' return '' if self.is_networked() else None @qubes.tools.qvm_ls.column(width=7) @property def vif(self): '''Name of the network interface backend in netvm that is connected to NIC inside this domain.''' if self.xid < 0: return None if self.netvm is None: return None # XXX ugly hack ahead # stubdom_xid is one more than self.xid return 'vif{0}.+'.format(self.xid + int(self.hvm)) @property def connected_vms(self): for vm in self.app.domains: if vm.netvm is self: yield vm # # used in both # @qubes.tools.qvm_ls.column(width=15) @property def dns(self): '''Secondary DNS server set up for this domain.''' if self.netvm is not None or self.provides_network: return ( '', '', ) else: return None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(NetVMMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @qubes.events.handler('domain-start') def on_domain_started(self, event, **kwargs): '''Connect this domain to its downstream domains. Also reload firewall in its netvm. This is needed when starting netvm *after* its connected domains. ''' if self.netvm: self.netvm.reload_firewall_for_vm(self) for vm in self.connected_vms: if not vm.is_running(): continue vm.log.info('Attaching network') # 1426 vm.cleanup_vifs() try: # 1426 vm.run('modprobe -r xen-netfront xennet', user='root', wait=True) except: pass try: vm.attach_network(wait=False) except qubes.exc.QubesException: vm.log.warning('Cannot attach network', exc_info=1) @qubes.events.handler('domain-pre-shutdown') def shutdown_net(self, force=False): connected_vms = [vm for vm in self.connected_vms if vm.is_running()] if connected_vms and not force: raise qubes.exc.QubesVMError( 'There are other VMs connected to this VM: {}'.format( ', '.join(vm.name for vm in connected_vms))) # detach network interfaces of connected VMs before shutting down, # otherwise libvirt will not notice it and will try to detach them # again (which would fail, obviously). # This code can be removed when #1426 got implemented for vm in connected_vms: if vm.is_running(): try: vm.detach_network() except (qubes.exc.QubesException, libvirt.libvirtError): # ignore errors pass # TODO maybe this should be other way: backend.devices['net'].attach(self) def attach_network(self): '''Attach network in this machine to it's netvm.''' if not self.is_running(): raise qubes.exc.QubesVMNotRunningError(self) assert self.netvm is not None if not self.netvm.is_running(): self.log.info('Starting NetVM ({0})'.format(self.netvm.name)) self.netvm.start() self.libvirt_domain.attachDevice(lxml.etree.ElementTree( self.lvxml_net_dev(self.ip, self.mac, self.netvm)).tostring()) def detach_network(self): '''Detach machine from it's netvm''' if not self.is_running(): raise qubes.exc.QubesVMNotRunningError(self) assert self.netvm is not None self.libvirt_domain.detachDevice(lxml.etree.ElementTree( self.lvxml_net_dev(self.ip, self.mac, self.netvm)).tostring()) def is_networked(self): '''Check whether this VM can reach network (firewall notwithstanding). :returns: :py:obj:`True` if is machine can reach network, \ :py:obj:`False` otherwise. :rtype: bool ''' if self.provides_network: return True return self.netvm is not None def cleanup_vifs(self): '''Remove stale network device backends. Libvirt does not remove vif when backend domain is down, so we must do it manually. This method is one big hack for #1426. ''' # FIXME: remove this? if not self.is_running(): return dev_basepath = '/local/domain/%d/device/vif' % self.xid for dev in self.app.vmm.xs.ls('', dev_basepath): # check if backend domain is alive backend_xid = int(self.app.vmm.xs.read('', '{}/{}/backend-id'.format(dev_basepath, dev))) if backend_xid in self.app.vmm.libvirt_conn.listDomainsID(): # check if device is still active if self.app.vmm.xs.read('', '{}/{}/state'.format(dev_basepath, dev)) == '4': continue # remove dead device self.app.vmm.xs.rm('', '{}/{}'.format(dev_basepath, dev)) def reload_firewall_for_vm(self, vm): # TODO QubesOS/qubes-issues#1815 pass @qubes.events.handler('property-del:netvm') def on_property_del_netvm(self, event, name, old_netvm): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # we are changing to default netvm new_netvm = self.netvm if new_netvm == old_netvm: return self.fire_event('property-set:netvm', 'netvm', new_netvm, old_netvm) @qubes.events.handler('property-set:netvm') def on_property_set_netvm(self, event, name, new_netvm, old_netvm=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # TODO offline_mode if self.is_running() and new_netvm is not None \ and not new_netvm.is_running(): raise qubes.exc.QubesVMNotStartedError(new_netvm, 'Cannot dynamically attach to stopped NetVM: {!r}'.format( new_netvm)) if self.netvm is not None: if self.is_running(): self.detach_network() # TODO change to domain-removed event handler in netvm # if hasattr(self.netvm, 'post_vm_net_detach'): # self.netvm.post_vm_net_detach(self) if new_netvm is None: return if self.is_running(): # refresh IP, DNS etc self.create_qdb_entries() self.attach_network() # TODO documentation new_netvm.fire_event('net-domain-connect', self) # FIXME handle in the above event? new_netvm.reload_firewall_for_vm(self) @qubes.events.handler('domain-qdb-create') def on_domain_qdb_create(self, event): # TODO: fill firewall QubesDB entries (QubesOS/qubes-issues#1815) pass # FIXME use event after creating Xen domain object, but before "resume" @qubes.events.handler('firewall-changed') def on_firewall_changed(self, event): if self.is_running() and self.netvm: self.netvm.reload_firewall_for_vm(self)