# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods # # The Qubes OS Project, https://www.qubes-os.org/ # # Copyright (C) 2016 # Marek Marczykowski-Górecki <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com> # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # import datetime import string import itertools import os import socket import asyncio import lxml.etree import qubes import qubes.vm.qubesvm class RuleOption: def __init__(self, untrusted_value): # subset of string.punctuation safe_set = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + \ ':;,./-_[]' untrusted_value = str(untrusted_value) if not all(x in safe_set for x in untrusted_value): raise ValueError('strange characters in rule') self._value = untrusted_value @property def rule(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def api_rule(self): return self.rule def __str__(self): return self._value def __eq__(self, other): return str(self) == other # noinspection PyAbstractClass class RuleChoice(RuleOption): # pylint: disable=abstract-method def __init__(self, untrusted_value): # preliminary validation super(RuleChoice, self).__init__(untrusted_value) self.allowed_values = \ [v for k, v in self.__class__.__dict__.items() if not k.startswith('__') and isinstance(v, str) and not v.startswith('__')] if untrusted_value not in self.allowed_values: raise ValueError(untrusted_value) class Action(RuleChoice): accept = 'accept' drop = 'drop' @property def rule(self): return 'action=' + str(self) class Proto(RuleChoice): tcp = 'tcp' udp = 'udp' icmp = 'icmp' @property def rule(self): return 'proto=' + str(self) class DstHost(RuleOption): '''Represent host/network address: either IPv4, IPv6, or DNS name''' def __init__(self, untrusted_value, prefixlen=None): if untrusted_value.count('/') > 1: raise ValueError('Too many /: ' + untrusted_value) if not untrusted_value.count('/'): # add prefix length to bare IP addresses try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, untrusted_value) value = untrusted_value self.prefixlen = prefixlen or 128 if self.prefixlen < 0 or self.prefixlen > 128: raise ValueError( 'netmask for IPv6 must be between 0 and 128') value += '/' + str(self.prefixlen) self.type = 'dst6' except socket.error: try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, untrusted_value) if untrusted_value.count('.') != 3: raise ValueError( 'Invalid number of dots in IPv4 address') value = untrusted_value self.prefixlen = prefixlen or 32 if self.prefixlen < 0 or self.prefixlen > 32: raise ValueError( 'netmask for IPv4 must be between 0 and 32') value += '/' + str(self.prefixlen) self.type = 'dst4' except socket.error: self.type = 'dsthost' self.prefixlen = 0 safe_set = string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits + '-._' if not all(c in safe_set for c in untrusted_value): raise ValueError('Invalid hostname') value = untrusted_value else: untrusted_host, untrusted_prefixlen = untrusted_value.split('/', 1) prefixlen = int(untrusted_prefixlen) if prefixlen < 0: raise ValueError('netmask must be non-negative') self.prefixlen = prefixlen try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, untrusted_host) value = untrusted_value if prefixlen > 128: raise ValueError('netmask for IPv6 must be <= 128') self.type = 'dst6' except socket.error: try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, untrusted_host) if prefixlen > 32: raise ValueError('netmask for IPv4 must be <= 32') self.type = 'dst4' if untrusted_host.count('.') != 3: raise ValueError( 'Invalid number of dots in IPv4 address') value = untrusted_value except socket.error: raise ValueError('Invalid IP address: ' + untrusted_host) super(DstHost, self).__init__(value) @property def rule(self): return self.type + '=' + str(self) class DstPorts(RuleOption): def __init__(self, untrusted_value): if isinstance(untrusted_value, int): untrusted_value = str(untrusted_value) if untrusted_value.count('-') == 1: self.range = [int(x) for x in untrusted_value.split('-', 1)] elif not untrusted_value.count('-'): self.range = [int(untrusted_value), int(untrusted_value)] else: raise ValueError(untrusted_value) if any(port < 0 or port > 65536 for port in self.range): raise ValueError('Ports out of range') if self.range[0] > self.range[1]: raise ValueError('Invalid port range') super(DstPorts, self).__init__( str(self.range[0]) if self.range[0] == self.range[1] else '-'.join(map(str, self.range))) @property def rule(self): return 'dstports=' + '{!s}-{!s}'.format(*self.range) class IcmpType(RuleOption): def __init__(self, untrusted_value): untrusted_value = int(untrusted_value) if untrusted_value < 0 or untrusted_value > 255: raise ValueError('ICMP type out of range') super(IcmpType, self).__init__(untrusted_value) @property def rule(self): return 'icmptype=' + str(self) class SpecialTarget(RuleChoice): dns = 'dns' @property def rule(self): return 'specialtarget=' + str(self) class Expire(RuleOption): def __init__(self, untrusted_value): super(Expire, self).__init__(untrusted_value) self.datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(untrusted_value)) @property def rule(self): pass @property def api_rule(self): return 'expire=' + str(self) @property def expired(self): return self.datetime < datetime.datetime.now() class Comment(RuleOption): # noinspection PyMissingConstructor def __init__(self, untrusted_value): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called # subset of string.punctuation safe_set = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + \ ':;,./-_[] ' untrusted_value = str(untrusted_value) if not all(x in safe_set for x in untrusted_value): raise ValueError('strange characters comment') self._value = untrusted_value @property def rule(self): pass @property def api_rule(self): return 'comment=' + str(self) class Rule(qubes.PropertyHolder): def __init__(self, xml=None, **kwargs): '''Single firewall rule :param xml: XML element describing rule, or None :param kwargs: rule elements ''' super(Rule, self).__init__(xml, **kwargs) self.load_properties() self.events_enabled = True # validate dependencies if self.dstports: self.on_set_dstports('property-set:dstports', 'dstports', self.dstports, None) if self.icmptype: self.on_set_icmptype('property-set:icmptype', 'icmptype', self.icmptype, None) self.property_require('action', False, True) action = qubes.property('action', type=Action, order=0, doc='rule action') proto = qubes.property('proto', type=Proto, default=None, order=1, doc='protocol to match') dsthost = qubes.property('dsthost', type=DstHost, default=None, order=1, doc='destination host/network') dstports = qubes.property('dstports', type=DstPorts, default=None, order=2, doc='Destination port(s) (for \'tcp\' and \'udp\' protocol only)') icmptype = qubes.property('icmptype', type=IcmpType, default=None, order=2, doc='ICMP packet type (for \'icmp\' protocol only)') specialtarget = qubes.property('specialtarget', type=SpecialTarget, default=None, order=1, doc='Special target, for now only \'dns\' supported') expire = qubes.property('expire', type=Expire, default=None, doc='Timestamp (UNIX epoch) on which this rule expire') comment = qubes.property('comment', type=Comment, default=None, doc='User comment') # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @qubes.events.handler('property-pre-set:dstports') def on_set_dstports(self, event, name, newvalue, oldvalue=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if self.proto not in ('tcp', 'udp'): raise ValueError( 'dstports valid only for \'tcp\' and \'udp\' protocols') # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @qubes.events.handler('property-pre-set:icmptype') def on_set_icmptype(self, event, name, newvalue, oldvalue=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if self.proto not in ('icmp',): raise ValueError('icmptype valid only for \'icmp\' protocol') # noinspection PyUnusedLocal @qubes.events.handler('property-set:proto') def on_set_proto(self, event, name, newvalue, oldvalue=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument if newvalue not in ('tcp', 'udp'): self.dstports = qubes.property.DEFAULT if newvalue not in ('icmp',): self.icmptype = qubes.property.DEFAULT @qubes.events.handler('property-reset:proto') def on_reset_proto(self, event, name, oldvalue): # pylint: disable=unused-argument self.dstports = qubes.property.DEFAULT self.icmptype = qubes.property.DEFAULT @property def rule(self): if self.expire and self.expire.expired: return None values = [] for prop in self.property_list(): value = getattr(self, prop.__name__) if value is None: continue if value.rule is None: continue values.append(value.rule) return ' '.join(values) @property def api_rule(self): values = [] if self.expire and self.expire.expired: return None # put comment at the end for prop in sorted(self.property_list(), key=(lambda p: p.__name__ == 'comment')): value = getattr(self, prop.__name__) if value is None: continue if value.api_rule is None: continue values.append(value.api_rule) return ' '.join(values) @classmethod def from_xml_v1(cls, node, action): netmask = node.get('netmask') if netmask is None: netmask = 32 else: netmask = int(netmask) address = node.get('address') if address: dsthost = DstHost(address, netmask) else: dsthost = None proto = node.get('proto') port = node.get('port') toport = node.get('toport') if port and toport: dstports = port + '-' + toport elif port: dstports = port else: dstports = None # backward compatibility: protocol defaults to TCP if port is specified if dstports and not proto: proto = 'tcp' if proto == 'any': proto = None expire = node.get('expire') kwargs = { 'action': action, } if dsthost: kwargs['dsthost'] = dsthost if dstports: kwargs['dstports'] = dstports if proto: kwargs['proto'] = proto if expire: kwargs['expire'] = expire return cls(**kwargs) @classmethod def from_api_string(cls, untrusted_rule): '''Parse a single line of firewall rule''' # comment is allowed to have spaces untrusted_options, _, untrusted_comment = untrusted_rule.partition( 'comment=') # appropriate handlers in __init__ of individual options will perform # option-specific validation kwargs = {} if untrusted_comment: kwargs['comment'] = Comment(untrusted_value=untrusted_comment) for untrusted_option in untrusted_options.strip().split(' '): untrusted_key, untrusted_value = untrusted_option.split('=', 1) if untrusted_key in kwargs: raise ValueError('Option \'{}\' already set'.format( untrusted_key)) if untrusted_key in [str(prop) for prop in cls.property_list()]: kwargs[untrusted_key] = cls.property_get_def( untrusted_key).type(untrusted_value=untrusted_value) elif untrusted_key in ('dst4', 'dst6', 'dstname'): if 'dsthost' in kwargs: raise ValueError('Option \'{}\' already set'.format( 'dsthost')) kwargs['dsthost'] = DstHost(untrusted_value=untrusted_value) else: raise ValueError('Unknown firewall option') return cls(**kwargs) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Rule): return self.api_rule == other.api_rule return self.api_rule == str(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.api_rule) class Firewall: def __init__(self, vm, load=True): assert hasattr(vm, 'firewall_conf') self.vm = vm #: firewall rules self.rules = [] if load: self.load() @property def policy(self): ''' Default action - always 'drop' ''' return Action('drop') def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Firewall): return self.rules == other.rules return NotImplemented def load_defaults(self): '''Load default firewall settings''' self.rules = [Rule(None, action='accept')] def clone(self, other): '''Clone firewall settings from other instance. This method discards pre-existing firewall settings. :param other: other :py:class:`Firewall` instance ''' rules = [] for rule in other.rules: # Rule constructor require some action, will be overwritten by # clone_properties below new_rule = Rule(action='drop') new_rule.clone_properties(rule) rules.append(new_rule) self.rules = rules def load(self): '''Load firewall settings from a file''' firewall_conf = os.path.join(self.vm.dir_path, self.vm.firewall_conf) if os.path.exists(firewall_conf): self.rules = [] tree = lxml.etree.parse(firewall_conf) root = tree.getroot() version = root.get('version', '1') if version == '1': self.load_v1(root) elif version == '2': self.load_v2(root) else: raise qubes.exc.QubesVMError(self.vm, 'Unsupported firewall.xml version: {}'.format(version)) else: self.load_defaults() def load_v1(self, xml_root): '''Load old (Qubes < 4.0) firewall XML format''' policy_v1 = xml_root.get('policy') assert policy_v1 in ('allow', 'deny') default_policy_is_accept = (policy_v1 == 'allow') def _translate_action(key): if xml_root.get(key, policy_v1) == 'allow': return Action.accept return Action.drop self.rules.append(Rule(None, action=_translate_action('dns'), specialtarget=SpecialTarget('dns'))) self.rules.append(Rule(None, action=_translate_action('icmp'), proto=Proto.icmp)) if default_policy_is_accept: rule_action = Action.drop else: rule_action = Action.accept for element in xml_root: rule = Rule.from_xml_v1(element, rule_action) self.rules.append(rule) if default_policy_is_accept: self.rules.append(Rule(None, action='accept')) def load_v2(self, xml_root): '''Load new (Qubes >= 4.0) firewall XML format''' xml_rules = xml_root.find('rules') for xml_rule in xml_rules: rule = Rule(xml_rule) self.rules.append(rule) def _expire_rules(self): '''Function called to reload expired rules''' self.load() # this will both save rules skipping those expired and trigger # QubesDB update; and possibly schedule another timer self.save() def save(self): '''Save firewall rules to a file''' firewall_conf = os.path.join(self.vm.dir_path, self.vm.firewall_conf) nearest_expire = None xml_root = lxml.etree.Element('firewall', version=str(2)) xml_rules = lxml.etree.Element('rules') for rule in self.rules: if rule.expire: if rule.expire and rule.expire.expired: continue if nearest_expire is None or rule.expire.datetime < \ nearest_expire: nearest_expire = rule.expire.datetime xml_rule = lxml.etree.Element('rule') xml_rule.append(rule.xml_properties()) xml_rules.append(xml_rule) xml_root.append(xml_rules) xml_tree = lxml.etree.ElementTree(xml_root) try: old_umask = os.umask(0o002) with open(firewall_conf, 'wb') as firewall_xml: xml_tree.write(firewall_xml, encoding="UTF-8", pretty_print=True) os.umask(old_umask) except EnvironmentError as err: self.vm.log.error("save error: {}".format(err)) raise qubes.exc.QubesException('save error: {}'.format(err)) self.vm.fire_event('firewall-changed') if nearest_expire and not self.vm.app.vmm.offline_mode: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # by documentation call_at use loop.time() clock, which not # necessary must be the same as time module; calculate delay and # use call_later instead expire_when = nearest_expire - datetime.datetime.now() loop.call_later(expire_when.total_seconds(), self._expire_rules) def qdb_entries(self, addr_family=None): '''Return firewall settings serialized for QubesDB entries :param addr_family: include rules only for IPv4 (4) or IPv6 (6); if None, include both ''' entries = { 'policy': str(self.policy) } exclude_dsttype = None if addr_family is not None: exclude_dsttype = 'dst4' if addr_family == 6 else 'dst6' for ruleno, rule in zip(itertools.count(), self.rules): if rule.expire and rule.expire.expired: continue # exclude rules for another address family if rule.dsthost and rule.dsthost.type == exclude_dsttype: continue entries['{:04}'.format(ruleno)] = rule.rule return entries