#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # The Qubes OS Project, http://www.qubes-os.org # # Copyright (C) 2016 Marek Marczykowski-Górecki # <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # from distutils import spawn import qubes.tests import subprocess import tempfile import unittest import os import time class TC_04_DispVM(qubes.tests.SystemTestsMixin, qubes.tests.QubesTestCase): @staticmethod def get_dispvm_template_name(): vmdir = os.readlink('/var/lib/qubes/dvmdata/vmdir') return os.path.basename(vmdir) def test_000_firewall_propagation(self): """ Check firewall propagation VM->DispVM, when VM have some firewall rules """ # FIXME: currently qubes.xml doesn't contain this information... dispvm_template_name = self.get_dispvm_template_name() dispvm_template = self.qc.get_vm_by_name(dispvm_template_name) testvm1 = self.qc.add_new_vm("QubesAppVm", name=self.make_vm_name('vm1'), template=self.qc.get_default_template()) testvm1.create_on_disk(verbose=False) firewall = testvm1.get_firewall_conf() firewall['allowDns'] = False firewall['allowYumProxy'] = False firewall['rules'] = [{'address': '', 'netmask': 24, 'proto': 'tcp', 'portBegin': 22, 'portEnd': 22, }] testvm1.write_firewall_conf(firewall) self.qc.save() self.qc.unlock_db() testvm1.start() p = testvm1.run("qvm-run --dispvm 'qubesdb-read /name; echo ERROR;" " read x'", passio_popen=True) dispvm_name = p.stdout.readline().strip() self.qc.lock_db_for_reading() self.qc.load() self.qc.unlock_db() dispvm = self.qc.get_vm_by_name(dispvm_name) self.assertIsNotNone(dispvm, "DispVM {} not found in qubes.xml".format( dispvm_name)) # check if firewall was propagated to the DispVM self.assertEquals(testvm1.get_firewall_conf(), dispvm.get_firewall_conf()) # and only there (#1608) self.assertNotEquals(dispvm_template.get_firewall_conf(), dispvm.get_firewall_conf()) # then modify some rule firewall = dispvm.get_firewall_conf() firewall['rules'] = [{'address': '', 'netmask': 24, 'proto': 'tcp', 'portBegin': 22, 'portEnd': 22, }] dispvm.write_firewall_conf(firewall) # and check again if wasn't saved anywhere else (#1608) self.assertNotEquals(dispvm_template.get_firewall_conf(), dispvm.get_firewall_conf()) self.assertNotEquals(testvm1.get_firewall_conf(), dispvm.get_firewall_conf()) p.stdin.write('\n') p.wait() def test_001_firewall_propagation(self): """ Check firewall propagation VM->DispVM, when VM have no firewall rules """ testvm1 = self.qc.add_new_vm("QubesAppVm", name=self.make_vm_name('vm1'), template=self.qc.get_default_template()) testvm1.create_on_disk(verbose=False) self.qc.save() self.qc.unlock_db() # FIXME: currently qubes.xml doesn't contain this information... dispvm_template_name = self.get_dispvm_template_name() dispvm_template = self.qc.get_vm_by_name(dispvm_template_name) original_firewall = None if os.path.exists(dispvm_template.firewall_conf): original_firewall = tempfile.TemporaryFile() with open(dispvm_template.firewall_conf) as f: original_firewall.write(f.read()) try: firewall = dispvm_template.get_firewall_conf() firewall['allowDns'] = False firewall['allowYumProxy'] = False firewall['rules'] = [{'address': '', 'netmask': 24, 'proto': 'tcp', 'portBegin': 22, 'portEnd': 22, }] dispvm_template.write_firewall_conf(firewall) testvm1.start() p = testvm1.run("qvm-run --dispvm 'qubesdb-read /name; echo ERROR;" " read x'", passio_popen=True) dispvm_name = p.stdout.readline().strip() self.qc.lock_db_for_reading() self.qc.load() self.qc.unlock_db() dispvm = self.qc.get_vm_by_name(dispvm_name) self.assertIsNotNone(dispvm, "DispVM {} not found in qubes.xml".format( dispvm_name)) # check if firewall was propagated to the DispVM from the right VM self.assertEquals(testvm1.get_firewall_conf(), dispvm.get_firewall_conf()) # and only there (#1608) self.assertNotEquals(dispvm_template.get_firewall_conf(), dispvm.get_firewall_conf()) # then modify some rule firewall = dispvm.get_firewall_conf() firewall['rules'] = [{'address': '', 'netmask': 24, 'proto': 'tcp', 'portBegin': 22, 'portEnd': 22, }] dispvm.write_firewall_conf(firewall) # and check again if wasn't saved anywhere else (#1608) self.assertNotEquals(dispvm_template.get_firewall_conf(), dispvm.get_firewall_conf()) self.assertNotEquals(testvm1.get_firewall_conf(), dispvm.get_firewall_conf()) p.stdin.write('\n') p.wait() finally: if original_firewall: original_firewall.seek(0) with open(dispvm_template.firewall_conf, 'w') as f: f.write(original_firewall.read()) original_firewall.close() else: os.unlink(dispvm_template.firewall_conf) def test_002_cleanup(self): self.qc.unlock_db() p = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/lib/qubes/qfile-daemon-dvm', 'qubes.VMShell', 'dom0', 'DEFAULT'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w')) (stdout, _) = p.communicate(input="echo test; qubesdb-read /name; " "echo ERROR\n") self.assertEquals(p.returncode, 0) lines = stdout.splitlines() self.assertEqual(lines[0], "test") dispvm_name = lines[1] self.qc.lock_db_for_reading() self.qc.load() self.qc.unlock_db() dispvm = self.qc.get_vm_by_name(dispvm_name) self.assertIsNone(dispvm, "DispVM {} still exists in qubes.xml".format( dispvm_name)) def test_003_cleanup_destroyed(self): """ Check if DispVM is properly removed even if it terminated itself (#1660) :return: """ self.qc.unlock_db() p = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/lib/qubes/qfile-daemon-dvm', 'qubes.VMShell', 'dom0', 'DEFAULT'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w')) p.stdin.write("qubesdb-read /name\n") p.stdin.write("echo ERROR\n") p.stdin.write("sudo poweroff\n") # do not close p.stdin on purpose - wait to automatic disconnect when # domain is destroyed timeout = 30 while timeout > 0: if p.poll(): break time.sleep(1) timeout -= 1 # includes check for None - timeout self.assertEquals(p.returncode, 0) lines = p.stdout.read().splitlines() dispvm_name = lines[0] self.assertNotEquals(dispvm_name, "ERROR") self.qc.lock_db_for_reading() self.qc.load() self.qc.unlock_db() dispvm = self.qc.get_vm_by_name(dispvm_name) self.assertIsNone(dispvm, "DispVM {} still exists in qubes.xml".format( dispvm_name)) class TC_20_DispVMMixin(qubes.tests.SystemTestsMixin): def test_000_prepare_dvm(self): self.qc.unlock_db() retcode = subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/qvm-create-default-dvm', self.template], stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w')) self.assertEqual(retcode, 0) self.qc.lock_db_for_writing() self.qc.load() self.assertIsNotNone(self.qc.get_vm_by_name( self.template + "-dvm")) # TODO: check mtime of snapshot file def test_010_simple_dvm_run(self): self.qc.unlock_db() p = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/lib/qubes/qfile-daemon-dvm', 'qubes.VMShell', 'dom0', 'DEFAULT'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w')) (stdout, _) = p.communicate(input="echo test") self.assertEqual(stdout, "test\n") # TODO: check if DispVM is destroyed @unittest.skipUnless(spawn.find_executable('xdotool'), "xdotool not installed") def test_020_gui_app(self): self.qc.unlock_db() p = subprocess.Popen(['/usr/lib/qubes/qfile-daemon-dvm', 'qubes.VMShell', 'dom0', 'DEFAULT'], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.devnull, 'w')) # wait for DispVM startup: p.stdin.write("echo test\n") p.stdin.flush() l = p.stdout.readline() self.assertEqual(l, "test\n") # potential race condition, but our tests are supposed to be # running on dedicated machine, so should not be a problem self.qc.lock_db_for_reading() self.qc.load() self.qc.unlock_db() max_qid = 0 for vm in self.qc.values(): if not vm.is_disposablevm(): continue if vm.qid > max_qid: max_qid = vm.qid dispvm = self.qc[max_qid] self.assertNotEqual(dispvm.qid, 0, "DispVM not found in qubes.xml") self.assertTrue(dispvm.is_running()) try: window_title = 'user@%s' % (dispvm.template.name + "-dvm") p.stdin.write("xterm -e " "\"sh -c 'echo \\\"\033]0;{}\007\\\";read x;'\"\n". format(window_title)) self.wait_for_window(window_title) time.sleep(0.5) self.enter_keys_in_window(window_title, ['Return']) # Wait for window to close self.wait_for_window(window_title, show=False) finally: p.stdin.close() wait_count = 0 while dispvm.is_running(): wait_count += 1 if wait_count > 100: self.fail("Timeout while waiting for DispVM destruction") time.sleep(0.1) wait_count = 0 while p.poll() is None: wait_count += 1 if wait_count > 100: self.fail("Timeout while waiting for qfile-daemon-dvm " "termination") time.sleep(0.1) self.assertEqual(p.returncode, 0) self.qc.lock_db_for_reading() self.qc.load() self.qc.unlock_db() self.assertIsNone(self.qc.get_vm_by_name(dispvm.name), "DispVM not removed from qubes.xml") def _handle_editor(self, winid): (window_title, _) = subprocess.Popen( ['xdotool', 'getwindowname', winid], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).\ communicate() window_title = window_title.strip().\ replace('(', '\(').replace(')', '\)') time.sleep(1) if "gedit" in window_title: subprocess.check_call(['xdotool', 'windowactivate', '--sync', winid, 'type', 'Test test 2']) subprocess.check_call(['xdotool', 'key', '--window', winid, 'key', 'Return']) time.sleep(0.5) subprocess.check_call(['xdotool', 'key', 'ctrl+s', 'ctrl+q']) elif "LibreOffice" in window_title: # wait for actual editor (we've got splash screen) search = subprocess.Popen(['xdotool', 'search', '--sync', '--onlyvisible', '--all', '--name', '--class', 'disp*|Writer'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.path.devnull, 'w')) retcode = search.wait() if retcode == 0: winid = search.stdout.read().strip() time.sleep(0.5) subprocess.check_call(['xdotool', 'windowactivate', '--sync', winid, 'type', 'Test test 2']) subprocess.check_call(['xdotool', 'key', '--window', winid, 'key', 'Return']) time.sleep(0.5) subprocess.check_call(['xdotool', 'key', '--delay', '100', 'ctrl+s', 'Return', 'ctrl+q']) elif "emacs" in window_title: subprocess.check_call(['xdotool', 'windowactivate', '--sync', winid, 'type', 'Test test 2']) subprocess.check_call(['xdotool', 'key', '--window', winid, 'key', 'Return']) time.sleep(0.5) subprocess.check_call(['xdotool', 'key', 'ctrl+x', 'ctrl+s']) subprocess.check_call(['xdotool', 'key', 'ctrl+x', 'ctrl+c']) elif "vim" in window_title or "user@" in window_title: subprocess.check_call(['xdotool', 'windowactivate', '--sync', winid, 'key', 'i', 'type', 'Test test 2']) subprocess.check_call(['xdotool', 'key', '--window', winid, 'key', 'Return']) subprocess.check_call( ['xdotool', 'key', 'Escape', 'colon', 'w', 'q', 'Return']) else: self.fail("Unknown editor window: {}".format(window_title)) @unittest.skipUnless(spawn.find_executable('xdotool'), "xdotool not installed") def test_030_edit_file(self): testvm1 = self.qc.add_new_vm("QubesAppVm", name=self.make_vm_name('vm1'), template=self.qc.get_vm_by_name( self.template)) testvm1.create_on_disk(verbose=False) self.qc.save() testvm1.start() testvm1.run("echo test1 > /home/user/test.txt", wait=True) self.qc.unlock_db() p = testvm1.run("qvm-open-in-dvm /home/user/test.txt", passio_popen=True) wait_count = 0 winid = None while True: search = subprocess.Popen(['xdotool', 'search', '--onlyvisible', '--class', 'disp*'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=open(os.path.devnull, 'w')) retcode = search.wait() if retcode == 0: winid = search.stdout.read().strip() # get window title (window_title, _) = subprocess.Popen( ['xdotool', 'getwindowname', winid], stdout=subprocess.PIPE). \ communicate() window_title = window_title.strip() # ignore LibreOffice splash screen and window with no title # set yet if window_title and not window_title.startswith("LibreOffice")\ and not window_title == 'VMapp command': break wait_count += 1 if wait_count > 100: self.fail("Timeout while waiting for editor window") time.sleep(0.3) time.sleep(0.5) self._handle_editor(winid) p.wait() p = testvm1.run("cat /home/user/test.txt", passio_popen=True) (test_txt_content, _) = p.communicate() # Drop BOM if added by editor if test_txt_content.startswith('\xef\xbb\xbf'): test_txt_content = test_txt_content[3:] self.assertEqual(test_txt_content, "Test test 2\ntest1\n") def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern): try: qc = qubes.qubes.QubesVmCollection() qc.lock_db_for_reading() qc.load() qc.unlock_db() templates = [vm.name for vm in qc.values() if isinstance(vm, qubes.qubes.QubesTemplateVm)] except OSError: templates = [] for template in templates: tests.addTests(loader.loadTestsFromTestCase( type( 'TC_20_DispVM_' + template, (TC_20_DispVMMixin, qubes.tests.QubesTestCase), {'template': template}))) return tests