# -*- encoding: utf8 -*-
# The Qubes OS Project, http://www.qubes-os.org
# Copyright (C) 2017  Wojtek Porczyk <woju@invisiblethingslab.com>
# Copyright (C) 2017  Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
#                               <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import asyncio
import functools

class ProtocolError(AssertionError):
    '''Raised when something is wrong with data received'''

class PermissionDenied(Exception):
    '''Raised deliberately by handlers when we decide not to cooperate'''

def method(name, *, no_payload=False, endpoints=None):
    '''Decorator factory for methods intended to appear in API.

    The decorated method can be called from public API using a child of
    :py:class:`AbstractQubesMgmt` class. The method becomes "public", and can be
    called using remote management interface.

    :param str name: qrexec rpc method name
    :param bool no_payload: if :py:obj:`True`, will barf on non-empty payload; \
        also will not pass payload at all to the method

    The expected function method should have one argument (other than usual
    *self*), ``untrusted_payload``, which will contain the payload.

    .. warning::
        This argument has to be named such, to remind the programmer that the
        content of this variable is indeed untrusted.

    If *no_payload* is true, then the method is called with no arguments.

    def decorator(func):
        if no_payload:
            # the following assignment is needed for how closures work in Python
            _func = func
            def wrapper(self, untrusted_payload, **kwargs):
                if untrusted_payload != b'':
                    raise ProtocolError('unexpected payload')
                return _func(self, **kwargs)
            func = wrapper

        # pylint: disable=protected-access
        if endpoints is None:
            func._rpcname = ((name, None),)
            func._rpcname = tuple(
                (name.format(endpoint=endpoint), endpoint)
                for endpoint in endpoints)
        return func

    return decorator

def apply_filters(iterable, filters):
    '''Apply filters returned by mgmt-permission:... event'''
    for selector in filters:
        iterable = filter(selector, iterable)
    return iterable

class AbstractQubesAPI(object):
    '''Common code for Qubes Management Protocol handling

    Different interfaces can expose different API call sets, however they share
    common protocol and common implementation framework. This class is the

    To implement a new interface, inherit from this class and write at least one
    method and decorate it with :py:func:`api` decorator. It will have access to
    pre-defined attributes: :py:attr:`app`, :py:attr:`src`, :py:attr:`dest`,
    :py:attr:`arg` and :py:attr:`method`.

    There are also two helper functions for firing events associated with API
    def __init__(self, app, src, method_name, dest, arg, send_event=None):
        #: :py:class:`qubes.Qubes` object
        self.app = app

        #: source qube
        self.src = self.app.domains[src.decode('ascii')]

        #: destination qube
        self.dest = self.app.domains[dest.decode('ascii')]

        #: argument
        self.arg = arg.decode('ascii')

        #: name of the method
        self.method = method_name.decode('ascii')

        #: callback for sending events if applicable
        self.send_event = send_event

        #: is this operation cancellable?
        self.cancellable = False

        untrusted_candidates = []
        for attr in dir(self):
            func = getattr(self, attr)

            if not callable(func):

                # pylint: disable=protected-access
                for mname, endpoint in func._rpcname:
                    if mname != self.method:
                    untrusted_candidates.append((func, endpoint))
            except AttributeError:

        if not untrusted_candidates:
            raise ProtocolError('no such method: {!r}'.format(self.method))

        assert len(untrusted_candidates) == 1, \
            'multiple candidates for method {!r}'.format(self.method)

        #: the method to execute
        self._handler = untrusted_candidates[0]
        self._running_handler = None
        del untrusted_candidates

    def execute(self, *, untrusted_payload):
        '''Execute management operation.

        This method is a coroutine.
        handler, endpoint = self._handler
        kwargs = {}
        if endpoint is not None:
            kwargs['endpoint'] = endpoint
        self._running_handler = asyncio.ensure_future(handler(
            untrusted_payload=untrusted_payload, **kwargs))
        return self._running_handler

    def cancel(self):
        '''If operation is cancellable, interrupt it'''
        if self.cancellable and self._running_handler is not None:

    def fire_event_for_permission(self, **kwargs):
        '''Fire an event on the source qube to check for permission'''
        return self.src.fire_event_pre('mgmt-permission:' + self.method,
            dest=self.dest, arg=self.arg, **kwargs)

    def fire_event_for_filter(self, iterable, **kwargs):
        '''Fire an event on the source qube to filter for permission'''
        return apply_filters(iterable,