#define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/un.h> #include <signal.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <xs.h> int restore_domain(char *restore_file, char *conf_file, char *name) { int pid, status, domid; int pipe_fd[2]; char buf[256]; char *endptr; switch (pid = fork()) { case -1: perror("fork"); exit(1); case 0: close(1); if (dup2(open("/dev/null", O_RDWR), 1)==-1) { perror("dup2 or open"); exit(1); } execl("/usr/sbin/xl", "xl", "restore", conf_file, restore_file, NULL); perror("execl"); exit(1); default:; } if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) < 0) { perror("waitpid"); exit(1); } if (status != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error starting VM\n"); exit(1); } // read domid if (pipe(pipe_fd)==-1) { perror("pipe"); exit(1); } switch (pid = fork()) { case -1: perror("fork"); exit(1); case 0: close(1); if (dup2(pipe_fd[1], 1) == -1) { perror("dup2"); exit(1); } execl("/usr/sbin/xl", "xl", "domid", name, NULL); perror("execl"); exit(1); default:; } read(pipe_fd[0], buf, sizeof(buf)-1); buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0; domid = strtoul(buf, &endptr, 10); if (domid <= 0 || *endptr != '\n') { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot get DispVM xid\n"); exit(1); } if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) < 0) { perror("waitpid"); exit(1); } if (status != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error getting DispVM xid\n"); exit(1); } return domid; } char *gettime() { static char retbuf[60]; struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); snprintf(retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), "%lld.%lld", (long long) tv.tv_sec, (long long) tv.tv_usec); return retbuf; } int actually_do_unlink = 1; #define FAST_FLAG_PATH "/var/run/qubes/fast_block_attach" void set_fast_flag() { int fd = open(FAST_FLAG_PATH, O_CREAT | O_RDONLY, 0600); if (fd < 0) { perror("set_fast_flag"); exit(1); } close(fd); } void rm_fast_flag() { if (actually_do_unlink) unlink(FAST_FLAG_PATH); } #define BUFSIZE (512*1024) void do_read(int fd) { static char buf[BUFSIZE]; int n; while ((n = read(fd, buf, BUFSIZE))) { if (n < 0) { perror("read savefile"); exit(1); } } } void preload_cache(int fd) { signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); switch (fork()) { case -1: perror("fork"); exit(1); case 0: actually_do_unlink = 0; do_read(fd); fprintf(stderr, "time=%s, fs cache preload complete\n", gettime()); exit(0); default: close(fd); } } void start_rexec(int domid) { int pid, status; char dstr[40]; snprintf(dstr, sizeof(dstr), "%d", domid); switch (pid = fork()) { case -1: perror("fork"); exit(1); case 0: execl("/usr/lib/qubes/qrexec_daemon", "qrexec_daemon", dstr, NULL); perror("execl"); exit(1); default:; } if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) < 0) { perror("waitpid"); exit(1); } } void start_guid(int domid, int argc, char **argv) { int i; char dstr[40]; char *guid_args[argc + 1]; snprintf(dstr, sizeof(dstr), "%d", domid); guid_args[0] = "qubes_guid"; guid_args[1] = "-d"; guid_args[2] = dstr; for (i = 3; i < argc; i++) guid_args[i] = argv[i]; guid_args[argc] = NULL; execv("/usr/bin/qubes_guid", guid_args); perror("execv"); } char *dispname_by_dispid(int dispid) { static char retbuf[16]; snprintf(retbuf, sizeof(retbuf), "disp%d", dispid); return retbuf; } char *build_dvm_ip(int netvm, int id) { static char buf[256]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "10.138.%d.%d", netvm, (id % 254) + 1); return buf; } #define NAME_PATTERN "/volatile.img" // replaces the unique portions of the savefile with per-dvm values // returns the name of VM the savefile was taken for // by looking for /.../vmname/volatile.img // normally, it should be "templatename-dvm" char *get_vmname_from_savefile(int fd) { int buflen; static char buf[4096]; char *name; char *slash; lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); buflen = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); if (buflen < 0) { perror("read vm conf"); exit(1); } buf[buflen] = 0; name = strstr(buf + 20, NAME_PATTERN); if (!name) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot find 'volatile.img' in savefile\n"); exit(1); } *name = 0; slash = name - 1; while (slash[0] && slash[0] != '/') slash--; if (!*slash) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot find / in savefile\n"); exit(1); } return slash + 1; } void fill_field(FILE *conf, char *field, int dispid, int netvm_id) { if (!strcmp(field, "NAME")) { fprintf(conf, "%s", dispname_by_dispid(dispid)); } else if (!strcmp(field, "MAC")) { fprintf(conf, "00:16:3e:7c:8b:%02x", dispid); } else if (!strcmp(field, "IP")) { fprintf(conf, "%s", build_dvm_ip(netvm_id, dispid)); } else if (!strcmp(field, "UUID")) { // currently not present in conf file fprintf(conf, "064cd14c-95ad-4fc2-a4c9-cf9f522e5b%02x", dispid); } else { fprintf(stderr, "unknown field in vm conf: %s\n", field); exit(1); } } // modify the config file. conf = FILE of the new config, // conf_templ - fd of config template // pattern - pattern to search for // val - string to replace pattern with void fix_conffile(FILE *conf, int conf_templ, int dispid, int netvm_id) { int buflen = 0, cur_len = 0; char buf[4096]; char *bufpos = buf; char *pattern, *patternend; /* read config template */ lseek(conf_templ, 0, SEEK_SET); while ((cur_len = read(conf_templ, buf+cur_len, sizeof(buf)-cur_len)) > 0) { buflen+=cur_len; } if (cur_len < 0) { perror("read vm conf"); exit(1); } while ((pattern = index(bufpos, '%'))) { fwrite(bufpos, 1, pattern-bufpos, conf); if (ferror(conf)) { perror("write vm conf"); exit(1); } patternend = index(pattern+1, '%'); if (!patternend) { fprintf(stderr, "Unmatched '%%' in VM config\n"); exit(1); } *patternend = '\0'; fill_field(conf, pattern+1, dispid, netvm_id); bufpos = patternend+1; } while ((cur_len = fwrite(bufpos, 1, buflen-(bufpos-buf), conf)) > 0) { bufpos+=cur_len; } if (ferror(conf)) { perror("write vm conf"); exit(1); } } void unpack_cows(char *name) { char vmdir[4096]; char tarfile[4096]; int status; snprintf(vmdir, sizeof(vmdir), "/var/lib/qubes/appvms/%s", name); snprintf(tarfile, sizeof(tarfile), "/var/lib/qubes/appvms/%s/saved_cows.tar", name); switch (fork()) { case -1: fprintf(stderr, "fork"); exit(1); case 0: execl("/bin/tar", "tar", "-C", vmdir, "-Sxf", tarfile, NULL); perror("execl"); exit(1); default: wait(&status); if (WEXITSTATUS(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "tar exited with status=0x%x\n", status); exit(1); } fprintf(stderr, "time=%s, cows restored\n", gettime()); } } void write_xs_single(struct xs_handle *xs, int domid, char *name, char *val) { char key[256]; snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "/local/domain/%d/%s", domid, name); if (!xs_write(xs, XBT_NULL, key, val, strlen(val))) { fprintf(stderr, "xs_write"); exit(1); } } void perm_xs_single(struct xs_handle *xs, int domid, char *name, struct xs_permissions *perms, int nperms) { char key[256]; snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "/local/domain/%d/%s", domid, name); if (!xs_set_permissions(xs, XBT_NULL, key, perms, nperms)) { fprintf(stderr, "xs_set_permissions"); exit(1); } } int get_netvm_id_from_name(char *name) { int fd, n; char netvm_id[256]; char netvm_id_path[256]; snprintf(netvm_id_path, sizeof(netvm_id_path), "/var/lib/qubes/appvms/%s/netvm_id.txt", name); fd = open(netvm_id_path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { perror("open netvm_id"); exit(1); } n = read(fd, netvm_id, sizeof(netvm_id) - 1); close(fd); netvm_id[n] = 0; return atoi(netvm_id); } void setup_xenstore(int netvm_id, int domid, int dvmid, char *name) { char val[256]; struct xs_handle *xs = xs_daemon_open(); struct xs_permissions perm[1]; if (!xs) { perror("xs_daemon_open"); exit(1); } write_xs_single(xs, domid, "qubes_ip", build_dvm_ip(netvm_id, dvmid)); write_xs_single(xs, domid, "qubes_netmask", ""); snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "10.137.%d.1", netvm_id); write_xs_single(xs, domid, "qubes_gateway", val); snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "10.137.%d.254", netvm_id); write_xs_single(xs, domid, "qubes_secondary_dns", val); write_xs_single(xs, domid, "qubes_vm_type", "DisposableVM"); write_xs_single(xs, domid, "qubes_restore_complete", "True"); perm[0].id = domid; perm[0].perms = XS_PERM_NONE; perm_xs_single(xs, domid, "device", perm, 1); perm_xs_single(xs, domid, "memory", perm, 1); xs_daemon_close(xs); } int get_next_disposable_id() { int seq = 0; int fd = open("/var/run/qubes/dispVM_seq", O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) { perror("open dispVM_seq"); exit(1); } read(fd, &seq, sizeof(seq)); seq++; lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); write(fd, &seq, sizeof(seq)); close(fd); return seq; } void write_varrun_domid(int domid, char *dispname, char *orig) { FILE *f = fopen("/var/run/qubes/dispVM_xid", "w"); if (!f) { perror("fopen dispVM_xid"); exit(1); } fprintf(f, "%d\n%s\n%s\n", domid, dispname, orig); fclose(f); } void redirect_stderr() { int fd = open("/var/log/qubes/qubes_restore.log", O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0600); if (fd < 0) { syslog(LOG_DAEMON | LOG_ERR, "open qubes_restore.log"); exit(1); } dup2(fd, 2); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int conf_templ, domid, dispid, netvm_id; FILE *conf; char *name; char confname[256]; if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s savefile conf_templ [guid args] \n", argv[0]); exit(1); } redirect_stderr(); fprintf(stderr, "time=%s, starting\n", gettime()); set_fast_flag(); atexit(rm_fast_flag); conf_templ = open(argv[2], O_RDONLY); if (conf_templ < 0) { perror("fopen vm conf"); exit(1); } dispid = get_next_disposable_id(); name = get_vmname_from_savefile(conf_templ); netvm_id = get_netvm_id_from_name(name); snprintf(confname, sizeof(confname), "/tmp/qubes-dvm-%d.xl", dispid); conf = fopen(confname, "w"); if (!conf) { perror("fopen new vm conf"); exit(1); } fix_conffile(conf, conf_templ, dispid, netvm_id); close(conf_templ); fclose(conf); // printf("name=%s\n", name); unpack_cows(name); // no preloading for now, assume savefile in shm // preload_cache(fd); domid=restore_domain(argv[1], confname, dispname_by_dispid(dispid)); write_varrun_domid(domid, dispname_by_dispid(dispid), name); fprintf(stderr, "time=%s, created domid=%d, creating xenstore entries\n", gettime(), domid); setup_xenstore(netvm_id, domid, dispid, name); fprintf(stderr, "time=%s, starting qubes_guid\n", gettime()); rm_fast_flag(); start_rexec(domid); start_guid(domid, argc, argv); return 0; }