#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # The Qubes OS Project, http://www.qubes-os.org # # Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Marek Marczykowski-Górecki # <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com> # Copyright (C) 2013 Olivier Médoc <o_medoc@yahoo.fr> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> # # from __future__ import unicode_literals import itertools import logging from qubes.utils import size_to_human import sys import os import fcntl import subprocess import re import shutil import tempfile import time import grp import pwd import errno import datetime from multiprocessing import Queue, Process import qubes import qubes.core2migration import qubes.storage import qubes.storage.file QUEUE_ERROR = "ERROR" QUEUE_FINISHED = "FINISHED" HEADER_FILENAME = 'backup-header' DEFAULT_CRYPTO_ALGORITHM = 'aes-256-cbc' DEFAULT_HMAC_ALGORITHM = 'SHA512' DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_FILTER = 'gzip' CURRENT_BACKUP_FORMAT_VERSION = '4' # Maximum size of error message get from process stderr (including VM process) MAX_STDERR_BYTES = 1024 # header + qubes.xml max size HEADER_QUBES_XML_MAX_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 BLKSIZE = 512 _re_alphanum = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z0-9-]*$') class BackupCanceledError(qubes.exc.QubesException): def __init__(self, msg, tmpdir=None): super(BackupCanceledError, self).__init__(msg) self.tmpdir = tmpdir class BackupHeader(object): header_keys = { 'version': 'version', 'encrypted': 'encrypted', 'compressed': 'compressed', 'compression-filter': 'compression_filter', 'crypto-algorithm': 'crypto_algorithm', 'hmac-algorithm': 'hmac_algorithm', } bool_options = ['encrypted', 'compressed'] int_options = ['version'] def __init__(self, header_data=None, version=None, encrypted=None, compressed=None, compression_filter=None, hmac_algorithm=None, crypto_algorithm=None): # repeat the list to help code completion... self.version = version self.encrypted = encrypted self.compressed = compressed # Options introduced in backup format 3+, which always have a header, # so no need for fallback in function parameter self.compression_filter = compression_filter self.hmac_algorithm = hmac_algorithm self.crypto_algorithm = crypto_algorithm if header_data is not None: self.load(header_data) def load(self, untrusted_header_text): """Parse backup header file. :param untrusted_header_text: header content :type untrusted_header_text: basestring .. warning:: This function may be exposed to not yet verified header, so is security critical. """ try: untrusted_header_text = untrusted_header_text.decode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "Non-ASCII characters in backup header") for untrusted_line in untrusted_header_text.splitlines(): if untrusted_line.count('=') != 1: raise qubes.exc.QubesException("Invalid backup header") key, value = untrusted_line.strip().split('=', 1) if not _re_alphanum.match(key): raise qubes.exc.QubesException("Invalid backup header (key)") if key not in self.header_keys.keys(): # Ignoring unknown option continue if not _re_alphanum.match(value): raise qubes.exc.QubesException("Invalid backup header (value)") if getattr(self, self.header_keys[key]) is not None: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "Duplicated header line: {}".format(key)) if key in self.bool_options: value = value.lower() in ["1", "true", "yes"] elif key in self.int_options: value = int(value) setattr(self, self.header_keys[key], value) self.validate() def validate(self): if self.version == 1: # header not really present pass elif self.version in [2, 3, 4]: expected_attrs = ['version', 'encrypted', 'compressed', 'hmac_algorithm'] if self.encrypted: expected_attrs += ['crypto_algorithm'] if self.version >= 3 and self.compressed: expected_attrs += ['compression_filter'] for key in expected_attrs: if getattr(self, key) is None: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "Backup header lack '{}' info".format(key)) else: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "Unsupported backup version {}".format(self.version)) def save(self, filename): with open(filename, "w") as f: # make sure 'version' is the first key f.write('version={}\n'.format(self.version)) for key, attr in self.header_keys.iteritems(): if key == 'version': continue if getattr(self, attr) is None: continue f.write("{!s}={!s}\n".format(key, getattr(self, attr))) class SendWorker(Process): def __init__(self, queue, base_dir, backup_stdout): super(SendWorker, self).__init__() self.queue = queue self.base_dir = base_dir self.backup_stdout = backup_stdout self.log = logging.getLogger('qubes.backup') def run(self): self.log.debug("Started sending thread") self.log.debug("Moving to temporary dir".format(self.base_dir)) os.chdir(self.base_dir) for filename in iter(self.queue.get, None): if filename in (QUEUE_FINISHED, QUEUE_ERROR): break self.log.debug("Sending file {}".format(filename)) # This tar used for sending data out need to be as simple, as # simple, as featureless as possible. It will not be # verified before untaring. tar_final_cmd = ["tar", "-cO", "--posix", "-C", self.base_dir, filename] final_proc = subprocess.Popen(tar_final_cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=self.backup_stdout) if final_proc.wait() >= 2: if self.queue.full(): # if queue is already full, remove some entry to wake up # main thread, so it will be able to notice error self.queue.get() # handle only exit code 2 (tar fatal error) or # greater (call failed?) raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "ERROR: Failed to write the backup, out of disk space? " "Check console output or ~/.xsession-errors for details.") # Delete the file as we don't need it anymore self.log.debug("Removing file {}".format(filename)) os.remove(filename) self.log.debug("Finished sending thread") class Backup(object): class FileToBackup(object): def __init__(self, file_path, subdir=None): sz = qubes.storage.file.get_disk_usage(file_path) if subdir is None: abs_file_path = os.path.abspath(file_path) abs_base_dir = os.path.abspath( qubes.config.system_path["qubes_base_dir"]) + '/' abs_file_dir = os.path.dirname(abs_file_path) + '/' (nothing, directory, subdir) = abs_file_dir.partition(abs_base_dir) assert nothing == "" assert directory == abs_base_dir else: if len(subdir) > 0 and not subdir.endswith('/'): subdir += '/' self.path = file_path self.size = sz self.subdir = subdir class VMToBackup(object): def __init__(self, vm, files, subdir): self.vm = vm self.files = files self.subdir = subdir @property def size(self): return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y.size, self.files, 0) def __init__(self, app, vms_list=None, exclude_list=None, **kwargs): """ If vms = None, include all (sensible) VMs; exclude_list is always applied """ super(Backup, self).__init__() #: progress of the backup - bytes handled of the current VM self.chunk_size = 100 * 1024 * 1024 self._current_vm_bytes = 0 #: progress of the backup - bytes handled of finished VMs self._done_vms_bytes = 0 #: total backup size (set by :py:meth:`get_files_to_backup`) self.total_backup_bytes = 0 #: application object self.app = app #: directory for temporary files - set after creating the directory self.tmpdir = None # Backup settings - defaults #: should the backup be encrypted? self.encrypted = True #: should the backup be compressed? self.compressed = True #: what passphrase should be used to intergrity protect (and encrypt) #: the backup; required self.passphrase = None #: custom hmac algorithm self.hmac_algorithm = DEFAULT_HMAC_ALGORITHM #: custom encryption algorithm self.crypto_algorithm = DEFAULT_CRYPTO_ALGORITHM #: custom compression filter; a program which process stdin to stdout self.compression_filter = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_FILTER #: VM to which backup should be sent (if any) self.target_vm = None #: directory to save backup in (either in dom0 or target VM, #: depending on :py:attr:`target_vm` self.target_dir = None #: callback for progress reporting. Will be called with one argument #: - progress in percents self.progress_callback = None for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): if hasattr(self, key): setattr(self, key, value) else: raise AttributeError(key) #: whether backup was canceled self.canceled = False #: list of PIDs to kill on backup cancel self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel = [] self.log = logging.getLogger('qubes.backup') self.compression_filter = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_FILTER if exclude_list is None: exclude_list = [] if vms_list is None: vms_list = [vm for vm in app.domains if vm.include_in_backups] # Apply exclude list self.vms_for_backup = [vm for vm in vms_list if vm.name not in exclude_list] self._files_to_backup = self.get_files_to_backup() def __del__(self): if self.tmpdir and os.path.exists(self.tmpdir): shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) def cancel(self): """Cancel running backup operation. Can be called from another thread. """ self.canceled = True for proc in self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel: try: proc.terminate() except OSError: pass def get_files_to_backup(self): files_to_backup = {} for vm in self.vms_for_backup: if vm.qid == 0: # handle dom0 later continue if self.encrypted: subdir = 'vm%d/' % vm.qid else: subdir = None vm_files = [] # TODO this is file pool specific. Change it to a more general # solution if vm.volumes['private'] is not None: path_to_private_img = vm.volumes['private'].path vm_files.append(self.FileToBackup(path_to_private_img, subdir)) vm_files.append(self.FileToBackup(vm.icon_path, subdir)) vm_files.extend(self.FileToBackup(i, subdir) for i in vm.fire_event('backup-get-files')) # TODO: drop after merging firewall.xml into qubes.xml firewall_conf = os.path.join(vm.dir_path, vm.firewall_conf) if os.path.exists(firewall_conf): vm_files.append(self.FileToBackup(firewall_conf, subdir)) if vm.updateable: # TODO this is file pool specific. Change it to a more general # solution path_to_root_img = vm.volumes['root'].path vm_files.append(self.FileToBackup(path_to_root_img, subdir)) files_to_backup[vm.qid] = self.VMToBackup(vm, vm_files, subdir) # Dom0 user home if 0 in [vm.qid for vm in self.vms_for_backup]: local_user = grp.getgrnam('qubes').gr_mem[0] home_dir = pwd.getpwnam(local_user).pw_dir # Home dir should have only user-owned files, so fix it now # to prevent permissions problems - some root-owned files can # left after 'sudo bash' and similar commands subprocess.check_call(['sudo', 'chown', '-R', local_user, home_dir]) home_to_backup = [ self.FileToBackup(home_dir, 'dom0-home/')] vm_files = home_to_backup files_to_backup[0] = self.VMToBackup(self.app.domains[0], vm_files, os.path.join('dom0-home', os.path.basename(home_dir))) self.total_backup_bytes = reduce( lambda x, y: x + y.size, files_to_backup.values(), 0) return files_to_backup def get_backup_summary(self): summary = "" fields_to_display = [ {"name": "VM", "width": 16}, {"name": "type", "width": 12}, {"name": "size", "width": 12} ] # Display the header for f in fields_to_display: fmt = "{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(f["width"] + 1) summary += fmt.format('-') summary += "\n" for f in fields_to_display: fmt = "{{0:>{0}}} |".format(f["width"] + 1) summary += fmt.format(f["name"]) summary += "\n" for f in fields_to_display: fmt = "{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(f["width"] + 1) summary += fmt.format('-') summary += "\n" files_to_backup = self._files_to_backup for qid, vm_info in files_to_backup.iteritems(): s = "" fmt = "{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[0]["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format(vm_info['vm'].name) fmt = "{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[1]["width"] + 1) if qid == 0: s += fmt.format("User home") elif isinstance(vm_info['vm'], qubes.vm.templatevm.TemplateVM): s += fmt.format("Template VM") else: s += fmt.format("VM" + (" + Sys" if vm_info['vm'].updateable else "")) vm_size = vm_info['size'] fmt = "{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[2]["width"] + 1) s += fmt.format(size_to_human(vm_size)) if qid != 0 and vm_info['vm'].is_running(): s += " <-- The VM is running, please shut it down before proceeding " \ "with the backup!" summary += s + "\n" for f in fields_to_display: fmt = "{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(f["width"] + 1) summary += fmt.format('-') summary += "\n" fmt = "{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[0]["width"] + 1) summary += fmt.format("Total size:") fmt = "{{0:>{0}}} |".format( fields_to_display[1]["width"] + 1 + 2 + fields_to_display[2][ "width"] + 1) summary += fmt.format(size_to_human(self.total_backup_bytes)) summary += "\n" for f in fields_to_display: fmt = "{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(f["width"] + 1) summary += fmt.format('-') summary += "\n" vms_not_for_backup = [vm.name for vm in self.app.domains if vm not in self.vms_for_backup] summary += "VMs not selected for backup:\n - " + "\n - ".join( sorted(vms_not_for_backup)) return summary def prepare_backup_header(self): header_file_path = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, HEADER_FILENAME) backup_header = BackupHeader( version=CURRENT_BACKUP_FORMAT_VERSION, hmac_algorithm=self.hmac_algorithm, crypto_algorithm=self.crypto_algorithm, encrypted=self.encrypted, compressed=self.compressed, compression_filter=self.compression_filter, ) backup_header.save(header_file_path) hmac = subprocess.Popen( ["openssl", "dgst", "-" + self.hmac_algorithm, "-hmac", self.passphrase], stdin=open(header_file_path, "r"), stdout=open(header_file_path + ".hmac", "w")) if hmac.wait() != 0: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "Failed to compute hmac of header file") return HEADER_FILENAME, HEADER_FILENAME + ".hmac" @staticmethod def _queue_put_with_check(proc, vmproc, queue, element): if queue.full(): if not proc.is_alive(): if vmproc: message = ("Failed to write the backup, VM output:\n" + vmproc.stderr.read()) else: message = "Failed to write the backup. Out of disk space?" raise qubes.exc.QubesException(message) queue.put(element) def _send_progress_update(self): if callable(self.progress_callback): progress = ( 100 * (self._done_vms_bytes + self._current_vm_bytes) / self.total_backup_bytes) self.progress_callback(progress) def _add_vm_progress(self, bytes_done): self._current_vm_bytes += bytes_done self._send_progress_update() def backup_do(self): if self.passphrase is None: raise qubes.exc.QubesException("No passphrase set") qubes_xml = self.app.store self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() shutil.copy(qubes_xml, os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'qubes.xml')) qubes_xml = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'qubes.xml') backup_app = qubes.Qubes(qubes_xml) files_to_backup = self._files_to_backup # make sure backup_content isn't set initially for vm in backup_app.domains: vm.features['backup-content'] = False for qid, vm_info in files_to_backup.iteritems(): if qid != 0 and vm_info.vm.is_running(): raise qubes.exc.QubesVMNotHaltedError(vm_info.vm) # VM is included in the backup backup_app.domains[qid].features['backup-content'] = True backup_app.domains[qid].features['backup-path'] = vm_info.subdir backup_app.domains[qid].features['backup-size'] = vm_info.size backup_app.save() passphrase = self.passphrase.encode('utf-8') vmproc = None tar_sparse = None if self.target_vm is not None: # Prepare the backup target (Qubes service call) # If APPVM, STDOUT is a PIPE vmproc = self.target_vm.run_service('qubes.Backup', passio_popen=True, passio_stderr=True) vmproc.stdin.write(self.target_dir. replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") + "\n") backup_stdout = vmproc.stdin self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel.append(vmproc) else: # Prepare the backup target (local file) if os.path.isdir(self.target_dir): backup_target = self.target_dir + "/qubes-{0}". \ format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S")) else: backup_target = self.target_dir # Create the target directory if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.target_dir)): raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "ERROR: the backup directory for {0} does not exists". format(self.target_dir)) # If not APPVM, STDOUT is a local file backup_stdout = open(backup_target, 'wb') # Tar with tape length does not deals well with stdout # (close stdout between two tapes) # For this reason, we will use named pipes instead self.log.debug("Working in {}".format(self.tmpdir)) backup_pipe = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, "backup_pipe") self.log.debug("Creating pipe in: {}".format(backup_pipe)) os.mkfifo(backup_pipe) self.log.debug("Will backup: {}".format(files_to_backup)) header_files = self.prepare_backup_header() # Setup worker to send encrypted data chunks to the backup_target to_send = Queue(10) send_proc = SendWorker(to_send, self.tmpdir, backup_stdout) send_proc.start() for f in header_files: to_send.put(f) qubes_xml_info = self.VMToBackup( None, [self.FileToBackup(qubes_xml, '')], '' ) for vm_info in itertools.chain([qubes_xml_info], files_to_backup.itervalues()): for file_info in vm_info.files: self.log.debug("Backing up {}".format(file_info)) backup_tempfile = os.path.join( self.tmpdir, file_info.subdir, os.path.basename(file_info.path)) self.log.debug("Using temporary location: {}".format( backup_tempfile)) # Ensure the temporary directory exists if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(backup_tempfile)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(backup_tempfile)) # The first tar cmd can use any complex feature as we want. # Files will be verified before untaring this. # Prefix the path in archive with filename["subdir"] to have it # verified during untar tar_cmdline = (["tar", "-Pc", '--sparse', "-f", backup_pipe, '-C', os.path.dirname(file_info.path)] + (['--dereference'] if file_info.subdir != "dom0-home/" else []) + ['--xform', 's:^%s:%s\\0:' % ( os.path.basename(file_info.path), file_info.subdir), os.path.basename(file_info.path) ]) if self.compressed: tar_cmdline.insert(-1, "--use-compress-program=%s" % self.compression_filter) self.log.debug(" ".join(tar_cmdline)) # Tips: Popen(bufsize=0) # Pipe: tar-sparse | encryptor [| hmac] | tar | backup_target # Pipe: tar-sparse [| hmac] | tar | backup_target # TODO: log handle stderr tar_sparse = subprocess.Popen( tar_cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel.append(tar_sparse) # Wait for compressor (tar) process to finish or for any # error of other subprocesses i = 0 run_error = "paused" encryptor = None if self.encrypted: # Start encrypt # If no cipher is provided, # the data is forwarded unencrypted !!! encryptor = subprocess.Popen([ "openssl", "enc", "-e", "-" + self.crypto_algorithm, "-pass", "pass:" + passphrase], stdin=open(backup_pipe, 'rb'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) pipe = encryptor.stdout else: pipe = open(backup_pipe, 'rb') while run_error == "paused": # Start HMAC hmac = subprocess.Popen([ "openssl", "dgst", "-" + self.hmac_algorithm, "-hmac", passphrase], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # Prepare a first chunk chunkfile = backup_tempfile + "." + "%03d" % i i += 1 chunkfile_p = open(chunkfile, 'wb') common_args = { 'backup_target': chunkfile_p, 'hmac': hmac, 'vmproc': vmproc, 'addproc': tar_sparse, 'progress_callback': self._add_vm_progress, 'size_limit': self.chunk_size, } run_error = wait_backup_feedback( in_stream=pipe, streamproc=encryptor, **common_args) chunkfile_p.close() self.log.debug( "Wait_backup_feedback returned: {}".format(run_error)) if self.canceled: try: tar_sparse.terminate() except OSError: pass try: hmac.terminate() except OSError: pass tar_sparse.wait() hmac.wait() to_send.put(QUEUE_ERROR) send_proc.join() shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) raise BackupCanceledError("Backup canceled") if run_error and run_error != "size_limit": send_proc.terminate() if run_error == "VM" and vmproc: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "Failed to write the backup, VM output:\n" + vmproc.stderr.read(MAX_STDERR_BYTES)) else: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "Failed to perform backup: error in " + run_error) # Send the chunk to the backup target self._queue_put_with_check( send_proc, vmproc, to_send, os.path.relpath(chunkfile, self.tmpdir)) # Close HMAC hmac.stdin.close() hmac.wait() self.log.debug("HMAC proc return code: {}".format( hmac.poll())) # Write HMAC data next to the chunk file hmac_data = hmac.stdout.read() self.log.debug( "Writing hmac to {}.hmac".format(chunkfile)) with open(chunkfile + ".hmac", 'w') as hmac_file: hmac_file.write(hmac_data) # Send the HMAC to the backup target self._queue_put_with_check( send_proc, vmproc, to_send, os.path.relpath(chunkfile, self.tmpdir) + ".hmac") if tar_sparse.poll() is None or run_error == "size_limit": run_error = "paused" else: self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel.remove(tar_sparse) self.log.debug( "Finished tar sparse with exit code {}".format( tar_sparse.poll())) pipe.close() # This VM done, update progress self._done_vms_bytes += vm_info.size self._current_vm_bytes = 0 self._send_progress_update() # Save date of last backup if vm_info.vm: vm_info.vm.backup_timestamp = datetime.datetime.now() self._queue_put_with_check(send_proc, vmproc, to_send, QUEUE_FINISHED) send_proc.join() shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) if self.canceled: raise BackupCanceledError("Backup canceled") if send_proc.exitcode != 0: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "Failed to send backup: error in the sending process") if vmproc: self.log.debug("VMProc1 proc return code: {}".format(vmproc.poll())) if tar_sparse is not None: self.log.debug("Sparse1 proc return code: {}".format( tar_sparse.poll())) vmproc.stdin.close() self.app.save() def wait_backup_feedback(progress_callback, in_stream, streamproc, backup_target, hmac=None, vmproc=None, addproc=None, size_limit=None): ''' Wait for backup chunk to finish - Monitor all the processes (streamproc, hmac, vmproc, addproc) for errors - Copy stdout of streamproc to backup_target and hmac stdin if available - Compute progress based on total_backup_sz and send progress to progress_callback function - Returns if - one of the monitored processes error out (streamproc, hmac, vmproc, addproc), along with the processe that failed - all of the monitored processes except vmproc finished successfully (vmproc termination is controlled by the python script) - streamproc does not delivers any data anymore (return with the error "") - size_limit is provided and is about to be exceeded ''' buffer_size = 409600 run_error = None run_count = 1 bytes_copied = 0 log = logging.getLogger('qubes.backup') while run_count > 0 and run_error is None: if size_limit and bytes_copied + buffer_size > size_limit: return "size_limit" buf = in_stream.read(buffer_size) if callable(progress_callback): progress_callback(len(buf)) bytes_copied += len(buf) run_count = 0 if hmac: retcode = hmac.poll() if retcode is not None: if retcode != 0: run_error = "hmac" else: run_count += 1 if addproc: retcode = addproc.poll() if retcode is not None: if retcode != 0: run_error = "addproc" else: run_count += 1 if vmproc: retcode = vmproc.poll() if retcode is not None: if retcode != 0: run_error = "VM" log.debug(vmproc.stdout.read()) else: # VM should run until the end pass if streamproc: retcode = streamproc.poll() if retcode is not None: if retcode != 0: run_error = "streamproc" break elif retcode == 0 and len(buf) <= 0: return "" run_count += 1 else: if len(buf) <= 0: return "" try: backup_target.write(buf) except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: run_error = "target" else: raise if hmac: hmac.stdin.write(buf) return run_error class ExtractWorker2(Process): def __init__(self, queue, base_dir, passphrase, encrypted, progress_callback, vmproc=None, compressed=False, crypto_algorithm=DEFAULT_CRYPTO_ALGORITHM, verify_only=False): super(ExtractWorker2, self).__init__() self.queue = queue self.base_dir = base_dir self.passphrase = passphrase self.encrypted = encrypted self.compressed = compressed self.crypto_algorithm = crypto_algorithm self.verify_only = verify_only self.blocks_backedup = 0 self.tar2_process = None self.tar2_current_file = None self.decompressor_process = None self.decryptor_process = None self.progress_callback = progress_callback self.vmproc = vmproc self.restore_pipe = os.path.join(self.base_dir, "restore_pipe") self.log = logging.getLogger('qubes.backup.extract') self.log.debug("Creating pipe in: {}".format(self.restore_pipe)) os.mkfifo(self.restore_pipe) self.stderr_encoding = sys.stderr.encoding or 'utf-8' def collect_tar_output(self): if not self.tar2_process.stderr: return if self.tar2_process.poll() is None: try: new_lines = self.tar2_process.stderr \ .read(MAX_STDERR_BYTES).splitlines() except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN: return else: raise else: new_lines = self.tar2_process.stderr.readlines() new_lines = map(lambda x: x.decode(self.stderr_encoding), new_lines) msg_re = re.compile(r".*#[0-9].*restore_pipe") debug_msg = filter(msg_re.match, new_lines) self.log.debug('tar2_stderr: {}'.format('\n'.join(debug_msg))) new_lines = filter(lambda x: not msg_re.match(x), new_lines) self.tar2_stderr += new_lines def run(self): try: self.__run__() except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() # Cleanup children for process in [self.decompressor_process, self.decryptor_process, self.tar2_process]: if process: try: process.terminate() except OSError: pass process.wait() self.log.error("ERROR: " + unicode(e)) raise e, None, exc_traceback def __run__(self): self.log.debug("Started sending thread") self.log.debug("Moving to dir " + self.base_dir) os.chdir(self.base_dir) filename = None for filename in iter(self.queue.get, None): if filename in (QUEUE_FINISHED, QUEUE_ERROR): break self.log.debug("Extracting file " + filename) if filename.endswith('.000'): # next file if self.tar2_process is not None: if self.tar2_process.wait() != 0: self.collect_tar_output() self.log.error( "ERROR: unable to extract files for {0}, tar " "output:\n {1}". format(self.tar2_current_file, "\n ".join(self.tar2_stderr))) else: # Finished extracting the tar file self.tar2_process = None self.tar2_current_file = None tar2_cmdline = ['tar', '-%sMkvf' % ("t" if self.verify_only else "x"), self.restore_pipe, os.path.relpath(filename.rstrip('.000'))] self.log.debug("Running command " + unicode(tar2_cmdline)) self.tar2_process = subprocess.Popen(tar2_cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) fcntl.fcntl(self.tar2_process.stderr.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, fcntl.fcntl(self.tar2_process.stderr.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL) | os.O_NONBLOCK) self.tar2_stderr = [] elif not self.tar2_process: # Extracting of the current archive failed, skip to the next # archive os.remove(filename) continue else: self.collect_tar_output() self.log.debug("Releasing next chunck") self.tar2_process.stdin.write("\n") self.tar2_process.stdin.flush() self.tar2_current_file = filename pipe = open(self.restore_pipe, 'wb') common_args = { 'backup_target': pipe, 'hmac': None, 'vmproc': self.vmproc, 'addproc': self.tar2_process } if self.encrypted: # Start decrypt self.decryptor_process = subprocess.Popen( ["openssl", "enc", "-d", "-" + self.crypto_algorithm, "-pass", "pass:" + self.passphrase] + (["-z"] if self.compressed else []), stdin=open(filename, 'rb'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) run_error = wait_backup_feedback( progress_callback=self.progress_callback, in_stream=self.decryptor_process.stdout, streamproc=self.decryptor_process, **common_args) elif self.compressed: self.decompressor_process = subprocess.Popen( ["gzip", "-d"], stdin=open(filename, 'rb'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) run_error = wait_backup_feedback( progress_callback=self.progress_callback, in_stream=self.decompressor_process.stdout, streamproc=self.decompressor_process, **common_args) else: run_error = wait_backup_feedback( progress_callback=self.progress_callback, in_stream=open(filename, "rb"), streamproc=None, **common_args) try: pipe.close() except IOError as e: if e.errno == errno.EPIPE: self.log.debug( "Got EPIPE while closing pipe to " "the inner tar process") # ignore the error else: raise if len(run_error): if run_error == "target": self.collect_tar_output() details = "\n".join(self.tar2_stderr) else: details = "%s failed" % run_error self.tar2_process.terminate() self.tar2_process.wait() self.tar2_process = None self.log.error("Error while processing '{}': {}".format( self.tar2_current_file, details)) # Delete the file as we don't need it anymore self.log.debug("Removing file " + filename) os.remove(filename) os.unlink(self.restore_pipe) if self.tar2_process is not None: if filename == QUEUE_ERROR: self.tar2_process.terminate() self.tar2_process.wait() elif self.tar2_process.wait() != 0: self.collect_tar_output() raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "unable to extract files for {0}.{1} Tar command " "output: %s". format(self.tar2_current_file, (" Perhaps the backup is encrypted?" if not self.encrypted else "", "\n".join(self.tar2_stderr)))) else: # Finished extracting the tar file self.tar2_process = None self.log.debug("Finished extracting thread") class ExtractWorker3(ExtractWorker2): def __init__(self, queue, base_dir, passphrase, encrypted, progress_callback, vmproc=None, compressed=False, crypto_algorithm=DEFAULT_CRYPTO_ALGORITHM, compression_filter=None, verify_only=False): super(ExtractWorker3, self).__init__(queue, base_dir, passphrase, encrypted, progress_callback, vmproc, compressed, crypto_algorithm, verify_only) self.compression_filter = compression_filter os.unlink(self.restore_pipe) def __run__(self): self.log.debug("Started sending thread") self.log.debug("Moving to dir " + self.base_dir) os.chdir(self.base_dir) filename = None input_pipe = None for filename in iter(self.queue.get, None): if filename in (QUEUE_FINISHED, QUEUE_ERROR): break self.log.debug("Extracting file " + filename) if filename.endswith('.000'): # next file if self.tar2_process is not None: input_pipe.close() if self.tar2_process.wait() != 0: self.collect_tar_output() self.log.error( "ERROR: unable to extract files for {0}, tar " "output:\n {1}". format(self.tar2_current_file, "\n ".join(self.tar2_stderr))) else: # Finished extracting the tar file self.tar2_process = None self.tar2_current_file = None tar2_cmdline = ['tar', '-%sk' % ("t" if self.verify_only else "x"), os.path.relpath(filename.rstrip('.000'))] if self.compressed: if self.compression_filter: tar2_cmdline.insert(-1, "--use-compress-program=%s" % self.compression_filter) else: tar2_cmdline.insert(-1, "--use-compress-program=%s" % DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_FILTER) self.log.debug("Running command " + unicode(tar2_cmdline)) if self.encrypted: # Start decrypt self.decryptor_process = subprocess.Popen( ["openssl", "enc", "-d", "-" + self.crypto_algorithm, "-pass", "pass:" + self.passphrase], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) self.tar2_process = subprocess.Popen( tar2_cmdline, stdin=self.decryptor_process.stdout, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) input_pipe = self.decryptor_process.stdin else: self.tar2_process = subprocess.Popen( tar2_cmdline, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) input_pipe = self.tar2_process.stdin fcntl.fcntl(self.tar2_process.stderr.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, fcntl.fcntl(self.tar2_process.stderr.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL) | os.O_NONBLOCK) self.tar2_stderr = [] elif not self.tar2_process: # Extracting of the current archive failed, skip to the next # archive os.remove(filename) continue else: self.log.debug("Releasing next chunck") self.tar2_current_file = filename common_args = { 'backup_target': input_pipe, 'hmac': None, 'vmproc': self.vmproc, 'addproc': self.tar2_process } run_error = wait_backup_feedback( progress_callback=self.progress_callback, in_stream=open(filename, "rb"), streamproc=None, **common_args) if len(run_error): if run_error == "target": self.collect_tar_output() details = "\n".join(self.tar2_stderr) else: details = "%s failed" % run_error if self.decryptor_process: self.decryptor_process.terminate() self.decryptor_process.wait() self.decryptor_process = None self.tar2_process.terminate() self.tar2_process.wait() self.tar2_process = None self.log.error("Error while processing '{}': {}".format( self.tar2_current_file, details)) # Delete the file as we don't need it anymore self.log.debug("Removing file " + filename) os.remove(filename) if self.tar2_process is not None: input_pipe.close() if filename == QUEUE_ERROR: if self.decryptor_process: self.decryptor_process.terminate() self.decryptor_process.wait() self.decryptor_process = None self.tar2_process.terminate() self.tar2_process.wait() elif self.tar2_process.wait() != 0: self.collect_tar_output() raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "unable to extract files for {0}.{1} Tar command " "output: %s". format(self.tar2_current_file, (" Perhaps the backup is encrypted?" if not self.encrypted else "", "\n".join(self.tar2_stderr)))) else: # Finished extracting the tar file self.tar2_process = None self.log.debug("Finished extracting thread") def get_supported_hmac_algo(hmac_algorithm=None): # Start with provided default if hmac_algorithm: yield hmac_algorithm proc = subprocess.Popen(['openssl', 'list-message-digest-algorithms'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) for algo in proc.stdout.readlines(): if '=>' in algo: continue yield algo.strip() proc.wait() class BackupRestoreOptions(object): def __init__(self): #: use default NetVM if the one referenced in backup do not exists on # the host self.use_default_netvm = True #: set NetVM to "none" if the one referenced in backup do not exists # on the host self.use_none_netvm = False #: set template to default if the one referenced in backup do not # exists on the host self.use_default_template = True #: use default kernel if the one referenced in backup do not exists # on the host self.use_default_kernel = True #: restore dom0 home self.dom0_home = True #: dictionary how what templates should be used instead of those # referenced in backup self.replace_template = {} #: restore dom0 home even if username is different self.ignore_username_mismatch = False #: do not restore data, only verify backup integrity self.verify_only = False #: automatically rename VM during restore, when it would conflict # with existing one self.rename_conflicting = True #: list of VM names to exclude self.exclude = [] class BackupRestore(object): """Usage: >>> restore_op = BackupRestore(...) >>> # adjust restore_op.options here >>> restore_info = restore_op.get_restore_info() >>> # manipulate restore_info to select VMs to restore here >>> restore_op.restore_do(restore_info) """ class VMToRestore(object): #: VM excluded from restore by user EXCLUDED = object() #: VM with such name already exists on the host ALREADY_EXISTS = object() #: NetVM used by the VM does not exists on the host MISSING_NETVM = object() #: TemplateVM used by the VM does not exists on the host MISSING_TEMPLATE = object() #: Kernel used by the VM does not exists on the host MISSING_KERNEL = object() def __init__(self, vm): self.vm = vm if 'backup-path' in vm.features: self.subdir = vm.features['backup-path'] else: self.subdir = None if 'backup-size' in vm.features and vm.features['backup-size']: self.size = int(vm.features['backup-size']) else: self.size = 0 self.problems = set() if hasattr(vm, 'template') and vm.template: self.template = vm.template.name else: self.template = None if vm.netvm: self.netvm = vm.netvm.name else: self.netvm = None self.name = vm.name self.orig_template = None @property def good_to_go(self): return len(self.problems) == 0 class Dom0ToRestore(VMToRestore): #: backup was performed on system with different dom0 username USERNAME_MISMATCH = object() def __init__(self, vm, subdir=None): super(BackupRestore.Dom0ToRestore, self).__init__(vm) if subdir: self.subdir = subdir self.username = os.path.basename(subdir) def __init__(self, app, backup_location, backup_vm, passphrase): super(BackupRestore, self).__init__() #: qubes.Qubes instance self.app = app #: options how the backup should be restored self.options = BackupRestoreOptions() #: VM from which backup should be retrieved self.backup_vm = backup_vm if backup_vm and backup_vm.qid == 0: self.backup_vm = None #: backup path, inside VM pointed by :py:attr:`backup_vm` self.backup_location = backup_location #: passphrase protecting backup integrity and optionally decryption self.passphrase = passphrase #: temporary directory used to extract the data before moving to the # final location; should be on the same filesystem as /var/lib/qubes self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="restore", dir="/var/tmp") #: list of processes (Popen objects) to kill on cancel self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel = [] #: is the backup operation canceled self.canceled = False #: report restore progress, called with one argument - percents of # data restored # FIXME: convert to float [0,1] self.progress_callback = None self.log = logging.getLogger('qubes.backup') #: basic information about the backup self.header_data = self._retrieve_backup_header() #: VMs included in the backup self.backup_app = self._process_qubes_xml() def cancel(self): """Cancel running backup operation. Can be called from another thread. """ self.canceled = True for proc in self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel: try: proc.terminate() except OSError: pass def _start_retrieval_process(self, filelist, limit_count, limit_bytes): """Retrieve backup stream and extract it to :py:attr:`tmpdir` :param filelist: list of files to extract; listing directory name will extract the whole directory; use empty list to extract the whole archive :param limit_count: maximum number of files to extract :param limit_bytes: maximum size of extracted data :return: a touple of (Popen object of started process, file-like object for reading extracted files list, file-like object for reading errors) """ vmproc = None if self.backup_vm is not None: # If APPVM, STDOUT is a PIPE vmproc = self.backup_vm.run_service('qubes.Restore', passio_popen=True, passio_stderr=True) vmproc.stdin.write( self.backup_location.replace("\r", "").replace("\n", "") + "\n") # Send to tar2qfile the VMs that should be extracted vmproc.stdin.write(" ".join(filelist) + "\n") self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel.append(vmproc) backup_stdin = vmproc.stdout tar1_command = ['/usr/libexec/qubes/qfile-dom0-unpacker', str(os.getuid()), self.tmpdir, '-v'] else: backup_stdin = open(self.backup_location, 'rb') tar1_command = ['tar', '-ixv', '-C', self.tmpdir] + filelist tar1_env = os.environ.copy() tar1_env['UPDATES_MAX_BYTES'] = str(limit_bytes) tar1_env['UPDATES_MAX_FILES'] = str(limit_count) self.log.debug("Run command" + unicode(tar1_command)) command = subprocess.Popen( tar1_command, stdin=backup_stdin, stdout=vmproc.stdin if vmproc else subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=tar1_env) self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel.append(command) # qfile-dom0-unpacker output filelist on stderr # and have stdout connected to the VM), while tar output filelist # on stdout if self.backup_vm: filelist_pipe = command.stderr # let qfile-dom0-unpacker hold the only open FD to the write end of # pipe, otherwise qrexec-client will not receive EOF when # qfile-dom0-unpacker terminates vmproc.stdin.close() else: filelist_pipe = command.stdout if self.backup_vm: error_pipe = vmproc.stderr else: error_pipe = command.stderr return command, filelist_pipe, error_pipe def _verify_hmac(self, filename, hmacfile, algorithm=None): def load_hmac(hmac_text): hmac_text = hmac_text.strip().split("=") if len(hmac_text) > 1: hmac_text = hmac_text[1].strip() else: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "ERROR: invalid hmac file content") return hmac_text if algorithm is None: algorithm = self.header_data.hmac_algorithm passphrase = self.passphrase.encode('utf-8') self.log.debug("Verifying file {}".format(filename)) if hmacfile != filename + ".hmac": raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "ERROR: expected hmac for {}, but got {}". format(filename, hmacfile)) hmac_proc = subprocess.Popen( ["openssl", "dgst", "-" + algorithm, "-hmac", passphrase], stdin=open(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, filename), 'rb'), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) hmac_stdout, hmac_stderr = hmac_proc.communicate() if len(hmac_stderr) > 0: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "ERROR: verify file {0}: {1}".format(filename, hmac_stderr)) else: self.log.debug("Loading hmac for file {}".format(filename)) hmac = load_hmac(open(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, hmacfile), 'r').read()) if len(hmac) > 0 and load_hmac(hmac_stdout) == hmac: os.unlink(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, hmacfile)) self.log.debug( "File verification OK -> Sending file {}".format(filename)) return True else: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "ERROR: invalid hmac for file {0}: {1}. " "Is the passphrase correct?". format(filename, load_hmac(hmac_stdout))) def _retrieve_backup_header(self): """Retrieve backup header and qubes.xml. Only backup header is analyzed, qubes.xml is left as-is (not even verified/decrypted/uncompressed) :return header_data :rtype :py:class:`BackupHeader` """ if not self.backup_vm and os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.backup_location, 'qubes.xml')): # backup format version 1 doesn't have header header_data = BackupHeader() header_data.version = 1 return header_data (retrieve_proc, filelist_pipe, error_pipe) = \ self._start_retrieval_process( ['backup-header', 'backup-header.hmac', 'qubes.xml.000', 'qubes.xml.000.hmac'], 4, 1024 * 1024) expect_tar_error = False filename = filelist_pipe.readline().strip() hmacfile = filelist_pipe.readline().strip() # tar output filename before actually extracting it, so wait for the # next one before trying to access it if not self.backup_vm: filelist_pipe.readline().strip() self.log.debug("Got backup header and hmac: {}, {}".format( filename, hmacfile)) if not filename or filename == "EOF" or \ not hmacfile or hmacfile == "EOF": retrieve_proc.wait() proc_error_msg = error_pipe.read(MAX_STDERR_BYTES) raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "Premature end of archive while receiving " "backup header. Process output:\n" + proc_error_msg) file_ok = False hmac_algorithm = DEFAULT_HMAC_ALGORITHM for hmac_algo in get_supported_hmac_algo(hmac_algorithm): try: if self._verify_hmac(filename, hmacfile, hmac_algo): file_ok = True hmac_algorithm = hmac_algo break except qubes.exc.QubesException: # Ignore exception here, try the next algo pass if not file_ok: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "Corrupted backup header (hmac verification " "failed). Is the password correct?") if os.path.basename(filename) == HEADER_FILENAME: filename = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, filename) header_data = BackupHeader(open(filename, 'r').read()) os.unlink(filename) else: # if no header found, create one with guessed HMAC algo header_data = BackupHeader( version=2, hmac_algorithm=hmac_algorithm, # place explicitly this value, because it is what format_version # 2 have crypto_algorithm='aes-256-cbc', # TODO: set encrypted to something... ) # when tar do not find expected file in archive, it exit with # code 2. This will happen because we've requested backup-header # file, but the archive do not contain it. Ignore this particular # error. if not self.backup_vm: expect_tar_error = True if retrieve_proc.wait() != 0 and not expect_tar_error: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "unable to read the qubes backup file {0} ({1}): {2}".format( self.backup_location, retrieve_proc.wait(), error_pipe.read(MAX_STDERR_BYTES) )) if retrieve_proc in self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel: self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel.remove(retrieve_proc) # wait for other processes (if any) for proc in self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel: if proc.wait() != 0: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "Backup header retrieval failed (exit code {})".format( proc.wait()) ) return header_data def _start_inner_extraction_worker(self, queue): """Start a worker process, extracting inner layer of bacup archive, extract them to :py:attr:`tmpdir`. End the data by pushing QUEUE_FINISHED or QUEUE_ERROR to the queue. :param queue :py:class:`Queue` object to handle files from """ # Setup worker to extract encrypted data chunks to the restore dirs # Create the process here to pass it options extracted from # backup header extractor_params = { 'queue': queue, 'base_dir': self.tmpdir, 'passphrase': self.passphrase, 'encrypted': self.header_data.encrypted, 'compressed': self.header_data.compressed, 'crypto_algorithm': self.header_data.crypto_algorithm, 'verify_only': self.options.verify_only, 'progress_callback': self.progress_callback, } format_version = self.header_data.version if format_version == 2: extract_proc = ExtractWorker2(**extractor_params) elif format_version in [3, 4]: extractor_params['compression_filter'] = \ self.header_data.compression_filter extract_proc = ExtractWorker3(**extractor_params) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Backup format version %d not supported" % format_version) extract_proc.start() return extract_proc def _process_qubes_xml(self): """Verify, unpack and load qubes.xml. Possibly convert its format if necessary. It expect that :py:attr:`header_data` is already populated, and :py:meth:`retrieve_backup_header` was called. """ if self.header_data.version == 1: backup_app = qubes.core2migration.Core2Qubes( os.path.join(self.backup_location, 'qubes.xml')) return backup_app else: self._verify_hmac("qubes.xml.000", "qubes.xml.000.hmac") queue = Queue() queue.put("qubes.xml.000") queue.put(QUEUE_FINISHED) extract_proc = self._start_inner_extraction_worker(queue) extract_proc.join() if extract_proc.exitcode != 0: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "unable to extract the qubes backup. " "Check extracting process errors.") if self.header_data.version in [2, 3]: backup_app = qubes.core2migration.Core2Qubes( os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'qubes.xml')) else: backup_app = qubes.Qubes(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'qubes.xml')) # Not needed anymore - all the data stored in backup_app os.unlink(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'qubes.xml')) return backup_app def _restore_vm_dirs(self, vms_dirs, vms_size): # Currently each VM consists of at most 7 archives (count # file_to_backup calls in backup_prepare()), but add some safety # margin for further extensions. Each archive is divided into 100MB # chunks. Additionally each file have own hmac file. So assume upper # limit as 2*(10*COUNT_OF_VMS+TOTAL_SIZE/100MB) limit_count = str(2 * (10 * len(vms_dirs) + int(vms_size / (100 * 1024 * 1024)))) self.log.debug("Working in temporary dir:" + self.tmpdir) self.log.info( "Extracting data: " + size_to_human(vms_size) + " to restore") # retrieve backup from the backup stream (either VM, or dom0 file) (retrieve_proc, filelist_pipe, error_pipe) = \ self._start_retrieval_process(vms_dirs, limit_count, vms_size) to_extract = Queue() # extract data retrieved by retrieve_proc extract_proc = self._start_inner_extraction_worker(to_extract) try: filename = None nextfile = None while True: if self.canceled: break if not extract_proc.is_alive(): retrieve_proc.terminate() retrieve_proc.wait() if retrieve_proc in self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel: self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel.remove(retrieve_proc) # wait for other processes (if any) for proc in self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel: proc.wait() break if nextfile is not None: filename = nextfile else: filename = filelist_pipe.readline().strip() self.log.debug("Getting new file:" + filename) if not filename or filename == "EOF": break hmacfile = filelist_pipe.readline().strip() if self.canceled: break # if reading archive directly with tar, wait for next filename - # tar prints filename before processing it, so wait for # the next one to be sure that whole file was extracted if not self.backup_vm: nextfile = filelist_pipe.readline().strip() self.log.debug("Getting hmac:" + hmacfile) if not hmacfile or hmacfile == "EOF": # Premature end of archive, either of tar1_command or # vmproc exited with error break if not any(map(lambda x: filename.startswith(x), vms_dirs)): self.log.debug("Ignoring VM not selected for restore") os.unlink(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, filename)) os.unlink(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, hmacfile)) continue if self._verify_hmac(filename, hmacfile): to_extract.put(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, filename)) if self.canceled: raise BackupCanceledError("Restore canceled", tmpdir=self.tmpdir) if retrieve_proc.wait() != 0: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "unable to read the qubes backup file {0} ({1}): {2}" .format(self.backup_location, error_pipe.read( MAX_STDERR_BYTES))) # wait for other processes (if any) for proc in self.processes_to_kill_on_cancel: proc.wait() if proc.returncode != 0: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "Backup completed, but VM receiving it reported an error " "(exit code {})".format(proc.returncode)) if filename and filename != "EOF": raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "Premature end of archive, the last file was %s" % filename) except: to_extract.put(QUEUE_ERROR) extract_proc.join() raise else: to_extract.put(QUEUE_FINISHED) self.log.debug("Waiting for the extraction process to finish...") extract_proc.join() self.log.debug("Extraction process finished with code: {}".format( extract_proc.exitcode)) if extract_proc.exitcode != 0: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "unable to extract the qubes backup. " "Check extracting process errors.") def generate_new_name_for_conflicting_vm(self, orig_name, restore_info): number = 1 if len(orig_name) > 29: orig_name = orig_name[0:29] new_name = orig_name while (new_name in restore_info.keys() or new_name in map(lambda x: x.name, restore_info.values()) or new_name in self.app.domains): new_name = str('{}{}'.format(orig_name, number)) number += 1 if number == 100: # give up return None return new_name def restore_info_verify(self, restore_info): for vm in restore_info.keys(): if vm in ['dom0']: continue vm_info = restore_info[vm] assert isinstance(vm_info, self.VMToRestore) vm_info.problems.clear() if vm in self.options.exclude: vm_info.problems.add(self.VMToRestore.EXCLUDED) if not self.options.verify_only and \ vm in self.app.domains: if self.options.rename_conflicting: new_name = self.generate_new_name_for_conflicting_vm( vm, restore_info ) if new_name is not None: vm_info.name = new_name else: vm_info.problems.add(self.VMToRestore.ALREADY_EXISTS) else: vm_info.problems.add(self.VMToRestore.ALREADY_EXISTS) # check template if vm_info.template: template_name = vm_info.template try: host_template = self.app.domains[template_name] except KeyError: host_template = None if not host_template \ or not isinstance(host_template, qubes.vm.templatevm.TemplateVM): # Maybe the (custom) template is in the backup? if not (template_name in restore_info.keys() and restore_info[template_name].good_to_go and isinstance(restore_info[template_name].vm, qubes.vm.templatevm.TemplateVM)): if self.options.use_default_template and \ self.app.default_template: if vm_info.orig_template is None: vm_info.orig_template = template_name vm_info.template = self.app.default_template.name else: vm_info.problems.add( self.VMToRestore.MISSING_TEMPLATE) # check netvm if not vm_info.vm.property_is_default('netvm') and vm_info.netvm: netvm_name = vm_info.netvm try: netvm_on_host = self.app.domains[netvm_name] except KeyError: netvm_on_host = None # No netvm on the host? if not ((netvm_on_host is not None) and netvm_on_host.provides_network): # Maybe the (custom) netvm is in the backup? if not (netvm_name in restore_info.keys() and restore_info[netvm_name].good_to_go and restore_info[netvm_name].vm.provides_network): if self.options.use_default_netvm: vm_info.vm.netvm = qubes.property.DEFAULT elif self.options.use_none_netvm: vm_info.netvm = None else: vm_info.problems.add(self.VMToRestore.MISSING_NETVM) # check kernel if hasattr(vm_info.vm, 'kernel'): installed_kernels = os.listdir(os.path.join( qubes.config.qubes_base_dir, qubes.config.system_path['qubes_kernels_base_dir'])) if not vm_info.vm.property_is_default('kernel') \ and vm_info.vm.kernel \ and vm_info.vm.kernel not in installed_kernels: if self.options.use_default_kernel: vm_info.vm.kernel = qubes.property.DEFAULT else: vm_info.problems.add(self.VMToRestore.MISSING_KERNEL) return restore_info def _is_vm_included_in_backup_v1(self, check_vm): if check_vm.qid == 0: return os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.backup_location, 'dom0-home')) # DisposableVM if check_vm.dir_path is None: return False backup_vm_dir_path = check_vm.dir_path.replace( qubes.config.system_path["qubes_base_dir"], self.backup_location) if os.path.exists(backup_vm_dir_path): return True else: return False @staticmethod def _is_vm_included_in_backup_v2(check_vm): if 'backup-content' in check_vm.features: return check_vm.features['backup-content'] else: return False def _find_template_name(self, template): if template in self.options.replace_template: return self.options.replace_template[template] return template def _is_vm_included_in_backup(self, vm): if self.header_data.version == 1: return self._is_vm_included_in_backup_v1(vm) elif self.header_data.version in [2, 3, 4]: return self._is_vm_included_in_backup_v2(vm) else: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "Unknown backup format version: {}".format( self.header_data.version)) def get_restore_info(self): # Format versions: # 1 - Qubes R1, Qubes R2 beta1, beta2 # 2 - Qubes R2 beta3+ vms_to_restore = {} for vm in self.backup_app.domains: if vm.qid == 0: # Handle dom0 as special case later continue if self._is_vm_included_in_backup(vm): self.log.debug("{} is included in backup".format(vm.name)) vms_to_restore[vm.name] = self.VMToRestore(vm) if hasattr(vm, 'template'): templatevm_name = self._find_template_name( vm.template.name) vms_to_restore[vm.name].template = templatevm_name # Set to None to not confuse QubesVm object from backup # collection with host collection (further in clone_attrs). vm.netvm = None vms_to_restore = self.restore_info_verify(vms_to_restore) # ...and dom0 home if self.options.dom0_home and \ self._is_vm_included_in_backup(self.backup_app.domains[0]): vm = self.backup_app.domains[0] if self.header_data.version == 1: subdir = os.listdir(os.path.join(self.backup_location, 'dom0-home'))[0] else: subdir = None vms_to_restore['dom0'] = self.Dom0ToRestore(vm, subdir) local_user = grp.getgrnam('qubes').gr_mem[0] if vms_to_restore['dom0'].username != local_user: if not self.options.ignore_username_mismatch: vms_to_restore['dom0'].problems.add( self.Dom0ToRestore.USERNAME_MISMATCH) return vms_to_restore @staticmethod def get_restore_summary(restore_info): fields = { "qid": {"func": "vm.qid"}, "name": {"func": "('[' if isinstance(vm, qubes.vm.templatevm.TemplateVM) else '')\ + ('{' if vm.provides_network else '')\ + vm.name \ + (']' if isinstance(vm, qubes.vm.templatevm.TemplateVM) else '')\ + ('}' if vm.provides_network else '')"}, "type": {"func": "'Tpl' if isinstance(vm, qubes.vm.templatevm.TemplateVM) else \ 'App' if isinstance(vm, qubes.vm.appvm.AppVM) else \ vm.__class__.__name__.replace('VM','')"}, "updbl": {"func": "'Yes' if vm.updateable else ''"}, "template": {"func": "'n/a' if not hasattr(vm, 'template') is None " "else vm_info.template"}, "netvm": {"func": "'n/a' if vm.provides_network else\ ('*' if vm.property_is_default('netvm') else '') +\ vm_info.netvm if vm_info.netvm is not None " "else '-'"}, "label": {"func": "vm.label.name"}, } fields_to_display = ["name", "type", "template", "updbl", "netvm", "label"] # First calculate the maximum width of each field we want to display total_width = 0 for f in fields_to_display: fields[f]["max_width"] = len(f) for vm_info in restore_info.values(): if vm_info.vm: # noinspection PyUnusedLocal vm = vm_info.vm l = len(unicode(eval(fields[f]["func"]))) if l > fields[f]["max_width"]: fields[f]["max_width"] = l total_width += fields[f]["max_width"] summary = "" summary += "The following VMs are included in the backup:\n" summary += "\n" # Display the header for f in fields_to_display: # noinspection PyTypeChecker fmt = "{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(fields[f]["max_width"] + 1) summary += fmt.format('-') summary += "\n" for f in fields_to_display: # noinspection PyTypeChecker fmt = "{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields[f]["max_width"] + 1) summary += fmt.format(f) summary += "\n" for f in fields_to_display: # noinspection PyTypeChecker fmt = "{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(fields[f]["max_width"] + 1) summary += fmt.format('-') summary += "\n" for vm_info in restore_info.values(): assert isinstance(vm_info, BackupRestore.VMToRestore) # Skip non-VM here if not vm_info.vm: continue # noinspection PyUnusedLocal vm = vm_info.vm s = "" for f in fields_to_display: # noinspection PyTypeChecker fmt = "{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields[f]["max_width"] + 1) s += fmt.format(eval(fields[f]["func"])) if BackupRestore.VMToRestore.EXCLUDED in vm_info.problems: s += " <-- Excluded from restore" elif BackupRestore.VMToRestore.ALREADY_EXISTS in vm_info.problems: s += " <-- A VM with the same name already exists on the host!" elif BackupRestore.VMToRestore.MISSING_TEMPLATE in \ vm_info.problems: s += " <-- No matching template on the host " \ "or in the backup found!" elif BackupRestore.VMToRestore.MISSING_NETVM in \ vm_info.problems: s += " <-- No matching netvm on the host " \ "or in the backup found!" else: if vm_info.orig_template: s += " <-- Original template was '{}'".format( vm_info.orig_template) if vm_info.name != vm_info.vm.name: s += " <-- Will be renamed to '{}'".format( vm_info.name) summary += s + "\n" if 'dom0' in restore_info.keys(): s = "" for f in fields_to_display: # noinspection PyTypeChecker fmt = "{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields[f]["max_width"] + 1) if f == "name": s += fmt.format("Dom0") elif f == "type": s += fmt.format("Home") else: s += fmt.format("") if BackupRestore.Dom0ToRestore.USERNAME_MISMATCH in \ restore_info['dom0'].problems: s += " <-- username in backup and dom0 mismatch" summary += s + "\n" return summary def _restore_vm_dir_v1(self, src_dir, dst_dir): backup_src_dir = src_dir.replace( qubes.config.system_path["qubes_base_dir"], self.backup_location) # We prefer to use Linux's cp, because it nicely handles sparse files cp_retcode = subprocess.call( ["cp", "-rp", "--reflink=auto", backup_src_dir, dst_dir]) if cp_retcode != 0: raise qubes.exc.QubesException( "*** Error while copying file {0} to {1}".format(backup_src_dir, dst_dir)) def restore_do(self, restore_info): # FIXME handle locking # Perform VM restoration in backup order vms_dirs = [] vms_size = 0 vms = {} for vm_info in restore_info.values(): assert isinstance(vm_info, self.VMToRestore) if not vm_info.vm: continue if not vm_info.good_to_go: continue vm = vm_info.vm if self.header_data.version >= 2: if vm.features['backup-size']: vms_size += int(vm.features['backup-size']) vms_dirs.append(vm.features['backup-path']) vms[vm.name] = vm if self.header_data.version >= 2: if 'dom0' in restore_info.keys() and \ restore_info['dom0'].good_to_go: vms_dirs.append(os.path.dirname(restore_info['dom0'].subdir)) vms_size += restore_info['dom0'].size try: self._restore_vm_dirs(vms_dirs=vms_dirs, vms_size=vms_size) except qubes.exc.QubesException: if self.options.verify_only: raise else: self.log.warning( "Some errors occurred during data extraction, " "continuing anyway to restore at least some " "VMs") else: if self.options.verify_only: self.log.warning( "Backup verification not supported for this backup format.") if self.options.verify_only: shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) return # First load templates, then other VMs for vm in sorted(vms.values(), key=lambda x: isinstance(x, qubes.vm.templatevm.TemplateVM), reverse=True): if self.canceled: # only break the loop to save qubes.xml # with already restored VMs break self.log.info("-> Restoring {0}...".format(vm.name)) retcode = subprocess.call( ["mkdir", "-p", os.path.dirname(vm.dir_path)]) if retcode != 0: self.log.error("*** Cannot create directory: {0}?!".format( vm.dir_path)) self.log.warning("Skipping VM {}...".format(vm.name)) continue kwargs = {} if hasattr(vm, 'template'): template = restore_info[vm.name].template # handle potentially renamed template if template in restore_info \ and restore_info[template].good_to_go: template = restore_info[template].name kwargs['template'] = template new_vm = None vm_name = restore_info[vm.name].name try: # first only minimal set, later clone_properties # will be called new_vm = self.app.add_new_vm( vm.__class__, name=vm_name, label=vm.label, installed_by_rpm=False, **kwargs) if os.path.exists(new_vm.dir_path): move_to_path = tempfile.mkdtemp('', os.path.basename( new_vm.dir_path), os.path.dirname(new_vm.dir_path)) try: os.rename(new_vm.dir_path, move_to_path) self.log.warning( "*** Directory {} already exists! It has " "been moved to {}".format(new_vm.dir_path, move_to_path)) except OSError: self.log.error( "*** Directory {} already exists and " "cannot be moved!".format(new_vm.dir_path)) self.log.warning("Skipping VM {}...".format( vm.name)) continue if self.header_data.version == 1: self._restore_vm_dir_v1(vm.dir_path, os.path.dirname(new_vm.dir_path)) else: shutil.move(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, vm.features['backup-path']), new_vm.dir_path) new_vm.storage.verify() except Exception as err: self.log.error("ERROR: {0}".format(err)) self.log.warning("*** Skipping VM: {0}".format(vm.name)) if new_vm: del self.app.domains[new_vm.qid] continue # remove no longer needed backup metadata if 'backup-content' in vm.features: del vm.features['backup-content'] del vm.features['backup-size'] del vm.features['backup-path'] try: # exclude VM references - handled manually according to # restore options proplist = [prop for prop in new_vm.property_list() if prop.clone and prop.__name__ not in ['template', 'netvm', 'dispvm_netvm']] new_vm.clone_properties(vm, proplist=proplist) except Exception as err: self.log.error("ERROR: {0}".format(err)) self.log.warning("*** Some VM property will not be " "restored") try: new_vm.fire_event('domain-restore') except Exception as err: self.log.error("ERROR during appmenu restore: " "{0}".format(err)) self.log.warning( "*** VM '{0}' will not have appmenus".format(vm.name)) # Set network dependencies - only non-default netvm setting for vm in vms.values(): vm_info = restore_info[vm.name] vm_name = vm_info.name try: host_vm = self.app.domains[vm_name] except KeyError: # Failed/skipped VM continue if not vm.property_is_default('netvm'): if vm_info.netvm in restore_info: host_vm.netvm = restore_info[vm_info.netvm].name else: host_vm.netvm = vm_info.netvm self.app.save() if self.canceled: if self.header_data.version >= 2: raise BackupCanceledError("Restore canceled", tmpdir=self.tmpdir) else: raise BackupCanceledError("Restore canceled") # ... and dom0 home as last step if 'dom0' in restore_info.keys() and restore_info['dom0'].good_to_go: backup_path = restore_info['dom0'].subdir local_user = grp.getgrnam('qubes').gr_mem[0] home_dir = pwd.getpwnam(local_user).pw_dir if self.header_data.version == 1: backup_dom0_home_dir = os.path.join(self.backup_location, backup_path) else: backup_dom0_home_dir = os.path.join(self.tmpdir, backup_path) restore_home_backupdir = "home-pre-restore-{0}".format( time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S")) self.log.info( "Restoring home of user '{0}'...".format(local_user)) self.log.info( "Existing files/dirs backed up in '{0}' dir".format( restore_home_backupdir)) os.mkdir(home_dir + '/' + restore_home_backupdir) for f in os.listdir(backup_dom0_home_dir): home_file = home_dir + '/' + f if os.path.exists(home_file): os.rename(home_file, home_dir + '/' + restore_home_backupdir + '/' + f) if self.header_data.version == 1: subprocess.call( ["cp", "-nrp", "--reflink=auto", backup_dom0_home_dir + '/' + f, home_file]) elif self.header_data.version >= 2: shutil.move(backup_dom0_home_dir + '/' + f, home_file) retcode = subprocess.call(['sudo', 'chown', '-R', local_user, home_dir]) if retcode != 0: self.log.error("*** Error while setting home directory owner") shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) # vim:sw=4:et: