#!/usr/bin/python2 # # The Qubes OS Project, http://www.qubes-os.org # # Copyright (C) 2010 Marek Marczykowski <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # from qubes.qubes import QubesVmCollection from qubes.qubesutils import block_list,block_attach,block_detach,block_check_attached from qubes.qubesutils import kbytes_to_kmg, bytes_to_kmg from optparse import OptionParser import subprocess import sys import os def main(): usage = "usage: %prog -l [options]\n"\ "usage: %prog -a [options] <vm-name> <device-vm-name>:<device>\n"\ "usage: %prog -A [options] <vm-name> <file-vm-name>:<file>\n"\ "usage: %prog -d [options] <device-vm-name>:<device>\n"\ "usage: %prog -d [options] <vm-name>\n"\ "List/set VM PCI devices." parser = OptionParser (usage) parser.add_option ("-l", "--list", action="store_true", dest="do_list", default=False) parser.add_option ("-A", "--attach-file", action="store_true", dest="do_file_attach", default=False, help="Attach specified file instead of physical device") parser.add_option ("-a", "--attach", action="store_true", dest="do_attach", default=False) parser.add_option ("-d", "--detach", action="store_true", dest="do_detach", default=False) parser.add_option ("-f", "--frontend", dest="frontend", help="Specify device name at destination VM [default: xvdi]") parser.add_option ("--ro", dest="ro", action="store_true", default=False, help="Force read-only mode") parser.add_option ("--no-auto-detach", dest="auto_detach", action="store_false", default=True, help="Fail when device already connected to other VM") (options, args) = parser.parse_args () if options.do_file_attach: options.do_attach = True if options.do_list + options.do_attach + options.do_detach > 1: print >> sys.stderr, "Only one of -l -a/-A -d is allowed!" exit (1) if options.do_attach or options.do_detach: qvm_collection = QubesVmCollection() qvm_collection.lock_db_for_reading() qvm_collection.load() qvm_collection.unlock_db() if options.do_attach: if (len (args) < 2): parser.error ("You must provide device and vm name!") vm = qvm_collection.get_vm_by_name(args[0]) if vm is None: parser.error ("Invalid VM name: %s" % args[0]) # FIXME: here we assume that device is always in form "domain:dev", which can be changed in the future if args[1].find(":") < 0: parser.error ("Invalid device syntax" % args[1]) if options.do_file_attach: dev = {} (dev['vm'], dev['device']) = args[1].split(":") dev['mode'] = 'w' else: dev_list = block_list() if not args[1] in dev_list.keys(): parser.error ("Invalid device name: %s" % args[1]) dev = dev_list[args[1]] backend_vm = qvm_collection.get_vm_by_name(dev['vm']) assert backend_vm is not None kwargs = {} if options.frontend: kwargs['frontend'] = options.frontend if options.ro: kwargs['mode'] = "r" else: kwargs['mode'] = dev['mode'] kwargs['auto_detach'] = options.auto_detach block_attach(vm, backend_vm, dev['device'], **kwargs) elif options.do_detach: if (len (args) < 1): parser.error ("You must provide device or vm name!") # Check if provided name is VM vm = qvm_collection.get_vm_by_name(args[0]) if vm is not None: kwargs = {} if options.frontend: kwargs['frontend'] = options.frontend block_detach(vm, **kwargs) else: # Maybe device? dev_list = block_list() if not args[0] in dev_list.keys(): parser.error ("Invalid VM or device name: %s" % args[0]) dev = dev_list[args[0]] attached_to = block_check_attached(None, dev['device'], backend_xid = dev['xid']) if attached_to is None: print >> sys.stderr, "WARNING: Device not connected to any VM" exit(0) block_detach(None, attached_to['devid'], vm_xid=attached_to['xid']) else: # do_list for dev in block_list().values(): attached_to = block_check_attached(None, dev['device'], backend_xid = dev['xid']) attached_to_str = "" if attached_to: attached_to_str = " (attached to '%s' as '%s')" % (attached_to['vm'], attached_to['frontend']) size_str = bytes_to_kmg(dev['size']) print "%s\t%s %s%s" % (dev['name'], dev['desc'], size_str, attached_to_str) exit (0) main()