index.rst 938 B

  1. .. core-admin documentation master file, created by
  2. sphinx-quickstart on Thu Nov 13 15:02:15 2014.
  3. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
  4. contain the root `toctree` directive.
  5. Welcome to core-admin's documentation!
  6. ======================================
  7. This page contains documentation autogenerated from source tree. It includes
  8. manpages and API documentation. For primary user documentation, see
  9. ` <>`_.
  10. .. toctree::
  11. :maxdepth: 2
  12. qubes
  13. qubes-vm/index
  14. qubes-events
  15. qubes-features
  16. qubes-storage
  17. qubes-exc
  18. qubes-ext
  19. qubes-log
  20. qubes-mgmt
  21. qubes-policy
  22. qubes-backup
  23. qubes-tools/index
  24. qubes-tests
  25. qubes-dochelpers
  26. .. toctree::
  27. :maxdepth: 1
  28. libvirt
  29. autoxml
  30. manpages/index
  31. Indices and tables
  32. ==================
  33. * :ref:`genindex`
  34. * :ref:`modindex`
  35. * :ref:`search`
  36. .. vim: ts=3 sw=3 et