17 KB

  1. #
  2. # The Qubes OS Project,
  3. #
  4. # Copyright (C) 2015 Joanna Rutkowska <>
  5. # Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
  6. # <>
  7. # Copyright (C) 2015 Wojtek Porczyk <>
  8. #
  9. # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  10. # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  11. # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  12. # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  13. #
  14. # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  15. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  17. # Lesser General Public License for more details.
  18. #
  19. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  20. # License along with this library; if not, see <>.
  21. #
  22. ''' This module contains pool implementations backed by file images'''
  23. import os
  24. import os.path
  25. import re
  26. import subprocess
  27. from contextlib import suppress
  28. import
  29. BLKSIZE = 512
  30. class FilePool(
  31. ''' File based 'original' disk implementation
  32. Volumes are stored in sparse files. Additionally device-mapper is used for
  33. applying copy-on-write layer.
  34. Quick reference on device-mapper layers:
  35. snap_on_start save_on_stop layout
  36. yes yes not supported
  37. no yes snapshot-origin(volume.img, volume-cow.img)
  38. yes no snapshot(
  39. snapshot(source.img, source-cow.img),
  40. volume-cow.img)
  41. no no volume.img directly
  42. ''' # pylint: disable=protected-access
  43. driver = 'file'
  44. def __init__(self, *, name, revisions_to_keep=1, dir_path):
  45. super().__init__(name=name, revisions_to_keep=revisions_to_keep)
  46. self.dir_path = os.path.normpath(dir_path)
  47. self._volumes = []
  48. @property
  49. def config(self):
  50. return {
  51. 'name':,
  52. 'dir_path': self.dir_path,
  53. 'driver': FilePool.driver,
  54. 'revisions_to_keep': self.revisions_to_keep
  55. }
  56. def init_volume(self, vm, volume_config):
  57. if volume_config.get('snap_on_start', False) and \
  58. volume_config.get('save_on_stop', False):
  59. raise NotImplementedError(
  60. 'snap_on_start + save_on_stop not supported by file driver')
  61. volume_config['dir_path'] = self.dir_path
  62. if 'vid' not in volume_config:
  63. volume_config['vid'] = os.path.join(
  64. self._vid_prefix(vm), volume_config['name'])
  65. try:
  66. if not volume_config.get('save_on_stop', False):
  67. volume_config['revisions_to_keep'] = 0
  68. except KeyError:
  69. pass
  70. if 'revisions_to_keep' not in volume_config:
  71. volume_config['revisions_to_keep'] = self.revisions_to_keep
  72. volume_config['pool'] = self
  73. volume = FileVolume(**volume_config)
  74. self._volumes += [volume]
  75. return volume
  76. @property
  77. def revisions_to_keep(self):
  78. return self._revisions_to_keep
  79. @revisions_to_keep.setter
  80. def revisions_to_keep(self, value):
  81. value = int(value)
  82. if value > 1:
  83. raise NotImplementedError(
  84. 'FilePool supports maximum 1 volume revision to keep')
  85. self._revisions_to_keep = value
  86. def destroy(self):
  87. pass
  88. def setup(self):
  89. create_dir_if_not_exists(self.dir_path)
  90. appvms_path = os.path.join(self.dir_path, 'appvms')
  91. create_dir_if_not_exists(appvms_path)
  92. vm_templates_path = os.path.join(self.dir_path, 'vm-templates')
  93. create_dir_if_not_exists(vm_templates_path)
  94. @staticmethod
  95. def _vid_prefix(vm):
  96. ''' Helper to create a prefix for the vid for volume
  97. ''' # FIX Remove this if we drop the file backend
  98. import qubes.vm.templatevm # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
  99. import qubes.vm.dispvm # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
  100. if isinstance(vm, qubes.vm.templatevm.TemplateVM):
  101. subdir = 'vm-templates'
  102. else:
  103. subdir = 'appvms'
  104. return os.path.join(subdir,
  105. def target_dir(self, vm):
  106. """ Returns the path to vmdir depending on the type of the VM.
  107. The default QubesOS file storage saves the vm images in three
  108. different directories depending on the ``QubesVM`` type:
  109. * ``appvms`` for ``QubesAppVm`` or ``QubesHvm``
  110. * ``vm-templates`` for ``QubesTemplateVm`` or ``QubesTemplateHvm``
  111. Args:
  112. vm: a QubesVM
  113. pool_dir: the root directory of the pool
  114. Returns:
  115. string (str) absolute path to the directory where the vm files
  116. are stored
  117. """
  118. return os.path.join(self.dir_path, self._vid_prefix(vm))
  119. def list_volumes(self):
  120. return self._volumes
  121. @property
  122. def size(self):
  123. try:
  124. statvfs = os.statvfs(self.dir_path)
  125. return statvfs.f_frsize * statvfs.f_blocks
  126. except FileNotFoundError:
  127. return 0
  128. @property
  129. def usage(self):
  130. try:
  131. statvfs = os.statvfs(self.dir_path)
  132. return statvfs.f_frsize * (statvfs.f_blocks - statvfs.f_bfree)
  133. except FileNotFoundError:
  134. return 0
  135. def included_in(self, app):
  136. ''' Check if there is pool containing this one - either as a
  137. filesystem or its LVM volume'''
  138. return
  139. [pool for pool in app.pools.values() if pool is not self],
  140. self.dir_path)
  141. class FileVolume(
  142. ''' Parent class for the xen volumes implementation which expects a
  143. `target_dir` param on initialization. '''
  144. def __init__(self, dir_path, **kwargs):
  145. self.dir_path = dir_path
  146. assert self.dir_path, "dir_path not specified"
  147. self._revisions_to_keep = 0
  148. super().__init__(**kwargs)
  149. if self.snap_on_start:
  150. img_name = self.source.vid + '-cow.img'
  151. self.path_source_cow = os.path.join(self.dir_path, img_name)
  152. @property
  153. def revisions_to_keep(self):
  154. return self._revisions_to_keep
  155. @revisions_to_keep.setter
  156. def revisions_to_keep(self, value):
  157. if int(value) > 1:
  158. raise NotImplementedError(
  159. 'FileVolume supports maximum 1 volume revision to keep')
  160. self._revisions_to_keep = int(value)
  161. def create(self):
  162. assert isinstance(self.size, int) and self.size > 0, \
  163. 'Volume size must be > 0'
  164. if not self.snap_on_start:
  165. create_sparse_file(self.path, self.size)
  166. def remove(self):
  167. if not self.snap_on_start:
  168. _remove_if_exists(self.path)
  169. if self.snap_on_start or self.save_on_stop:
  170. _remove_if_exists(self.path_cow)
  171. def is_dirty(self):
  172. if not self.save_on_stop:
  173. return False
  174. if os.path.exists(self.path_cow):
  175. stat = os.stat(self.path_cow)
  176. return stat.st_blocks > 0
  177. return False
  178. def resize(self, size):
  179. ''' Expands volume, throws
  180. :py:class:`` if
  181. given size is less than current_size
  182. ''' # pylint: disable=no-self-use
  183. if not
  184. msg = 'Can not resize reađonly volume {!s}'.format(self)
  185. raise
  186. if size < self.size:
  187. raise
  188. 'For your own safety, shrinking of %s is'
  189. ' disabled. If you really know what you'
  190. ' are doing, use `truncate` on %s manually.' %
  191. (, self.vid))
  192. with open(self.path, 'a+b') as fd:
  193. fd.truncate(size)
  194. p = subprocess.Popen(['losetup', '--associated', self.path],
  195. stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
  196. result = p.communicate()
  197. m = re.match(r'^(/dev/loop\d+):\s', result[0].decode())
  198. if m is not None:
  199. loop_dev =
  200. # resize loop device
  201. subprocess.check_call(['losetup', '--set-capacity',
  202. loop_dev])
  203. self._size = size
  204. def commit(self):
  205. msg = 'Tried to commit a non commitable volume {!r}'.format(self)
  206. assert self.save_on_stop and, msg
  207. if os.path.exists(self.path_cow):
  208. if self.revisions_to_keep:
  209. old_path = self.path_cow + '.old'
  210. os.rename(self.path_cow, old_path)
  211. else:
  212. os.unlink(self.path_cow)
  213. create_sparse_file(self.path_cow, self.size)
  214. return self
  215. def export(self):
  216. # FIXME: this should rather return snapshot(self.path, self.path_cow)
  217. # if domain is running
  218. return self.path
  219. def import_volume(self, src_volume):
  220. if src_volume.snap_on_start:
  221. raise
  222. "Can not import snapshot volume {!s} in to pool {!s} ".format(
  223. src_volume, self))
  224. if self.save_on_stop:
  225. _remove_if_exists(self.path)
  226. copy_file(src_volume.export(), self.path)
  227. return self
  228. def import_data(self, size):
  229. if not self.save_on_stop:
  230. raise
  231. "Can not import into save_on_stop=False volume {!s}".format(
  232. self))
  233. create_sparse_file(self.path_import, size)
  234. return self.path_import
  235. def import_data_end(self, success):
  236. if success:
  237. os.rename(self.path_import, self.path)
  238. else:
  239. os.unlink(self.path_import)
  240. return self
  241. def reset(self):
  242. ''' Remove and recreate a volatile volume '''
  243. assert not self.snap_on_start and not self.save_on_stop, \
  244. "Not a volatile volume"
  245. assert isinstance(self.size, int) and self.size > 0, \
  246. 'Volatile volume size must be > 0'
  247. _remove_if_exists(self.path)
  248. create_sparse_file(self.path, self.size)
  249. return self
  250. def start(self):
  251. if not self.save_on_stop and not self.snap_on_start:
  252. self.reset()
  253. else:
  254. if not self.save_on_stop:
  255. # make sure previous snapshot is removed - even if VM
  256. # shutdown routine wasn't called (power interrupt or so)
  257. _remove_if_exists(self.path_cow)
  258. if not os.path.exists(self.path_cow):
  259. create_sparse_file(self.path_cow, self.size)
  260. if not self.snap_on_start:
  261. _check_path(self.path)
  262. if hasattr(self, 'path_source_cow'):
  263. if not os.path.exists(self.path_source_cow):
  264. create_sparse_file(self.path_source_cow, self.size)
  265. return self
  266. def stop(self):
  267. if self.save_on_stop:
  268. self.commit()
  269. elif self.snap_on_start:
  270. _remove_if_exists(self.path_cow)
  271. else:
  272. _remove_if_exists(self.path)
  273. return self
  274. @property
  275. def path(self):
  276. if self.snap_on_start:
  277. return os.path.join(self.dir_path, self.source.vid + '.img')
  278. return os.path.join(self.dir_path, self.vid + '.img')
  279. @property
  280. def path_cow(self):
  281. img_name = self.vid + '-cow.img'
  282. return os.path.join(self.dir_path, img_name)
  283. @property
  284. def path_import(self):
  285. img_name = self.vid + '-import.img'
  286. return os.path.join(self.dir_path, img_name)
  287. def verify(self):
  288. ''' Verifies the volume. '''
  289. if not os.path.exists(self.path) and \
  290. (self.snap_on_start or self.save_on_stop):
  291. msg = 'Missing image file: {!s}.'.format(self.path)
  292. raise
  293. return True
  294. @property
  295. def script(self):
  296. if not self.snap_on_start and not self.save_on_stop:
  297. return None
  298. if not self.snap_on_start and self.save_on_stop:
  299. return 'block-origin'
  300. if self.snap_on_start:
  301. return 'block-snapshot'
  302. return None
  303. def block_device(self):
  304. ''' Return :py:class:`` for serialization in
  305. the libvirt XML template as <disk>.
  306. '''
  307. path = self.path
  308. if self.snap_on_start:
  309. path += ":" + self.path_source_cow
  310. if self.snap_on_start or self.save_on_stop:
  311. path += ":" + self.path_cow
  312. return,, self.script,,
  313. self.domain, self.devtype)
  314. @property
  315. def revisions(self):
  316. if not hasattr(self, 'path_cow'):
  317. return {}
  318. old_revision = self.path_cow + '.old' # pylint: disable=no-member
  319. if not os.path.exists(old_revision):
  320. return {}
  321. seconds = os.path.getctime(old_revision)
  322. iso_date ='.', 1)[0]
  323. return {'old': iso_date}
  324. @property
  325. def size(self):
  326. with suppress(FileNotFoundError):
  327. self._size = os.path.getsize(self.path)
  328. return self._size
  329. @size.setter
  330. def size(self, _):
  331. raise
  332. "You shouldn't use volume size setter, use resize method instead")
  333. @property
  334. def usage(self):
  335. ''' Returns the actualy used space '''
  336. usage = 0
  337. if self.save_on_stop or self.snap_on_start:
  338. usage = get_disk_usage(self.path_cow)
  339. if self.save_on_stop or not self.snap_on_start:
  340. usage += get_disk_usage(self.path)
  341. return usage
  342. def create_sparse_file(path, size):
  343. ''' Create an empty sparse file '''
  344. if os.path.exists(path):
  345. raise IOError("Volume %s already exists" % path)
  346. parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)
  347. if not os.path.exists(parent_dir):
  348. os.makedirs(parent_dir)
  349. with open(path, 'a+b') as fh:
  350. fh.truncate(size)
  351. def get_disk_usage_one(st):
  352. '''Extract disk usage of one inode from its stat_result struct.
  353. If known, get real disk usage, as written to device by filesystem, not
  354. logical file size. Those values may be different for sparse files.
  355. :param os.stat_result st: stat result
  356. :returns: disk usage
  357. '''
  358. try:
  359. return st.st_blocks * BLKSIZE
  360. except AttributeError:
  361. return st.st_size
  362. def get_disk_usage(path):
  363. '''Get real disk usage of given path (file or directory).
  364. When *path* points to directory, then it is evaluated recursively.
  365. This function tries estimate real disk usage. See documentation of
  366. :py:func:`get_disk_usage_one`.
  367. :param str path: path to evaluate
  368. :returns: disk usage
  369. '''
  370. try:
  371. st = os.lstat(path)
  372. except OSError:
  373. return 0
  374. ret = get_disk_usage_one(st)
  375. # if path is not a directory, this is skipped
  376. for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path):
  377. for name in dirnames + filenames:
  378. ret += get_disk_usage_one(os.lstat(os.path.join(dirpath, name)))
  379. return ret
  380. def create_dir_if_not_exists(path):
  381. """ Check if a directory exists in if not create it.
  382. This method does not create any parent directories.
  383. """
  384. if not os.path.exists(path):
  385. os.mkdir(path)
  386. def copy_file(source, destination):
  387. '''Effective file copy, preserving sparse files etc.'''
  388. # We prefer to use Linux's cp, because it nicely handles sparse files
  389. assert os.path.exists(source), \
  390. "Missing the source %s to copy from" % source
  391. assert not os.path.exists(destination), \
  392. "Destination %s already exists" % destination
  393. parent_dir = os.path.dirname(destination)
  394. if not os.path.exists(parent_dir):
  395. os.makedirs(parent_dir)
  396. try:
  397. cmd = ['cp', '--sparse=always',
  398. '--reflink=auto', source, destination]
  399. subprocess.check_call(cmd)
  400. except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
  401. raise IOError('Error while copying {!r} to {!r}'.format(source,
  402. destination))
  403. def _remove_if_exists(path):
  404. ''' Removes a file if it exist, silently succeeds if file does not exist '''
  405. if os.path.exists(path):
  406. os.remove(path)
  407. def _check_path(path):
  408. ''' Raise an StoragePoolException if ``path`` does not exist'''
  409. if not os.path.exists(path):
  410. msg = 'Missing image file: %s' % path
  411. raise