Wojtek Porczyk fd0107f11a new tool: qubes-create
At present it just creates default qubes.xml (empty barring labels and AdminVM).
In the future it can be evolved into backend for firstboot.
2015-06-29 17:39:28 +02:00

31 lines
600 B

.. program:: qubes-create
:program:`qubes-create` -- Create new Qubes OS store.
This command is the only supported way to create new qubes.xml. It is intended
to be readable though, so you can probably create it manually if you like.
:command:`qubes-create` [-h] [--xml *XMLFILE*]
.. option:: --help, -h
show help message and exit
.. option:: --xml=XMLFILE
Where to put this new file in question.
| Wojtek Porczyk <woju at invisiblethingslab dot com>
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