This adds the file-reflink storage driver. It is never selected automatically for pool creation, especially not the creation of 'varlibqubes' (though it can be used if set up manually). The code is quite small: reflink.py lvm.py file.py + block-snapshot sloccount 334 lines 447 (134%) 570 (171%) Background: btrfs and XFS (but not yet ZFS) support instant copies of individual files through the 'FICLONE' ioctl behind 'cp --reflink'. Which file-reflink uses to snapshot VM image files without an extra device-mapper layer. All the snapshots are essentially freestanding; there's no functional origin vs. snapshot distinction. In contrast to 'file'-on-btrfs, file-reflink inherently avoids CoW-on-CoW. Which is a bigger issue now on R4.0, where even AppVMs' private volumes are CoW. (And turning off the lower, filesystem-level CoW for 'file'-on-btrfs images would turn off data checksums too, i.e. protection against bit rot.) Also in contrast to 'file', all storage features are supported, including - any number of revisions_to_keep - volume.revert() - volume.is_outdated - online fstrim/discard Example tree of a file-reflink pool - *-dirty.img are connected to Xen: - /var/lib/testpool/appvms/foo/volatile-dirty.img - /var/lib/testpool/appvms/foo/root-dirty.img - /var/lib/testpool/appvms/foo/root.img - /var/lib/testpool/appvms/foo/private-dirty.img - /var/lib/testpool/appvms/foo/private.img - /var/lib/testpool/appvms/foo/private.img@2018-01-02T03:04:05Z - /var/lib/testpool/appvms/foo/private.img@2018-01-02T04:05:06Z - /var/lib/testpool/appvms/foo/private.img@2018-01-02T05:06:07Z - /var/lib/testpool/appvms/bar/... - /var/lib/testpool/appvms/... - /var/lib/testpool/template-vms/fedora-26/... - /var/lib/testpool/template-vms/... It looks similar to a 'file' pool tree, and in fact file-reflink is drop-in compatible: $ qvm-shutdown --all --wait $ systemctl stop qubesd $ sed 's/ driver="file"/ driver="file-reflink"/g' -i.bak /var/lib/qubes/qubes.xml $ systemctl start qubesd $ sudo rm -f /path/to/pool/*/*/*-cow.img* If the user tries to create a fresh file-reflink pool on a filesystem that doesn't support reflinks, qvm-pool will abort and mention the 'setup_check=no' option. Which can be passed to force a fallback on regular sparse copies, with of course lots of time/space overhead. The same fallback code is also used when initially cloning a VM from a foreign pool, or from another file-reflink pool on a different mountpoint. 'journalctl -fu qubesd' will show all file-reflink copy/rename/remove operations on VM creation/startup/shutdown/etc.
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#!/usr/bin/python3 -O
# vim: fileencoding=utf-8
import os
import setuptools
import setuptools.command.install
# don't import: import * is unreliable and there is no need, since this is
# compile time and we have source files
def get_console_scripts():
yield 'qrexec-policy', 'qubespolicy.cli'
yield 'qrexec-policy-agent', 'qubespolicy.agent'
yield 'qrexec-policy-graph', 'qubespolicy.graph'
for filename in os.listdir('./qubes/tools'):
basename, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))
if basename == '__init__' or ext != '.py':
yield basename.replace('_', '-'), 'qubes.tools.{}'.format(basename)
# create simple scripts that run much faster than "console entry points"
class CustomInstall(setuptools.command.install.install):
def run(self):
bin = os.path.join(self.root, "usr/bin")
for file, pkg in get_console_scripts():
path = os.path.join(bin, file)
with open(path, "w") as f:
from {} import main
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
os.chmod(path, 0o755)
if __name__ == '__main__':
author='Invisible Things Lab',
description='Qubes core package',
packages=setuptools.find_packages(exclude=('core*', 'tests')),
package_data = {
'qubespolicy': ['glade/*.glade'],
'install': CustomInstall,
'qubes.vm': [
'AppVM = qubes.vm.appvm:AppVM',
'TemplateVM = qubes.vm.templatevm:TemplateVM',
'StandaloneVM = qubes.vm.standalonevm:StandaloneVM',
'AdminVM = qubes.vm.adminvm:AdminVM',
'DispVM = qubes.vm.dispvm:DispVM',
'qubes.ext': [
'qubes.ext.admin = qubes.ext.admin:AdminExtension',
'qubes.ext.core_features = qubes.ext.core_features:CoreFeatures',
'qubes.ext.qubesmanager = qubes.ext.qubesmanager:QubesManager',
'qubes.ext.gui = qubes.ext.gui:GUI',
'qubes.ext.r3compatibility = qubes.ext.r3compatibility:R3Compatibility',
'qubes.ext.pci = qubes.ext.pci:PCIDeviceExtension',
'qubes.ext.block = qubes.ext.block:BlockDeviceExtension',
'qubes.ext.services = qubes.ext.services:ServicesExtension',
'qubes.devices': [
'pci = qubes.ext.pci:PCIDevice',
'block = qubes.ext.block:BlockDevice',
'testclass = qubes.tests.devices:TestDevice',
'qubes.storage': [
'file = qubes.storage.file:FilePool',
'file-reflink = qubes.storage.reflink:ReflinkPool',
'linux-kernel = qubes.storage.kernels:LinuxKernel',
'lvm_thin = qubes.storage.lvm:ThinPool',
'qubes.tests.storage': [
'test = qubes.tests.storage:TestPool',
'file = qubes.storage.file:FilePool',
'file-reflink = qubes.storage.reflink:ReflinkPool',
'linux-kernel = qubes.storage.kernels:LinuxKernel',
'lvm_thin = qubes.storage.lvm:ThinPool',