Using '$' is easy to misuse in shell scripts, shell commands etc. After all this years, lets abandon this dangerous character and move to something safer: '@'. The choice was made after reviewing specifications of various shells on different operating systems and this is the character that have no special meaning in none of them. To preserve compatibility, automatically translate '$' to '@' when loading policy files.
753 lines
28 KiB
Executable File
753 lines
28 KiB
Executable File
# coding=utf-8
# The Qubes OS Project, https://www.qubes-os.org/
# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Joanna Rutkowska <joanna@invisiblethingslab.com>
# Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
# <marmarek@invisiblethingslab.com>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
''' Qrexec policy parser and evaluator '''
import enum
import itertools
import json
import os
import os.path
import socket
import subprocess
# don't import 'qubes.config' please, it takes 0.3s
QREXEC_CLIENT = '/usr/lib/qubes/qrexec-client'
POLICY_DIR = '/etc/qubes-rpc/policy'
QUBESD_INTERNAL_SOCK = '/var/run/qubesd.internal.sock'
QUBESD_SOCK = '/var/run/qubesd.sock'
class AccessDenied(Exception):
''' Raised when qrexec policy denied access '''
class PolicySyntaxError(AccessDenied):
''' Syntax error in qrexec policy, abort parsing '''
def __init__(self, filename, lineno, msg):
super(PolicySyntaxError, self).__init__(
'{}:{}: {}'.format(filename, lineno, msg))
class PolicyNotFound(AccessDenied):
''' Policy was not found for this service '''
def __init__(self, service_name):
super(PolicyNotFound, self).__init__(
'Policy not found for service {}'.format(service_name))
class Action(enum.Enum):
''' Action as defined by policy '''
allow = 1
deny = 2
ask = 3
def is_special_value(value):
'''Check if given source/target specification is special (keyword) value
return value.startswith('@')
def verify_target_value(system_info, value):
''' Check if given value names valid target
This function check if given value is not only syntactically correct,
but also if names valid service call target (existing domain,
or valid @dispvm like keyword)
:param system_info: information about the system
:param value: value to be checked
if value == '@dispvm':
return True
elif value == '@adminvm':
return True
elif value.startswith('@dispvm:'):
dispvm_base = value.split(':', 1)[1]
if dispvm_base not in system_info['domains']:
return False
dispvm_base_info = system_info['domains'][dispvm_base]
return bool(dispvm_base_info['template_for_dispvms'])
return value in system_info['domains']
def verify_special_value(value, for_target=True, specific_target=False):
Verify if given special VM-specifier ('@...') is valid
:param value: value to verify
:param for_target: should classify target-only values as valid (
'@default', '@dispvm')
:param specific_target: allow only values naming specific target
(for use with target=, default= etc)
:return: True or False
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
# values used only for matching VMs, not naming specific one (for actual
# call target)
if not specific_target:
if value.startswith('@tag:') and len(value) > len('@tag:'):
return True
if value.startswith('@type:') and len(value) > len('@type:'):
return True
if for_target and value.startswith('@dispvm:@tag:') and \
len(value) > len('@dispvm:@tag:'):
return True
if value == '@anyvm':
return True
if for_target and value == '@default':
return True
# those can be used to name one specific call VM
if value == '@adminvm':
return True
# allow only specific dispvm, not based on any @xxx keyword - don't name
# @tag here specifically, to work also with any future keywords
if for_target and value.startswith('@dispvm:') and \
not value.startswith('@dispvm:@'):
return True
if for_target and value == '@dispvm':
return True
return False
class PolicyRule(object):
''' A single line of policy file '''
def __init__(self, line, filename=None, lineno=None):
Load a single line of qrexec policy and check its syntax.
Do not verify existence of named objects.
:raise PolicySyntaxError: when syntax error is found
:param line: a single line of actual qrexec policy (not a comment,
empty line or @include)
:param filename: name of the file from which this line is loaded
:param lineno: line number from which this line is loaded
self.lineno = lineno
self.filename = filename
self.source, self.target, self.full_action = line.split(maxsplit=2)
except ValueError:
raise PolicySyntaxError(filename, lineno, 'wrong number of fields')
(action, *params) = self.full_action.replace(',', ' ').split()
self.action = Action[action]
except KeyError:
raise PolicySyntaxError(filename, lineno,
'invalid action: {}'.format(action))
#: alternative target, used instead of the one specified by the caller
self.override_target = None
#: alternative user, used instead of vm.default_user
self.override_user = None
#: default target when asking the user for confirmation
self.default_target = None
for param in params:
param_name, value = param.split('=')
except ValueError:
raise PolicySyntaxError(filename, lineno,
'invalid action parameter syntax: {}'.format(param))
if param_name == 'target':
if self.action == Action.deny:
raise PolicySyntaxError(filename, lineno,
'target= option not allowed for deny action')
self.override_target = value
elif param_name == 'user':
if self.action == Action.deny:
raise PolicySyntaxError(filename, lineno,
'user= option not allowed for deny action')
self.override_user = value
elif param_name == 'default_target':
if self.action != Action.ask:
raise PolicySyntaxError(filename, lineno,
'default_target= option allowed only for ask action')
self.default_target = value
raise PolicySyntaxError(filename, lineno,
'invalid option {} for {} action'.format(param, action))
# verify special values
if is_special_value(self.source):
if not verify_special_value(self.source, False, False):
raise PolicySyntaxError(filename, lineno,
'invalid source specification: {}'.format(self.source))
if is_special_value(self.target):
if not verify_special_value(self.target, True, False):
raise PolicySyntaxError(filename, lineno,
'invalid target specification: {}'.format(self.target))
if self.target == '@default' \
and self.action == Action.allow \
and self.override_target is None:
raise PolicySyntaxError(filename, lineno,
'allow action for @default rule must specify target= option')
if self.override_target is not None:
if is_special_value(self.override_target) and \
not verify_special_value(self.override_target, True, True):
raise PolicySyntaxError(filename, lineno,
'target= option needs to name specific target')
if self.default_target is not None:
if is_special_value(self.default_target) and \
not verify_special_value(self.default_target, True, True):
raise PolicySyntaxError(filename, lineno,
'target= option needs to name specific target')
def is_match_single(system_info, policy_value, value):
Evaluate if a single value (VM name or '@default') matches policy
:param system_info: information about the system
:param policy_value: value from qrexec policy (either self.source or
:param value: value to be compared (source or target)
:return: True or False
# pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements
# not specified target matches only with @default and @anyvm policy
# entry
if value == '@default' or value == '':
return policy_value in ('@default', '@anyvm')
# if specific target used, check if it's valid
# this function (is_match_single) is also used for checking call source
# values, but this isn't a problem, because it will always be a
# domain name (not @dispvm or such) - this is guaranteed by a nature
# of qrexec call
if not verify_target_value(system_info, value):
return False
# handle @adminvm keyword
if policy_value == 'dom0':
# TODO: log a warning in Qubes 4.1
policy_value = '@adminvm'
if value == 'dom0':
value = '@adminvm'
# allow any _valid_, non-dom0 target
if policy_value == '@anyvm':
return value != '@adminvm'
# exact match, including @dispvm* and @adminvm
if value == policy_value:
return True
# DispVM request, using tags to match
if policy_value.startswith('@dispvm:@tag:') \
and value.startswith('@dispvm:'):
tag = policy_value.split(':', 2)[2]
dispvm_base = value.split(':', 1)[1]
# already checked for existence by verify_target_value call
dispvm_base_info = system_info['domains'][dispvm_base]
return tag in dispvm_base_info['tags']
# if @dispvm* not matched above, reject it; default DispVM (bare
# @dispvm) was resolved by the caller
if value.startswith('@dispvm:'):
return False
# require @adminvm to be matched explicitly (not through @tag or @type)
# - if not matched already, reject it
if value == '@adminvm':
return False
# at this point, value name a specific target
domain_info = system_info['domains'][value]
if policy_value.startswith('@tag:'):
tag = policy_value.split(':', 1)[1]
return tag in domain_info['tags']
if policy_value.startswith('@type:'):
type_ = policy_value.split(':', 1)[1]
return type_ == domain_info['type']
return False
def is_match(self, system_info, source, target):
Check if given (source, target) matches this policy line.
:param system_info: information about the system - available VMs,
their types, labels, tags etc. as returned by
:param source: name of the source VM
:param target: name of the target VM, or None if not specified
:return: True or False
if not self.is_match_single(system_info, self.source, source):
return False
# @dispvm in policy matches _only_ @dispvm (but not @dispvm:some-vm,
# even if that would be the default one)
if self.target == '@dispvm' and target == '@dispvm':
return True
if target == '@dispvm':
# resolve default DispVM, to check all kinds of @dispvm:*
default_dispvm = system_info['domains'][source]['default_dispvm']
if default_dispvm is None:
# if this VM have no default DispVM, match only with @anyvm
return self.target == '@anyvm'
target = '@dispvm:' + default_dispvm
if not self.is_match_single(system_info, self.target, target):
return False
return True
def expand_target(self, system_info):
Return domains matching target of this policy line
:param system_info: information about the system
:return: matching domains
if self.target.startswith('@tag:'):
tag = self.target.split(':', 1)[1]
for name, domain in system_info['domains'].items():
if tag in domain['tags']:
yield name
elif self.target.startswith('@type:'):
type_ = self.target.split(':', 1)[1]
for name, domain in system_info['domains'].items():
if type_ == domain['type']:
yield name
elif self.target == '@anyvm':
for name, domain in system_info['domains'].items():
if name != 'dom0':
yield name
if domain['template_for_dispvms']:
yield '@dispvm:' + name
yield '@dispvm'
elif self.target.startswith('@dispvm:@tag:'):
tag = self.target.split(':', 2)[2]
for name, domain in system_info['domains'].items():
if tag in domain['tags']:
if domain['template_for_dispvms']:
yield '@dispvm:' + name
elif self.target.startswith('@dispvm:'):
dispvm_base = self.target.split(':', 1)[1]
if system_info['domains'][dispvm_base]['template_for_dispvms']:
yield self.target
except KeyError:
# TODO log a warning?
elif self.target == '@adminvm':
yield self.target
elif self.target == '@dispvm':
yield self.target
if self.target in system_info['domains']:
yield self.target
def expand_override_target(self, system_info, source):
Replace '@dispvm' with specific '@dispvm:...' value, based on qrexec
call source.
:param system_info: System information
:param source: Source domain name
:return: :py:attr:`override_target` with '@dispvm' substituted
if self.override_target == '@dispvm':
if system_info['domains'][source]['default_dispvm'] is None:
return None
return '@dispvm:' + system_info['domains'][source]['default_dispvm']
return self.override_target
class PolicyAction(object):
''' Object representing positive policy evaluation result -
either ask or allow action '''
def __init__(self, service, source, target, rule, original_target,
#: service name
self.service = service
#: calling domain
self.source = source
#: target domain the service should be connected to, None if
# not chosen yet
if targets_for_ask is None or target in targets_for_ask:
self.target = target
# TODO: log a warning?
self.target = None
#: original target specified by the caller
self.original_target = original_target
#: targets for the user to choose from
self.targets_for_ask = targets_for_ask
#: policy rule from which this action is derived
self.rule = rule
if rule.action == Action.deny:
# this should be really rejected by Policy.eval()
raise AccessDenied(
'denied by policy {}:{}'.format(rule.filename, rule.lineno))
elif rule.action == Action.ask:
assert targets_for_ask is not None
elif rule.action == Action.allow:
assert targets_for_ask is None
assert target is not None
self.action = rule.action
def handle_user_response(self, response, target=None):
Handle user response for the 'ask' action
:param response: whether the call was allowed or denied (bool)
:param target: target chosen by the user (if reponse==True)
:return: None
assert self.action == Action.ask
if response:
assert target in self.targets_for_ask
self.target = target
self.action = Action.allow
self.action = Action.deny
raise AccessDenied(
'denied by the user {}:{}'.format(self.rule.filename,
def execute(self, caller_ident):
''' Execute allowed service call
:param caller_ident: Service caller ident
(`process_ident,source_name, source_id`)
assert self.action == Action.allow
assert self.target is not None
if self.target == '@adminvm':
self.target = 'dom0'
if self.target == 'dom0':
original_target_type = \
'keyword' if is_special_value(self.original_target) else 'name'
original_target = self.original_target.lstrip('@')
cmd = \
'QUBESRPC {service} {source} {original_target_type} ' \
cmd = '{user}:QUBESRPC {service} {source}'.format(
user=(self.rule.override_user or 'DEFAULT'),
if self.target.startswith('@dispvm:'):
target = self.spawn_dispvm()
dispvm = True
target = self.target
dispvm = False
qrexec_opts = ['-d', target, '-c', caller_ident]
if dispvm:
subprocess.call([QREXEC_CLIENT] + qrexec_opts + [cmd])
if dispvm:
def spawn_dispvm(self):
Create and start Disposable VM based on AppVM specified in
:return: name of new Disposable VM
base_appvm = self.target.split(':', 1)[1]
dispvm_name = qubesd_call(base_appvm, 'admin.vm.CreateDisposable')
dispvm_name = dispvm_name.decode('ascii')
qubesd_call(dispvm_name, 'admin.vm.Start')
return dispvm_name
def ensure_target_running(self):
Start domain if not running already
:return: None
if self.target == 'dom0':
qubesd_call(self.target, 'admin.vm.Start')
except QubesMgmtException as e:
if e.exc_type == 'QubesVMNotHaltedError':
def cleanup_dispvm(dispvm):
Kill and remove Disposable VM
:param dispvm: name of Disposable VM
:return: None
qubesd_call(dispvm, 'admin.vm.Kill')
class Policy(object):
''' Full policy for a given service
>>> system_info = get_system_info()
>>> policy = Policy('some-service')
>>> action = policy.evaluate(system_info, 'source-name', 'target-name')
>>> if action.action == Action.ask:
>>> # ... ask the user, see action.targets_for_ask ...
>>> action.handle_user_response(response, target_chosen_by_user)
>>> action.execute('process-ident')
def __init__(self, service, policy_dir=POLICY_DIR):
policy_file = os.path.join(policy_dir, service)
if not os.path.exists(policy_file):
# fallback to policy without specific argument set (if any)
policy_file = os.path.join(policy_dir, service.split('+')[0])
if not os.path.exists(policy_file):
raise PolicyNotFound(service)
#: policy storage directory
self.policy_dir = policy_dir
#: service name
self.service = service
#: list of PolicyLine objects
self.policy_rules = []
except OSError as e:
raise AccessDenied(
'failed to load {} file: {!s}'.format(e.filename, e))
def load_policy_file(self, path):
''' Load policy file and append rules to :py:attr:`policy_rules`
:param path: file to load
with open(path) as policy_file:
for lineno, line in zip(itertools.count(start=1),
line = line.strip()
# compatibility with old keywords notation
line = line.replace('$', '@')
if not line:
# skip empty lines
if line[0] == '#':
# skip comments
if line.startswith('@include:'):
include_path = line.split(':', 1)[1]
# os.path.join will leave include_path unchanged if it's
# already absolute
include_path = os.path.join(self.policy_dir, include_path)
self.policy_rules.append(PolicyRule(line, path, lineno))
def find_matching_rule(self, system_info, source, target):
''' Find the first rule matching given arguments '''
for rule in self.policy_rules:
if rule.is_match(system_info, source, target):
return rule
raise AccessDenied('no matching rule found')
def collect_targets_for_ask(self, system_info, source):
''' Collect targets the user can choose from in 'ask' action
Word 'targets' is used intentionally instead of 'domains', because it
can also contains @dispvm like keywords.
targets = set()
# iterate over rules in reversed order to easier handle 'deny'
# actions - simply remove matching domains from allowed set
for rule in reversed(self.policy_rules):
if rule.is_match_single(system_info, rule.source, source):
if rule.action == Action.deny:
targets -= set(rule.expand_target(system_info))
if rule.override_target is not None:
override_target = rule.expand_override_target(
system_info, source)
if verify_target_value(system_info, override_target):
# expand default DispVM
if '@dispvm' in targets:
if system_info['domains'][source]['default_dispvm'] is not None:
dispvm = '@dispvm:' + \
if verify_target_value(system_info, dispvm):
# expand other keywords
if '@adminvm' in targets:
return targets
def evaluate(self, system_info, source, target):
''' Evaluate policy
:raise AccessDenied: when action should be denied unconditionally
:return tuple(rule, considered_targets) - where considered targets is a
list of possible targets for 'ask' action (rule.action == Action.ask)
rule = self.find_matching_rule(system_info, source, target)
if rule.action == Action.deny:
raise AccessDenied(
'denied by policy {}:{}'.format(rule.filename, rule.lineno))
if rule.override_target is not None:
override_target = rule.expand_override_target(system_info, source)
if not verify_target_value(system_info, override_target):
raise AccessDenied('invalid target= value in {}:{}'.format(
rule.filename, rule.lineno))
actual_target = override_target
actual_target = target
if rule.action == Action.ask:
if rule.override_target is not None:
targets = [actual_target]
targets = list(
self.collect_targets_for_ask(system_info, source))
if not targets:
raise AccessDenied(
'policy define \'ask\' action at {}:{} but no target is '
'available to choose from'.format(
rule.filename, rule.lineno))
return PolicyAction(self.service, source, rule.default_target,
rule, target, targets)
elif rule.action == Action.allow:
if actual_target == '@default':
raise AccessDenied(
'policy define \'allow\' action at {}:{} but no target is '
'specified by caller or policy'.format(
rule.filename, rule.lineno))
if actual_target == '@dispvm':
if system_info['domains'][source]['default_dispvm'] is None:
raise AccessDenied(
'policy define \'allow\' action to @dispvm at {}:{} '
'but no DispVM base is set for this VM'.format(
rule.filename, rule.lineno))
actual_target = '@dispvm:' + \
return PolicyAction(self.service, source,
actual_target, rule, target)
# should be unreachable
raise AccessDenied(
'invalid action?! {}:{}'.format(rule.filename, rule.lineno))
class QubesMgmtException(Exception):
''' Exception returned by qubesd '''
def __init__(self, exc_type):
super(QubesMgmtException, self).__init__()
self.exc_type = exc_type
def qubesd_call(dest, method, arg=None, payload=None):
if method.startswith('internal.'):
socket_path = QUBESD_SOCK
client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
except IOError:
# src, method, dest, arg
for call_arg in ('dom0', method, dest, arg):
if call_arg is not None:
if payload is not None:
return_data = client_socket.makefile('rb').read()
if return_data.startswith(b'0\x00'):
return return_data[2:]
elif return_data.startswith(b'2\x00'):
(_, exc_type, _traceback, _format_string, _args) = \
return_data.split(b'\x00', 4)
raise QubesMgmtException(exc_type.decode('ascii'))
raise AssertionError(
'invalid qubesd response: {!r}'.format(return_data))
def get_system_info():
''' Get system information
This retrieve information necessary to process qrexec policy. Returned
data is nested dict structure with this structure:
- domains:
- `<domain name>`:
- tags: list of tags
- type: domain type
- template_for_dispvms: should DispVM based on this VM be allowed
- default_dispvm: name of default AppVM for DispVMs started from here
system_info = qubesd_call('dom0', 'internal.GetSystemInfo')
return json.loads(system_info.decode('utf-8'))