When some VM did't returned memory to Xen, mark this VM as suspicious and abort balance to always have some xen free_memory margin. VMs marked as suspicius will be evaluated before next balance and still didn't returned memory, will be skipped in balance process.
234 lines
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234 lines
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Executable File
import string
# This are only defaults - can be overriden by QMemmanServer with values from
# config file
MIN_PREFMEM = 200*1024*1024
DOM0_MEM_BOOST = 350*1024*1024
#untrusted meminfo size is taken from xenstore key, thus its size is limited
#so splits do not require excessive memory
def parse_meminfo(untrusted_meminfo):
untrusted_dict = {}
#split meminfo contents into lines
untrusted_lines = string.split(untrusted_meminfo,"\n")
for untrusted_lines_iterator in untrusted_lines:
#split a single meminfo line into words
untrusted_words = string.split(untrusted_lines_iterator)
if len(untrusted_words) >= 2:
untrusted_dict[string.rstrip(untrusted_words[0], ":")] = untrusted_words[1]
return untrusted_dict
def is_meminfo_suspicious(domain, untrusted_meminfo):
ret = False
#check whether the required keys exist and are not negative
for i in ('MemTotal', 'MemFree', 'Buffers', 'Cached', 'SwapTotal', 'SwapFree'):
val = int(untrusted_meminfo[i])*1024
if (val < 0):
ret = True
untrusted_meminfo[i] = val
ret = True
if not ret and untrusted_meminfo['SwapTotal'] < untrusted_meminfo['SwapFree']:
ret = True
if not ret and untrusted_meminfo['MemTotal'] < untrusted_meminfo['MemFree'] + untrusted_meminfo['Cached'] + untrusted_meminfo['Buffers']:
ret = True
#we could also impose some limits on all the above values
#but it has little purpose - all the domain can gain by passing e.g.
#very large SwapTotal is that it will be assigned all free Xen memory
#it can be achieved with legal values, too, and it will not allow to
#starve existing domains, by design
if ret:
print 'suspicious meminfo for domain', domain.id, 'mem actual', domain.memory_actual, untrusted_meminfo
return ret
#called when a domain updates its 'meminfo' xenstore key
def refresh_meminfo_for_domain(domain, untrusted_xenstore_key):
untrusted_meminfo = parse_meminfo(untrusted_xenstore_key)
if untrusted_meminfo is None:
domain.meminfo = None
#sanitize start
if is_meminfo_suspicious(domain, untrusted_meminfo):
#sanitize end
domain.meminfo = None
domain.mem_used = None
#sanitized, can assign
domain.meminfo = untrusted_meminfo
domain.mem_used = domain.meminfo['MemTotal'] - domain.meminfo['MemFree'] - domain.meminfo['Cached'] - domain.meminfo['Buffers'] + domain.meminfo['SwapTotal'] - domain.meminfo['SwapFree']
def prefmem(domain):
#dom0 is special, as it must have large cache, for vbds. Thus, give it a special boost
if domain.id == '0':
return min(domain.mem_used*CACHE_FACTOR + 350*1024*1024, domain.memory_maximum)
return max(min(domain.mem_used*CACHE_FACTOR, domain.memory_maximum), MIN_PREFMEM)
def memory_needed(domain):
#do not change
#in balance(), "distribute total_available_memory proportionally to mempref" relies on this exact formula
ret = prefmem(domain) - domain.memory_actual
return ret
#prepare list of (domain, memory_target) pairs that need to be passed
#to "xm memset" equivalent in order to obtain "memsize" of memory
#return empty list when the request cannot be satisfied
def balloon(memsize, domain_dictionary):
donors = list()
request = list()
available = 0
for i in domain_dictionary.keys():
if domain_dictionary[i].meminfo is None:
if domain_dictionary[i].no_progress:
need = memory_needed(domain_dictionary[i])
if need < 0:
print 'balloon: dom' , i, 'has actual memory', domain_dictionary[i].memory_actual
print 'req=', memsize, 'avail=', available, 'donors', donors
if available<memsize:
return ()
scale = 1.0*memsize/available
for donors_iter in donors:
id, mem = donors_iter
memborrowed = mem*scale*REQ_SAFETY_NET_FACTOR
print 'borrow' , memborrowed, 'from', id
memtarget = int(domain_dictionary[id].memory_actual - memborrowed)
request.append((id, memtarget))
return request
# REQ_SAFETY_NET_FACTOR is a bit greater that 1. So that if the domain yields a bit less than requested, due
# to e.g. rounding errors, we will not get stuck. The surplus will return to the VM during "balance" call.
#redistribute positive "total_available_memory" of memory between domains, proportionally to prefmem
def balance_when_enough_memory(domain_dictionary, xen_free_memory, total_mem_pref, total_available_memory):
print 'balance_when_enough_memory(', xen_free_memory, total_mem_pref, total_available_memory, ')'
target_memory = {}
# memory not assigned because of static max
left_memory = 0
acceptors_count = 0
for i in domain_dictionary.keys():
if domain_dictionary[i].meminfo is None:
if domain_dictionary[i].no_progress:
#distribute total_available_memory proportionally to mempref
scale = 1.0*prefmem(domain_dictionary[i])/total_mem_pref
target_nonint = prefmem(domain_dictionary[i]) + scale*total_available_memory
#prevent rounding errors
target = int(0.999*target_nonint)
#do not try to give more memory than static max
if target > domain_dictionary[i].memory_maximum:
left_memory += target-domain_dictionary[i].memory_maximum
target = domain_dictionary[i].memory_maximum
# count domains which can accept more memory
acceptors_count += 1
target_memory[i] = target
# distribute left memory across all acceptors
while left_memory > 0 and acceptors_count > 0:
print ' left_memory:', left_memory, 'acceptors_count:', acceptors_count
new_left_memory = 0
new_acceptors_count = acceptors_count
for i in target_memory.keys():
target = target_memory[i]
if target < domain_dictionary[i].memory_maximum:
memory_bonus = int(0.999*(left_memory/acceptors_count))
if target+memory_bonus >= domain_dictionary[i].memory_maximum:
new_left_memory += target+memory_bonus - domain_dictionary[i].memory_maximum
target = domain_dictionary[i].memory_maximum
new_acceptors_count -= 1
target += memory_bonus
target_memory[i] = target
left_memory = new_left_memory
acceptors_count = new_acceptors_count
# split target_memory dictionary to donors and acceptors
# this is needed to first get memory from donors and only then give it to acceptors
donors_rq = list()
acceptors_rq = list()
for i in target_memory.keys():
target = target_memory[i]
if (target < domain_dictionary[i].memory_actual):
donors_rq.append((i, target))
acceptors_rq.append((i, target))
# print 'balance(enough): xen_free_memory=', xen_free_memory, 'requests:', donors_rq + acceptors_rq
return donors_rq + acceptors_rq
#when not enough mem to make everyone be above prefmem, make donors be at prefmem, and
#redistribute anything left between acceptors
def balance_when_low_on_memory(domain_dictionary, xen_free_memory, total_mem_pref_acceptors, donors, acceptors):
donors_rq = list()
acceptors_rq = list()
squeezed_mem = xen_free_memory
for i in donors:
avail = -memory_needed(domain_dictionary[i])
if avail < 10*1024*1024:
#probably we have already tried making it exactly at prefmem, give up
squeezed_mem -= avail
donors_rq.append((i, prefmem(domain_dictionary[i])))
#the below can happen if initially xen free memory is below 50M
if squeezed_mem < 0:
return donors_rq
for i in acceptors:
scale = 1.0*prefmem(domain_dictionary[i])/total_mem_pref_acceptors
target_nonint = domain_dictionary[i].memory_actual + scale*squeezed_mem
#do not try to give more memory than static max
target = min(int(0.999*target_nonint), domain_dictionary[i].memory_maximum)
acceptors_rq.append((i, target))
# print 'balance(low): xen_free_memory=', xen_free_memory, 'requests:', donors_rq + acceptors_rq
return donors_rq + acceptors_rq
#redistribute memory across domains
#called when one of domains update its 'meminfo' xenstore key
#return the list of (domain, memory_target) pairs to be passed to
#"xm memset" equivalent
def balance(xen_free_memory, domain_dictionary):
#sum of all memory requirements - in other words, the difference between
#memory required to be added to domains (acceptors) to make them be at their
#preferred memory, and memory that can be taken from domains (donors) that
#can provide memory. So, it can be negative when plenty of memory.
total_memory_needed = 0
#sum of memory preferences of all domains
total_mem_pref = 0
#sum of memory preferences of all domains that require more memory
total_mem_pref_acceptors = 0
donors = list() # domains that can yield memory
acceptors = list() # domains that require more memory
#pass 1: compute the above "total" values
for i in domain_dictionary.keys():
if domain_dictionary[i].meminfo is None:
if domain_dictionary[i].no_progress:
need = memory_needed(domain_dictionary[i])
# print 'domain' , i, 'act/pref', domain_dictionary[i].memory_actual, prefmem(domain_dictionary[i]), 'need=', need
if need < 0 or domain_dictionary[i].memory_actual >= domain_dictionary[i].memory_maximum:
total_mem_pref_acceptors += prefmem(domain_dictionary[i])
total_memory_needed += need
total_mem_pref += prefmem(domain_dictionary[i])
total_available_memory = xen_free_memory - total_memory_needed
if total_available_memory > 0:
return balance_when_enough_memory(domain_dictionary, xen_free_memory, total_mem_pref, total_available_memory)
return balance_when_low_on_memory(domain_dictionary, xen_free_memory, total_mem_pref_acceptors, donors, acceptors)