Marek Marczykowski 65bc4f6e95 dom0/qvm-backup/restore: backup and restore also dom0 home dir ()
To keep desktop environment settings (like theme, wallpaper, screensaver etc).
2011-10-11 01:48:47 +02:00

305 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

# The Qubes OS Project,
# Copyright (C) 2010 Joanna Rutkowska <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
from qubes.qubes import QubesVmCollection
from qubes.qubes import QubesException
from qubes.qubes import qubes_store_filename
from qubes.qubes import qubes_base_dir
from optparse import OptionParser
import os
import time
import subprocess
import sys
import re
import grp,pwd
def size_to_human (size):
if size < 1024:
return str (size);
elif size < 1024*1024:
return str(round(size/1024.0,1)) + ' KiB'
elif size < 1024*1024*1024:
return str(round(size/(1024.0*1024),1)) + ' MiB'
return str(round(size/(1024.0*1024*1024),1)) + ' GiB'
def get_disk_usage(file_or_dir):
if not os.path.exists(file_or_dir):
return 0
p = subprocess.Popen (["du", "-s", "--block-size=1", file_or_dir],
result = p.communicate()
m = re.match(r"^(\d+)\s.*", result[0])
sz = int( if m is not None else 0
return sz
def file_to_backup (file_path, sz = None):
if sz is None:
sz = os.path.getsize (qubes_store_filename)
abs_file_path = os.path.abspath (file_path)
abs_base_dir = os.path.abspath (qubes_base_dir) + '/'
abs_file_dir = os.path.dirname (abs_file_path) + '/'
(nothing, dir, subdir) = abs_file_dir.partition (abs_base_dir)
assert nothing == ""
assert dir == abs_base_dir
return [ { "path" : file_path, "size": sz, "subdir": subdir} ]
def main():
usage = "usage: %prog [options] <backup-dir-path>"
parser = OptionParser (usage)
parser.add_option ("-x", "--exclude", action="append", dest="exclude_list",
help="Exclude the specified VM from backup (might be repeated)")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args ()
if (len (args) != 1):
print >> sys.stderr, "You must specify the target backup directory (e.g. /mnt/backup)"
print >> sys.stderr, "qvm-backup will create a subdirectory there for each individual backup."
exit (0)
base_backup_dir = args[0]
if not os.path.exists (base_backup_dir):
print >> sys.stderr, "The target directory doesn't exist!"
qvm_collection = QubesVmCollection()
if options is not None and options.exclude_list is not None:
print >> sys.stderr, "Excluding the following VMs:", options.exclude_list
vms_list = [vm for vm in qvm_collection.values() if not in options.exclude_list]
vms_list = [vm for vm in qvm_collection.values()]
no_vms = len (vms_list)
files_to_backup = file_to_backup (qubes_store_filename)
appvms_to_backup = [vm for vm in vms_list if vm.is_appvm() and not vm.internal]
netvms_to_backup = [vm for vm in vms_list if vm.is_netvm() and not vm.qid == 0]
there_are_running_vms = False
fields_to_display = [
{ "name": "VM", "width": 16},
{ "name": "type","width": 12 },
{ "name": "size", "width": 12}
# Display the header
s = ""
for f in fields_to_display:
fmt="{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(f["width"] + 1)
s += fmt.format('-')
print s
s = ""
for f in fields_to_display:
fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(f["width"] + 1)
s += fmt.format(f["name"])
print s
s = ""
for f in fields_to_display:
fmt="{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(f["width"] + 1)
s += fmt.format('-')
print s
if len (appvms_to_backup + netvms_to_backup):
for vm in appvms_to_backup + netvms_to_backup:
vm_sz = vm.get_disk_usage (vm.private_img)
files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.private_img, vm_sz )
if vm.is_appvm():
files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.icon_path)
if vm.is_updateable():
if os.path.exists(vm.dir_path + "/apps.templates"):
# template
files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.dir_path + "/apps.templates")
# standaloneVM
files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.dir_path + "/apps")
if os.path.exists(vm.dir_path + "/kernels"):
files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.dir_path + "/kernels")
if os.path.exists (vm.firewall_conf):
files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.firewall_conf)
if os.path.exists(vm.dir_path + '/whitelisted-appmenus.list'):
files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.dir_path + '/whitelisted-appmenus.list')
if vm.is_updateable():
sz = vm.get_disk_usage(vm.root_img)
files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.root_img, sz)
vm_sz += sz
sz = vm.get_disk_usage(vm.volatile_img)
files_to_backup += file_to_backup(vm.volatile_img, sz)
vm_sz += sz
s = ""
fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[0]["width"] + 1)
s += fmt.format(
fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[1]["width"] + 1)
if vm.is_netvm():
s += fmt.format("NetVM" + (" + Sys" if vm.is_updateable() else ""))
s += fmt.format("AppVM" + (" + Sys" if vm.is_updateable() else ""))
fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[2]["width"] + 1)
s += fmt.format(size_to_human(vm_sz))
if vm.is_running():
s += " <-- The VM is running, please shut it down before proceeding with the backup!"
there_are_running_vms = True
print s
template_vms_worth_backingup = [ vm for vm in vms_list if (vm.is_template() and not vm.installed_by_rpm)]
if len (template_vms_worth_backingup):
for vm in template_vms_worth_backingup:
vm_sz = vm.get_disk_utilization()
files_to_backup += file_to_backup (vm.dir_path, vm_sz)
s = ""
fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[0]["width"] + 1)
s += fmt.format(
fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[1]["width"] + 1)
s += fmt.format("Template VM")
fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[2]["width"] + 1)
s += fmt.format(size_to_human(vm_sz))
if vm.is_running():
s += " <-- The VM is running, please shut it down before proceeding with the backup!"
there_are_running_vms = True
print s
# Dom0 user home
local_user = grp.getgrnam('qubes').gr_mem[0]
home_dir = pwd.getpwnam(local_user).pw_dir
home_sz = get_disk_usage(home_dir)
home_to_backup = [ { "path" : home_dir, "size": home_sz, "subdir": 'dom0-home'} ]
files_to_backup += home_to_backup
s = ""
fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[0]["width"] + 1)
s += fmt.format('Dom0')
fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[1]["width"] + 1)
s += fmt.format("User home")
fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[2]["width"] + 1)
s += fmt.format(size_to_human(home_sz))
print s
total_backup_sz = 0
for file in files_to_backup:
total_backup_sz += file["size"]
s = ""
for f in fields_to_display:
fmt="{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(f["width"] + 1)
s += fmt.format('-')
print s
s = ""
fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[0]["width"] + 1)
s += fmt.format("Total size:")
fmt="{{0:>{0}}} |".format(fields_to_display[1]["width"] + 1 + 2 + fields_to_display[2]["width"] + 1)
s += fmt.format(size_to_human(total_backup_sz))
print s
s = ""
for f in fields_to_display:
fmt="{{0:-^{0}}}-+".format(f["width"] + 1)
s += fmt.format('-')
print s
stat = os.statvfs(base_backup_dir)
backup_fs_free_sz = stat.f_bsize * stat.f_bavail
if (total_backup_sz > backup_fs_free_sz):
print >> sys.stderr, "Not enough space avilable on the backup filesystem!"
exit (1)
if (there_are_running_vms):
print >> sys.stderr, "Please shutdown all VMs before proceeding."
exit (1)
backup_dir = base_backup_dir + "/qubes-{0}".format (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S"))
if os.path.exists (backup_dir):
print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: the path {0} already exists?!".format(backup_dir)
print >> sys.stderr, "Aborting..."
exit (1)
print "-> Backup dir: {0}".format (backup_dir)
print "-> Avilable space: {0}".format(size_to_human(backup_fs_free_sz))
prompt = raw_input ("Do you want to proceed? [y/N] ")
if not (prompt == "y" or prompt == "Y"):
exit (0)
os.mkdir (backup_dir)
if not os.path.exists (backup_dir):
print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: Strange: couldn't create backup dir: {0}?!".format(backup_dir)
print >> sys.stderr, "Aborting..."
exit (1)
bytes_backedup = 0
for file in files_to_backup:
# We prefer to use Linux's cp, because it nicely handles sparse files
progress = bytes_backedup * 100 / total_backup_sz
print >> sys.stderr, "\r-> Backing up files: {0}%...".format (progress),
dest_dir = backup_dir + '/' + file["subdir"]
if file["subdir"] != "":
retcode = (["mkdir", "-p", dest_dir])
if retcode != 0:
print >> sys.stderr, "Cannot create directory: {0}?!".format(dest_dir)
print >> sys.stderr, "Aborting..."
retcode = (["cp", "-rp", file["path"], dest_dir])
if retcode != 0:
print >> sys.stderr, "Error while copying file {0} to {1}".format(file["path"], dest_dir)
exit (1)
bytes_backedup += file["size"]
progress = bytes_backedup * 100 / total_backup_sz
print >> sys.stderr, "\r-> Backing up files: {0}%...".format (progress),
print "-> Backup completed."