30 KB

  1. #
  2. # The Qubes OS Project,
  3. #
  4. # Copyright (C) 2016 Bahtiar `kalkin-` Gadimov <>
  5. #
  6. # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  7. # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
  8. # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  9. # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  10. #
  11. # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  12. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  14. # Lesser General Public License for more details.
  15. #
  16. # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
  17. # License along with this library; if not, see <>.
  18. #
  19. ''' Driver for storing vm images in a LVM thin pool '''
  20. import logging
  21. import os
  22. import subprocess
  23. import time
  24. import asyncio
  25. import qubes
  26. import
  27. import qubes.utils
  28. def check_lvm_version():
  29. #Check if lvm is very very old, like in Travis-CI
  30. try:
  31. lvm_help = subprocess.check_output(['lvm', 'lvcreate', '--help'],
  32. stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode()
  33. return '--setactivationskip' not in lvm_help
  34. except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError):
  35. pass
  36. lvm_is_very_old = check_lvm_version()
  37. class ThinPool(
  38. ''' LVM Thin based pool implementation
  39. Volumes are stored as LVM thin volumes, in thin pool specified by
  40. *volume_group*/*thin_pool* arguments. LVM volume naming scheme:
  41. vm-{vm_name}-{volume_name}[-suffix]
  42. Where suffix can be one of:
  43. "-snap" - snapshot for currently running VM, at VM shutdown will be
  44. either discarded (if save_on_stop=False), or committed
  45. (if save_on_stop=True)
  46. "-{revision_id}" - volume revision - new revision is automatically
  47. created at each VM shutdown, *revisions_to_keep* control how many
  48. old revisions (in addition to the current one) should be stored
  49. "" (no suffix) - the most recent committed volume state; also volatile
  50. volume (snap_on_start=False, save_on_stop=False)
  51. On VM startup, new volume is created, depending on volume type,
  52. according to the table below:
  53. snap_on_start, save_on_stop
  54. False, False, - no suffix, fresh empty volume
  55. False, True, - "-snap", snapshot of last committed revision
  56. True , False, - "-snap", snapshot of last committed revision
  57. of source volume (from VM's template)
  58. True, True, - unsupported configuration
  59. Volume's revision_id format is "{timestamp}-back", where timestamp is in
  60. '%s' format (seconds since unix epoch)
  61. ''' # pylint: disable=protected-access
  62. size_cache = None
  63. driver = 'lvm_thin'
  64. def __init__(self, *, name, revisions_to_keep=1, volume_group, thin_pool):
  65. super().__init__(name=name, revisions_to_keep=revisions_to_keep)
  66. self.volume_group = volume_group
  67. self.thin_pool = thin_pool
  68. self._pool_id = "{!s}/{!s}".format(volume_group, thin_pool)
  69. self.log = logging.getLogger('' % self._pool_id)
  70. self._volume_objects_cache = {}
  71. def __repr__(self):
  72. return '<{} at {:#x} name={!r} volume_group={!r} thin_pool={!r}>'.\
  73. format(
  74. type(self).__name__, id(self),
  75., self.volume_group, self.thin_pool)
  76. @property
  77. def config(self):
  78. return {
  79. 'name':,
  80. 'volume_group': self.volume_group,
  81. 'thin_pool': self.thin_pool,
  82. 'driver': ThinPool.driver,
  83. 'revisions_to_keep': self.revisions_to_keep,
  84. }
  85. def destroy(self):
  86. pass # TODO Should we remove an existing pool?
  87. def init_volume(self, vm, volume_config):
  88. ''' Initialize a :py:class:`` from `volume_config`.
  89. '''
  90. if 'revisions_to_keep' not in volume_config.keys():
  91. volume_config['revisions_to_keep'] = self.revisions_to_keep
  92. if 'vid' not in volume_config.keys():
  93. if vm and hasattr(vm, 'name'):
  94. vm_name =
  95. else:
  96. # for the future if we have volumes not belonging to a vm
  97. vm_name = qubes.utils.random_string()
  98. assert
  99. volume_config['vid'] = "{!s}/vm-{!s}-{!s}".format(
  100. self.volume_group, vm_name, volume_config['name'])
  101. volume_config['volume_group'] = self.volume_group
  102. volume_config['pool'] = self
  103. volume = ThinVolume(**volume_config)
  104. self._volume_objects_cache[volume_config['vid']] = volume
  105. return volume
  106. def setup(self):
  107. reset_cache()
  108. cache_key = self.volume_group + '/' + self.thin_pool
  109. if cache_key not in size_cache:
  110. raise
  111. 'Thin pool {} does not exist'.format(cache_key))
  112. if size_cache[cache_key]['attr'][0] != 't':
  113. raise
  114. 'Volume {} is not a thin pool'.format(cache_key))
  115. # TODO Should we create a non existing pool?
  116. def get_volume(self, vid):
  117. ''' Return a volume with given vid'''
  118. if vid in self._volume_objects_cache:
  119. return self._volume_objects_cache[vid]
  120. config = {
  121. 'pool': self,
  122. 'vid': vid,
  123. 'name': vid,
  124. 'volume_group': self.volume_group,
  125. }
  126. # don't cache this object, as it doesn't carry full configuration
  127. return ThinVolume(**config)
  128. def list_volumes(self):
  129. ''' Return a list of volumes managed by this pool '''
  130. volumes = []
  131. for vid, vol_info in size_cache.items():
  132. if not vid.startswith(self.volume_group + '/'):
  133. continue
  134. if vol_info['pool_lv'] != self.thin_pool:
  135. continue
  136. if vid.endswith('-snap') or vid.endswith('-import'):
  137. # implementation detail volume
  138. continue
  139. if vid.endswith('-back'):
  140. # old revisions
  141. continue
  142. volume = self.get_volume(vid)
  143. if volume in volumes:
  144. continue
  145. volumes.append(volume)
  146. return volumes
  147. @property
  148. def size(self):
  149. try:
  150. return[
  151. self.volume_group + '/' + self.thin_pool]['size']
  152. except KeyError:
  153. return 0
  154. @property
  155. def usage(self):
  156. refresh_cache()
  157. try:
  158. return[
  159. self.volume_group + '/' + self.thin_pool]['usage']
  160. except KeyError:
  161. return 0
  162. @property
  163. def usage_details(self):
  164. result = {}
  165. result['data_size'] = self.size
  166. result['data_usage'] = self.usage
  167. try:
  168. metadata_size =[
  169. self.volume_group + '/' + self.thin_pool]['metadata_size']
  170. metadata_usage =[
  171. self.volume_group + '/' + self.thin_pool]['metadata_usage']
  172. except KeyError:
  173. metadata_size = 0
  174. metadata_usage = 0
  175. result['metadata_size'] = metadata_size
  176. result['metadata_usage'] = metadata_usage
  177. return result
  178. _init_cache_cmd = ['lvs', '--noheadings', '-o',
  179. 'vg_name,pool_lv,name,lv_size,data_percent,lv_attr,origin,lv_metadata_size,'
  180. 'metadata_percent', '--units', 'b', '--separator', ';']
  181. def _parse_lvm_cache(lvm_output):
  182. result = {}
  183. for line in lvm_output.splitlines():
  184. line = line.decode().strip()
  185. pool_name, pool_lv, name, size, usage_percent, attr, \
  186. origin, metadata_size, metadata_percent = line.split(';', 8)
  187. if '' in [pool_name, name, size, usage_percent]:
  188. continue
  189. name = pool_name + "/" + name
  190. size = int(size[:-1]) # Remove 'B' suffix
  191. usage = int(size / 100 * float(usage_percent))
  192. if metadata_size:
  193. metadata_size = int(metadata_size[:-1])
  194. metadata_usage = int(metadata_size / 100 * float(metadata_percent))
  195. else:
  196. metadata_usage = None
  197. result[name] = {'size': size, 'usage': usage, 'pool_lv': pool_lv,
  198. 'attr': attr, 'origin': origin, 'metadata_size': metadata_size,
  199. 'metadata_usage': metadata_usage}
  200. return result
  201. def init_cache(log=logging.getLogger('')):
  202. cmd = _init_cache_cmd
  203. if os.getuid() != 0:
  204. cmd = ['sudo'] + cmd
  205. environ = os.environ.copy()
  206. environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C.utf8'
  207. p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
  208. close_fds=True, env=environ)
  209. out, err = p.communicate()
  210. return_code = p.returncode
  211. if return_code == 0 and err:
  212. log.warning(err)
  213. elif return_code != 0:
  214. raise
  215. return _parse_lvm_cache(out)
  216. @asyncio.coroutine
  217. def init_cache_coro(log=logging.getLogger('')):
  218. cmd = _init_cache_cmd
  219. if os.getuid() != 0:
  220. cmd = ['sudo'] + cmd
  221. environ = os.environ.copy()
  222. environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C.utf8'
  223. p = yield from asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*cmd,
  224. stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
  225. stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
  226. close_fds=True, env=environ)
  227. out, err = yield from p.communicate()
  228. return_code = p.returncode
  229. if return_code == 0 and err:
  230. log.warning(err)
  231. elif return_code != 0:
  232. raise
  233. return _parse_lvm_cache(out)
  234. size_cache_time = 0
  235. size_cache = init_cache()
  236. def _revision_sort_key(revision):
  237. '''Sort key for revisions. Sort them by time
  238. :returns timestamp
  239. '''
  240. if isinstance(revision, tuple):
  241. revision = revision[0]
  242. if '-' in revision:
  243. revision = revision.split('-')[0]
  244. return int(revision)
  245. class ThinVolume(
  246. ''' Default LVM thin volume implementation
  247. ''' # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
  248. def __init__(self, volume_group, **kwargs):
  249. self.volume_group = volume_group
  250. super().__init__(**kwargs)
  251. self.log = logging.getLogger('' % str(self.pool))
  252. if self.snap_on_start or self.save_on_stop:
  253. self._vid_snap = self.vid + '-snap'
  254. if self.save_on_stop:
  255. self._vid_import = self.vid + '-import'
  256. @property
  257. def path(self):
  258. return '/dev/' + self._vid_current
  259. @property
  260. def _vid_current(self):
  261. if self.vid in size_cache:
  262. return self.vid
  263. vol_revisions = self.revisions
  264. if vol_revisions:
  265. last_revision = \
  266. max(vol_revisions.items(), key=_revision_sort_key)[0]
  267. return self.vid + '-' + last_revision
  268. # detached pool? return expected path
  269. return self.vid
  270. @property
  271. def revisions(self):
  272. name_prefix = self.vid + '-'
  273. revisions = {}
  274. for revision_vid in size_cache:
  275. if not revision_vid.startswith(name_prefix):
  276. continue
  277. if not revision_vid.endswith('-back'):
  278. continue
  279. revision_vid = revision_vid[len(name_prefix):]
  280. if revision_vid.count('-') > 1:
  281. # VM+volume name is a prefix of another VM, see #4680
  282. continue
  283. # get revision without suffix
  284. seconds = int(revision_vid.split('-')[0])
  285. iso_date ='.', 1)[0]
  286. revisions[revision_vid] = iso_date
  287. return revisions
  288. @property
  289. def size(self):
  290. try:
  291. if self.is_dirty():
  292. return[self._vid_snap]['size']
  293. return[self._vid_current]['size']
  294. except KeyError:
  295. return self._size
  296. @size.setter
  297. def size(self, _):
  298. raise
  299. "You shouldn't use lvm size setter")
  300. @asyncio.coroutine
  301. def _reset(self):
  302. ''' Resets a volatile volume '''
  303. assert not self.snap_on_start and not self.save_on_stop, \
  304. "Not a volatile volume"
  305. self.log.debug('Resetting volatile %s', self.vid)
  306. try:
  307. cmd = ['remove', self.vid]
  308. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  309. except
  310. pass
  311. # pylint: disable=protected-access
  312. cmd = ['create', self.pool._pool_id, self.vid.split('/')[1],
  313. str(self.size)]
  314. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  315. @asyncio.coroutine
  316. def _remove_revisions(self, revisions=None):
  317. '''Remove old volume revisions.
  318. If no revisions list is given, it removes old revisions according to
  319. :py:attr:`revisions_to_keep`
  320. :param revisions: list of revisions to remove
  321. '''
  322. if revisions is None:
  323. revisions = sorted(self.revisions.items(),
  324. key=_revision_sort_key)
  325. # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type
  326. revisions = revisions[:(-self.revisions_to_keep) or None]
  327. revisions = [rev_id for rev_id, _ in revisions]
  328. for rev_id in revisions:
  329. # safety check
  330. assert rev_id != self._vid_current
  331. try:
  332. cmd = ['remove', self.vid + '-' + rev_id]
  333. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  334. except
  335. pass
  336. @asyncio.coroutine
  337. def _commit(self, vid_to_commit=None, keep=False):
  338. '''
  339. Commit temporary volume into current one. By default
  340. :py:attr:`_vid_snap` is used (which is created by :py:meth:`start()`),
  341. but can be overriden by *vid_to_commit* argument.
  342. :param vid_to_commit: LVM volume ID to commit into this one
  343. :param keep: whether to keep or not *vid_to_commit*.
  344. IOW use 'clone' or 'rename' methods.
  345. :return: None
  346. '''
  347. msg = "Trying to commit {!s}, but it has save_on_stop == False"
  348. msg = msg.format(self)
  349. assert self.save_on_stop, msg
  350. msg = "Trying to commit {!s}, but it has rw == False"
  351. msg = msg.format(self)
  352. assert, msg
  353. if vid_to_commit is None:
  354. assert hasattr(self, '_vid_snap')
  355. vid_to_commit = self._vid_snap
  356. assert self._lock.locked()
  357. if not os.path.exists('/dev/' + vid_to_commit):
  358. # nothing to commit
  359. return
  360. if self._vid_current == self.vid:
  361. cmd = ['rename', self.vid,
  362. '{}-{}-back'.format(self.vid, int(time.time()))]
  363. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  364. yield from reset_cache_coro()
  365. cmd = ['clone' if keep else 'rename',
  366. vid_to_commit,
  367. self.vid]
  368. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  369. yield from reset_cache_coro()
  370. # make sure the one we've committed right now is properly
  371. # detected as the current one - before removing anything
  372. assert self._vid_current == self.vid
  373. # and remove old snapshots, if needed
  374. yield from self._remove_revisions()
  376. @asyncio.coroutine
  377. def create(self):
  378. assert self.vid
  379. assert self.size
  380. if self.save_on_stop:
  381. if self.source:
  382. cmd = ['clone', self.source.path, self.vid]
  383. else:
  384. cmd = [
  385. 'create',
  386. self.pool._pool_id, # pylint: disable=protected-access
  387. self.vid.split('/', 1)[1],
  388. str(self.size)
  389. ]
  390. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  391. yield from reset_cache_coro()
  392. return self
  394. @asyncio.coroutine
  395. def remove(self):
  396. assert self.vid
  397. try:
  398. if os.path.exists('/dev/' + self._vid_snap):
  399. cmd = ['remove', self._vid_snap]
  400. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  401. except AttributeError:
  402. pass
  403. try:
  404. if os.path.exists('/dev/' + self._vid_import):
  405. cmd = ['remove', self._vid_import]
  406. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  407. except AttributeError:
  408. pass
  409. yield from self._remove_revisions(self.revisions.keys())
  410. if not os.path.exists(self.path):
  411. return
  412. cmd = ['remove', self.path]
  413. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  414. yield from reset_cache_coro()
  415. # pylint: disable=protected-access
  416. self.pool._volume_objects_cache.pop(self.vid, None)
  417. def export(self):
  418. ''' Returns an object that can be `open()`. '''
  419. # make sure the device node is available
  420. qubes_lvm(['activate', self.path], self.log)
  421. devpath = self.path
  422. return devpath
  424. @asyncio.coroutine
  425. def import_volume(self, src_volume):
  426. if not src_volume.save_on_stop:
  427. return self
  428. if self.is_dirty():
  429. raise
  430. 'Cannot import to dirty volume {} -'
  431. ' start and stop a qube to cleanup'.format(self.vid))
  432. self.abort_if_import_in_progress()
  433. # HACK: neat trick to speed up testing if you have same physical thin
  434. # pool assigned to two qubes-pools i.e: qubes_dom0 and test-lvm
  435. # pylint: disable=line-too-long
  436. if isinstance(src_volume.pool, ThinPool) and \
  437. src_volume.pool.thin_pool == self.pool.thin_pool: # NOQA
  438. yield from self._commit(src_volume.path[len('/dev/'):], keep=True)
  439. else:
  440. cmd = ['create',
  441. self.pool._pool_id, # pylint: disable=protected-access
  442. self._vid_import.split('/')[1],
  443. str(src_volume.size)]
  444. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  445. src_path = src_volume.export()
  446. cmd = ['dd', 'if=' + src_path, 'of=/dev/' + self._vid_import,
  447. 'conv=sparse', 'status=none', 'bs=128K']
  448. if not os.access('/dev/' + self._vid_import, os.W_OK) or \
  449. not os.access(src_path, os.R_OK):
  450. cmd.insert(0, 'sudo')
  451. p = yield from asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*cmd)
  452. yield from p.wait()
  453. if p.returncode != 0:
  454. cmd = ['remove', self._vid_import]
  455. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  456. raise
  457. 'Failed to import volume {!r}, dd exit code: {}'.format(
  458. src_volume, p.returncode))
  459. yield from self._commit(self._vid_import)
  460. return self
  462. @asyncio.coroutine
  463. def import_data(self, size):
  464. ''' Returns an object that can be `open()`. '''
  465. if self.is_dirty():
  466. raise
  467. 'Cannot import data to dirty volume {}, stop the qube first'.
  468. format(self.vid))
  469. self.abort_if_import_in_progress()
  470. # pylint: disable=protected-access
  471. cmd = ['create', self.pool._pool_id, self._vid_import.split('/')[1],
  472. str(size)]
  473. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  474. yield from reset_cache_coro()
  475. devpath = '/dev/' + self._vid_import
  476. return devpath
  478. @asyncio.coroutine
  479. def import_data_end(self, success):
  480. '''Either commit imported data, or discard temporary volume'''
  481. if not os.path.exists('/dev/' + self._vid_import):
  482. raise
  483. 'No import operation in progress on {}'.format(self.vid))
  484. if success:
  485. yield from self._commit(self._vid_import)
  486. else:
  487. cmd = ['remove', self._vid_import]
  488. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  489. def abort_if_import_in_progress(self):
  490. try:
  491. devpath = '/dev/' + self._vid_import
  492. if os.path.exists(devpath):
  493. raise
  494. 'Import operation in progress on {}'.format(self.vid))
  495. except AttributeError: # self._vid_import
  496. # no vid_import - import definitely not in progress
  497. pass
  498. def is_dirty(self):
  499. if self.save_on_stop:
  500. return os.path.exists('/dev/' + self._vid_snap)
  501. return False
  502. def is_outdated(self):
  503. if not self.snap_on_start:
  504. return False
  505. if self._vid_snap not in size_cache:
  506. return False
  507. return (size_cache[self._vid_snap]['origin'] !=
  508. self.source.path.split('/')[-1])
  510. @asyncio.coroutine
  511. def revert(self, revision=None):
  512. if self.is_dirty():
  513. raise
  514. 'Cannot revert dirty volume {}, stop the qube first'.format(
  515. self.vid))
  516. self.abort_if_import_in_progress()
  517. if revision is None:
  518. revision = \
  519. max(self.revisions.items(), key=_revision_sort_key)[0]
  520. old_path = '/dev/' + self.vid + '-' + revision
  521. if not os.path.exists(old_path):
  522. msg = "Volume {!s} has no {!s}".format(self, old_path)
  523. raise
  524. if self.vid in size_cache:
  525. cmd = ['remove', self.vid]
  526. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  527. cmd = ['clone', self.vid + '-' + revision, self.vid]
  528. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  529. yield from reset_cache_coro()
  530. return self
  532. @asyncio.coroutine
  533. def resize(self, size):
  534. ''' Expands volume, throws
  535. :py:class:`` if
  536. given size is less than current_size
  537. '''
  538. if not
  539. msg = 'Can not resize reađonly volume {!s}'.format(self)
  540. raise
  541. if size < self.size:
  542. raise
  543. 'For your own safety, shrinking of %s is'
  544. ' disabled (%d < %d). If you really know what you'
  545. ' are doing, use `lvresize` on %s manually.' %
  546. (, size, self.size, self.vid))
  547. if size == self.size:
  548. return
  549. if self.is_dirty():
  550. cmd = ['extend', self._vid_snap, str(size)]
  551. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  552. elif hasattr(self, '_vid_import') and \
  553. os.path.exists('/dev/' + self._vid_import):
  554. cmd = ['extend', self._vid_import, str(size)]
  555. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  556. elif self.save_on_stop and not self.snap_on_start:
  557. cmd = ['extend', self._vid_current, str(size)]
  558. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  559. self._size = size
  560. yield from reset_cache_coro()
  561. @asyncio.coroutine
  562. def _snapshot(self):
  563. try:
  564. cmd = ['remove', self._vid_snap]
  565. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  566. except: # pylint: disable=bare-except
  567. pass
  568. if self.source is None:
  569. cmd = ['clone', self._vid_current, self._vid_snap]
  570. else:
  571. cmd = ['clone', self.source.path, self._vid_snap]
  572. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  574. @asyncio.coroutine
  575. def start(self):
  576. self.abort_if_import_in_progress()
  577. try:
  578. if self.snap_on_start or self.save_on_stop:
  579. if not self.save_on_stop or not self.is_dirty():
  580. yield from self._snapshot()
  581. else:
  582. yield from self._reset()
  583. finally:
  584. yield from reset_cache_coro()
  585. return self
  587. @asyncio.coroutine
  588. def stop(self):
  589. try:
  590. if self.save_on_stop:
  591. yield from self._commit()
  592. if self.snap_on_start and not self.save_on_stop:
  593. cmd = ['remove', self._vid_snap]
  594. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  595. elif not self.snap_on_start and not self.save_on_stop:
  596. cmd = ['remove', self.vid]
  597. yield from qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, self.log)
  598. finally:
  599. yield from reset_cache_coro()
  600. return self
  601. def verify(self):
  602. ''' Verifies the volume. '''
  603. if not self.save_on_stop and not self.snap_on_start:
  604. # volatile volumes don't need any files
  605. return True
  606. if self.source is not None:
  607. vid = self.source.path[len('/dev/'):]
  608. else:
  609. vid = self._vid_current
  610. try:
  611. vol_info = size_cache[vid]
  612. if vol_info['attr'][4] != 'a':
  613. raise
  614. 'volume {} not active'.format(vid))
  615. except KeyError:
  616. raise
  617. 'volume {} missing'.format(vid))
  618. return True
  619. def block_device(self):
  620. ''' Return :py:class:`` for serialization in
  621. the libvirt XML template as <disk>.
  622. '''
  623. if self.snap_on_start or self.save_on_stop:
  624. return
  625. '/dev/' + self._vid_snap,, self.script,
  626., self.domain, self.devtype)
  627. return super().block_device()
  628. @property
  629. def usage(self): # lvm thin usage always returns at least the same usage as
  630. # the parent
  631. refresh_cache()
  632. try:
  633. return[self._vid_current]['usage']
  634. except KeyError:
  635. return 0
  636. def pool_exists(pool_id):
  637. ''' Return true if pool exists '''
  638. try:
  639. vol_info = size_cache[pool_id]
  640. return vol_info['attr'][0] == 't'
  641. except KeyError:
  642. return False
  643. def _get_lvm_cmdline(cmd):
  644. ''' Build command line for :program:`lvm` call.
  645. The purpose of this function is to keep all the detailed lvm options in
  646. one place.
  647. :param cmd: array of str, where cmd[0] is action and the rest are arguments
  648. :return array of str appropriate for subprocess.Popen
  649. '''
  650. action = cmd[0]
  651. if action == 'remove':
  652. lvm_cmd = ['lvremove', '-f', cmd[1]]
  653. elif action == 'clone':
  654. lvm_cmd = ['lvcreate', '-kn', '-ay', '-s', cmd[1], '-n', cmd[2]]
  655. elif action == 'create':
  656. lvm_cmd = ['lvcreate', '-T', cmd[1], '-kn', '-ay', '-n', cmd[2], '-V',
  657. str(cmd[3]) + 'B']
  658. elif action == 'extend':
  659. size = int(cmd[2]) / (1024 * 1024)
  660. lvm_cmd = ["lvextend", "-L%s" % size, cmd[1]]
  661. elif action == 'activate':
  662. lvm_cmd = ['lvchange', '-ay', cmd[1]]
  663. elif action == 'rename':
  664. lvm_cmd = ['lvrename', cmd[1], cmd[2]]
  665. else:
  666. raise NotImplementedError('unsupported action: ' + action)
  667. if lvm_is_very_old:
  668. # old lvm in trusty image used there does not support -k option
  669. lvm_cmd = [x for x in lvm_cmd if x != '-kn']
  670. if os.getuid() != 0:
  671. cmd = ['sudo', 'lvm'] + lvm_cmd
  672. else:
  673. cmd = ['lvm'] + lvm_cmd
  674. return cmd
  675. def _process_lvm_output(returncode, stdout, stderr, log):
  676. '''Process output of LVM, determine if the call was successful and
  677. possibly log warnings.'''
  678. # Filter out warning about intended over-provisioning.
  679. # Upstream discussion about missing option to silence it:
  680. #
  681. err = '\n'.join(line for line in stderr.decode().splitlines()
  682. if 'exceeds the size of thin pool' not in line)
  683. if stdout:
  684. log.debug(stdout)
  685. if returncode == 0 and err:
  686. log.warning(err)
  687. elif returncode != 0:
  688. assert err, "Command exited unsuccessful, but printed nothing to stderr"
  689. err = err.replace('%', '%%')
  690. raise
  691. return True
  692. def qubes_lvm(cmd, log=logging.getLogger('')):
  693. ''' Call :program:`lvm` to execute an LVM operation '''
  694. # the only caller for this non-coroutine version is ThinVolume.export()
  695. cmd = _get_lvm_cmdline(cmd)
  696. environ = os.environ.copy()
  697. environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C.utf8'
  698. p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
  699. close_fds=True, env=environ)
  700. out, err = p.communicate()
  701. return _process_lvm_output(p.returncode, out, err, log)
  702. @asyncio.coroutine
  703. def qubes_lvm_coro(cmd, log=logging.getLogger('')):
  704. ''' Call :program:`lvm` to execute an LVM operation
  705. Coroutine version of :py:func:`qubes_lvm`'''
  706. environ = os.environ.copy()
  707. environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C.utf8'
  708. if cmd[0] == "remove":
  709. pre_cmd = ['blkdiscard', '/dev/'+cmd[1]]
  710. p = yield from asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*pre_cmd,
  711. stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
  712. stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL,
  713. close_fds=True, env=environ)
  714. _, _ = yield from p.communicate()
  715. cmd = _get_lvm_cmdline(cmd)
  716. p = yield from asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*cmd,
  717. stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
  718. stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
  719. close_fds=True, env=environ)
  720. out, err = yield from p.communicate()
  721. return _process_lvm_output(p.returncode, out, err, log)
  722. def reset_cache():
  723. = init_cache()
  724. = time.monotonic()
  725. @asyncio.coroutine
  726. def reset_cache_coro():
  727. = yield from init_cache_coro()
  728. = time.monotonic()
  729. def refresh_cache():
  730. '''Reset size cache, if it's older than 30sec '''
  731. if size_cache_time+30 < time.monotonic():
  732. reset_cache()