Makefile 3.9 KB

  1. RPMS_DIR=rpm/
  2. VERSION := $(shell cat version)
  3. DIST_DOM0 ?= fc18
  4. OS ?= Linux
  5. ifeq ($(OS),Linux)
  6. DATADIR ?= /var/lib/qubes
  7. STATEDIR ?= /var/run/qubes
  8. LOGDIR ?= /var/log/qubes
  9. FILESDIR ?= /usr/share/qubes
  10. else ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
  11. DATADIR ?= c:/qubes
  12. STATEDIR ?= c:/qubes/state
  13. LOGDIR ?= c:/qubes/log
  14. FILESDIR ?= c:/program files/Invisible Things Lab/Qubes
  15. endif
  16. help:
  17. @echo "make rpms -- generate binary rpm packages"
  18. @echo "make rpms-dom0 -- generate binary rpm packages for Dom0"
  19. @echo "make update-repo-current -- copy newly generated rpms to qubes yum repo"
  20. @echo "make update-repo-current-testing -- same, but to -current-testing repo"
  21. @echo "make update-repo-unstable -- same, but to -testing repo"
  22. @echo "make update-repo-installer -- copy dom0 rpms to installer repo"
  23. @echo "make clean -- cleanup"
  24. rpms: rpms-dom0
  25. rpms-vm:
  26. @true
  27. rpms-dom0:
  28. rpmbuild --define "_rpmdir $(RPMS_DIR)" -bb rpm_spec/core-dom0.spec
  29. rpmbuild --define "_rpmdir $(RPMS_DIR)" -bb rpm_spec/core-dom0-doc.spec
  30. rpm --addsign \
  31. $(RPMS_DIR)/x86_64/qubes-core-dom0-$(VERSION)*.rpm \
  32. $(RPMS_DIR)/noarch/qubes-core-dom0-doc-$(VERSION)*rpm
  33. clean:
  34. make -C dispvm clean
  35. all:
  36. python build
  37. # make all -C tests
  38. # Currently supported only on xen
  39. ifeq ($(BACKEND_VMM),xen)
  40. make all -C dispvm
  41. endif
  42. install:
  43. ifeq ($(OS),Linux)
  44. $(MAKE) install -C linux/systemd
  45. $(MAKE) install -C linux/aux-tools
  46. $(MAKE) install -C linux/system-config
  47. endif
  48. python install -O1 --skip-build --root $(DESTDIR)
  49. # $(MAKE) install -C tests
  50. $(MAKE) install -C relaxng
  51. mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/qubes
  52. ifeq ($(BACKEND_VMM),xen)
  53. # Currently supported only on xen
  54. cp etc/qmemman.conf $(DESTDIR)/etc/qubes/
  55. endif
  56. $(MAKE) install -C dispvm
  57. mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/etc/qubes-rpc/policy
  58. mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)/usr/libexec/qubes
  59. cp qubes-rpc-policy/qubes.FeaturesRequest.policy $(DESTDIR)/etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.FeaturesRequest
  60. cp qubes-rpc-policy/qubes.Filecopy.policy $(DESTDIR)/etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.Filecopy
  61. cp qubes-rpc-policy/qubes.GetImageRGBA.policy $(DESTDIR)/etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.GetImageRGBA
  62. cp qubes-rpc-policy/qubes.GetRandomizedTime.policy $(DESTDIR)/etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.GetRandomizedTime
  63. cp qubes-rpc-policy/qubes.NotifyTools.policy $(DESTDIR)/etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.NotifyTools
  64. cp qubes-rpc-policy/qubes.NotifyUpdates.policy $(DESTDIR)/etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.NotifyUpdates
  65. cp qubes-rpc-policy/qubes.OpenInVM.policy $(DESTDIR)/etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.OpenInVM
  66. cp qubes-rpc-policy/qubes.VMShell.policy $(DESTDIR)/etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.VMShell
  67. cp qubes-rpc/qubes.FeaturesRequest $(DESTDIR)/etc/qubes-rpc/
  68. cp qubes-rpc/qubes.GetRandomizedTime $(DESTDIR)/etc/qubes-rpc/
  69. cp qubes-rpc/qubes.NotifyTools $(DESTDIR)/etc/qubes-rpc/
  70. cp qubes-rpc/qubes.NotifyUpdates $(DESTDIR)/etc/qubes-rpc/
  71. cp qubes-rpc/qubes-notify-updates $(DESTDIR)/usr/libexec/qubes/
  72. cp qubes-rpc/qubes-notify-tools $(DESTDIR)/usr/libexec/qubes/
  73. mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(FILESDIR)"
  74. cp -r templates "$(DESTDIR)$(FILESDIR)/templates"
  75. rm -f "$(DESTDIR)$(FILESDIR)/templates/README"
  76. mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)
  77. mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/vm-templates
  78. mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/appvms
  79. mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/servicevms
  80. mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/vm-kernels
  81. mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/backup
  82. mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(DATADIR)/dvmdata
  83. mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(STATEDIR)
  84. mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LOGDIR)
  85. msi:
  86. rm -rf destinstdir
  87. mkdir -p destinstdir
  88. $(MAKE) install \
  89. DESTDIR=$(PWD)/destinstdir \
  90. PYTHON_SITEPATH=/site-packages \
  91. FILESDIR=/pfiles \
  92. BINDIR=/bin \
  93. DATADIR=/qubes \
  94. STATEDIR=/qubes/state \
  95. LOGDIR=/qubes/log
  96. # icons placeholder
  97. mkdir -p destinstdir/icons
  98. for i in blue gray green yellow orange black purple red; do touch destinstdir/icons/$$i.png; done
  99. candle -arch x64 -dversion=$(VERSION) installer.wxs
  100. light -b destinstdir -o core-admin.msm installer.wixobj
  101. rm -rf destinstdir