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tar2qfile: retry if lseek() returns EAGAIN

... even though it shouldn't. Apparently it is happening. See #764
comments for details.
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki 10 anos atrás
1 arquivos alterados com 10 adições e 5 exclusões
  1. 10 5

+ 10 - 5

@@ -916,15 +916,20 @@ void tar_file_processor(int fd, struct filters *filters)
 				to_skip += BLKMULT-(to_skip%BLKMULT);
 			if (use_seek) {
-				ret = lseek(fd, to_skip, SEEK_CUR);
-				if (ret < 0) {
+				int tries = 3;
+				while (lseek(fd, to_skip, SEEK_CUR) < 0) {
 					if (errno == ESPIPE) {
 						// fallback to read()
 						use_seek = 0;
-					} else {
-						perror("lseek");
-						exit(1);
+						break;
+					} else if (errno == EAGAIN) {
+						/* WTF?! lseek theoretically never returns this error, but
+						 * in practice it was seen... */
+						if (tries--)
+							continue;
+					perror("lseek");
+					exit(1);
 			// not using "else" because above can fallback to read() method