The simplest way is just add proxy=... entry to /etc/yum.conf, but sometimes it
is reasonable to bypass the proxy. Some examples:
- usage of non-standard repos with some exotic file layout, which will be
blocked by the proxy
- usage of repos not-accessible via proxy (eg only via VPN stared in VpnVM)
This commit introduces 'yum-proxy-setup' pseudo-service, which can be
controlled via standard qvm-service or qubes-manager. When enabled - yum will
be configured at VM startup to use qubes proxy, otherwise - to connect directly
(proxy setting will be cleared).
Introduce proxy service, which allow only http(s) traffic to yum repos. The
filter rules are based on URL regexp, so it isn't full-featured content
inspection and can be easy bypassed, but should be enough to prevent some
erroneus user actions (like clicking on invalid link).
It is set up to intercept connections to, so VM can connect
to this IP regardless of VM in which proxy is running. By default it is
started in every NetVM, but this can be changed using qvm-service or
qubes-manager (as always).
In FC15, NetworkManager by default uses global connections ("Available to all users"). Save them in /rw instead of /etc, to preserve them across reboots.
This will work when device is unmounted. On mounted device backend will be
removed (after 3s timeout), but frontend will left in "closing" state - manual
'xl block-detach' will be needed.
It is build upon qrexec2, qubes.VMShell command. So, in order to e.g.
start firefox in a fresh dispVM, do
qvm-run '$dispvm' firefox
Get kernel from global kernels dir (/var/lib/qubes/vm-kernels), not per-VM. Can
be configured by qvm-prefs (kernel parameter).
New tool: qvm-set-default-kernel
For backward compatibility kernel=None means kernel in VM dir (kernels subdir).
(possibly empty) modules.img should be created in it.
Mainly 4 parts:
- scripts for providing rpmdb and yum repos to VM (choosen by qvm-set-updatevm)
- VM script for downloading updates (
- qfile-dom0-unpacker which receive updates, check signatures and place its in dom0 local yum repo
- qvm-dom0-upgrade which calls all of above and after all yum gpk-update-viewer
Besides qvm-dom0-upgrade, updates are checked every 6h and user is prompted if
want to download it. At dom0 side gpk-update-icon (disabled yet) should notice
new updates in "local" repo.
After yum transaction (install/upgrade/remove),
yum-plugin-post-transaction-actions will execute script which trigger
qvm-sync-appmenus in dom0 (through qrexec).