#!/bin/sh mkfifo /tmp/qrexec-rpc-stderr.$$ logger -t "$1-$2" -f /tmp/qrexec-rpc-stderr.$$ >/dev/null 2>&1 /tmp/qrexec-rpc-stderr.$$ rm -f /tmp/qrexec-rpc-stderr.$$ QUBES_RPC=/etc/qubes-rpc LOCAL_QUBES_RPC=/usr/local/etc/qubes-rpc if ! [ $# = 2 ] ; then echo $0: bad argument count, usage: $0 SERVICE-NAME REMOTE-DOMAIN-NAME >&2 exit 1 fi export QREXEC_REMOTE_DOMAIN="$2" for CFG_FILE in $LOCAL_QUBES_RPC/"$1" $QUBES_RPC/"$1"; do if [ -s "$CFG_FILE" ]; then break fi done if [ -x "$CFG_FILE" ] ; then exec "$CFG_FILE" echo "$0: failed to execute handler for" "$1" >&2 exit 1 else exec /bin/sh "$CFG_FILE" echo "$0: failed to execute handler for" "$1" >&2 exit 1 fi