import functools from gi.repository import Gio # pylint: disable=import-error from gi.repository import GLib # pylint: disable=import-error import sys import os def pid_callback(launcher, pid, pid_list): pid_list.append(pid) def dbus_name_change(loop, name, old_owner, new_owner): if not new_owner: loop.quit() def launch(desktop, *files, **kwargs): wait = kwargs.pop('wait', True) launcher = Gio.DesktopAppInfo.new_from_filename(desktop) try: import dbus from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop if hasattr(launcher, 'get_boolean'): activatable = launcher.get_boolean('DBusActivatable') if activatable: loop = GLib.MainLoop() DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True) bus = dbus.SessionBus() service_id = launcher.get_id() # cut the .desktop suffix service_id = service_id[:-len('.desktop')] # see D-Bus Activation Desktop entry specification object_path = '/' + service_id.replace('.', '/').\ replace('-', '_') try: proxy = bus.get_object(service_id, object_path) match = bus.add_signal_receiver( functools.partial(dbus_name_change, loop), 'NameOwnerChanged', dbus.BUS_DAEMON_IFACE, dbus.BUS_DAEMON_NAME, dbus.BUS_DAEMON_PATH) if files: proxy.Open(files, {}, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Application') else: proxy.Activate({}, dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.Application') except dbus.DBusException as e: print(e) # fallback to non-dbus version pass else: if wait: match.remove() return except ImportError: pass if wait: pid_list = [] flags = GLib.SpawnFlags.SEARCH_PATH | GLib.SpawnFlags.DO_NOT_REAP_CHILD launcher.launch_uris_as_manager(files, None, flags, None, None, pid_callback, pid_list) for pid in pid_list: os.waitpid(pid, 0) else: launcher.launch(files, None) if __name__ == "__main__": launch(*sys.argv[1:])